Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 882 Veteran

Whistle sounds sounded one after another throughout the Broadsword Workshop.

Near the other two blasted city walls of Dadaofang, members of the Zhou family, who were risking their lives to resist the powerful enemy, immediately abandoned the enemy and retreated at full speed towards the ancestral hall.

On the ground, there were only thirty or forty private soldiers of the Luo family left who had suffered internal injuries or had their arms and legs broken.

The few Taoist cultivators from the Luo family who led the team were panting and looking at each other in shock. They felt that what happened in just a short period of time was like a nightmare and simply exceeded the limits of ordinary people's imagination!

When they led the troops into the broadsword workshop, everything went smoothly.

These private soldiers of the Zhou family, as well as the young men of the Zhou family, only know how to strengthen their muscles and bones, and have practiced some rudimentary sword skills, boxing skills, etc... Although Kong Wu is powerful, facing the true cultivators of Taoism , they are as fragile as lambs to be slaughtered.

It went very smoothly, and the six true cultivators of the Luo family easily defeated a group of Zhou family members.

But something incredible happened.

Those who were knocked unconscious and knocked to the ground, their internal organs were violently impacted, and the members of the Zhou family who couldn't get up for a while, actually jumped out one by one as if they had been injected with chicken blood - that's all, these people jumped up They belong to the Zhou family, and there are actually traces of the spiritual power of heaven and earth running through their bodies.

Their strength, speed, reaction, and vitality all increased several times during their breathing.

They suddenly rose up and launched a counterattack.

Several Luo family soldiers who had no time to react were beaten and injured at close range.

Although these private soldiers of the Luo family are wearing sophisticated spiritual gold armor, and ordinary swords, guns, swords and halberds are difficult to break through - but you can't withstand these sudden bursts of Zhou family members, relying on brute force to push you to the ground, and then grab you His arms and legs were broken as hard as sugar cane!

Armor can effectively protect against weapon attacks.

But in the face of such pure violent crushing... Jia Jia will also cry and tell everyone - it's not that the slave family doesn't work hard, it's really not professional!

There was also a member of the Zhou family who was extremely rough and savage, like a bandit in the wasteland. He directly disassembled the armor of the member of the Luo family who was pinned to the ground - of course these armors can be disassembled. , but those belonging to the Zhou family disassembled their armor a little faster.

The important armor plates between the chest and abdomen were forcibly removed, and the men of the Zhou family punched and kicked them down, causing the unlucky Luo family to vomit blood, injure their internal organs, and some even fell into a state of near death.

Of course, the hard power of these members of the rising Zhou family is still not as good as the six true cultivators led by the Luo family.

When these six true cultivators began to seriously treat them as powerful enemies, the hundreds of people belonging to the Zhou family who had risen up were no match for the six of them.

Some were beaten until they vomited blood, some had their arms and legs broken, and some had their armor shattered by violence. Some of the besieging Luo Jia private soldiers pierced their bodies with swords and guns.

However, no matter how injured they were, after these members of the Zhou family fell to the ground, all their injuries healed instantly in just one breath, and they all jumped up and down, howling again and launched a counterattack.

And every time they stand up after being seriously injured, the strength, speed, etc. of these Zhou family members will double again!

The collision didn't take long. In a short period of time, the two Zhou family members who led the team were beaten seven times by the Luo family's true cultivators. They jumped up and started to fight back wildly seven times in a row.

When they stood up from the ground for the seventh time, although they were still only proficient in fists and feet, their physical strength, their speed, and their reactions were no worse than the six true cultivators of the Luo family!

There were two real cultivators from the Luo family, but one of them was not careful and had his arm broken by two Zhou family members.

One of them even had a claw of a Zhou family member dig into his eye socket, and one of his eyeballs was gouged out. He was groaning in pain at this moment.

The Zhou family cannot be beaten to death!

The six Luo family's Taoist cultivators looked at the Zhou family's members who quickly retreated into the darkness, and for a moment they lost the courage to pursue them. The large group of Luo Family Private Army behind them looked at the clansmen who fell on the ground with expressionless expressions. Some of them even had their feet trembling slightly.

His uncle, just now I, I did stab that guy in the stomach with one shot!

My knife cut so hard that a large piece of meat flew away!

Look, look, look at the tendon on this arm... I just chopped it away...

But when they retreated just now, I could see clearly...the injury on that guy's arm...

I broke that guy's knee with a hammer. I could see clearly that his calf was turned over. It must have been broken... But how did he run so fast?

His uncle, this is wrong!

Outside the broadsword workshop, a low bone whistle sounded.

As the rhythm of the trumpets changed, the two groups of Luo family private troops who invaded the Dadaofang felt like they were being amnested. They hurriedly rescued the wounded and rescued their seriously injured companions, and ran out of the Dadaofang in a hurry.

Elder Luo Gang, who led the team, ordered the Luo family members to retreat and prepare to mobilize the cavalry from the cavalry camp outside the city into the city.

This is a good thing, great!

The two groups of Luo family's private troops had lost all will to fight and had no courage to fight with the Zhou family's subordinates.

Lanterns and torches illuminated the streets around Dadaofang, and a large group of people from the Luo family surrounded Dadaofang. There were deep shouts coming from all directions, and many wealthy families in the old city of Luoyi sent out sentries to inquire about the 'truth' of the matter.

Luo Kang sent several family deacons to receive these curious guys.

At the same time, they also brought Luo Kang's order.

There are big families who are close to the Luo family on weekdays and can be regarded as 'vassals' of the Luo family. They are ordered to send out a certain number of private troops to cooperate with the Luo family's attack - the number of ordinary private soldiers can be smaller, but each time Every household must send at least one Taoist cultivator to cooperate in the battle!

In this regard, the Luo family's explanation is very upright - our Luo family is also for the long-term peace and stability of Luoyi, and to provide justice to the Ma family...such as 'ambitious' and 'executioners' like the Zhou family , if it is not eradicated immediately, wouldn’t you feel a chill on the back of your neck if you live next door to the Zhou family?

Under the Luo family's instruction, or in other words, under the coercion, one after another, real cultivators from big families began to gather, reluctantly leading groups of private soldiers from all directions.

On average, every true cultivator who entered the Tao brought with him as few as fifty and as many as one hundred soldiers.

Gradually, more than fifty Taoist cultivators gathered, and thousands more elite private soldiers were gathered around the broadsword workshop.

Amidst the low sound of drums and trumpets, accompanied by the creeping sound of wheels and axles rubbing together, special chariots were pushed around the sword workshop - the bases of these chariots were several feet long and wide, with wooden arrow towers ten feet high on top. With elite archers sitting on the archery tower, they had a commanding advantage in attacking the city wall of Dadaofang.

However, the members of the Zhou family have retreated into the middle area of ​​Dadaofang. Although these arrow towers are sharp and powerful, they can only stand outside in a daze. Where are the targets for them to shoot on the walls of Dadaofang?

Lu Qian jumped off the sentry tower and stood at the door of Zhou Laodao's residential courtyard.

When the three Zhou Laodao brothers withdrew with a large group of clansmen, Lu Qian waved to Zhou Laodao.

Zhou Laodao quickly issued an order, asking everyone behind him to withdraw into the ancestral hall, or to station themselves at several important barricades in front of the ancestral hall. Then, he thought for a moment and quickly called out several names.

Zhou Laodao, Zhou Changgong, Zhou Tiejiao.

There are six Zhou Dalong brothers... and then there are the other ten brothers of the Zhou family who are close to the Zhou Laodao brothers on weekdays and look up to them.

The Zhou family's background is limited, and the total number of men, women, and children in the clan is only over a thousand.

In Zhou Laodao's mind, among these tribesmen, aside from those old and young, as well as those women who are born with insufficient physical strength and are not suitable for fighting and killing in the wilderness, the reliable and talented women There are only about ten people who have sufficient talents and qualified character and means.

All of them are strong men, who dare to fight and kill, and are full of loyalty and passion. They usually help Zhou Changgong and Zhou Tiejiao to support all aspects of the affairs of Zhou's family, both inside and outside.

Except for these dozen people, the remaining seventy or eighty people are all from the private army of the Zhou family.

These private soldiers were all slaves bought from the slave market when they were young and raised from young after the Zhou family became prosperous. They have been instilled in them since childhood to be absolutely loyal to the Zhou family, especially to Zhou Laodao.

If it weren't for the blood relationship... Zhou Laodao valued these private soldiers who almost regarded him as his 'biological father'!

Including Zhou Laodao himself, a hundred people stood in front of Lu Qian.

Lu Qian was neither verbose nor hypocritical.

He pointed his hand, and a flicker of light lingered on his fingertips. Bits of blurry starlight flew out like fireflies, carrying the special power of Loulan Deputy Town Seal and sinking into the eyebrows of Zhou Laodao and others.

Really immediate results!

Zhou Laodao and others, if placed in the lower realm, would be serious 'celestial beings' with pure blood!

As for the ‘celestial beings’, conventionally speaking, their eyebrows stand erect, and they are born with all kinds of incredible supernatural powers. But in this world, there is some kind of supreme authority in the void, which completely seals the innate bloodline magical power of all 'celestial beings' and imprisons this magical power in their bodies.

Unless there is some kind of magical treasure, such as the fruit produced by the exotic tree in Hubao's secret room in Hujiaweizi.

Or, with the permission of special authority such as Lu Qian.

Otherwise, these sealed gods will never be able to unlock the power they should have in their lifetime.

This process of breaking the seal and unlocking the talent is ‘spiritual enlightenment’!

The invisible shackles were lost, and the bloodline instinct came up - the talents of these 'celestial beings' were infinitely greater than those of the human race in the lower realm. When the shackles that restricted their innate power were suddenly lost, the fine lines between the eyebrows of Zhou Laodao and the other one hundred people suddenly cracked, and their bright vertical eyes opened, and at the same time they released a faint pressure.

Brother Fahai! Zhou Laodao was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

Lu Qian waved his hand, and thin wisps of water mist fell from the sky... These pools of merit from the core Buddhist kingdom instantly cleansed the bodies of Zhou Laodao and others.

All hidden injuries and old illnesses have disappeared, and everyone's physical functions have reached their peak.

Their eyebrows were raised and their eyes were slightly opening and closing, and the faint power of authority circulated over and over again in their bodies in conjunction with the spiritual inspiration from heaven and earth pouring into their bodies. Even smarter people began to follow the crude 'cultivation method' that Zhou Laodao majored in, and began to draw inspiration and mobilize their blood!

This skill is not an unreachable secret within the Zhou family.

Members of the Zhou family, as well as private soldiers, have all been exposed to this technique... but they lack the emperor's money, lack enough emperor's money, and although they know how to practice, they have no resources to support them in crossing this threshold.

Zhou Laodao braved the wind and rain in the wilderness, while Zhou Changgong and Zhou Tiejiao worked hard in Luoyi. The three brothers worked hard to maintain it, but they could only allow three brothers to become true cultivators. Their six sons could only step in with one foot. After passing the threshold, if you really want to become a true cultivator, I am afraid it will take some time to accumulate.

But now, it's different.

Lu Qian mobilized the authority of Loulan Deputy Town Seal and slowly gathered the wisdom from all directions.

Lu Qian's seal power is limited, and the number of heaven and earth spiritual machines mobilized per unit time is not much... But this is not many, it is just for Lu Qian. For these ordinary people who have never been exposed to the heaven and earth spiritual machines, the power is surging in all directions. The inspiration from heaven and earth that comes is simply as vast as the sea, and it is inexhaustible.

Zhou Laodao was ecstatic. As the one with the highest level of cultivation and the strongest talent among the three brothers, he let out a low roar, opened his hands, his eyebrows shone slightly, and a vortex the size of a water tank suddenly appeared near his chest. , swallowing the inspiration from the world around him with big mouthfuls.

As for Zhou Changgong and Zhou Tiejiao, there was also a strange phenomenon on the body surface where the spiritual energy almost turned into mist.

Lu Qian shook his head.

Still too crude!

In the chaotic mind, that little bit of spiritual light swayed slightly. Lu Qian wanted to 'tailor-make' an upgraded version of the exercises for Zhou Laodao brothers based on the superficial exercises they majored in.

But his mind was in chaos. Lu Qian just used his brain a little and felt a sharp pain in his head, unable to deduce anything at all.

With no choice, Lu Qian found a ready-made Indestructible Diamond Sutra from the memory fragments in his mind, and directly used secret techniques to pass it on to Zhou Laodao and a hundred other people.

This Indestructible Diamond Sutra is the fundamental dharma created by the Buddhist Bodhisattva of the Liangyi Heaven Buddhist Sect, who is affiliated with the Precious Light Merit Buddha Sect and specializes in the Vajra Dharma. It follows the purest Buddhist teachings of indestructible and powerful Vajra. The path of King Kong.

This skill is a bit too ordinary in terms of magical powers and secrets, but it has an extremely excellent effect in refining the Buddhist gold body - otherwise, with the cultivation level of a mere great Bodhisattva, how could this person be so virtuous and capable? Become a disciple of the Buddha of Precious Light Merit?

The Indestructible Diamond Sutra, the efficiency of absorbing the spiritual energy of the world, the retention of the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, and the wonderful use of the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth, the comprehensive attributes are at least a hundred times more than the nameless technique that Zhou Laodao and the others are currently majoring in!

As crude as this nameless technique is... what the hell is this?

The skills entered the mind, and under the guidance of Lu Qian's magic power, the crude skills trajectory of Zhou Laodao and his team were directly tampered with. The Indestructible Diamond Sutra was like a huge beast from the ancient times crashing into a virgin land, Hmph, hum. Chi' began to rampage, leaving clear, profound and indelible traces in the bodies of Zhou Laodao and others.

The shallow and weak power in their bodies began to move along the trajectory of the new technique, and the wisps of heaven and earth's inspiration were stimulated by Lu Qian, half absorbed by them, and half forced into their bodies.

Far away, there was the faint sound of armor rubbing together, and the sound of weapons clashing.

There was also a situation where the hidden Jikuwo bow of the Dadaofang was suddenly triggered. Where the dull sound of the bowstring sounded, the sound of arrows piercing the air could be heard clearly, followed by a harsh and shrill howl.

The nest that the Zhou family arranged in their home was obviously not a good thing.

Having been invaded by the enemy, they naturally have to fight tooth and nail... These swarm bows are often shot out like a swarm of bees, and the arrows are obviously quenched with poison, and they must have sealed their throats with blood, and there is basically no antidote, or even There is an antidote, but if you don’t take it in time, you will die within three to five breaths.

As expected, the miserable howl only lasted for a short while before disappearing completely.

Lu Qian smiled and looked into the distance.

A light mist enveloped the entire Dadaofang. With his spiritual thoughts attached to the mist, he could barely cover the entire city and observe what was going on inside.

Zhou Laodao and the others' planned nest is very vicious and insidious.

The soldiers of the Luo family's private army did not break into the sword shop... The ones who came in at this moment were all the unlucky ones from the later big families... They were not even the elite private soldiers of these big families, but some servants. 'such as!

These people, at most holding a shield made of animal skin and iron plates, carrying a small machete, and not even wearing armor, were forced to break in through three broken city walls while trembling.

Luo Kang and others were outside the Dadaofang, listening to the shrill noises made by the unlucky man inside. Luo Kang nodded gently: Sure enough, the Zhou family has evil intentions this time... To make such a vicious arrangement in their own market, Hey, you really are not a kind person!

The leaders of the wealthy families gathered nearby looked at each other, lowered their heads, and remained silent.

Setting up a trap and ambush in your own mansion...isn't this a routine operation?

Time passed little by little.

Suddenly there was a subtle sound of the blade cutting through the air in Zhou Laodao's body, and a white cold light seeped out from the surface of his skin. The white light gradually became richer, from being as thin as a piece of paper to being as thick as a palm.

The sharp acquired Xinjin Qi silently circled around Zhou Laodao, cutting the air and making a 'chichi' sound.

Not long after, strange sounds of cultivation breakthroughs were also heard from Zhou Changgong and Zhou Tiejiao's bodies, and abnormalities also appeared on their bodies.

After another half an hour, the Zhou Dalong brothers heard a dull roar from their bodies. They also officially entered the ranks of true cultivators... Then more and more Zhou family members and private soldiers came, They broke through the bottleneck one after another and advanced smoothly.

In this way, time passed little by little.

When Zhou Laodao and others all broke through, their cultivation levels stabilized, and they began to show fists and kicks to each other, familiar with the soaring power... And Lu Qian even asked Zhou Laodao to take out the hoarded spiritual gold materials, and had already forged hundreds of them for them. A weapon of the same level as the Heavenly Weapon...

It must be said that the weapon refining methods in the wasteland are also fucked up.

As for the cloak knife in Zhou Laodao's hand, although this knife could hurt Lu Qian's flesh, the main reason was that Lu Qian was seriously injured at that time and his body functions were extremely weak. Another thing is that the spiritual gold material used is of an excellent grade and has various magical effects. With the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, it has incredible lethality.

But in summary, the weapon refining techniques of this world, taking the cloak knife in Zhou Laodao's hand as an example, are really crude and have no bright spots at all!

Lu Qian's own weapon refining techniques are also 100% standard parallel import.

Even so, Lu Qian couldn't stand Zhou Laodao's cloak knife. Having been influenced by Liangyi Tian's ears and eyes, and having gained a lot of knowledge from the old monk Hongchen, Lu Qian's vision and background are quite high.

In addition, Lu Qian held power - although it was not very powerful, his authority was quite high.

With the blessing of Loulan's Deputy Town Seal, Lu Qian ignited Buddhist flames and burned the spiritual gold materials stored by the Zhou family, easily raising the purity of these spiritual golds by several levels!

The spiritual gold materials stored by the Zhou family have been refined in advance. According to Zhou Laodao, they were hired from the famous 'Forging Master' in Luoyi City, a 'true disciple' who is responsible for 'making fire' and 'refining'. , spent a lot of money and asked someone to do it specially.

This kind of spiritual gold material is small in size, high in value, and easy to transport and store. In addition to not being used for cultivation, it is a solid hard currency that is far more valuable than gold, silver, and copper coins.

Therefore, every large household in Luoyi has a special warehouse to store these valuable rare metals.

However, even if these spiritual gold ingots that Zhou Laodao took out were said to be refined by 'masters', Lu Qian's attitude was 'scornful' - he didn't know whether it was intentional or because the opponent's strength and means were limited. The metal impurities and some inexplicable messy smells in these spiritual gold ingots actually account for 78%!

With so many impurities used to cast weapons, one can imagine their grade.

Placed in Liangyi Heaven, the former Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha cast Buddhist soldiers. With the assistance of Buddhist magical powers and powerful spiritual thoughts, the purity of the materials he used to cast the Buddhist soldiers reached at least eighteen to nineteen nines. level.

Lu Qian has just arrived, and his familiarity with the laws of this world is limited, and the extent to which he can influence and master them is even more minimal. Even so, with the blessing of Loulan Deputy Town Seal, he used Buddhist flames to refine these spiritual gold materials, and their purity reached the level of nine to ten nine.

It doesn't require any clever weapon refining techniques.

The quality and grade of the spiritual gold produced in this world far exceeds any casting material Lu Qian has ever seen. Simply mix two or three kinds of molten metals together at will, without the need for mature formulas or advanced smelting skills. These metals will naturally undergo extremely wonderful changes, forming a metal with extremely astonishing comprehensive properties. New alloys.

The strength, toughness, various additional attributes, the compatibility with the basic Five Elements Avenue, and all the standards are simply astonishing.

Lu Qian then shaped the molten alloy at will, engraved some of the prohibitions he knew about the weapon refining into it, and then used secret methods to cool it down - Lu Qian even forgot about the quenching step!

Even so, the weapon that Lu Qian refined as a joke, once it was formed, exuded an exclamation from the depths of the soul that made Zhou Laodao and others feel like they were like bumpkins entering the city!

That shape, that edge, and such fierce energy!

The shapes of these weapons... Lu Chen plagiarized them... He had seen countless magical weapons in the hands of powerful monks and their disciples in Liangyi Heaven. Many of the weapons were from those monks, especially the young monks who loved beauty. Tailor-made with your own aesthetic. Every handle has its own ingenuity and every handle is beautiful.

Lu Qian relied on some fragmentary impressions to plagiarize the shapes of these weapons and directly regarded them as his own original creations to bring these weapons to life.

For Zhou Laodao and the others, these weapons with strange shapes and extremely beautiful lines are like the lovers in their dreams. They are so beautiful that they are thrilling, maddeningly beautiful, and so beautiful that people almost shed tears.

And the restrictions that Lu Qian put into these weapons...are really not very clever.

Even so, it was beyond Zhou Laodao's imagination.

When Zhou Laodao wielded a seven-foot-long wolf-toothed wind-breaking knife, he lightly slashed the cloak knife that he had loved in life into two pieces, and there was not even a metal collision sound, just a slight sound. When there was a chi sound, Zhou Laodao and the Zhou family members who knew the origin of Zhou Laodao's cloak knife and the price it cost, all cursed loudly.

They all cursed a certain unconscionable 'casting master' in Luoyi, and swore that if they had the opportunity, they would knock his sap, tie up his fat sheep, and take out all the dirty money he had earned in his life.

Lu Qian just smiled and said nothing.

The casting master may have tried his best, but the external conditions and comprehensive environment are like this. Even if he wants to cast a truly fine product for you, he may be powerless?

No wonder, I really can’t blame you!

Lu Qian forged hundreds of swords, spears, swords, halberds and other sharp weapons. He also forged a strong bow for Zhou Changgong, with 1,800 palm-length three-sided armor-piercing arrows. There are fine arrow shafts and arrow feathers in the Zhou family's warehouse. With these arrows and a little processing, it is a sharp arrow with amazing lethality, which can easily penetrate the spiritual gold armor of the Luo family's private army soldiers!

With weapons of sufficient power, there was still a lot of spiritual gold in the Zhou family's warehouse. Lu Qian thought about it and forged a dozen sets of half-body plate armor for them, which was the simplest manufacturing process. These armors cover the vital points of the chest and back, which greatly enhances the survivability of Zhou Laodao and others on the battlefield...

According to what Lu Yi saw, the so-called heavenly soldiers in Luoyi City were simply unable to break through the armors refined by Lu Yi.

Finally, the dull sound of horse hooves came from outside.

Stationed outside the west gate of Luoyi, the army of the Ximen Youqibiao Camp finally entered the city under the command of Xu Damabang, and hurriedly and slowly arrived outside the Dadaofang.

Luo Kang's face looked a little ugly.

From the time he sent his men to greet Xu Damabang, to the time Xu Damagang led nearly ten thousand riders into the city, the time it took was many times more than he expected!

After briefly asking the clan members sent to do the work, Luo Kang snorted coldly and stamped his feet fiercely.

Sure enough, someone intervened.

Although, according to the rules, the city gates in Luoyi must not be opened after nightfall. But with the power of the Luo family in Luoyi, opening a city gate and sending an army into the city is just like playing.

But tonight, there are obstacles everywhere.

Xu Damabang showed no cooperation and dragged his feet for a long time. At the two city gates in the new city and the old city, the gate officials guarding the city actually tried their best to delay.

Qin family, Lin family! Luo Kang sneered several times.

During the day, Xu Da Ma Bang, who had just met Zhou Laodao, slowly got off his mount, walked slowly in front of Luo Kang, and raised his hand to Luo Kang: Elder Luo... hiss...

Xu Damabang saw Ma Shangfeng lying on the ground.

Looking at the wounds on Ma Shangfeng's body, Xu Damabang couldn't help but look at Luo Kang: Is this really a good thing done by Zhou Laodao?

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