Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 896 Immortality (3)

The Iron Gate Pass has become the Blood Gate Pass.

A torrential amount of plasma emerged from nowhere, coating the landmass with a radius of thousands of miles thickly. The smell of blood was soaring into the sky. The corpses of countless creatures lay in the plasma, melting little by little, revealing various bones. There are also fishy internal organs.

The emotions and scenery are as good as hell.

Tie Wuxin, who was only thinking about secretly scheming and wanting to fight with the domineering and unreasonable patrolling forbidden god guard, did not know where his body went. Only a head was left, and his long messy hair was grabbed by someone, like a head. A piece of melon and fruit, dangling casually in the hand. Thick plasma dripped from the broken neck, and Tie Wuxin's angry eyes were full of panic and despair.

His spirit is trapped in his skull. Wisps of black filthy flames went in and out of his seven orifices, burning and refining his soul bit by bit. As Tie Wuxin's soul was slowly refined, the flesh and skin on his head also dissipated bit by bit, and the essence of flesh, blood, and soul was refined into his skull, making his skull become crystal clear, like some kind of crystal. Carved from stone.

This is an extremely vicious weapon refining secret method.

The person who is using the secret method to temper Tie Wuxin is wearing a black robe with blood-colored lace on the edges. His whole body is wrapped in black and red filthy mist. The evil energy around him rises, soars into the sky thousands of feet high, and turns into a large black cloud. , a tall and thin man who enveloped an area of ​​a hundred miles.

In the Iron Gate Pass, the once-mighty Tie family, Qin family, and Lin family were already covered with corpses, and none of their clansmen survived.

The huge iron gate was full of corpses. The soldiers who were responsible for guarding the Iron Gate fell to the ground in a mess. Their armor seemed to have been corroded by the weather for thousands of years, and was stained with rust. A hole could be seen when you poked it with your finger. Together with their bodies, they were dripping with sticky blood. Melts quickly.

Only in the corner of the west gate of Tiemenguan, the master of Tiemenguan, Linhe, and hundreds of defeated soldiers were reluctantly relying on the pillars of a city defense formation, struggling to resist the casual attack of a man in black. s attack.

The man in black casually struck, and a ball of black energy turned into a venomous snake and flew down in the air, biting the soldiers beside Lin He crazily. The military formation they formed was easily pierced by the erosion of the black energy like a piece of paper. Every time the black energy fell, one or two soldiers were picked up by the big snake transformed by the black energy. As soon as the big mouth closed, they would It bites into two pieces.

In the rain of blood splashing, far and near, there were hundreds of men in black surrounded by black energy, standing on city walls, high buildings, or suspended in mid-air, with a sarcastic sneer on their pale, lifeless cheeks. Leng looked at the desperate struggle between Lin He and a group of soldiers.

They can easily destroy Lin He and others... but they are not in a hurry to do it, they are just having fun.

The huge iron gate has been turned into a dead place, and Lin He and others are just gadgets used to amuse Menzi... Now there is only a large-scale resistance near a beautiful hill - that is, nearly a thousand people. The heavily armored 'Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards', under the command of the cold and arrogant girl, formed formations and attacked each other with large groups of men in black.

The military formation of the 'Surveying the Forbidden God Guards' was thick and cold, like a steel knife. It was cold and fierce as it advanced and retreated. Every strike sent thunder across the sky and made a loud noise that shook the earth.

And those men in black are like crows released by the God of Death. Their figures are erratic, flying and spinning all over the sky, rolling up wisps of black smoke and black gas, scattering large areas of bloody wind, and vicious spells. , Yin fire flies around silently, and if the members of the patrolling forbidden gods are not careful, their internal organs will suddenly rot into mud, or the seven orifices will suddenly seep out thick poisonous blood, or there will be other vicious things on their bodies. Keep growing...

No matter how fierce, murderous and unstoppable the formation of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guards was, every time they pounced, they could not touch the men in black flying all over the sky.

Time passed by little by little, and the soldiers of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard kept groaning and falling to the ground, their whole bodies twitching and losing their fighting power.

Every time at this time, thick, densely covered mucus, thin tentacles shaped like octopus tentacles would emerge from the ground. Dozens of tentacles would swarm up, tie up these patrolling Forbidden God Guards, and drag them to the ground with a 'chirp' sound. Dozens of miles away.

These tentacles slowly squirmed and turned into long, slender rods. In some indescribable torture method, they penetrated an orifice of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards and lifted them high in the air.

Thick, dirty bloody black gas was sloshing around on the bodies of these Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards, and long rods made of tentacles densely covered with suckers stirred inside their bodies. These Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards roared at the top of their lungs, and their bodies twitched violently. , from the deepest part of the soul, extremely negative emotional fluctuations were forcefully aroused.

These negative, evil, and full of malicious emotions were absorbed by the black energy and blood light from all directions. Suddenly, the men in black increased their combat power out of thin air. They became even faster when they were spinning, and they were even more powerful when they were flickering. The ghosts and spirits are unpredictable.

The girl in heavy armor stood quietly in the military formation, looking coldly at the men in black attacking frantically around her.

Gradually, she showed a hint of madness.

Hehehe, you guys, very good, very good... You dare to provoke the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards? There was a stream of lightning surging around the girl's body, silently, but with a suffocating and terrifying pressure. She whispered: Don't let me find the master behind your scenes, otherwise...

Black energy filled the air, and a huge face condensed in the black energy. His eyes were gushing with blood, and he stared directly at the girl: The master behind the scenes? Hehe, you don't need to find it, we confessed ourselves. I'm a bloody evildoer in heaven. The 'Heikui Laojun' who is ranked 179,466th on the list is... you, the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards, have been chasing me for many years, hey, I finally got a chance!

The face condensed with black energy was clearly that of an old man with a thin face and a goatee. From his appearance to his demeanor, he was quite similar to an old goat. He bared his teeth and smiled at the girl: I am a devil, a rebellious, a heinous sinner that cannot be tolerated by heaven... Hee, hee hee, little girl, I took the children to slaughter this iron gate, and gave it to myself I have added a lot of sins to my list of sins...but how can you, the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards, kill me?

Mr. Heikui screamed at the top of his lungs: I slaughtered this place, what can you do to me?

The girl looked at Mr. Heikui with cold eyes, shook her head slightly and smiled: I don't know what it means, it's just a lost dog, talking nonsense here, it's simply... unclear!

Haha, no matter what you came to Tiemenguan to do, no matter you are the mastermind behind it, or there are others behind you, in short, everything will be clear after I capture you!

Mr. Heikui narrowed his eyes and looked the girl up and down: Take me down? Little girl, what you patrolling forbidden gods have not been able to do for so many years, you, an unknown little girl... tsk tsk!

Shaking his head, Mr. Heikui said with a smile: You have to be careful. My children don't know what it means to cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade. If you fall into their hands, oh my, you have such a flowery little face. , and this slim and charming little body, but it’s just... miserable!”

The girl also narrowed her eyes, her body trembled slightly, and she laughed softly: Really? I'm quite looking forward to it!

Mr. Heikui couldn't hear the girl talking to herself.

He just saw the girl's body trembling slightly. He took it for granted and thought that the girl was scared, frightened, or even desperate... He couldn't help but nodded and said with a smile: As time goes by, even the supreme Heaven is also corrupt. You, the Heaven Patrolling Forbidden God Guards, are no longer as good as each generation. There are more and more second-generation ancestors like you who get credit for joining the Heaven Patrolling Forbidden God Guards.

Hey, are we counting on you? There is really no hope for the Supreme Heaven.

There are some muddy waters, and you, the second-generation ancestors, are not the ones you should get involved in... Let's enjoy the most luxurious enjoyment in the world in Tianzhou, isn't it? Why come here and splash your own blood?

Sighing, Mr. Heikui said quietly: Kill all these minions and leave this little girl to cook slowly... Hey, I don't know whose daughter she is, maybe she is my wife's daughter. The daughter of an acquaintance? Then you have to enjoy it well... Well, you are good at thunder magic. Among the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guards, there are only a few commanders who are good at thunder magic. Which family are you from?

Hurry up and report your origins. I've had a lot of fun. I can also send one of your arms, legs, or half of your butt back to your biological father and mother... Wow!

The laughter of Mr. Heikui became more and more sinister, ferocious, and even more sinister.

The girl looked at Mr. Heikui coldly, with her hands behind her back, quietly watching the more than a thousand soldiers under his command, falling to the ground one after another, and being attacked and killed by countless figures shrouded in black energy. Roaring, he was pulled away by those tentacles, and the long pole condensed by the tentacles was raised high in the air, twitching and jumping like a fish being caught.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people around the girl.

In the end, the last few heavily armored soldiers were dragged away by the secret methods of the men in black around them. They were hung in the air by long poles, and their bodies and souls were subjected to incredible abuse and torture. Even though they were all real elites of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guards, they could not help but let out inhumane howls.

In all directions, wisps of figures formed by black energy surrounded the girl from far and near.

There is no 'humanity' in the eyes of many people.

Each one of them looked like a wolf or a tiger, like an animal or an animal, or even more like a demon... They murmured all kinds of filthy and obscene words in their mouths, venting their indescribable evil desires for the girl with the utmost viciousness.

If an ordinary person were to hear the thoughts these shadows had about them, they would have been frightened to death long ago.

The girl's face was red, her eyes were watery, and she looked at the black shadows surrounding her with a smile: Is what you said true? You will make me break into pieces and my soul will fly away? You will make me never reincarnate. ?”

Then, we have made an agreement...you must do it!

If you can't let me break into pieces and never be reincarnated...then you will be dead...and you will die miserably, miserably and desolately!

The girl giggled. She raised her hands, and thunder roared all over the sky. High in the sky, the void with a radius of thousands of miles was shrouded by thunderclouds that appeared out of thin air. In the thick dark clouds, streaks of thick and thin thunder were like giant dragons. Winding, roaring, roaring, tearing through the void, roaring past.

As the thunder dragon rolls, countless groups of thunder lights with a diameter of tens of feet are as viscous as magma, emitting suffocating pure Yang fluctuations, pouring down from the thunder clouds like heavy rain.

Mr. Hei Kui's eyes widened: The true thunder of the sun! Huh? Among the Forbidden God Guards who patrol the sky, the only one who masters the thunder method of the sun is Xuangang!

Are you a blood descendant of Old Ghost Xuan Gang?

Mr. Hei Kui was so excited that his whole body trembled: Old Ghost Xuan Gang, he led his people to hunt me down for 180,000 years... My disciples, my clansmen, my children... were all killed by him. , and they all died after being tortured!”

Little girl, you actually fell into my hands, just...

Before he finished speaking, the thunder light fell, and the true thunder of the sun fell on the figures formed by the black air. In the earth-shattering roar, clusters of blazing high-temperature lightning exploded, and the figures formed by the black air were melted by the high temperature. Evaporated, wisps of black air whined in all directions and fled quickly, but were suddenly sealed into masses of crystal clear silver ice!

The silver black ice is clear, crystal clear, and has a pure and flawless texture. The biting coldness is absolutely restrained within it, without even a trace of cold air leaking out. Such clear and pure cold air has the innate ability to restrain, wash and purify these dirty and evil black air.

The black air was frozen by the silver black ice and could not move at all. Moreover, it was washed and blown away by the cold air. The sad howling sound in the black air could not be heard endlessly. In an instant, a large amount of black air was purified instantly, and even a little bit was purified. No residue is left.

Mr. Heikui suddenly changed his expression: You are not the heir of Xuangang! How come you still have the power of Taiyin in the true thunder of the sun?

You, you, what are you...

Mr. Heikui subconsciously took a few steps back, and hissed: The power of Taiyin, the power of Taiyin...

Shaking his head, Mr. Heikui opened his eyes wide, stared at the silver black ice, and murmured: The power of Taiyin is impossible. Taiyin Avenue is the sole power of the Supreme Heavenly Queen. Who dares to touch it? There is no doubt that he will die... Although this cold and cold energy is very similar to Taiyin, it is absolutely impossible to be the power of Taiyin... Then, then...

Mr. Heikui suddenly laughed strangely: You are really confused. I don't care if you are Taiyin, Shaoyin, Xuanyin, Yinming, or any other kind of yin that comes and goes... the yin in the world. There are over 1,800 different avenues, and I can’t recognize them all!”

As long as it's not the power of Taiyin, who cares what your little girl's background is?

Let the children be happy first, then!

Mr. Heikui screamed wildly, and the huge face made of black air suddenly swelled to a height of thousands of feet. He opened his mouth and sprayed out fiercely. A large area of ​​black air rose into the sky. In the black air, a flag gate made of white bones gently In a flash, a flash of blood turned into a strange-shaped scimitar, and was slashed out accompanied by the cries of billions of ghosts.

The thunderclouds in the sky were shattered by one blow, countless solar thunders exploded, and balls of silver black ice and freezing air exploded into countless ice slag.

Countless black figures that were shattered by the true thunder of the sun and frozen by the cold air came out. They roared in unison, and all kinds of vicious forbidden laws and restrictions were like heavy rain, pouring into the girl in an instant.

The armor and clothes on the girl's body melted and disappeared silently, revealing her snow-white and pink body.

In all directions, the eyes of countless black figures turned scarlet at the same time, and each of them let out extremely dirty, obscene, sinister and ferocious roars, and each one flew towards the girl like a mad dog.

The girl tilted her head, with a strange smile, and quietly looked at the black figures flying toward her from all directions.

One blow shattered the girl's magical power, leaving her unable to resist. Seeing the strange smile on the girl's face, Mr. Heikui felt his heart tremble inexplicably, and subconsciously moved backwards to escape.

As soon as he escaped, he saw a red thunder light light up in the girl's heart.

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and a ball of red lightning swept across a radius of a hundred miles. The blazing lightning flashed and danced, turning everything in its path into ashes. More than 10,000 Black Kui Laojun's subordinates were directly vaporized in the red light, leaving no residue at all.

Mr. Heikui screamed at the top of his lungs, yelling and cursing with hatred: You girl, you are crazy! It's not the time to die yet... What are you doing to risk your life by blowing yourself up?

Mr. Hei Kui couldn't understand it at all.

Even if you are surrounded by heavy troops, even if you are in a desperate situation, as the leader of the patrol of the Forbidden God Guards, and you are probably the second generation ancestor with a big backing and a big background, you should not struggle, resist, and hang on for a while... ...In the end, after experiencing countless tortures, I knelt down in front of Mr. Heikui with tears streaming down my face, begging him to give me a good time?

This is the formal process!

This style of self-destruction without saying a word... are you kidding?

Mr. Heikui ran very fast, but he was still not as fast as the girl who blew herself up. The girl self-destructed, and the thunder light surged. In an instant, she caught up with Heikui Laojun, who had escaped for more than ten miles. In the surging crimson high-temperature thunder light, wisps of silvery cold air condensed into electric rays that crisscrossed like sharp swords. It was terrifying. The high temperature, which is enough to melt iron into gold, and the terrifying low temperature, which is enough to freeze stones into pieces, rapidly intersect. The power of the avenue contained in it is like a yin and yang millstone with two sides, grinding Black Kui Laojun crazily.

Mr. Heikui is worthy of being listed on the list of blood evildoers in the Supreme Heaven. He is an old devil who has been hunted for many years and can still live happily.

The power caused by the girl's self-destruction was extremely terrifying, and a large group of black shadows were destroyed in an instant. However, Mr. Heikui just spit out a mouthful of blood and lost a little vitality. The thousand-foot-high black energy face shrank slightly by dozens of feet, and then was released. The dense blood light blocked the thunder and red light emitted by the girl's self-destruction.

Waves of thunder surged around.

Things like self-destruction come and go quickly.

In a short breath, the noise caused by the girl's self-destruction had dissipated, and a large crater with a diameter of ten miles was blasted open on the ground behind the iron gate. The aftermath of the self-destruction spread in all directions. The mountains, rivers and rivers within a hundred miles were in a mess, and all the exquisite pavilions and pavilions were gone.

Those Tianxuan Forbidden God Guards who were captured alive by Old Lord Heikui, hung in mid-air and tortured wantonly, were blown to pieces, and none of them survived.

The black energy collapsed inward, and Lord Heikui revealed his true form in the black energy.

He frowned, looked in the direction where the girl was just now, and murmured in a low voice: This girl Pianzi is obviously of extraordinary origin, and she is clearly a second-generation ancestor... How come that the second-generation ancestors of Heaven are now so enlightened? If we don't agree with each other, we just blow ourselves up? If those second-generation ancestors in Heaven had this kind of enlightenment back then, how could there be any room for us to hang out together?

Shaking his head and clicking his lips, Mr. Heikui stomped his feet angrily: Damn it, I didn't catch any useful survivors, but I lost so many children... Hey, hey, all my hard work over the years has been wiped out again. Most of it was spent!”

This Iron Gate business... Hey, if you can't find out anything useful, how can you explain it to that person?

After waving his hand, Mr. Heikui said in a cold voice: Okay, stop playing around, kill everyone here, and then, while the people above the iron gate haven't reacted, hurry up and hunt down the Forbidden God Guards sent out. of manpower...

Lin He and the others, who were desperately resisting, faced the sudden attack that was a thousand times more violent. They just screamed helplessly and were crushed to pieces. From the body to the soul, they were swallowed up in an instant.

Tens of breaths later, the small land mass of Tiemenguan, which was suspended above the Eight Great Plains, suddenly exploded. It was torn into dozens of pieces by people using great supernatural powers, and it spewed out fire and thick smoke as it fell.

This iron gate is flying over the Jingchuan Plain among the eight plains.

This Jingchuan Plain is the sage land that was first developed in the Eight Great Plains and is the most densely populated and developed.

The fragments of Iron Gate Pass fell from a high altitude and hit the core of Jingchuan Plain... Every inch of the land mass suspended in the void of Iron Gate Pass was densely covered with restrictions, and every rock was inscribed with runes.

Mr. Heikui was very ruthless. He just smashed the iron gate, but he also directly used secret methods to detonate these restrictions and runes.

Pieces of broken landmass with a radius of hundreds of miles fell to the ground, and then exploded.

Black smoke and raging fire swept across thousands and tens of thousands of miles. Dozens of giant cities in Jingchuan Plain, and hundreds of millions of creatures were directly turned into ashes in the light of the fire. The sky was full of shrill and desperate cries. As soon as the souls that were blown into flying ash flew up, they were swallowed by the huge mouth transformed into wisps of black gas. They chewed it with great satisfaction, and then swallowed it in big mouths. .

The iron gate closed and disappeared.

On the land of Jingchuan Plain, dozens of large pits with diameters of thousands of miles or tens of thousands of miles are densely lined up. Magma is rolling in the pits and flames are rising. In the face of such natural disasters, the Tiemenguan is used to control the natives of the Eight Great Plains. With the monk's strength, it was impossible for any living being to survive.

As the magma rolled, in a huge pit, a tiny drop of blood slowly emerged from the magma.

Subsequently, in the entire large crater with a diameter of thousands of miles, the blazing and boiling magma cooled down instantly, and the immeasurable heat was evacuated by this small drop of blood. A trace of extremely fine talisman patterns emerged on this small piece of blood. The talisman patterns were staggered and outlined, and gradually turned into a small phantom flag that slowly waved.

Somehow, a deeply hidden avenue in this world was mobilized.

The infinite spiritual power of heaven and earth was extremely obscure, and it rushed towards this small drop of blood almost silently and without any fluctuation. With the influx of spiritual inspiration from heaven and earth, and the infusion of the rhyme of the great avenue, this tiny drop of blood rapidly split and multiplied, turning into the size of a water tank in the blink of an eye.

Bai Shengsheng's arms and legs were like made of glass, and the internal organs shining with crimson lightning were rapidly growing out of the blood. In just a cup of tea, he pieced together an exquisite, concave and convex, beautiful body. body.

The girl who had just self-destructed shook her body, shook the remaining plasma on her body to the ground, and stood quietly on the ground.

She looked around, her face twitched slightly, and she chuckled. Her expression was extremely complicated, with a hint of unpredictable distortion: Uh, it's not like he's dead... This Mr. Heikui , after bragging like this, I thought how powerful he was... It turns out that he couldn't even find the blood left after I blew myself up... It turns out that he couldn't beat me to death!

It's so boring!

After moving his body vigorously, a series of cracking sounds came from his petite and slim body.

The girl clenched her fist hard, and thunder liquid surged throughout her body, forming a battle suit and a piece of thunder armor on her body. Her body slowly flew up, and at the point of her hand, a flash of lightning flew out, with a large number of words flickering and changing, quickly circling around her.

Well, it seems that our actions have attracted the attention of outsiders.

I don't know who sent this old ghost Heikui... Well, he keeps saying that he is an evil spirit and a traitor? Oh, what are you trying to clear up?

It can be seen that behind this old ghost, there must be someone from heaven, or someone from a certain great emperor?

But what does it have to do with me?

No matter who they are, they are all trash and they can't kill me, so I'll kill them!

My lord, my entire army has been wiped out. Hurry up and send me more men... Hee, if I can't kill myself, I'll kill you all... If I can't kill myself, I'll kill you all. , isn’t it easy?”

After counting with her fingers, the girl murmured: Well, the loss this time is a bit serious. But it doesn't matter. Even if you can't find enough emperor's money to replenish the loss, you can self-destruct again in three months.

Find an excuse and get more people around. When the time comes, let's say 'boom' again!

Hey, if I can't kill myself, I'll kill you, isn't that okay?

After looking in all directions for a while, the girl frowned: Then, where should I go now? No one is around, food and clothing are all trouble... food, drink, seats when going out... think about it Just a headache.”

I'm afraid that the other people will all be found and killed by the old ghost Heikui... The one who is more reliable, Dao Qiqiqi? Hey, isn't he clamoring for death all day long? Then, let's go find him Him.

He still has a few people who can be dispatched. That's good!

The girl took a moment to determine the direction, a cold light flashed in her eyes, her eyebrows opened vertically, a ray of lightning spurted out, turning into a 'compass', and with a 'chichi' sound, the needle point pointed to the direction of Dao Qiqiqi .

Let's go! The girl jumped up and down, extremely happy, like a playful dog, escaping towards where Dao Qiqiqi was. Lightning flashed around her, flying at extremely fast speeds, one flash traveling hundreds of thousands of miles.

Not long after the girl left, in the sky where the iron gate was originally located, a finger with a diameter of several miles, as if carved from sapphire, shone with a faint glow, and suddenly pointed towards it from outside the sky with a finger that shattered the void.

With a slight stroke of this finger, dozens of giant warships hundreds of miles long suddenly swarmed out.

These warships are all black and gold, and the decks are densely covered with soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding long swords.

On the battleship, huge flags were fluttering, and huge runes made of starlight flickered on the flags. A heavy pressure belonging to the heavenly army directly under the Supreme Heaven surged out, causing the surrounding void to suddenly solidify.

A young man wearing a black robe, with countless thin stars twinkling on the sleeves, and a three-foot-high jade crown on his head, stood on the bow of a battleship, his eyebrows opened, and wisps of red flames spurted out. , dyeing half of the sky red.

Really damn, so brave!

Who is the direct superior of Tiemenguan?

Huh? Is it Mr. Doumen Xing? This area of ​​heaven is actually the fiefdom of Mr. Doumen Xing? Haha, then in my name, I will go to heaven and impeach Mr. Doumen Xing for his incompetence and dereliction of duty.

This devil is so audacious and dares to massacre Tiemenguan... This is a dereliction of duty by the Xuntian Forbidden God Guard. In my name, I would like to impeach the commander of the Xuntian Forbidden God Guard for his incompetence and dereliction of duty!

Divide your troops, form formations, and seal off all directions. I shall implement the laws of heaven and completely eliminate this daring demon.

Dozens of warships slowly dispersed around.

Flags flew out one after another, flag gates flew out one after another, and large formation bases rose into the sky, marking the void in all directions. At the young man's finger, a star-studded seal about a foot square rose into the air, and the power of 'authority' rippled out, mobilizing the heavenly charms in the void in all directions, completely sealing the void where the Iron Gate Pass was. solid.

Outside, no entry.

Inside, cannot come out.

The young man smiled slightly, raised his head, and his eyebrows suddenly opened.

In the void, a space squirmed slightly, and the originally clear sky became as blurry as frosted glass.

Behind the hazy and distorted sky, one could see a fleet of the same size and consisting of hundreds of miles long warships, galloping towards them like lightning.

But this side of the void has been imprisoned. The fleet flew straight towards it, stirring up the void and making this side of the world tremble slightly. However, it was still unable to locate the exact coordinates of this side of the void and could not reach this side of the world.

You're late! The young man smiled, and sneered with his hands behind his back: Your master spends countless dollars every year to raise trash like you? You can't even keep up with the heat of eating shit!

The eyebrows flashed, a large firelight rose, and the slightly distorted void in that area suddenly returned to normal.

The young man said coldly: Search all over the world, kill if you should, kill if you should, keep killing... In short, if there are suspects, if something is wrong, they are all involved with the devil, kill them all.

I would rather kill everyone in the world than let anyone go.

That's it!

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