Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 893 Recovery (3)

Outside the net formed by seven or seven swords, a flying boat seven to eight feet long and shaped like a flying fish was suspended in the air, only a dozen feet above the ground.

The material of this flying boat is clear, as if glass and fog are condensed by skillful hands. The color is crystal clear, and the whole body is shimmering and misty, as if it is between existence and non-existence, and the sense of existence is extremely weak. People with average cultivation levels would inadvertently ignore the existence of this flying boat even if it was within a few feet.

More than a dozen men wearing tight-fitting black leather jackets that looked the same as Dao Qiqiqi with faint scale patterns stood expressionlessly under the flying boat, staring blankly at the flickering net.

They were just like Dao Qiqiqi, with pale faces, lifeless bodies, stiff and numb like zombies, and a bleak aura of life is extremely boring and the world is not worth lingering on, giving people the impression that they might pull out the knife at any time. , the strange feeling of wiping one's own neck to death.

They stayed here quietly. After a long time, a man said quietly: Your Excellency sent a message, asking Brother Seven to go back with the heads and human skins of Iron Needle and others... It's getting late.

After another silence for a while, another man said coldly: What's wrong with love? Brother Qi has become interested and wants to kill for a longer time. Are you going to persuade me? I'm going to persuade him? Will it work?

The man from before frowned: I'm afraid that adult will take the opportunity to cause trouble...woman, alas!

Another man clasped his hands on his chest and said calmly with an inexplicable sense of desolation: What can we do to us if we are looking for an opportunity to cause trouble? Anyway, we can't die or live, so that's it? What if? She can completely change us...it's a good thing, I have to thank her!

The eyes of a group of men moved, and there was a slight change of emotion on their faces.

They didn't know what weird and fun thing they thought of, and they laughed chichichi at the same time. The man who spoke first laughed in a low voice: Tell me, if Seventh Brother comes back with the heads of those dudes after a few months this time, will this gentleman be angry to death?

Another man said faintly: I don't know if I'll be mad to death. But, tell me, if Seventh Brother really delays it for too long this time, how will she attack us? Is it skin-picking? Lingchi? Broken bones? Cutting out the heart and lungs? Oops, I've tried all kinds of torture... For a while, I still can't think of anything new.

Another man licked his lips, his body trembled slightly, and there was a strange flush on his face: Perhaps she will give her body and kill us alive? Hey, hey, her appearance is better than that of a brothel. The girls here are quite charming...especially her delicate body and expensive body. If I can fuck her a thousand and eight hundred times...

The man who spoke first glanced at his companions present: How about trying to attack her? Well, let's work together, can we imprison her while she's not paying attention, and then do the following? A handful?

A man shook his head slightly: What's wrong with you? This doesn't count... We are not her direct subordinates, we are just lending it to her... Well, over the years, I have not had much interest in women, but For her...it seems that I am still a little moved.

It's better to act than to have a heartbeat! The man who first suggested coughed heavily: Then let Brother Qi delay for a little longer? Let her get angry, and then, hey, hey... Even if you commit the following, no matter how bad you are, you can be bad To what extent?

A strange flush appeared on the faces of more than a dozen men at the same time.

They were like a group of old zombies who had been lying in coffins for tens of thousands of years. They were suddenly stimulated by external forces, and the vitality in their bodies recovered even a little bit. With evil desires, strange and exciting thoughts tumbling in their minds, their bodies trembled slightly, they told each other in a very ordinary tone, all kinds of dirty, obscene, and things that no decent person could bear. , not to mention the dirty words that come to mind.

These are not a group of people.

They are not even considered 'rational intelligent creatures'.

They give people the impression that they are a group of 'humanoid tools' that are imprisoned by unpredictable forces and are always on the verge of losing control. However, they are imprisoned in a mold by inexplicable forces and cannot do anything independently.

These 'tools'... have lost all 'humanity'. No one knows what terrible things they will do next, what twisted thoughts they will have... This is the most terrifying thing about them.





Just like the knife Qiqiqi in the net, he chuckled, forcibly dragging several bone-clawed demons that penetrated his body, and rushed towards Lu Qian step by step.

Come on, come on, die, die!

Kill me, or I'll kill you!

Hee hee hee!

Monk, monk, among these people, is there anyone you have a relationship with? Is there anyone you love and protect? Is there anyone you care about? Are there any? Tell me, tell me... Hee hee, I'm killing you. Before that, I will use my method to kill them first!

The Bone God and Demon frantically attacked Dao Qiqiqi.

The sharp, sharp white bone claws wildly bombarded Dao Qiqiqi. His heart, lower abdomen, neck, and other fatal vital points were all penetrated again and again, and the blood and flesh flew everywhere, shattering bones and flesh. The plasma and brain matter were like cheap swill, being thrown far and wide with the violent bombardment of the Bone God and Demon.

Twisted and evil vitality filled Dao Qiqi's thin body. His body was destroyed again and again, and then his flesh and blood squirmed rapidly, and his body healed and recovered again and again. No matter how hard these white-bone gods and demons bombarded him, and how much the white-bone Buddha flames burned crazily, the flesh and blood on his body was cut off and burned off layer after layer, and then grew back again and again.

You, immortal? Lu Qian frowned and looked at Dao Qiqi, who was getting closer and closer.

Yes, the immortal body! Dao Qiqiqi looked at Lu Yi with a twisted face, and he laughed hoarsely: Hey, are you envious? Are you jealous? If you want it, give it to you... give it You...as long as you can take it, I'll give it to you!

Click, click, click! Immortal body, eternal, how wonderful, how many people are envious, jealous and hateful! If you can take it away, I will give it to you, my life, my soul, I’ll give you everything I have!”

Hee, but you are useless, you are a waste, you despicable monk and bitch, you damn thief and bald... Dao Qiqiqi began to curse Lu Qian with all kinds of obscene words, and his words were so vicious The people around him who heard his words, from Zhou clan members to ordinary private soldiers and strong men, were all dumbfounded...

How depraved, how twisted, and how cruelly abused and mercilessly tortured a soul is required to pour out so many words from that seemingly human-like mouth?

Without the dirtiest, filthiest, and darkest encounter in the world, how could Dao Qiqiqi accumulate so many incredible filthy words in his heart? So many evil and obscene curses?

Dao Qiqiqi approached Lu Qian step by step.

Blood splattered all the way, and flesh and blood flew everywhere... He tilted his head, laughed crazily and hysterically, cursed crazily and twistedly, and allowed the bones of gods and demons to cling to him, tearing and burning crazily, But there was nothing he could do to get him, nor could he make him stop at all.

Are you an immortal body achieved with the help of external forces? Lu Qian looked at Dao Qiqiqi with interest.

There's something wrong with this guy's condition.

Such a crazy fighting method, even the most crazy Dharma-protecting monk of Liangyitian Buddhism, would not do this. Even if the King Kong is indestructible, even if the golden body is immortal, when faced with an attack, he will subconsciously dodge, and subconsciously use magical powers and magic to defend...

Dao Qiqiqi acted like this, it was clear that he was risking his life, he was clearly breaking a jar, he was clearly... his head was broken!

The more the immortal body cultivated by one's own family has gone through many tribulations, the more it will be cherished and treasured, so that it will not act wantonly like Dao Qiqi.

Moreover, this world, the avenues of heaven and earth, and the wisdom of heaven and earth are so precious and rare.

Without the corresponding authority, it is impossible to mobilize the avenue or the slightest bit of inspiration... Is it so easy to recover from physical injuries?

Dao Qiqiqi's physical body continued to heal, which showed that it was abnormal.

Yes, it is an immortal body given by an external force! Dao Qiqiqi had already walked under the giant car where Lu Qian was sitting. He raised his head, looked up at Lu Qian, and laughed hissingly: Do you want it? ? Hee, if you want it... let me think about it, I want to think about it, how can I get it for you?

Lu Qian shook his head.

Seeing the crazy and demonic behavior of Dao Qiqiqi, no matter how good his so-called immortal body was, Lu Qian would not be able to tolerate it.

Dao Qiqiqi sighed, and the scimitar beside him slowly rotated, and large sword lights swept across the sky, cutting off the long swords in the hands of Zhou Laodao and others who came up from all around, and the clothes and armor on their bodies were chopped into pieces, and they were struck again. There were a lot of thin knife marks on the body that were deep enough to reach the bone.

The large group of soldiers screamed, screamed in pain, staggered, and retreated in embarrassment with blood and broken flesh all over their bodies.

Dao Qiqiqi chuckled, his body swayed suddenly, and he jumped up dozens of feet high with the many bones of gods and demons clinging to him, and jumped in front of Lu Qian, staring at Lu Qian with a straight look. Qi: Now...let me think about it, how should I control you?

He suddenly remembered what he had said to Lu Qian before, and he said hurriedly: Well, how about you point it out first? Among so many people, you are always the one who cares about, cares about, loves and dotes on. You can’t bear to let them die, right?”

Panting, Dao Qiqiqi said with a smile: Sign them out and let me kill them slowly in front of you, so that you can see them fresh and lively, and finally slowly, bit by bit Wouldn’t it be better if I killed you...?”

Lu Qian was about to speak when suddenly his whole body vibrated with essence and blood.

The five small 'eggs' he embedded in the flesh and blood of his chest, transformed by the five uncles, simultaneously released a faint warmth and began to rapidly extract the blood and energy from Lu Qian's body.

Lu Qian let out a muffled groan, and the spiritual forces of heaven and earth rolled around him. Loulan Deputy Town Seal mobilized the spiritual forces of heaven and earth, and they continued to pour into his body, quickly replenishing his blood consumption. A piece of flesh on his chest became transparent and emitted strange lights of five colors. Accompanied by a low or high-pitched cry, the piece of flesh on his chest squirmed for a while, and five small heads came out from under his flesh.

Dao Qiqiqi closed his mouth and looked at the five distinctive heads on Lu Qian's chest in surprise, about the size of a finger.

Qilin, Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, White Tiger...the five are small and delicate, with blurred eyes, and their little heads that have obviously not yet woken up from their drowsiness look so cute.

But in an instant, the bird's head, which was burning with a faint red flame, suddenly raised its head, widened its eyes, stared at Dao Qiqiqi and screamed: Fuck you... Where did such an ugly thing come from? What do you think your grandfather is doing?

Dao Qiqiqi opened his mouth. He stared at the big parrot with great excitement and laughed loudly: Ha, hahaha, interesting, interesting... You used your own flesh and blood to hatch these five little things? It can be seen that, How much you value them, cherish them... So, I will carefully give them to you bit by bit in front of you...

Dao Qiqiqi was still talking about something, but Lu Qian couldn't care anymore.

With the recovery of the five uncles, a strange change occurred between Lu Qian and the five uncles.

Lu Qian used the essence of his own flesh and blood to 'hatch' the old men who had been severely injured before and transformed into five eggs. In this strange world and environment, maybe it's because of the Taihu Emperor's ax in Lu Qian's body, or because of Taichu's confusion with the beads, or because of that mysterious three-eyed figure...

Or, it's because of a combination of these factors.

The moment the five uncles woke up, Lu Qian's entire body underwent strange changes.

The body is like heaven and earth, and the five elements are self-generated, and the cycle of birth and restraint has evolved into the original and detailed Tao of heaven and earth. Naturally, a Tao rhythm that is completely different from the big world outside grew up in Lu Qian's body.

Just within the scope of this net, the invisible and traceless breeze blowing from the abyss quietly poured into Lu Qian's body... These breezes that contain the terrifying power of annihilation also contain endless power. God made it possible'.

Annihilation and Creation.

Destruction and creation.

Death and birth.

This is originally the relationship between the two sides of Tai Chi.

This breeze poured into Lu Qian's body, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth that belonged to Lu Qian quietly burst out in his body.

Taoist rhyme grows. Ingenuity flourishes. Lu Qian's body suddenly became full of vitality, and a small world, although weak and frail, did exist, opened up in Lu Qian's body.

This small world is not restricted by the outside world at all. Although it is weak, it has its own way, its own Dharma, and its own endless source of inspiration from heaven and earth!

Lu Qian was confused and turbid, and in his chaotic mind, a little light flickered. A large number of memory fragments slowly floated up from the depths of his mind, and merged bit by bit into the light of the soul floating in the sky above his mind.

A large number of memories are reviving, the light of the soul shines in the mind, and the power of the soul continues to penetrate into this ball of light. Lu Qian's soul wave spread from the center of his eyebrows to the surroundings inch by inch, and extended to the surroundings inch by inch.

Like an ancient volcano that had been dormant for a long time, unpredictable power revived in Lu Qian's body.

Qi and blood surge.

Mana surges.

The vigilance and fear in Lu Qian's heart towards Dao Qiqiqi suddenly weakened. He clasped his hands together and waved gently, and the thirty-six bones of gods and demons turned into wisps of white light and disappeared, and then reunited at his fingertips. , turned into a string of Buddhist beads and hung on his palm.

Dao Qiqiqi's flesh and blood squirmed rapidly, and the wounds that penetrated his body disappeared without a trace in an instant.

He frowned and looked at Lu Qian impatiently: Why, don't fight? Are you ready to surrender? This is boring... I haven't tortured you yet, how can you give up so easily? ?”

As the power of the soul continues to recover and grow stronger, the connection between Lu Qian and Hongchentian, who is immersed in the depths of his mind, suddenly becomes clear and close. Accompanied by the shocking Sanskrit singing, the Red Dust Sky rose up bit by bit from the depths of Lu Qian's mind, and circles of grand Buddha light rippled. The Red Dust Sky was like a fossilized lotus seed, gradually blooming into vibrant spores. A piece of plump and fresh green leaves and petals kept blooming in Lu Qian's mind.

Circles of Buddha light swayed in the world of mortals, and the Buddhist kingdom that had been sealed for so long began to slowly open.

The majestic power of Buddha gushes out from the world of mortals. Amidst the sound of Sanskrit chants, Lu Qian gradually regains the power he originally possessed.

What's more, this majestic Buddhist power originating from the world of mortals, with the help of Loulan's deputy town seal, seemed to find a fulcrum with a lever, and began to secretly move around Lu Qian, belonging to this world. , the avenue of heaven and earth imprisoned by supreme authority.

This great road of heaven and earth obviously has its owner.

Lu Qian cooperates with Hongchentian, and what he is doing now is secretly...'stealing' it!

In the world of mortals, it is like a newborn baby whose belly is raging with hunger and is about to faint from hunger. Suddenly he sees the plumpness and whiteness of someone else's wet nurse, and opens his little red mouth, Mmm. Take one bite and grab it!

However, as soon as the world of mortals moved, Lu Qian felt a thrill of terror. In the dark, the horror of shattering his body to pieces and his soul flying away came over him. Lu Qian tried his best and used all the power of his soul to forcefully stop Hongchentian's instinctive greedy behavior.

However, Hongchentian had already opened his little mouth. Lu Qian had just recovered a little of his soul power at this moment, and he suddenly tightened the reins. When the backlash came, Lu Qian's seven orifices spattered with blood, causing him pain. With a muffled groan, he knelt down on the driver's seat with a bang.

Dao Qiqiqi had no idea what earth-shattering changes had taken place in Lu Qian's body. When he saw Lu Qiqi's Qiqiao spurting blood and kneeling in front of him, he couldn't help but laugh wildly: Hahaha, do you know fear? Do you know awe? You actually , Kneel down?

You bunch of lawless thieves and monks, aren't you so brave that you dare to... and... and... and...

Dao Qiqiqi closed his mouth and took a deep breath.

He looked down at Lu Qian, who was kneeling on the ground and gasping for air, and said in a deep voice: Even if this is the case, I won't let you go. Take your bird out for me, and let me cook it hard!

The machete rotated slowly around him. The knife Qiqiqi looked at the big parrot with bared teeth, his body trembling slightly, and he couldn't wait to cut him into a plate of parrot silk!

How had the big parrot ever suffered such injustice?

He didn't bother to figure out where he was, and he didn't bother to figure out what time it was. He opened his mouth and a stream of market slang poured out crazily.

Just as the big parrot opened its mouth to spit, the big yellow dog, the small green snake, the big snapping turtle, and the fat rabbit were already struggling to get out of Lu Qian's flesh and landed quietly on the ground. They rolled on the spot, reduced to about the size of a foot, and bared their fangs towards Dao Qiqiqi.

Zhou Laodao led a group of tribesmen, holding the emperor's money, swallowing the wisdom of heaven and earth, barely stopping the blood flow on his body, leaving behind the weapons that were chopped off by the swords, replaced the swords, guns, swords and halberds, turned over and climbed into the car. , stepped on the roof of the car, and surrounded Dao Qiqi from all sides.

Dao Qiqiqi seemed to have discovered some new world. He left behind the big parrot that he wanted to cut into pieces, and looked at Zhou Laodao with a smile: Are you so nervous? Do you care so much? So, this Monk, are you very important to you?

Then, should I... torture this monk to death in front of you first? Or should I torture you to death in front of the monk first?

Dao Qiqiqi scratched his head in distress.

His nails tore the flesh on his head, scratching his skull hard, making a harsh friction sound. Blood was flowing down his cheek, and he was frantically mutilating himself. He looked like a ghost at this moment!

Lu Qian gasped and slowly stood up.

Within the body, the Five Elements Dao creates and restrains reincarnation, forming a small world of its own.

The world of mortals was already connected with the small world that had just been opened up in Lu Qian's body, which corresponded to the five uncles. From the world of mortals, strands of meaningful Taoist rhyme continued to flow out, and was cast into Lu Qian's body.

After Lu Qian came to this world, his cultivation, which had been stagnant, began to advance by leaps and bounds.

Under the nourishment of the Heavenly Dao Yun in the world of mortals, Lu Qian's Dao practice improved by about 10% in one breath compared to Liangyi Heaven. After a few breaths, his upper limit of Dao practice had more than doubled compared to Liangyi Heaven.

Such a rapid improvement is simply unbelievable.

But... Lu Qian raised his head, his eyes flickered, and he looked at the avenues of heaven and earth that ran through the void like giant dragons, feeling the vast, unfathomable, and indescribable supreme avenues of heaven and earth... He This improvement in cultivation and practice is like a drop in the ocean, completely insignificant.

Lu Qian let out a heavy breath, clasped his hands together, and looked at Dao Qiqiqi deeply.

Donor, you have become possessed.

The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn around, you will find the shore!

Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!

Dao Qiqiqi looked at Lu Qian with bared teeth, and laughed crazily again: Turn back? Put it down?

I want it too!

But... come on, tell me what to do? How to do it?

With a long roar, Dao Qiqiqi grasped the machete flying around him, and with a 'chi' sound, he slashed at the big parrot, half of which was still buried in the flesh and blood of Lu Qian's chest.

Thief! I'll chop you up first!

Lu Qian gave a soft drink, and brought up a touch of Buddha's light with the index finger of his right hand, turning it into a transparent state like glass, and pointed it towards the blade of Dao Qiqiqi.

Just listen to the loud bang, and sparks suddenly fly everywhere!

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