Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 875: Siege and Killing

The seal does not fly very fast.

Hu Qing ran faster than a rabbit chased by a group of hungry dogs.

The seal brought with it a faint light and flew over the city wall of Hujiawei. It flew straight into the air where caravans were stationed in Hujiawei. Hu Qing also yelled and cursed loudly. He walked around his city wall and ran towards the southeast gate. He shouted and asked the Hu family clan members patrolling the city wall to focus on the weak one. If they were not careful, they might miss it. of faint light.

Surrounding the open space where Lu Qian was, on the four sentry towers, there were archers with the ability to penetrate the Yangtze River with a hundred steps and extremely sharp eyes. At the same time, they noticed a faint light flying over, swinging into the one that had been stationed just now. In Zhou Laodao's caravan, in the wooden house of the big man who looked like a mountain spirit and water monster.

What is it? Some arrow fingers pointed at the path where the seal flew, shouting in a fuss: Is it a fire bug? Why is this fire bug running out for a walk in broad daylight?

The fire bug is an extremely interesting insect in the wasteland. It is about the size of a fist and shaped like a firefly, but it is a ferocious carnivorous insect. At night, its butt can emit a dazzling light, attracting prey to come closer, and then spray high-temperature, high-heat, highly toxic, and highly corrosive liquid from an indecent place, spraying it on the face of the prey, delivering a fatal blow to the prey.

An ordinary child can kill seven or eight fire bugs with one slap. His body is extremely weak, and his physical fighting ability is extremely weak. However, the venom contained in the fire bug's belly is extremely terrifying. Among the many venomous insects and snakes in the wasteland, the fire bug's toxicity ranks among the top three.

During the day, serious fire bugs will not travel or hunt.

The shimmer of light and movement caused by the Loulan Deputy Town Seal when it flew was very similar to the light and trail emitted by a fire bug flying at night. Several archers marveled at it and gestured downwards. .

They didn't hear the shouting of Huqing outside the city wall, and they didn't know what it was.

Hu Qing roared loudly around the city wall. On the city wall, a five-person patrol team heard Hu Qing's yelling and cursed. They had already looked over and gestured towards the tribesmen on the nearest sentry tower.

Lu Qian was sitting cross-legged and adjusting his breath. Outside the wooden house, the little girl stood tremblingly by the door, secretly looking at Lu Qian through the crack in the door. Her little face turned red from suppressing it, and she was wondering about some scene that was not suitable for children.

In the wooden house next door, another little girl's low voice of um um ah ah sounded like she was crying.

After two months in the wilderness, a 'real cultivator like Zhou Laodao' is full of blood and energy, and his eyes have turned green from holding back... Now that we have reached a safe zone, other caravan chores include the guys below. With one hand in charge, Zhou Laodao naturally followed his nature and had a hearty battle first before talking about anything else.

Yin Xi slammed open the ajar window and ran headlong into Lu Qian's arms.

Before Lu Qian could be alarmed, the seal had turned into a faint light and integrated into Lu Qian's body. After circling around Lu Qian's body, it rose straight up and crashed into Lu Qian's mind, and then floated quietly above his mind. .

Lu Qian's body suddenly stiffened.

He groaned, and the energy and blood in his body suddenly vibrated, his internal organs were churning, the blood flow rate in the blood vessels suddenly increased more than ten times, and his heart beat rapidly like a drum.

Before, it was like a dream, a mirror, a mirror, a mirror, a mirror, a mirror, a dream, just out of reach. It could be inhaled into the body but could not retain the slightest hint of heaven and earth. At this moment, its temper suddenly changed.

It was like a timid eldest lady from a well-educated and scholarly family suddenly turned into a popular lady in the romantic society who was familiar with all flirting methods... All around Lu Qian's body, the world suddenly became passionate and extremely proactive. It rushed towards Lu Qian and plunged into Lu Qian's body, filling his whole body in an instant.

Then, it became as gluey as paint and could not stay in Lu Qian's body. Lu Qian's body feasted on it, devouring it crazily and quickly turning it into his own use.

Waves of majestic heat swept through his body, and Lu Qian's empty and weak body felt like the Gobi Desert, which had been dry for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly ushered in a heavy rain on a summer night. His bone marrow, bones, meridians, flesh and blood, internal organs, brain... Every cell in his body, every strand of his body, is greedy, swallowing in big mouthfuls, cheering crazily, and infusing the vast inspiration from heaven and earth.

The surface of Lu Qian's body was hideous and terrifying. With the help of hundreds of beast blood along the way, most of the wounds were barely healed, and he was covered by a faint layer of Buddha's light in his breath.

The Buddha's power within his body was rapidly generated. Under the stimulation of the Buddha's power, Lu Qian's Buddhist golden body, which had been tempered many times, all kinds of magical powers were restored immediately. Watching the wounds disappear in the blink of an eye, all the wounds and scars on the body healed instantly.

The body inside the body made a low thundering sound, and every damage and injury disappeared quickly under the wash of heat.

A large number of internal organ fragments mixed with dark blood were forcibly carried by the heat flow, and were transported to the surface of the body bit by bit, flowing out along the pores.

Lu Qian's magic power recovered a little bit. He formed seals with his hands and immediately performed a Buddhist method called Little Purdue Returning Pills. A strange Taoist rhyme grew in his body, and the Buddha's power turned into a vibrant green Buddha light, covering his body from head to toe. Washed by over and over again.

The broken bones in the body obediently returned to their proper place, and were quickly pieced together and healed with the original big bones.

The sound of 'Qiang Qiang' bone joints hitting each other continued to sound, and with each dull sound, Lu Qian was like a red-hot iron ingot being bombarded by a 10,000-ton giant hammer, and his body slightly collapsed inward.

In just a dozen breaths, Lu Qian suddenly compressed from a height of two to three to four feet to about two feet.


What Loulan Deputy Town Seal brings is authority!

This side of the world is shrouded in a terrifying will. The great ways and rhythms between heaven and earth, the inspirations between heaven and earth, and all the external resources needed for cultivation are all locked up and imprisoned.

Unless you have the corresponding person and the corresponding authority, you cannot mobilize anything!

You cannot achieve enlightenment.

You can't tease.

Taoism cannot grow.

Mana cannot be replenished.

Only by obtaining the corresponding authority can you mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth, increase your mana cultivation, use the spiritual power of heaven and earth to repair your own injuries, and restore your lost mana!


Deep in Lu Qian's mind, some memory fragments suddenly emerged.

That was in the ancient city of Loulan...

The huge ancient city of Loulan was surrounded by strange lights and shadows, breaking through the layers of spatial and dimensional diaphragms and climbing rapidly towards the high-latitude void... He stood on a section of the city wall, in front of him was a white man who was only about three feet tall and had a kind-hearted face. A little old man with a white beard and white eyebrows.

The little old man smiled and said something to Lu Qian, and then grabbed a handful of the void in the ancient city of Loulan. The void shook. At the core of the ancient city of Loulan, in the direction of the main hall of the governor's palace, the laws of heaven and earth condensed out of thin air, and they formed the shape that had just been integrated into it. This seal in Lu Qian's body.

What is the little old man talking about...

What is he talking about?

Well... Lu Qian tried his best to dig out the chaotic memories deep in his mind, which made his brain hurt, but he could only recall a few fragmentary words.

Taichu Tian...

Supreme Will...

The authority of heaven and earth...

Advance payment in advance...

Excessively exerting his brain, severe pain hit his mind, and thick blood gushed out from all his orifices at the same time.

Lu Qian's eyes almost jumped out of their sockets. They were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes, and his two eyes almost burst open.

Lu Qian was so frightened that he quickly calmed down and stopped thinking. He breathed deeply, greedily extracting the spiritual energy from all directions, replenishing his body's needs bit by bit and restoring his own mana.


The speed of this recovery is extremely limited.

If Lu Qian's body was a dry ocean, then the spiritual energy pouring into his body would be like an ordinary river a hundred feet wide... Although the water volume is quite turbulent, it would take hundreds of years to fill up this ocean. Time, it’s simply impossible!

Especially since Lu Qian's body was so damaged at the moment, just repairing his own injuries consumed most of the energy that poured into his body. Calculating it this way, if you want to rely on the inspiration from the world and the world to completely restore yourself to your peak state, it will take about a thousand years... That's right, it will take a full thousand years to repair all injuries and replenish your mana to its peak state!

Lu Qian frowned.

This seal that returned on its own gave him the authority to mobilize the spiritual forces of heaven and earth in this world... But his authority was extremely limited, and the share of the spiritual forces of heaven and earth that he could mobilize was very unsatisfactory.

In a word, the official is too young!

In particular, Lu Qian felt that after the seal integrated into his body, he could already see the avenue of heaven and earth in this world... But he could only see it, but he still couldn't touch it, couldn't mobilize, comprehend, or accumulate anything. !

Well, this seal can only mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth, can only improve mana cultivation, recover injuries, and restore mana consumption, but it has no effect at all on increasing Taoism and improving realm!

Still, the official is too young.

The authority is not big enough!

Lu Qian gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

Will it take a thousand years to return to its original peak state? Moreover, these thousand years are still calculated according to the sunrise and sunset of this world. If placed in Liangyi Heaven, it will be a full five thousand years!


However, as a ray of mana returned to Lu Qian's body, and as he began to mobilize Buddhist secrets to repair his injuries, the Taichu Mixed Pearl emitted a faint light in Lu Qian's mind, and he began to carefully extract the trace of mana that Lu Qian had recovered.

The dim light emitted by the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl suddenly became blazing, and Lu Yi's turbulent and chaotic mind suddenly calmed down for the most part, returning from the state of a Category 12 hurricane to the level of a Category 3 or 5 gale. The swelling, pain and other negative feelings in his head had mostly subsided, and Lu Qian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, a faint ray of light pulled the light of Lu Yi's soul, which was like a candle in the wind, and swayed towards the world of mortals curled up in the depths of his mind.

As this light of the soul continues to approach the world of mortals, the world of mortals, which has collapsed to an unfathomable particle size, gradually stretches and expands, gradually releasing a dazzling light, like a lotus seed fossil that has been buried in the rock formations for trillions of years. Suddenly it regained its vitality and gradually sprouted in a clear spring.

Layers of gorgeous Buddha light sprouted. At the core of the world of mortals, the merit pool where Yujingzi merged suddenly shook. Several strands of merit pool water rippling with jade-colored light rose into the sky, rushing out of the world of mortals with majestic vitality. , 'Hua La La' is like a spring rain that nourishes all things on a spring night, spreading all over Lu Qian's body.

When he was in Yuchanze, the ancient city of Loulan, Yujingzi's corpse had the magical power to heal all injuries.

After merging with the most important merit pool in the core Buddhist kingdom of Hongchentian, this merit pool has the miraculous effect of mediating creation and resurrecting the dead.

Although these few strands of water in the pool of merit were extremely pitiful because the connection between Lu Qian and Hongchentian had not yet been restored, the majestic vitality contained in them made Lu Qian's whole body suddenly refreshed, and his weak vitality suddenly returned. A large section, and most of the injuries in the body healed instantly.

A mouthful of black blood mixed with some internal organ fragments spurted out of his mouth. Lu Qian waved his arms vigorously and felt a warmth in his internal organs. More than 80% of the originally fatal injuries had been recovered.

As his body repaired, Lu Qian's soul, which was originally as weak as a candle in the wind, also recovered a lot and turned into a ball of bright light the size of a fist, emitting a faint light and illuminating a large area of ​​chaotic mind.

The power of the soul was restored, and the connection between Lu Qian and Hongchentian became closer.

As a result, another stream of merit pool water rose into the sky, gushed out of the world of mortals, and merged into Lu Qian's body.

This time, Lu Renrou's injuries completely recovered.

The majestic essence is rolling inside the body, and there is no discomfort or discomfort in the whole body.

Lu Qian even felt that with this serious injury and healing, the strength and power of his body had increased by several percent based on its original strength. With the continuous influx of spiritual ideas from the surrounding world, Lu Qian's physical body, which had been unable to move forward in Liangyi Heaven, was still breaking through its original limits and improving continuously.

The limit of this world is far tens of thousands or millions of times higher than the dimension where Liangyi Heaven is located!

However, the efficiency of extracting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has not changed.

The physical injuries have recovered, but if you want to replenish your mana to its original peak state, it will take a full hundred years to do so with the current small water pipe conveying water posture.

Lu Qian frowned.

This is...

When he was annoyed, the Taihu Emperor's ax, which had been silent in his mind for a long time, quietly broke through the chaotic turbulence of his mind and began to rotate intimately around the Taichu Confusion Pearl.

Wisps of strange power emerged from Emperor Taihu's ax and turned into a strange astrological talisman, which was heavily imprinted on Lu Qian's Loulan Deputy Town Seal.

Accompanied by an extremely comfortable groan, Lu Qian's deputy town seal trembled in a very anthropomorphic manner. Then, Lu Qian's efficiency in absorbing the wisdom of heaven and earth suddenly increased a hundred times!

A strong wind blew up around the Hu family's enclosure.

The heaven and earth's inspirations surged towards Lu Qian, and the Taihu Emperor's ax increased the authority of the deputy town seal in this world out of thin air!

Well... Taihu Emperor's Ax is a weapon of the Great Emperor. It has supreme authority. With its own status and authority, it can increase the power of the deputy town seal a hundred times. It is definitely a matter of course and easy to capture!

Lu Qian frowned - this Taiyu Emperor's ax is also weird. Since you can increase the power of the deputy town seal a hundred times, why don't you go into battle yourself? Could it be that...what else do you have to worry about?

However, feeling the continuous recovery of mana in his body, Lu Qian nodded slowly.

Although it will take about a year in this world's local time for mana to return to its original peak state... But compared to the previous hundred years, Lu Qian can completely accept such a result.

However, Lu Qian soon frowned and smiled helplessly.

He had previously buried the five 'eggs' transformed by the five uncles into the wound on his chest and nourished them with his own essence and blood. At this moment, five 'eggs' squeezed out of his flesh and blood, and adhered to his heart according to the five elements. The five colors of light flowed, and the blood that was growing in Lu Qian's body continued to flow into the five 'eggs'.

He felt that his hands and feet were numb and limp, and nearly 50% of his blood had been sucked away by the five uncles.

However, feeling the increasingly powerful atmosphere of the five uncles, Lu Yi nodded: That's fine.

Outside the wooden house, there was a commotion, and someone was running over in anger, which caused a fuss and shouts from several other caravans stationed nearby.

Lu Qian suddenly felt an itch between his brows.

A white bone relic the size of a thumb, pure white in color, and full of cracks was squeezed out from between his eyebrows with difficulty, followed by another, and another...

While breathing, when the furious footsteps outside rushed to the vicinity of his wooden house, thirty-six almost broken bones were suspended in front of Lu Qian, and wisps of dim white Buddha light surged and turned into a thin thread. , strung thirty-six white bone relics into a string of Buddhist beads, and hung them on Lu Qian's hand.

Lu Qian frowned and touched the bunch of bone relics. The damage was extremely serious. The true spirit at the core was almost extinct, but its essence was still intact. As long as they were given enough supplements, with such a bone god, The strange life forms of demons, they should be able to quickly restore their full power.

Their best supplements are nothing more than flesh and blood essence, monk soul, etc.!

Some broken pictures flashed through Lu Qian's mind. These were thirty-six burly men. Amidst the flesh and blood of countless creatures, and under the burning of the bones of the Buddha, they were forcibly transformed from the flesh-and-blood Buddhist monks. Transformation into a scene of bone gods and demons.

Flesh, flesh and soul are their foundation.

As long as they have enough flesh, blood and soul to replenish them, they can quickly return to their original state. From a certain level, the 'life intensity' of these thirty-six bone gods and demons is much more 'powerful' and 'convenient' than Lu Qian.



Lu Qian was muttering in a low voice when the little girl standing at the door of his wooden house let out a scream and a slap in the face. The half-foot-thick wooden door of his wooden house was kicked open, and the entire wooden door fell from the door frame. It fell off and hit Lu Qian with a blast of evil wind.

Lu Qian snorted coldly, pointed with his right hand, and used a small Buddhist magical power called 'Fixing the Body'. The wooden door that hit him suddenly froze in the air, and then with a 'bang' sound, the unlucky wooden door was struck by two crisscrossing forces. It was violently shaken into countless pieces.

The fragments of the wooden door solidified in the air. After a full breath, Lu Qian released the immobilization, and the fragments fell to the ground with a thump.

Lu Qian held the string of white bone relic beads in his left hand, stood up slowly, and looked coldly at Hu Qing who was standing at the wooden door.

Hu Qing looked Lu Qing up and down, followed by several bewildered tribesmen.

Zhou Laodao next door roared angrily, and then the door of the wooden house softly opened. The embarrassed Zhou Laodao, with a piece of animal skin wrapped around his waist, rushed out with big strides: What's the matter? What's the matter? Your Hu family has changed its profession. Are you going to start blocking roads and robberies and sit on the ground to divide the stolen goods?

Hu Qing glanced at Zhou Laodao, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he shouted fearfully: Zhou Laodao, this matter has nothing to do with you...

Zhou Laodao looked at Hu Qing and frowned.

He glanced at Lu Qian again. He and his pupils were as green as tigers, and suddenly shrunk to the size of a needle tip - he remembered clearly that on the way here, the wound on Lu Qian's chest was still clearly visible, and it was not fully healed, but at this moment , Lu Qian’s exposed chest was actually smooth, and not a single wound could be seen!

Recovered from injury?

He couldn't afford to be seriously injured. Lu Qian, who was lying on the ground, could withstand a blow with 70% of the strength of his Zhou Laodao and suffered only slight damage... Now that Lu Qian's injury is suspected to have recovered, what kind of terrifying strength will he have?

Zhou Laodao made up his mind instantly. He took two steps forward, tightened the animal skin wrapped around his waist, and casually pulled out the cloak knife. His wrist shook, and with a choking sound, the blade was more than six feet long. After spitting it out, a white golden energy flashed on the blade. Zhou Laodao sneered sneerly and said: You are causing trouble for our brothers, and you still say that it has nothing to do with me?

Zhou Laodao patted his chest hard with his left hand and hissed: Who doesn't know how I, Zhou Laodao, who has been in and out of this wasteland for so many years, can save such a fortune, how can I make so much money? Brothers follow me to beg for a meal...just two words, loyalty...loyalty...this is still 'loyalty'!

The long sword pointed directly at Hu Qing, and the real cultivator who could be ranked among the top three thousand in the wasteland burst out with the arrogance he deserved. Zhou Laodao said proudly: No matter what you have to do with our brother, I will do it for you. Got it!

Footsteps sounded all around. Some of the more than a hundred men from Zhou Laodao's caravan came towards this side with weapons in hand. Others pulled out longbows and bows directly from the cargo pile of a large cart. Weapons such as crossbows, spears, halberds, and even more than a dozen sets of full-metal armor were quickly put on.

On the archery towers of the surrounding sentry towers, the archers around the Hu family saw that the momentum was not right, and they all sent out sharp whistles. Accompanied by the buzzing sound of the bow strings, they quickly stringed up the heavy crossbows and loaded the metal crossbows one after another. The arrow was set on the heavy crossbow.

The men under Zhou Laodao were not to be outdone. They also raised their strong bows and crossbows, and with the help of large carts and heavy piles of furs, they confronted the archers on the surrounding arrow towers.

The distance between the two sides is extremely close. If a fight begins, no one can be sure to avoid the opponent's strong bows and crossbows.

The sound of armor rubbing against each other was heard, and Hu Qing's eighteen heavily armored soldiers, together with the hunters from Bai Lai Hu's house, rushed over. These soldiers lined up behind Hu Qing, with their sabers spread out horizontally, and a fierce evil aura rushed towards their faces. The expressions of Zhou Laodao and the group of men behind him suddenly changed.

Zhou Laodao is not very afraid of these eighteen armored warriors. The cloak knife in his hand is enough to break through these half-step heavenly soldiers level heavy armor... But are these guys behind him facing these armored men? The impact of the soldiers is bound to cause heavy casualties!

Zhou Laodao suddenly sneered: Hey, brothers, be careful. Hey, everyone has heard about what kind of person I, Zhou Laodao, am... Today, our brothers entered the Hu family enclosure and drank a sip of wine. Before I had a drink, before there was a fight, the seventh young master of the Hu family surrounded me with open fire and open fire... This eating scene is a bit ugly!

The thumb of his left hand pointed towards his nose. Zhou Laodao retreated instead of advancing. With a hint of grievance, he sighed helplessly: Come on, looking at this posture, the seventh young master is interested in the good goods that our old Zhou has brought this time. ?”

Isn't it just a hundred bows and crossbows, thirty sets of heavy armor, and some in-demand potion pills?

Come on, our old Zhou admits defeat this time... the goods belong to you, the seventh young master... Our old Zhou, can we take the brothers and leave? Huh? Zhou Laodao sneered: Is it possible, the seventh young master Do you want the goods or your life?

Privately, the people in several caravans changed their expressions.

They quickly gathered together and formed a horned force with Zhou Laodao's team.

The leaders of several caravans could clearly see that, just as Zhou Laodao said, after Zhou Laodao's team came in, Lu Qian was bored in the wooden house and did not come out. Zhou Laodao was busy saying Hey yo ha hi to harm the little girl. Son, hundreds of guys were taking care of the livestock and sorting out the goods... The whole team had not even done anything when they were approached by tigers with green faces and white faces!

This is clearly Hujia Weizi's intention to cause trouble!

If they can cause trouble for Zhou Laodao, they will inevitably cause trouble for themselves... Compared with Zhou Laodao, who is powerful, his own team has fewer people and is not strong. Isn't it easier to deal with it?

For a time, the hatred for the same enemy arose, and several teams shouted and put on a desperate attitude.

The size of several caravans is not as large as Zhou Laodao's hundreds of people, but five or six teams combined, there are still three to four hundred people who can see and kill. Moreover, they all make a living in the wilderness, and their fighting power is much stronger than the ordinary young men in Hujiaweizi.

If a fight really breaks out and the fire breaks out, although Hujiaweizi can win with the advantage of the landlords, it will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Maybe, today is the day when Zhou Laodao and others will be wiped out, and the Hu family's siege will turn from prosperity to decline!

Several older members of the Hu family's Weizi clan have already gathered around Hu Qing, preparing to stop his impulse - the Hu family's Weizi cannot bear the consequences!

In particular, there is no airtight wall in the world. If word spreads about the Hu family's siege and killing of merchants, the people waiting for the Hu family's siege will definitely be in disaster!

Hu Qing stared at Lu Qing. He didn't care about anything else. He just stretched out his hand towards Lu Qing: You dare to take my things? Hand it over, otherwise, you will all die here today!

Lu Qian looked at Hu Qing in astonishment: This donor, what did the monk take from you?

Hu Qing took a deep breath, then pulled out his saber and struck Lu Qian in the head with the knife.

A touch of cyan breeze flowed on the blade. Hu Qing's blade was very fast, even faster than the sound... The people around him only saw the shadow of the wind light up, and the blade had already reached Lu Qian's neck.

‘Choke Lang’!

Sparks flew everywhere.

Lu Qian did not take action to intercept Hu Qing's knife - his intuition told him that Hu Qing's knife could not cause any harm to him. The Buddha's golden body was tempered over thousands of times. If he hadn't been seriously injured before, even Zhou Laodao's two swords wouldn't have been able to hurt him so 'easily'!

Zhou Laodao took action.

His knife came first and held Hu Qing's blade firmly.

The blades crossed, sparks flew, Zhou Laodao's wrist shook, Hu Qing groaned, his body suddenly swayed, and he staggered back several steps. Everyone heard the sound of joints moving. A bruise the size of an egg appeared on Hu Qing's right wrist at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was obviously a bruise caused by Zhou Laodao.

The eighteen soldiers surrounding the Hu family shouted in unison, raised their swords and took two steps forward.

The evil spirit rose, and the guys in the surrounding caravans drew their long bows and raised their crossbows. The swords in their hands shook slightly, and they were ready for a desperate fight.

Zhou Laodao sneered and said: Come on, brothers, we can't let this matter go. Hey, prepare to fight hard. Don't worry, Old Zhou, I am somewhat sure of breaking out of the Hu family's enclosure. After all, it is not easy to break into the city wall. Breaking out It’s not difficult to get to the city.”

Don't worry, brothers, as long as Old Zhou rushes out of the city, he will definitely publicize the good name of Hujiaweizi... Afterwards, Old Zhou risked not doing business for ten or eight years and ended up with the Hu family. . Unless their whole family is ruined, I will be raised by his little wife from the Hu family!

Zhou Laodao spoke arrogantly and fiercely, but he had no intention of taking action.

He saw the mentality of those mature Hu family members - they and Hu Qing were not on the same side. In other words, the attack on Lu Qian was Hu Qing's personal idea?

This is much easier to deal with.

As long as the people around the Hu family are not crazy and want to change their career from a 'good citizen' to a 'big thief', Zhou Laodao is confident that he can calm down today's incident.

However, a loud roar suddenly came from the distance: Zhou Laodao, thanks to us being old friends for many years, how dare you bully my brother? Lao Qi, don't be afraid, brother, I will make the decision for you to vent your anger!

A roar like a tiger roaring in the forest sounded. Behind Lu Qian and others, on an archery tower, the expressions of the two archers changed slightly. They suddenly pulled the trigger, and the heavy crossbows mounted on the archery tower made a loud noise. A pure metal crossbow arrow more than four feet long made a shrill sound as it shot straight towards Lu Qian.

The three crossbow bolts spun rapidly and shot down. With a Puff sound, the two caravan crew members were hit forward by the crossbow bolts fired by the heavy crossbow. The crossbow bolts blasted holes as thick as a bowl of sea in their chests. , broken bones and flesh flew with the crossbow arrows, and the scene was extremely tragic.

Three crossbow bolts killed two caravan guys, and another crossbow bolt narrowly missed the shoulder of a caravan leader, tearing away a large piece of flesh and blood on his shoulder, revealing a white Miserable bones.

Everyone's nerves were already tense, and the fierce crossbow bolts fell, immediately detonating the battle.

All around, the fingers of several caravan crews suddenly loosened, and more than a hundred bows and crossbows fired. Behind Hu Qing, more than a hundred hunters from the Hu family circle stood in a dense group. Facing the close fire of bows and crossbows, they There was no time to dodge, and dozens of people were immediately shot down by arrows.

Even more arrows landed on the eighteen armored soldiers. The arrows shattered and splashed with sparks. The armored soldiers yelled angrily, brandished their sabers, and launched an attack on the caravans in front of them.

The 'Half-step Heavenly Soldier' ​​level horse-cutting sword was extremely sharp. Where the long sword was swung, more than thirty caravan members were cut in half, and screams and curses suddenly resounded through the sky.

On the four sentry towers, crossbows roared, and crossbow bolts and long arrows continued to fall, splashing blood in the crowd.

Hu Qing yelled, waved his saber, and rushed towards Lu Qian again: Give me back my treasure!

Zhou Laodao glanced at the place where the roar came from, and cursed in a low voice: What kind of bad thing is this...

Shaking his head, Zhou Laodao swung his long knife and faced Hu Qing. He blocked the left and right sides with his cloak knife and easily blocked Hu Qing's crazy attack, preventing him from getting any closer.

With a long roar, Zhou Laodao roared loudly: Hu Bao, Hu Lao Gui, do you still care about your precious son? You, the Hu family, don't want to hang out in the wilderness all the time?

Three armored warriors swooped in, three sabers intertwined with each other, and in conjunction with Hu Qing, Zhou Laodao was swept into a large blade light.

Zhou Laodao yelled and was forced to take two steps back by the three armored soldiers. Hu Qing abandoned Zhou Laodao and flew towards Lu Qian with red eyes. The long knife in his hand brought out a faint shadow of wind and stabbed directly. Lu Qian's heart.

Hand it over! Hu Qing focused all his thoughts on the seal of the Loulan deputy town who left him... He only wanted to kill Lu Qian and take back his treasure... As for all other consequences, how could he pay attention to it? Care so much?

The shouts of killing rose into the sky, and from all directions, the tribesmen in the Hujiawei area were passively involved in the battle. Many tribesmen in the Hujiawei area had no idea what was going on here, but they saw their brothers being killed by a group of foreign caravans. He was covered in blood after being chopped, so what else could he say?

In the wilderness, 'reasoning' and 'clearing right from wrong' cannot survive.

Steel knives and violence are the only rules of survival!

From all directions, whistles continued to sound, and groups of Tiger family members rushed over carrying various weapons and shouting loudly.

Arrows flew horizontally, swords flashed, and spears and halberds were waved horizontally.

The sounds of bones and flesh breaking, the screams of dying people, angry curses, and the angrily scolding and dissuading sounds of several mature Tiger family members...

Figures covered in blood fell to the ground one after another. Some died suddenly on the spot, some were convulsing on the verge of death, and some were lying on the ground, letting out shrill wails.

From the direction where the tiger roar came from before, a burly man about nine feet tall stood on the roof of a wooden house with his arms folded and a cold face, his face twitching, watching the tragic battle.

Hey, Old Seven, let's see how you die this time! The big man looked at it for a while, smiled, and spat heavily on the ground.

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