Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 874 Loulan Deputy Town (7)


This is a very common settlement in the wilderness. Most of them have a clan as the core, recruiting refugees, reclaiming wasteland, fishing, hunting and farming, building walls, repairing armor, training young men, and training war animals, in order to protect themselves and multiply.

Hujiaweizi is such an extremely standard wilderness stronghold. The earth-and-stone structure wall is ten feet high, three feet thick, and several miles in circumference. It contains more than a thousand households and a population of nearly ten thousand, including thousands of strong men, all of whom are cattle. A tall and powerful man, a good man who dares to use weapons and beasts and thieves to risk his life.

Because of its strong strength, and even more because of its loyalty and observance of rules, this place has become the best resting and trading place for wasteland caravans like Zhou Laodao. Over the years, this has also brought great success to Hujiaweizi. With abundant vitality and financial resources, Hujiaweizi has grown more prosperous and stronger.

It is precisely because of their strong strength and abundant financial resources that Lu Qian and others saw the scene where Hujiaweizi set up an ambush with twelve heavy hunting crossbows and brazenly killed a terrifying Wind-Splitting Eagle.

This Wind-Splitting Eagle, as its name suggests, flies extremely fast, and its steel feathers are nearly invulnerable. It cannot be damaged by ordinary weapons. What's more outrageous is that such a huge and powerful wind-splitting eagle is actually a social creature. If an ordinary person messes with it, it will lead to wanton revenge from the entire group!

Although the flesh and blood of the Split Wind Eagle contains majestic essence, which is extremely beneficial to tempering the body and replenishing vitality, especially its bone marrow, it is an excellent product for strengthening the muscles and bones and improving cultivation. Because it is difficult to deal with, on the wasteland , very few forces are willing to deal with the Split Wind Eagle!

Zhou Laodao was constantly surprised when Hujiaweizi did this today.

Brothers Hushan, you Hujiaweizi are really heroic! Under the leadership of two Hu family men, when the motorcade was heading towards the Hujiaweizi, Zhou Laodao said to Hushan who was leading the way: How? , sell me the pair of claws and the longest feathers of the Split Wind Eagle.

The claws of the Split Wind Eagle are extremely sharp and can penetrate gold stone, which is a good material for forging weapons.

The feathers of the Wind-Splitting Eagle are naturally capable of splitting, breaking, and chasing the wind. They are used as arrow feathers. After the arrow is shot, it can stir up a whirlwind to wrap around the arrow, thus increasing the arrow's range by more than three times. , it can also make the arrow rotate rapidly, adding a strong armor-piercing penetration out of thin air.

Placed in the wasteland, the feathers of the Split Wind Eagle are a rare treasure that can only be encountered by some sharpshooters. If it is handed over to the forging master to make a special 'wind-breaking armor-piercing arrow', one arrow will almost represent the life of a master!

Therefore, the feathers of this split wind eagle are extremely valuable, much higher than the value of its claws, and they are almost classified as 'strategic materials'. Therefore, knowing that Hushan and the two could not make the decision, Zhou Laodao also diligently tried to get close, hoping to quickly find someone who could make the decision through the two of them.

Hu Shan coughed heavily, then he waved his hand and said bluntly: I can't make the decision on this matter, you have to go find Hu Qing.

Zhou Laodao frowned.

He shook his head and said nothing.

Lu Yi glanced at Zhou Laodao. Zhou Laodao trembled, and hurriedly came to Lu Yi's side. He whispered to his ear and told Hu Qing's identity - Hu Qing was the second son of Hu Bao, the current head of the Hu family's Weizi family. The seventh son was born to Hubao's most favored little wife. He was also extremely talented and intelligent, so he was extremely doted on by Hubao.

The people in the Hu family are all straight men with straight guts.

But this Hu Qing, in Zhou Laodao’s words, shouldn’t be named Tiger, he should be named ‘Fox’. Hu Qing didn't know why he was born with Wanwanwan. He liked playing tricks the most, and he was full of little thoughts lest his family would suffer losses.

Before Huqing, Zhou Laodao went to and from Hujiaweizi. As long as we had negotiated a deal, and the prices were about the same, they could probably match it. If you give me an extra hundred catties of salt, I will give you an extra thirty or fifty pieces. Animal skins, or random supplies, are common things - running around and soliciting favors, isn't this normal?

But when Hu Qing grew up and started to interfere in the affairs of the Hu family, things gradually changed.

Under Hu Qing's management, in the past two years, wanting to trade with Hu family Weizi has become the most troublesome thing for rough men like Zhou Laodao - Hu Qing, and the people around him who don't know how to train them A few personal followers insisted on running the business every penny counts. They really counted every hair of every piece of fur clearly.

He would try his best to raise the price of Hujiaweizi's products.

He would try his best to suppress the prices of the materials brought by Zhou Laodao and other caravans.

Although this has won a lot of extra benefits for Hujiaweizi and won the support of some people in Hujiaweizi, it has also made many caravans who come and go feel unhappy. In the past few years, as far as Zhou Laodao knows, at least some The ten teams that had been going to Hujiaweizi all year round simply took a detour to other weizi.

There were originally no roads in the huge wasteland, so everyone could walk as they pleased.

No one stipulates that when everyone goes out to make a living, they must go through your Hu family circle. Is this the truth?

Therefore, when he heard that Hu Qing was in charge of this hunt for the Split Wind Eagle, Zhou Laodao couldn't help grinding his teeth - he wanted to get the claws and feathers of the Split Wind Eagle from Hu Qing. Aren't you about to bleed heavily?

He is an interesting person. Lu Qian smiled.

Lu Qian didn't cover up his existence intentionally. He couldn't use his magic power now, and he couldn't cover up his existence. However, he was sitting next to the driver who was driving the carriage. The furs piled high behind him covered most of his body. The two thick-lined tigers and mountains did not notice Lu Qian's presence.

But Zhou Laodao came close to Lu Yi and whispered in a low voice. As soon as Lu Yi spoke, the rich voice came. Hushan and the two subconsciously looked at this side seriously... At first, the two of them were still talking. No abnormality was found in Lu Qian.

Lu Qian was sitting on the carriage with his legs curled up, making him much taller than an ordinary person.

Hu Shan and the two hadn't noticed this yet - they just thought that Lu Qian was standing next to the coachman, so he was much taller than ordinary people, which was quite reasonable.

But take a closer look!

My mother! How can this man be so majestic? Hushan and the two were startled and jumped back several steps - Lu Qian was sitting on the carriage, both more than one foot tall, taller than Standing beside the carriage, Zhou Laodao was half taller.

Looking at Lu Qian sitting cross-legged on the bicycle frame, if he stood up now, wouldn't he be more than two feet tall?

The average size of the men in the Hu family's fence, placed in the surrounding fences that are more than a thousand miles away, is quite impressive, with an average height of eight or nine feet, and all of them are loud and strong men.

But with a body of more than two feet tall, it is as tall as three serious men!

In the wasteland, there is one of the most superficial and common adaptation rules - the larger the beast, the more powerful it is. This rule can basically be applied to humans.

How much strength does a man over two feet tall have to have?

Cold sweat broke out on Hushan's forehead. Zhou Laodao himself was a well-known 'real cultivator' in the wasteland. Ordinary men of about a hundred people couldn't stand the chops he made with his cloak knife.

Suddenly, there is another giant-like Lu Qian...

Master Dao, your team is getting more and more prosperous. Hushan said in shock: Isn't this brother of yours some kind of wild monster? How can a serious person be so big?

Nonsense, where are there any mountain spirits and wild monsters in this world? Have you seen them? Or has your mother seen them? Zhou Laodao rolled his eyes strangely, and laughed and cursed: This is my serious brother Zhou Laodao, who goes to the law and goes to the sea. , just call him Brother Fahai. Stop talking and take us to the station quickly. We will be served with hot water, soup and noodles. I have brought you some good things this time.

The two of them in Hushan were stunned. They looked at the piles of beast pelts on the dozens of specially-made carts behind Zhou Laodao. Then they looked at the piles of beast pelts on dozens of giant camel beasts following behind the carts. The packages filled with large and small packages made me smile immediately.

Hot water, hot soup, hot noodles, you can get whatever you want...warm ones are also available for girls, hey. Hushan smiled so hard that his teeth were exposed: You guys are in a hurry. A few days ago, the Lin family next door It was broken, and many men were killed and injured, but a group of women escaped with their babies...

Hushan winked at Zhou Laodao: Hey, I understand everything I need to know!

Zhou Laodao gasped: Hey, the Lin family's weizi, tsk...it's obviously unlucky. I said back then that the Lin family's weizi were greedy for cheap and had to purchase armor from Ma Lao Tan'er. Sooner or later something will happen, no, something will happen!

Shaking his head, Zhou Laodao began to talk, such as the armor plate was too thin, the amount of steel on the blade was too little, the arrow quenching technology was not up to standard, the bowstring of the heavy crossbow cut corners, etc...

He deliberately amplified his voice so that Hushan and the two could hear it clearly.

Lu Qian couldn't help but grin.

Amidst Zhou Laodao's muttering, the team slowly approached the Hu family's fence, followed the fence for a short half circle, and entered the city through the only southeast gate.

The Hu family's siege also took a lot of effort to defend itself. The several-mile-long city wall only has one gate in the southeast for entry and exit. Near the city gate, a several dozen acres of land was dug out. There are several piers in the deep puddle, and a long suspension bridge is built on it.

This kind of defensive power was nothing to Lu Qian, who was used to seeing powerful cities and big cities. But placed in this wilderness, ordinary beasts, bandits, horse thieves and the like would be a headache in the face of this city defense.

Again, there is no supernatural power or magic. The environment here is special. A real cultivator like Zhou Laodao can only jump five or six feet high at the risk of his life. A city wall as high as ten feet high like the Hu Family Wall , its defensive power can be called a 'copper wall and an iron wall'.

After walking across the suspension bridge and entering the city gate, I saw an open space behind the city gate surrounded by wooden fences and waist-high earthen walls.

In the open space, there are several rows of large and spacious wooden houses with enclosed animal pens. There are more animal skin tents of various colors set up in the open space. There are also four tall sentry towers and arrow towers standing at the four corners, with tigers and arrows on them. The archers in Weizi's house were chatting and laughing happily.

Lu Qian noticed that the tops of the four sentry towers, which were nearly twenty feet high, actually had metal launch pads, on which were mounted heavy crossbows that could move in four directions and shoot downward at an angle of more than sixty degrees.

Look at the crossbow arm made of steel and about six feet long, and the heavy crossbow arrow placed on the shelf next to the archer. It is more than four feet long and as thick as a thumb. The arrowhead alone is half a foot long and densely covered with barbs. Lu Qian could imagine what it would feel like to have such crossbow arrows piercing his body.

Lu Qian touched the wound on his chest that had mostly healed. Judging from the two blows that Zhou Laodao slashed at him, this heavy crossbow did not pose much of a threat to Lu Qian. But for the guys in the caravan, even Zhou Laodao might not be able to withstand the heavy fire of this heavy crossbow, let alone the other guys.

Lu Qian couldn't help but feel his heart twitch slightly.

His Buddhist golden body is placed in the Liangyi Heaven, and even ordinary Buddha treasures cannot be damaged.

In this world, the long knife in Zhou Laodao's hand can break through his flesh, which is amazing enough... Even if the heavy crossbow of the Hu Family Waizi poses no threat to him, but look at the environment of this wasteland, and then look at Looking at the geographical location and scale of Hujiaweizi, we can tell that this is definitely the lowest power in this world...

The heavy crossbow in Hujiaweizi hardly poses any threat to him, so what happens after leaving Hujiaweizi?

Facing greater forces and more powerful weapons...

Lu Qian's scalp felt a little numb.

You have to restore your mana as quickly as possible, and you have to improve your cultivation as soon as possible.

The car driver and the camel beast entered the open space. The caravan guys were familiar with the road and found a piece of land to station themselves. After occupying several livestock pens and a dozen tents, Zhou Laodao took Lu Qian to the nearest row of wooden houses and chose two wooden houses next to each other.

Unlike those tents where you have to do everything by yourself, the treatment in this wooden house is obviously much better. In each room, there is a boy who can help you run errands, and there is also a very lively boy who can serve tea. Delivering water, sewing and mending, bringing out bed warmers and bathing, in short, as long as the money is enough, the little girl can do whatever she wants.

It's just obvious that the little girls who come standard in these two wooden houses were all smiles when they saw Zhou Laodao. The little girl in Zhou Laodao's house almost threw herself into Zhou Laodao's arms. inside.

When Lu Qian, the little girl who came standard in the wooden house, saw Lu Qian's body that was almost two feet tall, she suddenly lowered her head and looked at her own little body. Her little face instantly turned pale, and she almost fell to the ground.

This... Master... The little girl's voice was even worse when she spoke - she was just here to make some hard money, even if she ended up selling her body, she wouldn't sell her life!

The corners of Lu Qian's eyes drooped and he glared at the little girl angrily. What were he thinking?

If you are not serious here, then it is no wonder that Buddha is not serious.

Lu Qian coughed slightly and said calmly: The young monk has been practicing since he was a child. He practices the serious Buddhist boy's skills. He has not been close to women since he was a child... The female donor can just rest assured, the young monk will not do anything to embarrass the female donor.

The little girl's face turned rosy instantly, and a smile appeared on her face.

But looking at the smiling companion who has squeezed into Zhou Laodao's arms, the little girl's face has become a little bleak - there is no need to worry about life safety, but the extra income these days is gone. !

Lu Qian looked at the little girl who had all her thoughts on her face and couldn't help but shake her head.

The people in this wasteland are really interesting. They really don't have any city. They put everything they think on their faces, which is quite interesting. After laughing a few times, Lu Qian pointed at Zhou Laodao: The young monk has six pure roots, abides by the precepts, and does not touch money... Well, Lao Zhou, don't wrong this little girl.

Lu Qian, the little girl in the wooden house, suddenly laughed again.

Zhou Laodao, who was busy wiping oil with his hands, froze up and looked at Lu Qian with an extremely aggrieved look - why should I give this money?

Lu Qian shook his head and walked straight into the wooden house.

For ordinary people, it was a very spacious wooden house, but for Lu Qian now, it was a bit cramped. Especially the big bed made of logs in the corner of the room, which was big enough for two bison to sleep soundly on, seemed a little more exquisite to Lu Qian.

Lu Qian shook his head and simply sat cross-legged on the wooden bed, breathing deeply according to his old practice.

Just like the previous days.

The Tao Yun is within reach, but it can never pull it away at all.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is everywhere around the body. It is as dense as the moon in the mirror, unable to absorb or retain the slightest bit.

Outside the Hu family's enclosure, on a lush grassland, more than a hundred burly men wearing leather armor, holding heavy axes and maces were roaring in a low voice and circling around a Split Wind Eagle that was struggling crazily on the ground. .

From time to time, someone rushes up from the direction of the Split Wind Eagle's butt, roars, and hits it hard with an ax or hammer.

Heavy axes and maces, all made of pure metal, hit the Split Wind Eagle's body. Only a few sparks were scattered, and not even a feather was knocked down. Even so, the strength of these men was truly terrifying. They swung their weapons and struck hard, with every blow making a 'bang bang' sound, making the Split Wind Eagle roar again and again.

Twelve crossbow arrows connected in series with chains were deeply embedded in the Split Wind Eagle's body. The crossbow arrows had special blood-letting grooves, and they were also smeared with secret medicine that stimulated blood circulation and prevented blood coagulation.

Therefore, as the Split Wind Eagle struggled crazily, thin blood sprayed along the blood groove like a fountain. The more the Split Wind Eagle struggled and roared, the more blood spurted out of its body, and the harder it struggled. Come smaller and smaller.

Amidst the sound of crunching, a few miles away, twelve heavy crossbows, hidden by small bushes, were being nervously and slowly re-cocked.

These twelve heavy crossbows with arms as long as three feet are all weapons purchased by Hujiaweizi with a large sum of money. They are also the great killing weapons of the clan that Hujiaweizi has stood in the wilderness for many years and has never been broken by the beasts and bandits. '.

It is simply not possible to wind such a sharp weapon manually.

Next to each heavy crossbow, there were more than a dozen heavy camel beasts several feet long, and dozens of burly men from the Hu family, trying their best to drag the crossbow.

The almost transparent iron-colored bowstring, which was three fingers thick and thick, vibrated with a buzz, and was re-fastened bit by bit. The camel beasts and the men from the tiger family were sweating all over their bodies. The veins under their skin were clearly visible, and some of them were shivering from exhaustion.

There were several experienced old men from the Hu family urging: Hurry up, this wind-splitting eagle lives in groups, and a beast may come to take revenge at some point... Hurry up and wind it up, let's see if we can hunt two more of it today!

Beside this busy hunting ground, eighteen strong men wearing heavy armor and covered like tin cans stood proudly holding eight-foot sabers.

This is the most elite force of Hujiaweizi. Eighteen sets of full-body armor made of 'spiritual gold', and eighteen sabers that can be called 'half-step heavenly weapons'. This is the most elite force of Hujiaweizi after three generations of family heads. , emptied out almost the entire Hu family's belongings, and finally accumulated little by little.

This 'spiritual gold battle armor' cannot be broken unless a 'true cultivator' holds a real 'weapon of heavenly weapons'.

The eighteen horse-cutting knives are enough to cut through all the armor commonly seen in the wasteland. Even if a person is truly a 'real cultivator' and has achieved physical training, if he is slashed by these eighteen horse-cutting swords, he will end up being chopped into dumpling fillings.

It is with the help of these eighteen heavily armored swordsmen that the Hu family has become the most powerful family force within a thousand miles!

But now, due to the favoritism of the current head of the family, Hu Bao, these eighteen respected swordsmen and swordsmen all obey Hu Qing's orders.

Wearing a white coat, Hu Qing's long hair was tied into a long ponytail with a white ribbon at the back of his head. He was standing in front of the eighteen saber-slayers with his arms folded and his face expressionless.

Different from the clansmen who were busy buzzing around, all of them were tall and muscular, with muscles all over their bodies. They were sweating profusely from exhaustion and smelled of sweat. Their dark and rough skin was covered with wounds and scars. The tiger was obviously green. ...Tall, thin, fair-skinned, fair-skinned, and even has a faint charm of a 'literati'.

Tsk, in short, it’s like a group of wild prairie dogs suddenly got a white mouse that escaped from the laboratory. It looks so out of place no matter how you look at it!

With a straight face, Hu Qing looked coldly at the Split Wind Eagle, which was gradually flapping its wings on the ground. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his right hand subconsciously reached into his arms, and he touched hard the piece in his arms that was emitting a faint fluorescent light. It is about three inches wide and less than one inch thick. It is decorated with clouds and clouds on all sides and a jade seal with a white tiger with wings as the seal.

The material of the seal is excellent, the color is tricolor, and it is almost translucent.

On the large seal, three lines of small characters were engraved using the Taichu Dao Xingwen used in daily writing in the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

The first line: ‘At the beginning of time, the Heavenly Court commanded’

Second line: ‘Vice Town of Loulan Bian Town’

The third line: ‘Taizhen Linghu Fahai’

These three lines of small characters are attached with extremely mysterious restrictions.

The first line of the six words Taichu Heavenly Court's Order is purple-gold in color, with colorful rays of light flowing around the edges. It is brilliant, magical, majestic and majestic.

In the second line, there are six characters, Deputy Town of Loulan Bian Town, which are iron-blooded in color, with thick blood on the edges, full of murderous aura, and powerful and solemn killing.

The third line of the six characters Taizhen Linghu Fahai is cinnabar in color, with a layer of ever-changing colored light on the edge, which is changing, confusing, and agile.

If there are people who are familiar with the official title system of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, they will know the origin of this seal.

The six characters Taichu Tianting Imperial Order in the first line of purple and gold color represent that the owner of this seal is recognized by the Supreme Heavenly Court, has an official establishment, and is also registered among the civil and military officials of the Supreme Heavenly Court. , official officials available for verification.

The second line of the six characters Deputy Town of Loulan Bian Town, with iron-blood color and rising blood on the edge, represents that this seal belongs to a Heavenly Warrior, whose attribute is to be responsible for fighting on the battlefield, or to sit in command. Fight against the unruly ministers and exterminate the rebels.

However, the glow used to decorate the edge of the second line of characters lacks the layer of colorful starlight that symbolizes the supreme power, which proves that this 'Loulan Border Town' is not directly under the Supreme Heaven.

The six words Taizhen Linghu Fahai in the third line, with the unpredictable colored light around them, directly point out the true root of this seal - what this seal represents. The official position of 'Deputy Town of Loulan Border Town' belongs to a serious star official recognized by the Supreme Heavenly Court. However, Loulan Border Town is a self-established border town in the fiefdom of 'Emperor Tai Zhan'. The deputy town official himself was born under Emperor Tai Zhan. There is a person named 'Fahai' from the Linghu clan of the giant clan of the Heavenly Clan!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

The person holding this seal can be regarded as a serious official of the Supreme Heavenly Court, but his real master is Emperor Taiyi!

Moreover, he is not a direct minister of Emperor Tai Zhen.

He is the lackey of the Hu family ordered by Emperor Taiyi... It was the Linghu family who gave him this official position. The owner of this seal may have never met Emperor Taiyi. As a minion of the lackey, he even went to see Emperor Taiyi. Not even qualified!

However, after all, they are official star officials registered in the Supreme Heavenly Court, and they are regular troops with a establishment... If those lonely ghosts, loose cultivators and rogue parties dare to offend the owner of this seal, they will directly offend. Offended the Linghu clan, offended Emperor Taiyi, offended the Supreme Heavenly Court, and the terrifying Emperor Taichu who sat in the Supreme Heavenly Court!

But...how did Hu Qing know that this seal represented so many twists and turns?

What is the Highest Heaven?

never heard of that.

Where is Loulan Border Town?

never heard of that.

What is Emperor Taiyi?

Only the devil knows.

Linghu family?


Huqing said that he was born and raised in the wilderness and had no idea what these ghosts were...

In fact, the most embarrassing thing is that Hu Qing doesn't know the 'Dao Xingwen' on the seal, which has complicated strokes, twists and turns, and is so radiant that it makes your eyes soar.

He didn't know how to read at all, let alone know so many messy things.

That is, more than half a month ago, he kidnapped a little girl who had fled to Hujiaweizi. She was originally from Linjiaweizi. They were discussing the bliss of life together in the wilderness when suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky without any warning. A small gap opened in the void, a ball of fire exploded, and then the seal was smashed down along with a lot of broken limbs, broken bricks and other things.

Hu Qing didn't care about the broken limbs, broken arms, broken bricks and the like.

There are too many dead people in the wasteland, and no one cares about this.

But this seal of 'Vice Town of Loulan' made Hu Qing feel good - when he held the seal, he actually felt that there were faint wisps of heaven and earth inspiration pouring into his body, little by little. Fill his body and increase his strength little by little out of thin air!

Hu Qing beheaded the unfortunate little girl with one blow, sneaked back to Hu's house, and devoted himself to pondering this seal with a strange origin.

He found that it was not an illusion.

If this seal is one foot away from it, there will be nothing strange about it.

But as long as you carry it close to your body, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which is like the moon in the water or the flowers in the mirror, will naturally flow into your body, nourishing your body bit by bit and strengthening your body functions.

In just a few days, the benefits Hu Qing gained were much greater than the entire cultivation level he had gained after more than twenty years of hard training. Even through this seal, he could very slightly feel the majestic, huge, lofty, and unpredictable avenues of heaven and earth!

That feeling...

That feeling...

It was like a sparrow that had lived all its life under the eaves of a farmhouse. It thought it had seen the vastness of the world, but was suddenly slapped by a powerful person and was thrown into the boundless universe and boundless chaos.

As far as the eye can see, there are countless heavenly realms, large and small.

In the field of vision, there are countless chaotic stars.

The true face of the world suddenly appeared before our eyes, so vast, so boundless, so profound, so magical...

Huqing is just such a little sparrow.

Although he only had a glimpse, he didn't even understand what he saw, but he couldn't go back... He had already made up his mind, he must find out the secret of this seal!

First, he must use this seal to improve himself and strengthen himself.

He set a small goal for himself - through this seal, he would become the undisputed leader of the Hu family in the next three years, and he would spend all day complaining about his father's partiality and plotting behind his back to kill him all day long. All my brothers and sisters were suppressed!

As for what he should continue to do after becoming the leader of the Hu family...

Well, Hu Qing hasn’t thought so much yet!

But at least, as the leader of the Hu family, if you want to strengthen your body, you must eat and drink well - these days, with the integration of heaven and earth, serious animal meat and food can no longer replenish yourself. The nutrients your body needs to grow stronger quickly.

Only the marrow of rare birds such as the Split Wind Eagle can quickly make up for one's own shortcomings and strengthen one's body.

Looking at the Split Wind Eagle that was still struggling and roaring on the ground, Hu Qing's body trembled slightly, and he strode towards the Split Wind Eagle: Why are you dragging your feet? Let me do it!

Amidst the exclamations of many members of the Hu family's Wei clan, Hu Qing strode to the Split Wind Diao, which had nearly 70% of the blood flowing out of his body and was almost dead. He pulled out the saber on his waist and cut open the Split Wind Diao's neck with one blow. Neck.

The Split Wind Eagle let out its last cry, and stared at Hu Qing with its green eyes. Its huge body fell heavily to the ground. After twitching a few times, it no longer had the strength to move.

Hu Qing sneered and slashed with his sword again, chopping off the Split Wind Eagle's head entirely.

The tribesmen around the Hu family were all stunned, and then they all raised their weapons in surprise and joy and cheered in unison - the feathers of the Split Wind Eagle are so tough, and its skin, flesh, muscles and bones are even more tough. Ordinary tribesmen hold sharp blades, but How could it be possible to decapitate him after chopping him hundreds of times?

But Hu Qing only used two swords!

Hu Qing proudly looked at the cheering tribesmen around him, feeling a sense of ridicule, pride and inexplicable pity in his heart - you poor people who have never seen the world!

He put his head in front of the severed neck bone of the Split Wind Eagle and took a deep breath.

A scorching heat, with a hint of orangutan sweetness, enters the bone marrow, and immediately turns into a billowing stream of heat that travels through the body. The deputy town seal triggered an extremely tiny ray of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, which flowed along Hu Qing's chest and slowly injected into his body. Nourished by this ray of heaven and earth's spiritual power, Hu Qing's body frantically devoured and digested the bone marrow of the Split Wind Eagle, turning it into abundant nutrients, filling his muscles and bones bit by bit, and strengthening his five internal organs.

Hu Qing didn't have any advanced training methods. He only knew the most common simple methods of strengthening muscles and bones in the wasteland.

But under the stimulation of this seal, Hu Qing simply transferred his own energy and blood, and his strength increased at a rate that was more than a hundred times faster than that of ordinary people around the Hu family?

The cheers around him continued, and Hu Qing's body already made a faint clicking sound of his joints. In just a dozen breaths, his height had grown slightly taller by a knuckle. What followed was a blazing hunger fire in his belly that made his eyes turn green. He hurriedly hugged the Wind-Splitting Eagle's head and frantically swallowed its marrow, essence and blood.

Feeling the wisps of spiritual inspiration from heaven and earth surging within his body, Hu Qing was so excited that he almost shed tears.

He just cut off the head of the Splitting Wind Eagle with two swords. It was really because he attached a ray of heaven and earth spiritual energy that was not much in his body that could be mobilized to the blade - it was this faint ray of heaven and earth spiritual energy that made him The blade became extremely sharp, almost comparable to a real 'Heavenly Weapon'.

Two swords can decapitate ferocious birds such as the Splitting Wind Eagle...if they are used to hack people!

Well, if it is used to chop down those brothers and sisters who think they have strong bones and strong brute force... Hu Qing gritted his teeth, chewed up a piece of cartilage on the Split Wind Eagle's neck, and swallowed it in a big mouth.

The intestines and stomach peristald extremely powerfully, using unprecedented violence and efficiency to mince the flesh, blood and bones swallowed into the abdomen, turning them into abundant nutritional heat that flowed throughout the body.

Hu Qing sucked the essence and blood of the Splitting Wind Eagle with big mouthfuls. He felt that the muscles on his body were expanding and bulging... The joints all over his body were heating up, and his strength was constantly increasing!

What a treasure! I should get it! Hu Qing pressed a hand on the seal on his chest, and countless reverie beautiful scenery constantly appeared in his mind - when he became the leader of the Hu family, his eldest brother's wife, His second brother's wife... Well, anyway, he has so many cute and delicate sisters-in-law...

There are also a few shops next door, those big girls with big breasts, big butts and long legs...


It's all his, it's all his!

Hu Qing, who has limited eyesight, can only think of these things at the moment.

At this moment, Lu Qian was sitting cross-legged in the wooden house where the Hu family entertained guests, frowning, and tried again and again according to the daily practice method.

The Loulan Deputy Town Seal on Hu Qing's chest suddenly flashed with light and suddenly rose into the air, like a pug that smelled his master's breath. Flying in the direction of the home fence.

Hu Qing was horrified and hoarse, My baby!

After leaving the body of the Splitting Wind Eagle behind, Hu Qing cursed loudly, holding a machete, and strode after Loulan Deputy Town Seal Seal.

The surrounding members of the Hu family were all horrified, and then hurriedly followed Hu Qing.

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