Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 871 Loulan Deputy Town (4)

Vast chaos.

The mutated Liang Yitian was like a pale eyeball, suspended in the chaos, emitting a dense white light, turning the nearby chaotic tide into a pale white.

In the eyes of Lingchan and the twelve holy spirits, this is a lighthouse, a lighthouse infected with the will and Taoism of Emperor Taihu. From then on, it takes root in the lower world, guiding the ants in the lower world to rush towards this pure and supreme light and harmony. hot.

Abandon the side ways and seek refuge in the only true bright road between heaven and earth.

How great.

How righteous.

How tolerant.

Lingquan and the twelve holy spirits were so moved by their great deeds and noble deeds that they almost burst into tears - what they did was comparable to that of saints, the supreme perfect man, so glorious that words cannot describe it at all. Their greatness and sublimity.

Their disciples died here, but they did not take revenge, they did not slaughter Liang Yitian, they did not completely destroy Liang Yitian, but instead gave the creatures of these two Yitians a chance to pursue the right path...

This is simply repaying evil with kindness.

This is simply...

Sorry, Lingchan and the Twelve Holy Spirits have read relatively little, so they can't find many suitable words to praise themselves.

Lingxuan could only smile with a happy face that suddenly became smooth after ten years of constipation, and quietly admire the Liangyitian whose whole body was burning with light and heat, while the twelve Holy Spirits were holding their hands on their chests like bouquets of flowers. Three pairs of huge wings in front of them and behind them emitted endless light and heat. They looked at Lingchan with pious faces. Waves of golden divine light emitted from their brows, which were filled with endless praise for Lingchan. meaning.

No one noticed.

Lu Qian didn't, Linghu Juan didn't, Linghu Wuyou, Commander Qingfeng, Lingxuan and others didn't. Even the most unpredictable and powerful Tianshu Laojun present was unable to detect that the two After Yitian was forcibly transformed, in just a dozen breaths, a figure quietly appeared at a distance of about a hundred Liangyitian's 'heaven diameter' from Liangyitian.

Wearing a thin, patched gray monk's robe, a pair of crude hemp shoes, and a string of 108 bone rosary beads the size of broad beans hanging from his fingers, he was slim but tall.

At first glance, everything seems to be a secular world, an ordinary old monk practicing Wild Fox Zen in a small temple on a barren mountain.

However, on the top of the old monk's head, a palm-sized piece of skin and bones occasionally shimmered, changing from ordinary skin color to a transparent glass texture.

It can be seen that in his mind is a pool of gorgeous crystal liquid flowing with seven colors.

The rolling liquid surface is like a sea, with a golden lotus floating on it, rising and falling with the rolling crystal liquid. On the small lotus platform in the middle of the lotus, a naked little monk, as white and tender as a three-year-old child, curled up, lying comfortably on the lotus platform, snoring heartily.

Countless extremely small golden writings slowly rotated around the little monk. Occasionally, these golden writings turned into a hazy golden glow, which swooped on the young monk and turned into a golden cassock wrapped around him.

With the sound of snoring, the golden cassock suddenly collapsed and turned into countless tiny golden characters swirling around the little monk.

In the continuous condensation and scattering of the gold characters, the crystal liquid rolled up and down. In the colorful crystal liquid, there were faint shadows of mountains and rivers. Among the mountains, rivers and mountains, countless ancient temples and Zen forests could be seen, among which there were innumerable The figures of countless monks and monks were flickering and moving.

I am Buddha! ​​A long way away, the old monk stood quietly in the chaos, his eyes looking through the endless tide of chaos, quietly looking at Liang Yitian after the change.

After chanting the Buddha's name softly, the old monk suddenly sneered, and his coldness was as cold as a knife, falling on Lingxuan's too delicate and perfect little face, as if it was made by a skilled carver: Holy Spirit... Ha!

There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, you guys, just wait and see.

The old monk's wrinkled old face moved slightly. His gaze passed through the burning and shining atmosphere of Liangyitian, through the layers of restrictions, and even through the picture of the Buddha holding flowers and giving a sermon. On the body of the three-buried monk.

The old monk pursed his lips and smiled, and said softly: My Buddhist sect has a successor.

Senran's eyes moved away from the three-burial monk, and the old monk looked deeply at Lu Qian. This time, he frowned and looked Lu Qian up and down for a long, long time, and then shook his head gently: The risk is too great... but... just be prepared? What if? Haha! Linghu... even if it can only Let them feel a little unhappy, and I will feel happy.

The old monk gritted his teeth.

In my mind, on the crystal liquid, in the middle of the golden lotus, the snow-white and tender little monk suddenly opened his eyes. A pair of blazing eyes, completely condensed from two groups of crimson karma fire, were like two blazing red suns, filling the entire mind. It instantly turned into a blood full of anger and madness.

The old monk's body trembled slightly.

He was breathing deeply, the muscles on his body expanded and beat bit by bit, and his figure slowly opened up bit by bit... Under his skin, there were sharp bone spurs piercing the flesh bit by bit, bit by bit extremely slowly and... Grow out with difficulty. Like the ferocious aura of a wild beast, it accumulated little by little on the old monk and spread.

The old monk was like an ancient volcano on the verge of erupting. A terrifying power and desire was about to erupt from the depths of his body, turning everything around him into nothing.

The hands of the old monk hanging with the bone rosary have turned into two terrifying claws. They are huge, dark, and burning with bloody karma. They are like dragon claws, with black and shiny barbs growing out of every joint. The hooks and claws are covered with fine black scales. Each of these scales is like a separate living creature. The scales open and close rapidly and erratically, colliding with each other, emitting a unique sound like countless soldiers killing and slashing madly on the battlefield, and the collision of swords. Jingle bells' roar.

Hold it, hold it back... The old monk gritted his teeth, his body trembling slightly: You can't kill, you can't kill...For the time being, you can't kill... Hehe, hehe... Plan for a lifetime, not for a while... Plan for a long time, Don't plan for a while...bear it, bear it...bear it, you must bear it...

Giggle, this little girl from the Holy Spirit clan is so cute and pink. I really want to cut open her skull, take the moistest piece at the top, and carefully polish it into a rosary...

But, hold on, hold on... I'm just an ordinary little lackey of the Holy Spirit... I don't lack such an ordinary quality rosary... The next rosary must be from a great emperor... Geez, use it The rosary made from the emperor’s skull will surely have infinite power and wonder!”

The old monk smiled ferociously, and like the little monk in the golden lotus, his eyes turned into a dense red and emitted a faint light of fire.

He breathed deeply, his body swayed slightly, and his figure merged with the chaotic tide around him, making it impossible to capture his presence. However, the occasional flash of red fire in the chaotic tide was enough to mean that he did not stay away, but followed Lu Qian and others with his unpredictable magical powers.


The sky, the ground, the city, the wasteland... Countless creatures, countless monks, quietly looked up at the sky. Their whole bodies burned with a faint flame, and their eyes shone with a faint white light.

In the minds of all living beings, there is a subtle voice, telling them about the greatness of 'Taihu', preaching to them the glory of 'Taihu', and adding an unshakable belief, an absolute concept, and an ultimate The goals of life are deeply rooted in their souls:

Practice with all your strength, ascend to the Supreme Taichu Heaven, join the army of Emperor Taihu, conquer all directions for Emperor Taihu, and bathe in the glory of Emperor Taihu forever!

All living creatures in Liangyi Heaven have become the most crazy followers of Emperor Taihu.

Taoist cultivator, no more.

Buddhist cultivation is gone.

All the remnants of demons and ghosts are gone.

Any disputes, any dissent, all kinds of past personal grudges and sectarian grudges, all disappeared in that warm, extreme, and extremely exclusive light.

From then on, everyone is a family that loves each other. There are no more fights or conflicts. Our hearts are united, our strength is united, all resources are mobilized together, we practice with all our strength, and we try our best to support one after another. It is enough for a proud man of heaven to ascend to the upper world!

Go to the upper realm! A bald old monk shouted hysterically to the sky.

My lord's holy life is boundless! An old Taoist holding Zijin Ruyi yelled at the top of his lungs with tears.

My lord... Countless creatures knelt on the ground and worshiped Emperor Taihu in the upper world, even though it was impossible for Emperor Taihu to draw his attention here or even the tiniest ray of his gaze. Bet on these worthless nether ants.

In the huge Liangyi Heaven, only the three-burial monks could barely maintain a glimmer of clarity in the small cave.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and recited mysterious mantras in a low voice to resist the 'purification' and 'transformation' brought about by Lingxuan's terrifying blow.

On the altar, the picture of Buddha holding flowers and preaching emitted a faint light, protecting the third buried monk. Without this sermon picture, the Third Burial Monk would have completely become a fanatical believer of Emperor Taihu due to Lingchan's attack.

The poison is endless! Monk Three Burials suddenly sneered: Taiqu... one day... one day...

Amidst the sneer, Monk Sanzong suddenly raised his head and murmured in surprise: It seems that an old friend is passing by? Well, it must be an illusion... My old friend has long since disappeared, and his name has not been passed down between heaven and earth. , how can we have old friends?

I am the only one in the world who remembers you?

I still remember you.

So, you are not really annihilated... As long as I still remember you, no matter how meager the hope is, there is still a glimmer of hope, right?

The third burial monk smiled: As long as I still remember you!

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