Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 876 Massacre

Zhou Laodao was entangled.

His cloak sword danced very fast, but the three swordsmen who respected the armor and swordsmen joined forces and slashed in succession with the swords of three half-step heavenly soldiers. The three of them joined forces, and each sword could hold Zhou Laodao's cloak dangerously. knife.

It can be clearly seen that the extremely heavy Zhanma Sword, which is almost as long as a person, is no match for the paper-thin cloak knife - the thin cloak knife can leave a mark on the thick Zhanma Sword with every cut. A thin knife mark an inch deep.

The difference in quality is obvious.

But the horse-zapping sword was too thick, and in a hurry, Zhou Laodao couldn't cut off these horse-zapping swords.

Occasionally, the cloak knife in his hand slashed at the heavy spiritual gold armor of the swordsman. With the harsh slashing sound, large sparks flew out of the armor, and deep thin knife marks were torn open.

However, this heavy armor is also almost an inch thick. Zhou Laodao's sword is very sharp, but his sword speed is too fast. Because it is so fast, the blade and the armor will go away when they touch. There is not much chance to hit them continuously, giving these horse-killing swordsmen A real coup de grace.

He had the advantage, but it would take time to kill these thick iron can saber-slayers!

Hu Qing, on the other hand, had already rushed in front of Lu Yi.

The long knife in his hand rolled up a blue wind shadow, and stabbed Lu Qian's chest quickly and hard!

The power of wind!

A little faint breath of heaven and earth.

Lu Qian still had time to look at the long knife in Hu Qing's hand, and then at the long knife in Zhou Laodao's hand that was filled with platinum-gold acquired Xinjin fluctuations.

Is this what is called ‘entering the Tao and practicing true cultivation’?

The evaluation criterion for a true cultivator is that when he takes action, he can induce the inspiration of heaven and earth to bless the weapon, and can he use this to possess a certain amount of 'extraordinary' power?

Lu Qian curled his lips, using such a crude method in Liangyi Heaven... Well, let alone Liangyi Heaven, in Jishengtian, these are the methods of heroes in the world - even in Jishengtian. The martial arts masters of the Dayin Dynasty could also blast out with one palm, overflowing with energy, and even break through armor with one palm, sending opponents flying several feet away. This was a common thing!

There is really nothing much that can be said about the so-called true cultivation of Taoism in this world.

Lu Qian didn't move.

He allowed the long knife in Hu Qing's hand to stab him hard in the heart.

The deputy seal of Loulan is mobilizing the surrounding world to continuously pour into the body. Within the body, wisps of mana are flowing. As long as there is enough mana to support it, with Lu Qian's golden body cultivation, even if his limbs are blasted into blood mist, He can also be reborn with a drop of blood, this is no big deal.

With determination and confidence in his heart, Lu Qian was naturally not afraid of such an ordinary long knife that looked inferior to the cloak knife in Zhou Laodao's hand!

Sure enough, the long knife stabbed Lu Qian's exposed chest hard.

There was a harsh impact, and the cyan wind shadow wrapped around the blade shattered. Hu Qing's slash with all his strength only left an almost invisible white mark on Lu Qian's skin.

Hu Qing, whose wrist was bruised by Zhou Laodao's blow just now, groaned with a huge counterattack force. His hands were trembling, and he staggered backwards dragging the long knife. He looked at the tattoo on Lu Qian's chest with a horrified look on his face. Tiny white traces that quickly disappeared.

You! Hu Qing looked at Lu Qing with dull eyes.

The scene in front of him was completely beyond his cognition, and it was completely outside the scope of his knowledge. Apart from being a little bigger, Lu Yi looked like an ordinary flesh and blood body at first glance. He did not have tough feathers or How could his tiger-green sword not pierce the body of a ferocious beast covered in thick scales?

Moreover, with that stab blow just now, Hu Qing mobilized the meager spiritual energy of heaven and earth in his body.

With this sword, even a ferocious bird like the Split Wind Eagle could be decapitated with one strike... Why was Lu Qian not harmed in any way?

Who are you? Hu Qing roared.

Five armor-clad saber-slayers cut through the dense group of caravan workers, cut open an alley of flesh and blood, and rushed to Lu Qian's side. When Hu Qing hissed and scolded, the five swordsmen covered in blood swung their swords, the swords flashed, and struck Lu Qian's whole body fiercely.

A dense sound of gold and iron colliding sounded, and sparks flew everywhere. The piece of burlap that could barely be regarded as clothes wrapped around Lu Qian's body was smashed into pieces, revealing his dark golden color, which looked like it was made of gold and copper. body.

These five horse-slaying swordsmen are stronger than ordinary people in terms of brute force and do not have even a trace of heaven and earth intelligence in their bodies. Although the swords in their hands look powerful and terrifying, and the blades are heavy enough, there is not even a trace of white on Lu Qian's body. No seal can be left.

On the contrary, the long knives in their hands knocked out large sparks, and the blades were cracked with spots.

Hu Qing's eyes widened, his pupils narrowed rapidly, and he looked at Lu Qian as if he had seen a ghost.

In the distance, the nine-foot-tall man who had just let out a loud roar and directly triggered the conflict between the two sides also noticed the scene where Lu Qian allowed himself to be slashed with a heavy knife without any damage. The big man who was originally calm and composed and thought he had everything under control suddenly turned pale - he suddenly realized that he had caused a big trouble for Hujia Weizi!

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the big man slowly backed away, trying to stay away from the scene.

So many pairs of eyes saw it - the person who provoked this chaos and caused so many casualties was clearly Hu Qing. Does he have anything to do with him as the eldest brother?

Hey, whoever caused the trouble will wipe their own ass.

If you can't wipe it clean, just go and explain it to the clan elders yourself!

It's just that the big man thinks beautifully, how can things in the world be so simple? He saw with his own eyes how powerful Lu Qian was, and was about to pull away and clean up his ties, but a few more angry roars came from the diagonal stabs.

Zhou Laodao, you've fed the dog with your tricks. How dare you come to my Hu's house to stir up trouble?

Hey, well, well, today, Mr. Hu, you, Master Hu, will test your ability as a Taoist cultivator, Zhou Laodao!

Where? Brother, where are you going? We brothers will work together to clean up that Zhou Laodao!

Several loud roars were heard in succession. Hu Hei, the eldest son of Hu Bao, the head of the Hu family, suddenly turned black. He looked back and saw his second, third and fourth brothers, three eight or nine feet tall. The burly man, carrying a spear and a stick, was running towards this side with a group of tough tribesmen.

Being watched so clearly by the three brothers, how could I, the eldest brother, escape from the battlefield?

Hu Hei, whose face was pitch black, as if someone had blackened his face with dog shit, gritted his teeth and stomped his foot hard... 'Wow', he forgot that he was standing on someone else's roof, and with this stomp, the roof fell. Suddenly a large piece collapsed, and his body tilted, staggered, and fell directly into someone's house.

The three brothers from the Hu family who came over laughed in unison: Brother, you have been playing too much with little girls recently, are your waist and legs weak?

Hu Hei had a gloomy face and strode out.

Are your waist and legs weak? How is that possible!

He is the eldest son of the Hu family, the eldest son who has the best hope of taking over the power of the family head from Hu Bao... How could he admit that his waist and legs were weak in a jungle of human-eating flesh and blood like the wasteland?

Young Guchao, come on! Hu Hei's face darkened, his heart became ruthless, and he took the lead and rushed towards the place where the fight was taking place.

He made up his mind and let him weigh it to see how powerful Zhou Laodao, the so-called true cultivator of the Dao, was... As for the bald hunk who obviously couldn't be offended, let him, his idiot younger brothers, have a taste of it!

A sword slashed down with a roar, causing sparks to fly all over Lu Qian's body.

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and stood calmly on the spot, looking at Hu Qing coldly: Do you want to order it to stop? The young monk is a monk and has a kind heart. He cannot bear to see such a bloody person!

Lu Qian's advice was sincere and well-intentioned. He didn't want to cause more killings for no reason.

What kind of place is this world? The rules and laws here are not clear yet. What is the point of killing people for no reason?

Although his mind was in chaos and he couldn't remember many things, Lu Qian still had a basic moral and ethical bottom line!

But Hu Qing went crazy.

Lu Qian didn't take action. He really regarded Lu Qian as a soft persimmon that was easy to rub!

With a strange laugh, Hu Qing pondered the benefits that Loulan Deputy Town Seal would bring to him, and said with a slightly crazy smile: Turns out he is a weakling who dare not fight... Hey, kill them for me... Kill them all, leaving no one behind!

Hu Qing roared repeatedly, and even took out a finely crafted bone whistle shaped like a flying bird from his sleeve.

Throwing the bone whistle into the sky with all his strength, he heard an extremely sharp whistle rising high into the sky. The sharp whistle came in waves, and in an instant it could be clearly heard throughout the Hu family's perimeter.

This is the most urgent warning signal for Hujiaweizi. Generally speaking, such a signal is only allowed to be released when large-scale bandits and horse thieves attack the city and Hujiaweizi encounters a disaster!

The sound of sharp horns sounded from all around the Hu family. On the archery towers of more than a dozen sentry towers, archers carrying strong bows and crossbows climbed to the top.

On the wall, groups of Hujiaweizi clan members appeared, and messy footsteps could be heard everywhere. These were the women, children, and elderly people of the Hujiaweizi, heading towards the clan ancestral hall in the center, which was the last place in the entire Hujiaweizi. Desperately retreat from the stronghold.

With a puff sound, the two caravan guys were beheaded, and half of their bodies, covered in blood, fell to Lu Qian's feet. Blood and water splashed all over Lu Qian's feet.

Lu Qian lowered his head and looked at the two caravan guys who were staring blankly. His eyes, which were originally black, suddenly became extremely dark, as bottomless as the night... He recited a Buddhist chant in a low voice and protected his chest with his left hand. He stepped forward, raised his right hand, and simply blasted out with one palm after another.

There is no magical power, no secret technique, it is just a simple matter of condensing the magic power on the palm of the hand, and blasting out the monk's body training technique 'Mighty Vajra Palm' that he learned when he was still in the Supreme Holy Heaven and worshiped at the Mahavajra Temple!

This is a very simple and superficial secular physical training martial arts.

However, in conjunction with Lu Chen's golden body of the Buddha and the exquisite Buddhist teachings that Lu Chen understood, he blasted out the palm, and there was faint light of Buddha lingering in the palm, and everyone heard a vague roar of Vajra subduing demons.


Five muffled sounds were heard in succession, and Lu Qian's palm hit five heavy-armored saber-slayers who were slashing around him.

The one-inch-thick spiritual gold breastplate suddenly dented, and the entire body of the swordsman covered by the heavy armor was turned into a ball of blood mist. The blood spurted out along the gaps in the armor. Five heavy armors He was blown away by Lu Qian's palm and flew backward several dozen feet, killing and maiming the strong man who surrounded a large area of ​​Hu's house.

Xiao Monk said, please stop!

Lu Qian's feet twirled, and a wisp of breeze lingered around him. His body flickered among the crowd, like a butterfly swirling around a flower, bringing up a few hazy afterimages. He still struck out with one palm after another with his right hand, extremely cleanly, hitting the strong men around the Hu family one after another until they vomited blood and collapsed to the ground unable to move.

Except for the five swordsmen who were slashing around him and were killed with one palm, Lu Qian only severely injured the strong men behind them, breaking at most seven or eight ribs, and did not directly kill them.

But Lu Qian struck quickly. In just a few breaths, two to three hundred strong men from the Hu family's circle were seriously injured and fell to the ground. Lu Qian did not kill him, and those caravan guys who were already red-eyed did not care much. ?

With the sword raised and dropped, two to three hundred seriously injured young men from the Hu family were cut into pieces and died tragically on the spot!

Clang, clang, clang, clang, a series of intensive chopping sounds came.

The three swordsmen who besieged Zhou Laodao saw that their side was suddenly at a disadvantage. They were in a state of confusion and their movements were unbalanced. Zhou Laodao was so experienced and ruthless. He gritted his teeth and brought up his inner spirit, and he slashed randomly with the blade. A large field of cold light and the sharp Xinjin sword light tore through three sets of heavy armor. The three swordsmen screamed and were forcibly chopped into more than a dozen sections by Zhou Laodao, and even the heavy armor on their bodies was chopped into pieces. .

There were endless howls, roars, and curses, and the tribesmen around the Hu family staggered backwards.

From Lu Qian scolding Hu Qing to stop, to Hu Qing issuing the most urgent warning signal, to Lu Qian brazenly taking action, almost destroying the siege queue around the Hu family, in just a dozen breaths, more than 400 tigers were killed. The good men in Weizi died tragically on the spot, and even the eighteenth-grade saber-slaying swordsman, who had devoted all his family's efforts to support them, also killed eight people suddenly under the hands of Lu Qian and Zhou Laodao!

Under the protection of several tribesmen, Hu Qing retreated far away, looking at Lu Qian and Zhou Laodao who were covered in blood in shock.

They want to say something, but their minds are blank. Where can they say anything else?

It turns out that when things got here, the Hu family paid a heavy price, and there were also hundreds of casualties on the caravan side... If everyone sat down and talked, today's matter could still be solved properly...

Huhei and three brothers ran up with a large number of strong men.

Suddenly he saw the corpses of the tribesmen lying around the ground on the ground. Hu Hei's heart suddenly trembled. He stopped suddenly and took two steps back.

As for Hu Hei's three younger brothers and Hu Qing's three older brothers, they are standard wilderness men!

What is a standard wasteland man?

It's not meant to be disparaging, it's just a fact - a standard wasteland man who doesn't know a single word, has basically no IQ, is full of muscle lumps, is more willing to risk his life than anyone else, and is more willing to go with anyone he can't deal with. Life-threatening, his temperament and hobbies are like those of a wild beast!

Too lazy to ask about the cause and effect, too lazy to understand the situation at the scene, seeing so many members of the Hu family falling to the ground, the three eldest young men from the Hu family circle cursed loudly, and rushed forward with weapons in hand.

Following their shouts, many tribesmen behind them opened their bows in unison, and their arrows were like locusts, piercing into the caravan members gathered in formation.

The caravan guys dodged one after another, or raised their shields. Amidst the sound of puff, only a dozen unlucky guys were shot through the arms and legs by arrows. Amid the cries of pain, several caravan leaders shouted at Zhou Laodao at the same time: Master Dao, it's up to you to make the decision!

Zhou Laodao gritted his teeth and hissed: Abandon the goods this time and rush to the city gate! We are out of trouble today, and we will argue with the Hu family in the future... Hey, you really treat us as if we have no roots and no foundation. Are you a bully?

Several caravans quickly formed one team.

Just as Zhou Laodao said, the caravan abandoned the vehicles, mounts and goods, and rushed towards the city gate regardless of life and death.

The open space where they were stationed was originally close to the only city gate on the southeast side of the Hu family enclosure, with a distance of only a dozen feet from each other. Zhou Laodao took the lead and slashed with his sword, directly cutting off the middle-hand spear of the Hu family old man who rushed up. The blade tore a tragic wound on his chest that reached deep into his internal organs.

The second son of the Hu family let out a miserable cry and fell heavily to the ground, covering the two-foot-long wound on his chest with both hands.

The blood was like a waterfall, and the internal organs in his chest were tumbling out. He looked at Zhou Laodao blankly, and hissed: This is the true cultivation of Dao... I am convinced by your mother!

Zhou Laodao stepped on the head of the second son of the Hu family, and exploded it with a 'bang'.

Many people stepped forward and trampled Hu's second son to pieces. The third and fourth sons of the Hu family, with red eyes and hissing curses, rushed forward one after another, but were chopped off one by one by Zhou Laodao. The clansmen behind them also collapsed under the conflict between the caravan's masters.

The mighty team of hundreds of people roared and rushed to the city gate in a breath, and could rush out of the Hu family's enclosure before they could take a breath.

A shrill roar came from afar: Zhou Laodao... we have been friends for many years, and you want to kill my son?

Zhou Laodao's face twitched, and he slashed dozens of times forward without looking back. The third and fourth sons of the Hu family, who had regrouped and rushed forward again, were slashed until they vomited blood and retreated. He hissed: Now that the matter has come to this, what is there to say? We can't be friends, we can only be enemies... Hubao, as long as I don't die today, in a few days, I will definitely invite good friends back and kill you all over the house!

Zhou Laodao's words were murderous and brutal.

Too lazy to explain the truth, too lazy to distinguish the reasons. Now that everyone has taken action, since everyone has made enemies, then they must kill you all over the house - this is the survival law of the wasteland!

If the Hu family is surrounded by people, will Zhou Laodao still dare to lead the caravan in and out in the future?

If he comes in with a caravan next time and is surrounded by thousands of strong men from the Hu family... wouldn't he be doomed?

Therefore, the only way to kill the tiger family is to surround the whole house.

As for whether the old, weak, women and children are innocent...heh, who thinks about this?

The roar of tigers and leopards came from far away, and the deep roar of tigers made people's eardrums hurt. Lu Qian looked back and saw that Hu Bao, the current head of the Hu family in Weizi, actually drove a dozen black and yellow tigers with a body length of three feet to fly towards him, howling loudly.

Lu Qian was stunned and shook his head: This is a grassland and hilly landform, how can there be tigers? Well, well, time has changed, and the laws of heaven have changed. If you raise dragons at home, that is also your ability!

However, no matter how capable you are, you can't use it to siege yourself!

Seeing the tiger and leopard wearing a set of heavy armor and carrying a nine-foot-long saw-tooth flying sickle machete flying toward him, a dozen tigers jumped behind him, looking extremely powerful.

Lu Qian let out a clear whistle, and inexplicably, the shattered and annihilated heavens flashed through his mind.

Your name... Linghu... Jun... Linghu Jun!

Lu Qian's brain felt a twinge of pain.

Linghu Juan annihilated so many heavens, and each heaven was only condensed into a large or small sky crystal... It seems that such grudges cannot be blamed on the Hu Family Waizi, but the tiger swooped in with more than a dozen tigers. Hubao, a thin bloodstain between his eyebrows actually opened up, revealing a small but dazzling vertical eye!

Look up!

Linghu Huang also has one between his eyebrows.

Lu Qian inexplicably merged the turbulent memory fragments in his mind into one, the eye between Linghu Juan's eyebrows and the vertical eye between Hubao's eyebrows.

He heard Zhou Laodao exclaiming: Damn it, how did you succeed in 'activating the soul'?

The tiger and leopard roared wildly, and the vertical eye between his eyebrows, which was a circle smaller than the two normal eyes, suddenly flashed with light. The world around him was slightly shaken, and then a ball of fire the size of a fist suddenly hit the tiger. The leopard appeared in front of him, with a whistling wind, and a red fireball the size of a fist shot out. It was as fast as an arrow and hit Zhou Laodao who was rushing at the front.

Zhou Laodao didn't care about the several armored swordsmen who surrounded him again. He held the sword in both hands, and the cloak sword rolled up a cold light and struck the red fireball hard.

There was a loud noise, the fireball exploded, and heat waves and flames swept across the area several feet away. Zhou Laodao grunted when he was exploded, a few drops of blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth, and flew to the side seven or eight feet away involuntarily.

It was nothing more than being blown up, but his internal organs received some shock.

The fatal thing was the heavy armored swordsmen who surrounded him. Their swords screamed and struck Zhou Laodao several times in a row.

Although Zhou Laodao is a 'real cultivator of Taoism', his skills are extremely crude, and his cultivation level is even more unmentionable. Moreover, he does not have the Buddhist golden body protection like Lu Qian who has been tempered for many times... These horse-killing knives are comparable to each other. The blade was fierce and vicious, and the blade penetrated the flesh, directly chopping the muscles and bones, and slashed into Zhou Laodao's muscles and bones, almost cutting his body into two pieces.

Blood spattered, and Zhou Laodao couldn't help but scream in pain: Brothers, we all have to fall here today... This old immortal has actually awakened his spirit, he has awakened his spirit!

Lu Qian's eyes flickered, and he took a deep look at Hubao.


Well, Zhou Laodao is the same as everyone present. They all have a thin, faint line between their eyebrows, and they all have a 'sleeping' eye between their eyebrows.

However, the vertical eyes between Tiger and Leopard's eyebrows seemed to be pulled by some external force and directly granted some kind of 'authority', which could respond to the inspiration of the outside world and issue some extremely crude spells!

Hu Bao does not have the same 'cultivation' as Zhou Laodao, but with the 'authority' of this innate vertical eye, he can indeed release 'spells'!

Although in Lu Qian's opinion, this spell is simply crude and crude to the extreme, it is also a spell, and it is also an 'extraordinary power', and it is obviously a much higher level of 'extraordinary power' than Zhou Laodao's hard-earned power. !

So Zhou Laodao was disrupted by a blow and was seriously injured by the swordsman!

Are you able to enlighten your soul? It seems that even a young monk can do it!

Inexplicably, in Lu Qian's mind, the three-eyed figure suddenly flashed, the Taichu Mixed Pearl shone brightly, and the Taihu Emperor's ax and Loulan Deputy Town Seal were shaken together.

A strange force was like a violent thunder, striking Lu Qian's eyebrows from his mind.

A vertical eye between Lu Qian's brows suddenly opened. The vertical eye was nearly three inches long and shimmering with light. The divine light shot out three feet away. It was more than a hundred times brighter than the vertical eye between the tiger and leopard's brows.


Lu Qian roared!

There was no need to expend any mana. He raised his eyebrows and twitched slightly. The strong wind around him suddenly seemed like soldiers who had heard the order. They moved uniformly according to Lu Qian's wishes. In an instant, more than a dozen long swords formed around Lu Qian. A three-foot-long, solid cyan wind knife!

With a 'swish' sound, a harsh tearing sound sounded, and a dozen wind knives became hazy and blurred. They tore through the air in an instant and slashed directly at Hubao and the dozen tigers behind him.

The cutting sound of Chi Chi was heard endlessly. Hubao and a dozen fat and colorful tigers behind him, a very thin blood-colored line appeared from the center of the eyebrows, and the blood spattered, and they were neatly chopped into pieces. Two slices!

Dad! Whether it was Hu Hei who deliberately caused the conflict before, Hu Qing who was the culprit of this chaos, or even the third and fourth sons of the Hu family who had just been chopped with blood by Zhou Laodao, including others who witnessed this scene Many tribesmen around the Hu family all let out roars of fear and anger.

Hu Bao... the current head of the Hu family's Weizi family, the most powerful man among the nearly ten thousand members of the Hu family, was actually killed so easily!

In particular, Hu Bao was the only 'spirit warrior' in the Hu family who had the opportunity to successfully activate his spirit, activate the bloodline of his ancestors, activate the 'eyes of heaven' between his eyebrows, and possess the 'power of heaven and earth'!

The news of Hubao's successful spiritual enlightenment was carefully guarded by Hubao for several years... Everyone who knew about it regarded Hubao as the biggest trump card of Hubao's rise and becoming a powerful party!

Well now, because of the unusual and inexplicable fight, the hope of the Hu family's Weizi rise has been extinguished!

Let alone what the other members of the Tiger family thought, Hu Hei and Hu Qing both burst into tears!

Hubao is their biological father!

They are the biological sons of Tiger and Leopard.

Relying on this status, they are regarded as the masters in Hujiaweizi.

Eat, the best.

Wear the best.

The woman on the bed is also the one with the biggest breasts, the thickest waist, and the most fertile!

Now, it's all over!

No matter who the new head of the family is, it’s impossible for him to treat them as his own sons like Hu Bao?

Hu Hei and Hu Qing jumped on their feet and roared: Kill him, kill him... avenge the master of the family, take revenge!

Lu Qian had already taken one step to Zhou Laodao's side, pressed his palm on the back of his heart, and quietly injected a drop of jade liquid from the Buddha's merit pool at the core of the world of mortals into his body.

Zhou Laodao's fatal wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Qian's eyebrows flashed with coldness, and he shouted softly again: Thunder!

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