Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 883 Veteran (2)

Xu Damabang's original intention was not to attack Dadaofang.

He knew very well that although the family behind him had been rooted in Luoyi for much longer than the Zhou family, where Zhou Laodao was born, the number of clan members was also much larger, and there were even five full Taoist cultivators in the clan. many.

But Zhou Laodao, that is an unreasonable sword, suddenly pops out from behind you, and pokes you into a single bamboo shoot with blooming chrysanthemums - it is also a 'Heavenly Weapon' level cultivation, and it is also practiced. Zhou Laodao's strength is much stronger than that of his Xu Dama Bang, which is not a well-known nameless skill.

Even the five Taoist cultivators from the Xu Damabang clan couldn't take down Zhou Laodao!

Plus Zhou Changgong's bows and arrows, Zhou Tiejiao's fragments... Is the Great Sword Workshop so easy to break through and deal with?

But looking at the gloomy and sinister Luo Kang in front of him, I felt his unshakable will. Then I looked at the Luo clan members and private soldiers of the Luo family standing around... Then I thought about Luo Kang's promise that once the sword is broken, After the dust settles, he can get 30% of the Zhou family's property outside the city!

That is hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile fields, a large number of fish ponds, mulberry forests, and even supporting materials and wealth.

That's a windfall!

Although they are of no use in cultivation... these grains, fish, silk and other items cannot be exchanged for precious emperor's money... but these things can make people rich in food and clothing, and can allow people to enjoy more handsome boys and beautiful women. !

In this world, people's lifespan is extremely long. If they don't die violently, they really don't know when the end of their lives will be.

Therefore, the big shots who really have demands have taken the purpose of living a delicate life to its peak.

Eat well, use well, drink well and sleep well!

That all costs real money!

Gritting his teeth and stamping his feet, Xu Damabang recognized it. He looked at Luo Kang and lowered his voice: The casualties will be heavy... If the Ximen Youqibiao camp suffers all casualties, this pot...

Luo Kang said calmly: Of course it's Zhou Laodao's family's fault. You carried out the will of the City Elders Association and eradicated the scourge of Luoyi... What can you do wrong? All the blame is not yours.

Xu Damabang exhaled.

Master, I need enough Dao practitioners to cooperate with the attack. As the standard general of Ximen Rangers, although the blockade of certain knowledge in this world has reached an outrageous level, after all, he has led the army for many years, and his basic tactical literacy is still some.

In such a dark night, faced with the sword shop that the Zhou family has run for many years, there are no brave enough generals to lead the team. If all the tens of thousands of rangers are filled in, they may not be able to make a few splashes - as long as there is enough imperial money, As long as there is a dangerous enough geographical advantage, Zhou Laodao alone can kill all these 10,000 ordinary rangers...

For a true cultivator who has entered Taoism, as long as the supply of emperor's money is sufficient, defeating ten thousand enemies is just the most basic operation!

Luo Kang nodded slowly, pointed at the leaders of the big families who had gathered, and ordered them to cooperate with Xu Da Ma Bang to rush into the sword workshop.

Dozens of leaders suddenly turned pale.

They all know how powerful Zhou Laodao is, and no one is willing to enter the Dadao Workshop and fight Zhou Laodao in the dark... But in the face of Luo Kang's intimidation, and in the face of the Luo family behind him who has accumulated over the years, In awe, the leaders of these people surrendered.

There are still three gaps in the city wall.

Dozens of Taoist cultivators were wearing precious spiritual gold armor, holding 'Heavenly Weapon'-level swords, spears, and halberds. They also prepared heavy shields and plug-in armor pieces, and they gathered together with a roar.

Behind them were large groups of soldiers holding crossbows.

Behind these soldiers, there are teams of Ranger soldiers carrying log battering rams, preparing to dismantle walls, knock down houses, and destroy as much as possible the architectural defenses in the broadsword workshop to create a fair combat environment for both sides.

Standing aside, the second master of the Zhou family felt something was wrong.

He hurriedly rushed to Luo Kang: Hey, Elder Luo, Elder Luo, we agreed that we don't want to demolish the house! This house, this yard, and this property were all promised to me!

Do you know how much gold and silver it cost to build this big knife workshop and such a large house?

The second master of the Zhou family shouted loudly, but his way was rudely blocked by several soldiers from the Luo family's private army. No matter how loudly he shouted and rushed, how could he get even half a step closer to Luo Kang?

Xu Damabang frowned. He looked at the corpses of Ma Shangfeng and others on the ground, then looked at the corpses of the Ma family women who had obviously been brutally tortured to death, and then looked at the familiar Luo family children around him. After asking about the reason why the second master of the Zhou family appeared here, he couldn't help but sneered a few times.

Any pig can guess that the death of Ma Shangfeng and others is nothing more than an excuse.

People like the second master of the Zhou family, since they can even betray their own family... they may not have figured out how the house in Dadaofang, such a large area, and all these bricks, tiles and beams came from, right?

Those were all cut out by Zhou Laodao with his own knife!

Without this knife...you, the second master of the Zhou family, and these stupid men in your room still want to keep this inheritance?

Shaking his head, Xu Damagang lowered his voice: We have to do something right... Elder Luo, the land of Dadaofang is in a good location, so it is worth a lot of money. Are they the only ones?

Xu Damabang curled his lips.

We need witnesses! Luo Kang spread his hands.

We can all testify! Xu Dama smiled. With the help of several auxiliary soldiers, he put on two extra layers of heavy armor, fixed a thickened and weighted round shield on his left arm, and held it with both hands. Holding his famous gold-covered four-sided stick, which was as tall as his body, he danced vigorously.

Luo Kang smiled and waved to the tribesmen behind him.

Several children of the Luo family silently carried their swords and walked up to the second master of the Zhou family who was struggling and yelling. They slashed his swords together and cut him into more than a dozen pieces. The men and women of the Zhou family who stood aside and followed the second master of the Zhou family to defect from the Broadsword Workshop all turned pale with fright and screamed as if they had seen a ghost.

The Luo family's private soldiers all around were waving their spears and heavy halberds in unison, and the sound of 'puff' could be heard all the time. All the traitors of the Zhou family were killed without any luck. When the Luo family's private army walked up to the corpse, they didn't mind the blood dripping from it and dug out a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry and other items from the corpse.

Luo Kang exhaled: It's clean!

Xu Damabang walked towards the Dadao Fang with a big stick in his hand. He said in a deep voice: I hope the Dadao Fang can be cleaned up soon... Tsk, if the Dadao Fang can't be cleaned up tonight... Elder Luo, in the future you guys The Luo family is really lively!

Luo Kang curled his lips slightly and snorted.

He gestured to the clan members around him, and two members of the Luo family, wearing heavy armor, followed Xu Damabang silently. The armor worn by these two Luo family members is more exquisite and has a more restrained luster than the spiritual gold armor worn by others. This is a true 'Heavenly Weapon' level armor.

In terms of defensive power alone, the defense power of a single layer of the armor worn by these two Luo family members is comparable to ten sets of ordinary spiritual gold armors stacked together.

However, with such defensive power, this true 'Heavenly Soldier'-level armor is lighter than ordinary spiritual gold armor, and it is more flexible and convenient to move. When walking, you can't hear the slightest friction of the armor!


A strong wind blew.

On the carts near the wall of the Dadaofang, extremely bright grease braziers were lit above the tall wooden arrow towers. Behind each brazier, a concave mirror with a diameter of more than six feet was set up. These polished concave mirrors focused the light from the brazier into beams of light, which were thrown into the large knife workshop with all the lights extinguished, illuminating the complex and rugged streets inside.

Attack! The moment the brazier lit up, Xu Da Ma Stick waved the stick vigorously and took small steps to get closer to the gap in the city wall.

Beside him, a dozen Taoist cultivators from other wealthy families in Luoyi were twitching and followed him with small steps.

A group of people pushed each other, and I pushed against each other, like a group of little quails that love each other, crowded with each other, and after a long time, they reluctantly stepped into the wall of the Dadaofang. Then, amidst the scoldings of many big horses, there was a group of rangers wearing helmets and gauntlets, holding heavy metal shields as high as their eyebrows with both hands, and covering their bodies tightly. They walked carefully and silently. Entered the city wall.

A sharp sound broke through the air suddenly.


Little sparks exploded on the heavy shields raised in the hands of these soldiers. Armor-piercing arrows forged from pure metal shot out from the darkness. With incredible strength and speed, they directly penetrated these heavy shields, ruthlessly It hit the chests of these soldiers, blowing them into pieces together with their armor.

Those heavy metal shields were destroyed by the force of the arrows, and a transparent hole as thick as a person's head exploded one after another. The metal fragments were beaten in all directions, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

With such momentum, Luo Yang, who was supervising the battle from behind, saw the corners of his eyes twitching.

Several members of the Luo family who were also proficient in bow and arrow skills suddenly changed their expressions, and they murmured in a low voice: That's not right, that's not right... The strongest bow in Luoyi cannot shoot with such power... This arrow, its not right!

After hearing what several tribesmen said, Luo Kang's expression suddenly changed.

In the dark night, under complex terrain, facing an enemy with a geographical advantage... and facing such an unreasonably strong bow... Needless to say, what are the consequences of this?

Luo Kang shouted in a low voice: Is it Zhou Changgong? Is it him? Where did the Zhou family get such a powerful bow? Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Luo Kuang hissed: No strong bow can escape our eyes and ears and flow into Luoyi...

A member of the Luo family said solemnly: Unless this bow does not come from the channels we control...it does not come from above.

Luo Kang's expression became extremely exciting.

Don't tell me that Zhou Laodao and his family really colluded with those giant bandits, right?

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