Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 873 Loulan Deputy Town (6)

Zhou Lao Dao was sitting on the top of the pile of animal skins, his thin body twisting left and right with the crunching sound of the axle. The bamboo hat on his head had a few big holes torn through when he was fighting a toothed beast a few days ago. The cold rain penetrated through the holes and hit his pitted face, making him look even more sinister.

With a piece of half-baked dried meat in his mouth, Zhou Laodao played with two 'Emperor's Money'.

These are two 'Golden Emperor's Money', and they are two 'small coins', only one inch in diameter, as thick as a mung bean, golden and heavy, and feel quite heavy in the hand. On the front of Tianyuandi Di's emperor's money is the word Taizhu, and on the back is an embossed pattern of wind, cloud and thunder, with a looming shadow of a heavenly palace inside.

The workmanship of Emperor Qian is naturally extremely exquisite.

The functions of emperor's money are naturally astonishing.

In the Supreme Taichu Heaven, there is no way for serious people to practice - even if you put the legendary Taoist Code of the Ancient Emperor Zheng in front of you, even if you have the qualifications to surpass the emperor, and have unparalleled understanding... You can’t practice either.

Don't even think about comprehending the slightest trace of the Taoism.

Don't even think about absorbing even a drop of heaven and earth's wisdom.

If you cannot understand the charm of Taoism, you will not be able to improve your Taoism.

Without the ability to absorb spiritual inspiration, mana cannot be enhanced.

If you can't increase your Taoism or magic power, why are you still practicing like a ghost?

Only Emperor's money, every piece of Emperor's money, is cast and issued by the Supreme Supreme Heaven and is circulated throughout the world. In the Emperor's Money, there is Taoism and inspiration. Holding the Emperor's Money, you can understand the Tao, absorb the inspiration, and improve your cultivation.

However, the Taoist charm contained in Emperor Qian's money is extremely limited, and its spiritual power is very meager.

These two pieces of gold emperor's money contain a faint hint of acquired gold's Taoist charm, and also contain a hint of acquired gold's spiritual inspiration. These are also the last two pieces of gold emperor's money on Zhou Laodao's body, and he would never dare to use them for cultivation.

When walking in the wild, having two emperor coins beside you means two lives!

Two months ago, this small hunting caravan led by Zhou Laodao encountered a wandering horse bandit while passing through the barren mountains. Zhou Laodao led his brothers to fight with him. Although the horse thief was killed, he also had three transparent holes in his chest.

That time, he spent an emperor's coin, sucked up the spiritual energy in it, turned it into a majestic vitality, repaired the wound, and saved his life.

This emperor’s money!

It's hard to eat shit and hard to make money... Zhou Laodao looked at the pile of animal skins under his butt with a sullen face - the price of these animal skins in the wilderness was exposed to heavy rain and humidity. Well, I will inevitably have to be severely squeezed by those business owners with black hearts, black livers, black bones, and giving birth to a baby without an asshole.

As if he saw the golden emperor's money growing wings and flying away from his pocket, Zhou Laodao couldn't help spitting out and hissed: Eating shit is much easier than making money!

Gritting his teeth, he touched the wound on his chest that was still aching.

He was only willing to spend an emperor's coin to save his life. Three transparent wounds hurt his internal organs, and the injuries did not heal. Being blown by the little wind in the cold rain, the wound hurt so much that my eyesight turned black... Playing with the two emperor coins in my hand, I thought of my youngest son who was preparing to lay the foundation for cultivation at home, and the three people who were getting married. , Zhou Laodao's mood became even worse as his daughter was worrying about preparing for the dowry.

When will it be a good time to make a windfall? Zhou Laodao hissed: It means that my face is uglier, otherwise, I would even want to sell myself! Find a rich woman, even if she is rounder and greasier. , rougher, ugly...when the lamp is blown out, when the eyes are closed, aren't they all the same?

In the carriages in front and behind, those who were sitting in the carriages, those who were walking with the carriages, and the caravan guys on horses all laughed.

They began to discuss what kind of rich woman who had been blinded and deceived would leave those handsome, fair-skinned, and obedient young men to look for someone like Zhou Laodao with a pitted face. , a tough guy who has scars all over his body, swears when he speaks, and can only draw a knife to kill.

As a result, the topic spread endlessly.

Which house’s girl is Yuan, which brothel’s eldest sister is Run, which housekeeper’s widow knows what’s interesting, which tofu seller’s aunt’s daughter has begun to wink at passers-by... Men, a bunch of knives are licking blood. Men who do business and occasionally work part-time in some shady business get together. In addition to discussing the affairs between men and women, do you also expect them to sing the song Sparse Shadows Horizontal and Slanting Water Qingqian?

Laughter kept coming from the small team, the rain and mist were rising, and in the distance there was a group of grinning beasts looking this way... The leading beast let out a roar that sounded like a fox or a jackal, and headed towards After poking around for a while, he carefully weighed the strength gap between his family group and the caravan guys, and finally turned around and left with his tail hanging down.

The two scouts in the caravan took a breath and loosened the tight bow strings. Just as they were about to say something, one of the scouts whose nostrils were obviously three times larger than ordinary people sniffed hard and said in a deep voice: Master Dao, it smells of blood...

'Bang Langlang', in the caravan, more than a dozen coachmen and hundreds of boys pulled out their sabers at the same time. The bright blades shone with light. The long swords in the hands of nearly 30% of the coachmen and boys were lingering in the breeze. Nearly 20% of the coachmen , there was a faint flicker of fire on the blade of the driver, and more than half of the driver and driver were left. A ray of silvery cold light traveled back and forth on the blade, making the blade even sharper.

Zhou Laodao grabbed the three-foot-long animal bone handle hanging on his waist and wrapped with blood-colored silk thread.

As soon as the magic power in the body was destroyed, the three-foot-long handle of the knife screamed, and a blade that was six feet six inches long and as wide as a palm was sprayed out. With a gentle wave of its paper-thin blade, it cut a thin gap in the wind and rain. Zhou Laodao jumped up and landed heavily on his feet. A silvery cold light spurted out three inches in length from the blade, and raindrops fell on it. The blade was destroyed by the silver cold light, and it suddenly made a harsh chichi sound. All the raindrops exploded into water vapor, and wisps of it flew up slowly.

Zhou Laodao held two imperial coins in his left hand, clenched his fist and waved forward slightly.

Several archers quickly cocked their bows and nocked arrows, and the arrows locked in the direction pointed by the big-nosed scout.

The two swordsman men stood side by side, and under the cover of the archer man, they strode toward the location where the bloody smell was coming from, majestic and high-spirited. As they walked, a swordsman was still shouting loudly: My dear, stop hiding, I have seen you... Hey, we are all good guys on the road, don't hide your head and hide your tail, come out and show your face. !”

Lu Qian was lying in the woods, listening to the shouts of the swordsman man, and couldn't help but laugh hehehe.

These bluffing words sounded really familiar.

Well, thanks to the old monk Hongchen, Lu Qian could understand what this weapons man said.

His mind was in chaos again, and his brain was tingling. Lu Qian frowned - who is the old monk Hongchen? Why should we be grateful to him? Well, did he teach himself the language used by the guys outside?

Then, no problem.

Don't think about it, don't think about it deeply, sooner or later you will remember who this old monk Hongchen is.

After coughing a few times with difficulty, Lu Qian glanced at the Tianlong Zen Staff.

The three-foot-long dragon lay down on Lu Qian's chest and turned into a black and gold dragon-shaped tattoo wrapped around Lu Qian's upper body. Lu Qian raised his voice slightly and said feebly: The young monk is in trouble, please ask the friends passing by to help... If the young monk escapes from the disaster, there will be a generous reward!

The rain is getting heavier.

Zhou Laodao stood next to Lu Qian with a long knife on his shoulder, looking down at him.

Two caravan guys got a tape tape from somewhere, laid Lu Qian flat, and measured his height carefully. Some of the other guys were watching the surroundings vigilantly, some were taking care of the animals pulling the cart, and others were gathered around, pointing at Lu Qian.

What a burly man. Tsk tsk, what a rare and great man!

When Lu Qian was in the Liangyi Heaven, he used great magic power to suppress the golden body of Lord Buddha, so that he could maintain his height at a height lower than that of ordinary people. Even so, he was almost a foot long at that time.

At this moment, he has no magic power left, all magical powers and secret techniques have failed, and his body has returned to normal.

However, the geographical environment, astronomical climate, etc. of the world he was in were completely different from those of Liangyi Heaven. The suppression force on his body was extremely strong. Lu Qian could even hear his own joints being crushed by the huge force, and he kept emitting A slight 'crunch' sound.

Under such pressure, Lu Qian's figure must have shrunk.

Even so, his body at this moment is still two feet, three or four feet tall. As for Zhou Laodao and these caravan guys, their body shapes appear to be 'extraordinarily normal'. The tallest ones are only eight or nine feet tall, and they are short. They are only about seven feet tall, and there are even a few boys who act as scouts who are only a little over six feet tall.

Compared with Zhou Laodao and others, Lu Qian can be called a 'mini giant'.

Zhou Laodao held up the tattered bamboo hat on his head and squinted his eyes as he looked up and down at Lu Qian - the torn wound on Lu Qian's chest, his palms that were crushed like boneless chicken claws by the huge force, and those Twisted legs and feet, etc.

After sizing it up, Zhou Laodao picked Lu Qian's chin with the tip of the knife, and said with a dry smile: Brother, you are in trouble... It's rare for someone with such a burly physique to, well, be able to kill you. With injuries like this, is it possible that there are some big thieves and bandits around here?

The faces of the guys in the caravan suddenly changed, and many people turned back and looked around the woods.

Forgot. Lu Qian looked at Zhou Laodao frankly. This guy's eyes were evil, showing an inexplicable sophistication and ruthlessness. He was obviously an old man who could not be fooled easily. He said honestly: My head hurts so much. Who am I, how did I get here, who hurt me, I have forgotten everything!

Zhou Laodao frowned and looked at Lu Qian's upright and handsome face seriously.

His lips moved and he murmured a few words silently, then slowly shook his head: You just said that there must be heavy retribution? I am more interested in this, but looking at you with nothing, you don't even have a luggage package. , how do you repay our man? Are you willing to give me your life? We men don’t pay attention to this!

Lu Qian opened his mouth and was stunned.

Have nothing to offer?

Uh, yes.

In the past, when he was in Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian, Lu Qian also carried some space instruments such as rings, bracelets, sachets, and jade pendants with him. There were large or small spaces inside that could accommodate various cultivation materials.

But when he arrived at Liangyi Heaven, when he gradually became more sophisticated in Buddhism, and when his cultivation soared, and he was able to open up the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, those fragmentary rings, bracelets and other things had long been eliminated by him, and he had thrown them to a group of people in Qionghua Mountain. The young monks used it.

How vast is our Buddhist country? A Buddhist country is just a small world. How much material can it accommodate?

Especially when we later attained the Red Dust Heaven, there were more than 10,000 Buddhist kingdoms, each of which was comparable to a heaven. Such a vast space could accommodate any amount of material.



These words are already too unfamiliar.

But at this moment, Lu Qian's own Buddhist kingdom was completely unreachable... and Hongchentian seemed to have a faint connection, but it was completely unable to drive him to do anything.

As for saying 'promise yourself' or something like that...ah!

You old guy with a pitted face is willing, but Lu Qian is not in the mood yet... Do you think you are the three Qingyou sisters?

After laughing a few times, Lu Qian said bitterly: Brother, are you kidding... Well, the young monk seems to have packed some clothes to salute, but I don't know where he threw them... Well, the young monk has a lot of strength!

Strength? Zhou Laodao smiled and shook his head. He muttered in a low voice: We guys are all very strong. Tsk!

The long knife in his hand suddenly twirled, and a cold light flashed. The paper-thin tip of the long knife gently made a cut in the thickest part of Lu Qian's chest muscles.

As soon as the knife was drawn, Zhou Laodao's expression suddenly changed - this knife of his was already a rare weapon at his level. It cost him half of his life's accumulated wealth, and it also cost him many years of hard work and accumulated wealth. As a favor, he finally asked a master craftsman to forge the 'Heavenly Weapons' for him.

Although it is just an inferior item among the 'Heavenly Weapons', this is not a 'magic weapon' that ordinary people can get their hands on!

However, with this stroke of the knife, although Zhou Laodao only used a small amount of force, the giant tree as thick as a three-person hug could be cut off with one stroke. But when the knife fell on Lu Qian, it only made a muffled sound and left a white mark on his skin, but it failed to cause any harm to him?

I...fuck grandpa!

Zhou Laodao exclaimed in surprise, and a group of caravan guys raised their weapons one by one and stared at Lu Qian as if they had seen a ghost.

Zhou Laodao's expression changed slightly, his wrist sank, and with a 'swish' sound, he used 70% of his strength to slash the thick part of Lu Qian's chest with his sword. With a chi sound, Zhou Laodao used a very powerful knife, and it actually only cut through a very thin layer of Lu Qian's muscles, leaving a tiny wound about half an inch deep!

Compared to Lu Qian's 'huge body', a mere half-inch wound, what does it mean to Lu Qian?

Zhou Laodao's expression changed, and he took several steps back while holding the knife.

He looked at Lu Qian in shock and hissed: Great monk, we men are all doing small business, licking blood from the knife edge, and earning some hard-earned money... There is too much karma on you, and we men don't dare to provoke you... …Don’t be offended, let’s just pretend we’ve never met today…”

After all, it was Lao Jianghu. Zhou Laodao was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat, his legs were so weak that he was sitting on the ground with his butt hanging.

In this wilderness area, he, Zhou Laodao, is also one of the few 'real cultivators' within 300,000 miles. He can chop off more than 100,000 heads with one cloak knife. With the power of one person, he can chop them off with force. Gained a territory and a prestige.

With his cloak knife, which ranked among the top 3,000 masters in terms of combat power and record within 300,000 miles around, he used 70% of his power to be able to cut through only one layer of Lu Qian's flesh - Lu Yi's cultivation, Lu Yi's strength, Lu Yi's origin, and how terrifying his enemies are, it's just... I dare not think about it!

Zhou Laodao had an inexplicable urge to cry.

This kind of impulse is very similar to the feeling he had when he was young, when he saw the brothel red aunt who took away his boyhood being ransomed by a wealthy man, and then left him... that kind of powerlessness, that kind of emptiness, that kind of feeling The loss and fear that enveloped the whole body were accompanied by inexplicable envy and jealousy!

Zhou Laodao maintained his last trace of clarity.

He knew very well that he could only scratch a layer of Lu Qian's flesh with 70% of his strength, and Lu Qian was still seriously injured, lying on the ground and letting him do whatever he wanted - if Lu Qian was intact, would he even be able to get through it? Lu Qian can't be hurt even by a layer of oily skin?

Such a terrifying master, what kind of terrifying existence could he be that could hurt him like this?

And such a terrifying being was injured like this. Why did they have a conflict?

If you can't think about it carefully, you won't be able to live this life if you think about it carefully.

We can only go!

Must go!

We definitely can’t all stay here.

It is even more impossible to take Lu Qian away.

You can't afford to provoke him, so stay away from this place of right and wrong, otherwise there is a real danger of your body being shattered into pieces and the nine races being exterminated.

Cold sweat continued to seep out on his forehead, and the cold sweat mixed with the cold rain kept sliding down his cheeks. Zhou Laodao smiled dryly, put his left hand behind his back, and kept gesturing to the guys in the caravan, telling them to leave this ghost quickly. place.

Lu Qian looked at Zhou Laodao who was retreating with a faint look, and sighed softly: This, this is embarrassing... It's nothing to do with you. If you are not willing to rescue the young monk, you can just take people away... ...But you just, inexplicably, stabbed the young monk twice.

This is cause and effect, this is right and wrong!

Brother, if you are tainted by the karma with Xiao Monk, you will be tainted with right and wrong.

If you don't rescue the little monk today, and let the little monk stay in this small forest, let the wind blow, rain, and birds and beasts peck at him... If the little monk recovers from his injuries, the cause and effect of these two swords will definitely find you. , I have a clear plan with you.

Lu Qian looked at the twisted-faced Zhou Laodao with a smile: Of course, maybe you can also try. The edge of your knife is good. Maybe you can chop a hundred and eighty times on my neck and try to decapitate me. Maybe That cuts off the cause and effect?”

Zhou Laodao's pupils suddenly condensed, and murderous aura suddenly rose around him.

He looked at the long knife in his hand, and then at the half-inch deep wound on Lu Qian's chest that he had just cut out.

Yes, maybe he could cut off Lu Qian's head by using this knife to give Lu Qian a hundred and eighty blows? If the head is gone, the person will naturally die. When the person dies, all the cause and effect will be gone!

At least in the surrounding wasteland of 300,000 miles, Zhou Laodao had never heard of anyone surviving without their head.

Just when Zhou Laodao was accumulating murderous intent in his heart, he was about to go all out to give Lu Qian a 'dumpling stuffing' treat...

Outside the grove, two scouts suddenly ran over in a hurry. One of them was holding the body of a small beast whose essence and blood had been sucked out with great difficulty - the same one who had been killed by the Tianlong Zen Staff outside the grove before. , the small beast shaped like a bamboo rat that was drained of blood by Lu Qian and then discarded outside.

This is the Iron-Eating Rat! A scout hissed: Master Dao, this Iron-Eating Rat's throat was obviously bitten open, and it died after being sucked dry of its blood and essence!

Lu Qian looked at Zhou Laodao with a smile.

Zhou Laodao looked at the iron-eating rat. He noticed that there was a large ring of teeth marks on the iron-eating rat's neck... And with such a big mouth, a person with a decent build would obviously not be able to bite such a huge bite. of wounds.

Judging from the wounds, the murderer who bit the iron-eating rat's neck and sucked its essence and blood was probably about two feet, three or four feet tall?

And the iron-eating rat...

It is an extremely rare and dangerous creature in this wasteland.

Iron-eating rats are gentle in nature and like to run around underground, feeding on roots and roots of various underground plants. However, he is made of copper skin, iron bones, and steel bars and silver marrow. Although he is not good at fighting, his defensive power is extremely strong.

With the cloak knife in his hand, Zhou Laodao would most likely lose if he faced off against an iron-eating rat.

Because he couldn't break through the iron-eating rat's defense at all, and couldn't even damage its fur.

The two-foot-long iron-eating rat is extremely valuable because of its extremely tough fur—the skin of such a small beast is worth as much as the skin piled on a cart by Zhou Laodao. of all the hides!

In this wasteland, famous experts all want to get a leather armor made of iron-eating rat fur. This will undoubtedly give them an extra life - but with Zhou Laodao's knowledge, in the wasteland with a radius of 300,000 miles, , dozens of large and small deserted cities, there are only about thirty sets of real iron-eating rat leather armor in total.

Too far away...

In short, the iron-eating rat has extremely strong defense and is extremely difficult to hunt.

Its fur is its most valuable material.

And the iron-eating rat that was so difficult to kill had its throat bitten open and its blood and essence sucked dry.

One can imagine how terrifying this murderer is.

Zhou Laodao looked at Lu Qian blankly for a long time, and suddenly laughed: Great monk... no, master... Master is in trouble, my heart, Old Zhou, really hurts... Hey, I'm late, Old Zhou , It’s too late, Master, you have to suffer!”

With a 'choking' sound, a cold light flashed across the handle of the knife in his hand, and the six-foot-long knife disappeared. Zhou Laodao hung the handle on his belt and diligently held Lu Qian's arm, trying to help him up.

With just a moment of force... something embarrassing happened - with Zhou Laodao's strength, he could only barely lift one of Lu Qian's arms, and even his upper body could not be lifted up. Zhou Laodao's expression changed, and the knowledgeable and discerning caravan guys around him all looked at Lu Qian as if they were seeing monsters.

Zhou Laodao's lips trembled slightly, and he hissed: What are you still doing? Why don't you help me quickly and help the master to the car to rest... Hey, take out the best pieces of python skin and cut down some tree trunks. Son, build a carport for Master to take shelter from the rain!

Zhou Laodao and a group of caravan guys, as if taking care of their own uncle, helped Lu Qian onto the cart and built him a python skin shed to protect him from wind and rain.

Clean water and dried meat were constantly delivered, and the exposed wounds were wiped dry, thickly smeared with special ointment, and bandaged with clean white cloth. Lu Qian's twisted legs and feet were pulled back to their original positions with the joint efforts of several powerful caravan guys, and external wound medicine was applied.

Zhou Laodao was sitting in the car shed accompanying Lu Qian. A dozen large carts left the grove and continued to move forward with a creaking sound. The two guys who were originally making jokes and making nonsense seemed to have their mouths sewn shut with needles and threads, and there was no sound at all along the way.

One day.

One day.

Day after day.

It rains in the wilderness for half a month at a time.

The small caravan led by Zhou Laodao, consisting of hundreds of people, trudged arduously in the wilderness where there was no road at all, following the instinct of wild beasts and relying on the geographical features that had been deeply remembered in their hearts for countless years.

There is no flying or escaping.

There are no magical powers.

He only has a brave heart, a pair of iron bones, a sharp knife, and a strong bow and crossbow.

Every day, you will encounter a herd of animals, big or small, that may be ferocious, docile, cunning, or cute and stupid. Either they pass each other and they are safe, or they have a fierce battle between blades and fangs.

There were hundreds more thick furs on the caravan. Lu Qian also drank the blood of hundreds of beasts in the past half month. He finally had some strength in his body and could barely sit up. His arms could move wave.

These days, he is trying his best to understand the world.

For example, the length of a day and a night here is much longer than that of the Liangyi Heaven that he is familiar with. The 'day' between two sunrises is roughly sixty hours long in the Liangyi Heaven... In other words, one day in this world is equivalent to five days in Liangyi Heaven.

It rained heavily for half a month, and it was considered a 'rain disaster' that lasted for nearly three months in Lianyitian.

However, the carrying capacity of this world is obviously extraordinary.

After such a long period of heavy rain, Lu Qian felt like mushrooms were growing on his body. However, in the vast wasteland, only a few potholes had accumulated water, and there was no flood disaster as Lu Qian had imagined.

Obviously, there is a huge network of rivers in this wasteland, otherwise such a thing would not be possible.

Along the way, Lu Qian also saw the herds of large and small beasts that attacked the caravan, or the herds of beasts that were actively attacked by the caravan. Many memory fragments came up from the depths of his mind. These were the memories of the old monk Hongchen. Using the knowledge he had been taught, Lu Qian recognized these strange birds and beasts...

Interestingly, Zhou Laodao and others killed so many beasts along the way, but nothing supernatural or evil happened in Lu Qian's impression.

The 'souls' of these beasts were swept away by the avenue between heaven and earth as soon as they were killed. The avenue of this world is domineering, majestic, and full of uncontestable absolute authority... The souls of these beasts have no way of staying in the world, let alone the existence of any 'ghosts' or 'evil ghosts'.

This is a 'very safe' world in a sense.

The only threats the caravan faces are the herds of animals, as well as some malicious bandits, horse thieves, etc.

However, it is obviously not easy for existences such as bandits and horse thieves to survive in this wilderness.

At least during this half-month journey, Zhou Laodao and the others only encountered an unknown sentry scout once, and the other party also stopped seven or eight miles away. After looking here for a while, it might be... Seeing that Zhou Laodao's team of about a hundred people was strong in numbers, he turned around and left without getting closer or making any further tests.

This day, at noon.

The strong wind swept across the earth, and the rain clouds in the sky were violently blown away. The red sun generously showed its blazing face, throwing light and heat to the earth. High in the sky, a little black shadow was hovering. It was an extremely large falcon patrolling at an astonishing height, searching for prey worth killing.

Lu Qian sat next to the driver and looked up at the sky.

The magic power was gone and the body was weak, but a pair of hard-forged eyes were still very useful. At this glance, every feather of the falcon patrolling hundreds of miles in the sky could be seen clearly.

These giant raptors with a wingspan of more than twenty feet would naturally not attack the caravan where Lu Qian was.

With their size, even the animals pulling the cart are not big enough for them to swallow!

Suddenly, a large eagle found a worthy prey. It folded its wings and dived almost vertically towards the ground. A dull thunderstorm sounded in the void immediately. In front of the big eagle's body, white air circles exploded in the air. A few wisps of unlucky clouds were smashed into pieces by the big eagle that was flying and falling.

In just a dozen breaths, the big eagle swooped down to the ground from an altitude of hundreds of miles. It turned back and soared in an extremely turbulent way. On its two huge paws, this guy was holding a bison that was five or six feet long from head to tail. , flapping its wings and slowly flying back to the sky.

The miserable roar of the bison came from afar, and the next moment, Lu Qian heard the dull roar of bowstrings.

More than a dozen giant arrows roared into the sky, with a gleam of cold light, and pierced into the body of the big eagle. Feathers flew, blood splashed, and the big eagle let out a shrill cry. It subconsciously dropped the bison it was holding on to, and flapped its wings crazily to accelerate into the air.

At the end of the arrow, the thin metal chains were stretched straight and kept making a 'clang' sound.

The big eagle flapped wildly, its giant wings stirred up strong winds, and sand and gravel flew on the ground. There was a faint roaring sound, someone was shouting something loudly, and the reflection of metal was faintly visible.

The caravan stopped. A lonely big tree stood on the wasteland in front of it. Two strong men wearing leather armor jumped down. A big man with a beard on his face carried a bow and arrow and gestured towards this direction: The Hu family is hunting eagles in Weizi. Brothers passing by, stay away and don't get misunderstood!

Zhou Laodao, who was sitting on the pile of furs, stood up, opened his arms, and laughed loudly at the two men: Haha, brother Hushan, it's me, Zhou Laodao... Tsk, tut, that's a cracking wind. Are you going to carve it? You guys from the Hu family are not so lucky!

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