Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 892 Recovery (2)

Beside the bottomless abyss.

Tie Zhen and several dandies, surrounded by guards, cautiously stepped on their feet and looked at the pitch-black abyss with no bottom or edge. The long wind blew with the power to crush everything. Just after it invaded the territory of Mikawara, the heaven and earth avenue of this world shook slightly. The terrible destructive power in the wind disappeared and turned into a gentle breeze, blowing Tiezhen and others' long hair.

What a sin!

Although he has completely become a fanatical believer of Lu Qian in terms of faith, Tiezhen's behavioral model and way of thinking are still his own. He just has a supreme totem of faith in the core of his soul.

Looking at the terrifying bottomless abyss, Tiezhen couldn't help but marveled: This is land reclamation, little girl, don't wait for me to seize the opportunity...Sooner or later, I will fight back to Iron Gate with a million pieces of armor. Guan, hehe... when the time comes, I will catch that little lady, make her play a thousand tricks, and kill her alive in broad daylight!

This is the true idea of ​​Iron Needle.

How inhuman!

However, according to the laws of this world, unlucky people like Tiezhen who lead the pioneering team to open up the primitive wilderness, as long as they have enough ability to open up a vast world, will be officially included in this world. Before 'control', he could do whatever he wanted.

Accumulating millions of armors?

As long as he has the financial resources, as long as he has the need, as long as he can afford it, not to mention millions of armors, even if tens of millions of people enter Taoism and practice, he can still maintain it... It's just a matter of whether he can do it.

The number of official garrison soldiers in the huge iron gate is only the quota of 129,600.

One million armors, this is the limit that a playboy like Tiezhen can imagine. In his mind, one million people have entered Taoism, what an incredible number, what a terrifying force, what kind of little lady patrolling the Forbidden God Guard, even if she has real power, and a million troops surge up, he, Iron Needle, is still Don’t you just play whatever you want?

Thinking of the excitement, Tiezhen couldn't help but take out a few more red pills, and prepared for another fierce battle.

Lu Qian was too lazy to pay attention to Tie Zhen.

If he hadn't used the name of Iron Needle to deliver some letters to Tiemenguan, this guy, who is full of sin and has black smoke coming out from every pore in his body, would have been slapped by him long ago. Killed.

If you like to have fun, just give him an extra bowl of guillotine before dying.

As long as he doesn't harm the ordinary people in the pioneering group, those dudes, and the maids and maids around him who have long been wiped out by him, he can have fun as he likes!

Lu Qian looked at Zhao Ding with interest, wanting to see this so-called development process.

Zhao Ding and several capable old officials carefully selected by Tiemenguan got together, carefully walked to the abyss, and chose a land with rich water and soil-here, there was a river hundreds of feet wide, rushing mightily. It flowed towards the abyss, but as soon as the river flowed out of the land of Mikawara, it was blown by the invisible wind in the abyss, and suddenly disappeared, leaving only wisps of faint light lingering above the abyss.

Zhao Ding and the others gesticulated for a while, selected a piece of thick soil by the river, dug a small hole, and then threw out a bean seed the size of a fist.

The golden bean seeds are densely covered with dark silver lines, which are magnificent and magical. The thick Taoist rhyme rippled from the bean seeds in waves, even causing the surrounding void to twitch in waves, vibrating like a heartbeat.



In Lu Qian's mind, an extremely familiar yet inexplicably absurd feeling emerged.

As soon as this bean seed touched the rich soil, the river next to it made a roaring sound. Big waves arose on the river, and undercurrents and whirlpools were stirred up. The river suddenly stopped flowing, and was drained clean out of thin air by an invisible force. net.

The seed coat of the bean seeds exploded, and several buds grew rapidly. With a sharp sound of breaking through the air, the buds whipped like soft whips wielded by a master, and grew hundreds of feet long in a snap, like a Small golden-green snakes swayed and waved rapidly in the air.

‘Puff, puff, puff’, the delicate branches grew rapidly, and at the same time, the roots were also rapidly drilling deep into the ground. As the rhizomes extended far away along the river, and as the rhizomes gradually grew stronger, large sections of the river dried up rapidly. In the blink of an eye, in the field of vision, the river surface, which was hundreds of miles long, had become as dry as a desert.

Countless thin golden-green branches squirmed, extending toward a ball of light thousands of miles away that was wrapped in a light yellow and green aura.

Lu Qian noticed that among the countless branches, nine were particularly thick. These nine trunk branches were rapidly becoming thicker and longer, while the other thin branches were accompanied by the sound of swirling. , like a fairy with extremely skillful hands weaving cloth, the warp and weft are interlaced along the nine main trunks to form a thoroughfare that is only a few feet wide at first, then continues to get wider and thicker, and gradually expands to several miles wide. .

On the avenue made of branches, dark silver runes are densely covered, emitting a strong aura of divine power. Waves of invisible wind blow from the abyss below, stirring up the avenue, and all are shaken by these dark silver runes. The rising power of God dissolves the invisible.

Seeing this avenue extending towards a ball of light thousands of miles away at an extremely fast speed.

Lu Qian looked intently and felt that the void along the way was twisted, swirling, and the light and shadow were chaotic. In his current state, he could not clearly see what was above the abyss, let alone what was in the ball of light.

His eyes hurt from looking at him. Lu Qian shook his head helplessly and withdrew his gaze.

He turned around and waved to Zhou Laodao. Just as he was about to speak, a black sword-shaped sword that was a hundred feet long rose up into the sky. Along with the deafening sound of the sword, the black sword glowed. Swinging downwards, it suddenly became several miles long. The knife fell and split a giant car filled with young men and women into two pieces.

When the driver was attacked by the sword, countless dense runes lit up on the fence of the driver.

These runes emitted dazzling divine light, and from the criss-crossing formation, they formed eighteen layers of protective light, each of which was ten feet thick. In the densely stacked light buildings, the white-gold Xinjin Qi condensed into palm-sized dragon scale armor pieces. Countless armor pieces were put together, as if the entire car was covered with dozens of heavy armors. Armor!

With such defensive power, if Lu Qian releases a trace of spiritual power to touch it, even if thousands of Taoist cultivators attack it with all their strength and spend several months, they still can't shake this light banner at all!

The protective power of this light banner has surpassed that of the 'Heavenly Soldiers' by an unknown amount.


Or Tianwei?

Or even a higher level?

Lu Qian didn't have a detailed comparison template, so naturally he couldn't tell the difference, but the sudden strike of the knife was light and deft, just like a sharp knife splitting dried tofu. The tens of thousands of men and women inside were all chopped into pieces with one knife!

The knife came too fast, and Lu Qian was too far away from the giant car that was chopped into pieces. Under the suppression of the great laws of this world, 99% of Lu Qian's magical powers and magical skills could not be used. He could only watch helplessly. Watching the knife wreak havoc, it failed to save the unlucky ones in the car who had taken marching pills and even lost the ability to dodge and cry.

The dark sword light rolled up, and the flesh and blood souls of tens of thousands of young men and women, including hundreds of Taoist cultivators, were swept away by the sword light. The black sword light was suddenly covered with a layer of blood. As the sword light shook, there was a faint and shrill cry from the ghost.

In all directions, a group of Zhou clan members, the Iron Gate Gate warriors brought by Tiezhen, and the private army warriors rushing to follow Wei Ji on the road to the city were all frightened by the miserable howl of the ghost in the sword. Many of them were shocked. The person's ears were in severe pain, stars flashed in front of his eyes, he screamed and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

The sword light fell to the ground and then rose again.

It expanded to a length of seven or eight miles, and the dark, dark sword light with a hint of blood on the edge exploded, turning into a thousand and eighty dazzling sword rainbows, roaring and scattering around, Clang Clang ' In the sound, it pierced the ground hard and turned into a large circle with a diameter of hundreds of miles, wrapping the entire development team's convoy inside.

When these swords fell to the ground, traces of power surged. In all directions, in the void, wisps of black energy visible to the naked eye rose, turning into a sharp and sharp net, covering the sky and isolating the world.

Contract! It's done! A cold voice sounded faintly: Today, either I or you, only one of us can leave this place alive!

A sword light shot into the sky, carrying a drop of blood, and fell into the net that separated the world.

Lu Qian felt that in the dark, this side of the world was like a golden city, a solid and thick avenue of heaven and earth that could not be mobilized without authority, shaking slightly. Someone used some kind of concession to stir up the great avenue of heaven and earth and conclude an extremely cruel life and death contract.

That person is one party.

The lives of tens of millions of people on my side count as one party.

The two camps are fighting in this small web. Only if one party dies can the remaining party leave this world.

However, the power of this person's concession in the contract exceeds the power of Lu Qianloulan's deputy town seal... But Emperor Taihu showed a trace of disdain and ridicule about this concession .

Well, as long as Emperor Taigu swings his ax lightly, this so-called franchise authority, this cruel contract that requires the death of one party, will disappear... This contract severely traps the other party, but takes away Lu Qian had no idea.

To put it more disgustingly, Lu Qian could directly pass through this trap and leave this small world surrounded by scenery.

When the contract was made, Lu Qian was in the contract, and he was also part of the contract.

Therefore, a very embarrassing paradox appeared - a living being who was part of the contract left the scope of the contract. Therefore, unless Lu Qian died, the contract would never be completed forever. The unlucky guy who just made a contract will be forcibly sealed in this trap by the contract he made...

Without external rescue, it would be impossible for him to leave this small area of ​​a hundred miles in radius!

Lu Qian laughed a few times, jumped on a large cart, and looked in the direction where the sword light had just risen - Lu Qian felt quite wary in his heart, but during the journey, he didn't have any thoughts in his heart. Not the slightest warning sign, not the slightest hint of whim.

It can be seen that the guy following him either possesses a rare treasure that blocks Lu Qian's induction... or he has practiced some special method and concealed himself extremely well.

No matter what the situation is, it proves that this guy is a 'professional'.

Threads of black energy and wisps of cold light condensed into a tall and thin figure seven feet tall opposite the huge convoy of the pioneering group.

He was covered in black clothes. The clothes were like some kind of strange scaly leather, sticking tightly to the skin and outlining the smallest lines on the body. Even the muscle lines under the skin, which were like bulging steel bars, were highlighted. Clearly.

The cheeks are as pale as a dead person, with cold and hard lines, thin and dry, like an extremely sharp carving knife, and the triangular eyes reveal an unsettling look of death.

The man stared straight at the huge development team in front of him, and suddenly chuckled: When you are about to die, start crying, start shouting, um, the cry will be louder and more miserable... …For a good banquet, the seasonings should always be generous, otherwise wouldn’t it be tasteless?”

After hearing what this man said, Lu Qian immediately lowered his evaluation of his 'professional' by several levels.

Now that we are in this situation, instead of killing people, we are still busy saying these useless coquettish words, which shows that he is not a very 'professional' person...

Shaking his head, Lu Qian said coldly: Dare you ask...

As soon as Lu Qian finished speaking, the man in black raised his left index finger, put it in front of his lips, and said softly: Don't ask, it's useless to ask... In short, you are dead today.

With a strange smile, the man in black nodded gently: But you can know my name, I am Dao Qiqiqi!

He picked it up lightly with his fingers, and a knife light exploded next to him. A strange-shaped short knife, no longer than two feet long, shaped like a crescent moon, and as thin as a cicada's wing, with a dark black light shining all over it, appeared next to Dao Qiqiqi, like a restless knife. The vicious dogs circled and danced around him rapidly, but they did not make any sound.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

The sword flying into the air is so interesting. Moreover, when the scimitar jumped and whirled, Lu Qian could sense the vibrations of the heaven and earth around him, and could feel the inspiration from the world constantly pouring into this scimitar.

In comparison, the heavenly weapons refined by Lu Qian before were just 'mortal weapons'. Although they were sharp and tough, they could only be used by Zhou Laodao and the others to hold the sword tightly in their hands and swing it to cut people. There was no such thing as hovering in the air, The 'supernatural power' of flying in the air.

Dao Qiqiqi was a little crazy. He shook his head from side to side, stretched out his white tongue, licked his pale lips, and said with a grin: Well, now you can choose, who will die first?

Shaking his head, he seemed to suddenly remember some extremely important issue, and hurriedly added: By the way, I kill people, and I like to kill them from a young age. Women, especially children, are put last.

Kill the young ones first, and let your corpses and blood scare the women and children out of their wits. It's like a plump steak, soaked with mellow seasonings and juices, and finally kill them bit by bit... The taste... …”

Dao Qiqiqi's body trembled and convulsed slightly, and because of these few coquettish words, his whole body actually fell into an uncontrollable climax.

Lu Qian was amazed when he saw it.

Who sent these bastards?

What kind of bastard can he breed such a bastard?

Dao Qiqiqi's body was trembling, and he had an extremely narcissistic climax for a long time. After a strange flush appeared on his pale face, he smiled and looked at the people in the pioneering group.

There were tens of millions of people on the other side, but he was the only one on his side. Due to his momentum, he was able to crush the entire pioneering group alone - he looked at the entire pioneering group with a smile, He chuckled softly and said: You don't understand. You ants, these civilians, these mortals, what do you know? You are ignorant and ignorant, so you don't understand anything!

There is only your death, your blood, your flesh, your fear before death, your cries, your wailings... watching your families destroyed, watching you lose your loved ones, watching your human relationships collapse, Watching you destroy your conscience...only then can I feel a little bit of joy, a little bit of freshness, and only then can I feel that...I'm still a living person!

How lucky are you that you can trade your death for my life?

The scimitar dexterously rotated and danced around Dao Qiqiqi. He stretched out his right index finger and pointed at a group of soldiers at the rear of the pioneering regiment. He smiled slowly and said: Come on, come on, you go first. Come... a hundred people first? Or a thousand people? I don't care... anyway, you can't hurt me at all, and I can slowly slaughter you!

You women and children, watch out!

Watch carefully, look at how these people were slaughtered by me... You must see it clearly, understand it, really see it in detail, so that fear can permeate your body and infiltrate you. The spirit of...


If you cry beautifully and scream happily... maybe I will be extra merciful and choose a few lucky ones to pamper you before you die?

On Dao Qiqiqi's face, the abnormal blush gradually became stronger. He chuckled softly: Think about it, I haven't touched a woman for many years... I really can't bring myself to get up. It's rare to be like this today. Lots of delicious food, if you can make me feel happy and excited, maybe I will be in that mood and have a good time?

Two members of the Zhou clan stepped forward. Their eyebrows were raised, their eyes were shining with white light, and their eyes were locked on Dao Qiqi.

They were all succeeded by Lu Qian in Luoyi City, using the seal of the deputy town of Loulan to initiate spiritual enlightenment. Along the way, Lu Qian carried the spiritual inspiration of heaven and earth every day and asked them to practice the Indestructible Diamond Sutra. With the help of the magic method and enough resources from heaven and earth to consume, the progress made by the two Zhou clan members in a short period of time was actually better than Zhou Laodao's accumulation over the past many years.

Now in the team, the one hundred lucky ones who have succeeded in spiritual enlightenment are even better than Zhou Laodao when he picked up Lu Qian in the wasteland in terms of pure cultivation!

Therefore, two members of the Zhou clan rushed out confidently and hissed.

Before, the sword slashed down one by one, and the extremely sharp sword chopped up a giant chariot. The power of this sword was seen by everyone. And the sword light rose into the sky, turned into a net, and enveloped the entire pioneering group. This also demonstrated the posture of closing the door and beating the dog and deciding life and death.

Of these two Zhou clan members, one has soared in cultivation and is full of confidence.

One is - people seeking survival in the wilderness never lack the courage and consciousness to fight for their lives.

No matter how powerful Dao Qiqiqi is, since he has promised to massacre the entire pioneering group, the Zhou clan members will still dare to fight him desperately even if they know that they are no match for him!

The two men held swords and flew out. In one leap, they were seven or eight feet away. Their bodies were like the wind, causing a violent surge.

Two long knives were carried with him, two cold rays tore through the air, slashing directly at the vital points of Qiqi Qi's neck, chest and abdomen.

Dao Qiqiqi looked at the two of them sarcastically. The scimitar beside him twirled slightly, and a large cold light spread out. He laughed hissingly: You guys are ignorant, ignorant... you don't know at all...

With two sounds of chichi, the long knives in the hands of the two Zhou youths were slightly touched by the sword light and broke immediately.

The cold was so intense that it pierced the non-fatal parts of their bodies.

Dao Qiqiqi's intentions were vicious. He was going to cut into pieces the two Zhou youths Ling Chi one by one in front of everyone, and use their miserable screams and dripping blood as the first condiment to soak in bit by bit. Everyone’s soul!

Killings, blood, corpses, and the fear that goes deep into the bones and soul!

Dao Qiqiqi has been immersed in strange emotions - as he said, only in this twisted and crazy way can he feel that he is a living person and that he is truly alive!

The light of the sword penetrated the body, and the hands of the two young men of the Zhou family suddenly lightened up. Their faces showed shock, and their eyebrows suddenly opened. A large white light surged, and the world and the world surged, turning into pieces of palm-sized sword light, tearing apart. The air flew towards Dao Qiqiqi.

Dao Qiqiqi chuckled, the scimitar beside him spun around, a spatula gleam flew into the air, and collided with the sword gleams of the two Zhou youths, making a constant 'ding-dong' sound.

Oh, spiritual enlightenment has been successful, it's amazing... Hahaha, among you mortal ants, what is this called?

Well, a master? Or destiny? Or some other mysterious term?

Hahaha, you are just a lucky person who got rid of the shackles of nature and awakened the power of your bloodline... It's just this little luck... this insignificant luck!

You were originally ants hiding deep in the mud. You accidentally dug out of the mud layer. You thought you saw the entire heaven and earth, but you didn't know that what you called heaven and earth was just a deep well!

You, hidden deep in the well, you...

Dao Qiqiqi was not in a hurry to kill the two young people of the Zhou family. He just swung his scimitar with cold light in the air, constantly breaking the condensed white sword light of the two young people of the Zhou family. He roared loudly: Your so-called knowledge is so pitiful that I don't even know what to say!

Do you think that you have been blessed, that you are transcending ordinary people, that you have stepped into the extraordinary?

But, how do you know, you are still just wretches, still just the lowest level... ants!

Dao Qiqiqi's face turned red, and he hissed: Only death is your final way out... Such a long life, heaven, heaven, such a noble and extraordinary heaven. ...Once born, the long lifespan of a Great Tribulation Society... You don’t even know the meaning of the Great Tribulation Society, and you don’t understand at all what is waiting for you with such a long lifespan!”

Poor, pathetic!

With such a long life, all that awaits you is torture... So, die early... and be born early!

Dao Qiqiqi's Kaka Ka Ka strange smile, the cold light curled, splitting the Zhou youth's condensed sword light, wisps of extremely fine cold light, extremely cautious, scratched from the two young people's bodies. Pass.

It tore off their armor, tore off their close-fitting clothing, and tore small wounds on their bodies.

A little bit of blood spattered, and the two Zhou youths felt a cold light on the pavement, and severe pain hit their whole bodies. They subconsciously moved backward step by step. Countless cold lights flew in the air in front of them, turning into a vortex with an increasingly larger diameter, wrapping them in the core position, and even shrouded a group of Zhou family's private soldiers who were flying out behind them.

Take your time, don't be in a hurry! Dao Qiqiqi screamed at the top of his lungs: You guys take your time one by one, don't be in a hurry... There is plenty of time, there is plenty of time... Let's enjoy it slowly, slowly. Enjoy every bit!”

Quack, quack...it's rare to kill so many at once, to kill so many at once!

Hey, what bullshit heavenly rules, what bullshit commandments!

However, this time I was asked to kill... I was ordered to kill! It's a rare opportunity to kill so many at once and enjoy so much at once. Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, little by little...

Pfft, he was hysterically immersed in some strange state, and even ignored the swaying knife beside him. Qiqiqi suddenly grunted. He lowered his head in shock, and saw a bone-white claw piercing his body. wearing a tight-fitting leather jacket, and a claw penetrated his lower abdomen from behind.

The pale bone claws were covered with blood, and they scratched a few times with dexterity.

This! Dao Qiqiqi lowered his head in disbelief, staring at the bone-white claw that penetrated the vital part of his lower abdomen. He murmured: Is this... pain?

Lu Qian was also stunned.

This knife Qiqiqi...well, is it so 'unprofessional'?

You are here to kill people!

You alone are provoking a pioneering team of tens of millions of people!

What's going on in your head? What makes you think that you can do whatever you want without any scruples? Not even taking any precautions against yourself?

Lu Qian released the Bone God Demon for a sneak attack. Originally, he just wanted to weigh the quality of the sword.

Lu Qian didn't expect that this bone demon actually succeeded with one strike!

Dao Qiqiqi murmured: It hurts! It hurts!

He showed an extremely weird and twisted smile: This is the first time in many years that an outsider has made me taste pain!

This makes me feel that I am really alive!

Hee hee hee!

So, I want to thank you!

The skin and flesh near Dao Qiqiqi's wound squirmed rapidly. His wound healed extremely quickly, and the muscles of the wound squirmed inward. The claws of the White Bone God Demon penetrated his wound and made a rattling sound. The pale bones were rapidly moving. Numerous small cracks appeared.

The sound of ‘puff’ is endless.

One after another, white-bone gods and demons appeared next to Dao Qiqiqi, and white-bone claws quickly penetrated his body, bringing up countless plasma. Dao Qiqiqi's body trembled rapidly, and as flesh and blood flew everywhere, his maniacal laughter became louder and louder. The flesh and blood all over his body convulsed violently, and the white bone claws that penetrated his body were all covered by his muscles. Imprisoned to death, it was embedded in his body and could no longer be pulled out.

Come again, come again! Dao Qiqiqi gave up the pursuit of the two Zhou youths. He followed Lu Qian's gaze and looked towards Lu Qian: A Buddhist cultivator? Interesting, these bones, Was it you who released it?

In these eight great plains, in these remote and remote places, you can't find any very clever cultivation methods.

Only those of you who have lost your roots and are running around like wild dogs, struggling to survive like wild dogs, can have such evil skills.

You are very good! Dao Qiqiqi smiled at Lu Qian seriously: I will keep you at the back and tear you apart bit by bit. I believe you will taste very good!

Lu Qian squinted his eyes and said nothing.

The thirty-six white-bone gods and demons surrounding Dao Qiqiqi have begun to chant sutras and mantras in unison. White Buddha flames rise from their bodies, wrapping Dao Qiqiqi in the blazing white-bone Buddha flames and burning them to their heart's content.

Dao Qiqiqi let out a painful and hearty howl, then opened his mouth, looking up to the sky and laughing wildly like a maniac.

It hurts!

It hurts so good!

Amidst the roar, Dao Qiqiqi forcibly dragged several bones of gods and demons whose arms were embedded in his body, and rushed towards the huge team of the pioneering group in large strides.

Come on, come on, come on... kill, kill, kill!

Kill me, or I'll kill you!

Hee hee hee!

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