Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 897 Primitive Wasteland

On the wasteland.

Looking at Dao Qiqiqi who kept 'attacking', Lu Qian also felt a little helpless.

It cannot be cut to death, chopped into pieces, the Buddha's flames cannot be burned, and the Buddha's mantra cannot be redeemed. Even the inexhaustible 'Transformation' method used by Lu Qian in the past cannot cleanse the obsession in Dao Qiqiqi's mind.

He can 'completely recover' and 'return to a certain peak, original state' at any time.

This gives people a headache.

Lu Qian looked at Dao Qiqiqi, who had a twisted smile on his face and kept approaching him. He sighed, and with a slight stroke of his right hand, the Tianlong Zen Staff flew out of Lu Qian's body with a low roar, hovered in the air, and then dropped. A large area of ​​the prison-suppressing Buddha's light appeared.

Buddhism still has many methods for dealing with such evildoers who cannot be killed or refined.

The most common one is to use a mountain to hold it down, or to use a tower to hold it down.

You are being treated like a monkey and a lady! In Lu Qian's mind, two extremely small, not very serious memory fragments emerged. The monkey face with a thunderous mouth flashed through his mind, but the charming, dignified white beauty figure made Lu Qian shiver.

Sure enough, only children look at monkeys! Lu Qian looked around with a guilty conscience, fearing that others would see through some of his distracting thoughts - okay, okay, the joke about monkeys and beauties, this No one knows about this part of the world.

Dao Qiqiqi was hit by the prison-suppressing Buddha light ejected from Tianlong Zen Staff, and his body suddenly stiffened. Layers of Buddha's light gathered from all directions and quickly spread on Dao Qiqi's body. It was like an unlucky little insect accidentally landed on a large adolescent pine tree. The large pine tree generously sprayed a large amount of sticky rosin, wrapping him intimately in layers.

The Buddha's light solidified and turned into a transparent crystal stone several feet in diameter and completely black and golden.

Within the crystal, one by one the prison-suppressing mantras of the lineage of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha are faintly visible. They are shaped like a mountain and exude a suffocating heavy pressure. Dao Qiqiqi's body was tightly imprisoned in the center of the crystal. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not move.

Not only that, this crystal stone cuts off the air, the spirit, the Tao, and the sustenance needed by all living beings. In this spar seal, Dao Qiqiqi could not breathe or gasp, and all physiological activities required by living creatures were completely suppressed. This was undoubtedly a form of torture, but he couldn't die.

Lu Qian took a deep look at Dao Qiqiqi and shook his head. Of course he could understand how painful it was. He was simply in an endless hell, enduring endless torture all the time. However, this was what Dao Qiqiqi asked for. Lu Qian must not let an unbeatable monster out there, always looking for trouble with a knife, right?

I am not afraid, but there are so many people in this pioneering group.

The Tianlong Zen Staff turned into a black-gold dragon that was more than ten feet long, roared low and soared into the sky, and smashed the barrier net laid by Dao Qiqiqi with one head. A chuckle came from not far away: Is this the end?

Lu Qian looked over.

The expressions of the dozen or so men in black who were accompanying Dao Qiqiqi suddenly changed.

They saw the spar suspended in front of Lu Qian, and even more clearly saw the knife Qiqiqi, which was stuck in the spar and could not move. With a choking sound, more than a dozen men in black pulled out their swords at the same time, turning into wisps of black shadow without saying a word, and slashed straight at Lu Qian with a gleam of cold light.

Lu Qian raised his hands and pressed down.

The light of the prison-suppressing Buddha shone down, and a dozen men in black groaned at the same time. They immediately followed in the footsteps of Dao Qiqiqi, and were tightly wrapped in huge crystal stones. No matter how crazy they struggled, they could not move at all.

The scimitars in their hands were repulsed by the spar, and fell to the ground with a 'ding-ding' sound.

Lu Qian picked up a scimitar and threw it to Zhou Laodao: Here, try their knives... Well, the refining methods of these knives are quite interesting. When I have time, I will imitate these scimitars and give you weapons Upgrade!

Shaking his head, Lu Qian looked in the direction they came from, his heart suddenly beating violently.

I don't feel very good. Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Lu Qian whistled and waved hastily towards Zhou Laodao and others.

The big parrot fluttered its wings and flew out from Lu Qian's chest. It circled and landed on Lu Qian's bare head. It flapped its wings and shouted with dignity: Did you hear that? I want you to leave quickly... hurry up, Damn it, stop procrastinating, hurry up and start walking... uh, Brother Gen, where are you walking to?

Lu Qian rolled his eyes.

The other four uncles squatted at Lu Qian's feet and rolled their eyes at the articulate flat-haired uncle.

The countless branches have stretched out far, far away, like a rainbow bridge, extending towards the dim light in the distance. It seems that it won't take long for this long bridge to reach the dim light thousands of miles away.

Zhao Ding ran up in a hurry and gasped: Master is right, we need to hurry up... Each of the 'divine seeds' issued by the pioneering order only lasts for three days and three nights. , if we can’t reach the other side within three days and three nights...According to the law, we will all be killed!

Lu Qian looked at Zhao Ding in surprise.

Is there a time limit for this long bridge? If time is wasted, everyone in the pioneering team will be beheaded?

It sounds like opening up the primitive wilderness is not a popular job? Lu Qian murmured to himself.

Isn't it? Zhao Ding smiled bitterly: If it weren't for the unlucky guy who suffered a defeat in the family fight, who would be willing to take this kind of life-threatening job? In the past, a hundred pioneering groups were sent out, and those who could successfully open up a world were often Not even half of it.”

That is...ahem, Mr. Iron Needle and so on... Shaking his head, Zhao Ding lowered his voice: But, this Iron Gate Pass, as well as other border town yamen, will always gather together every few years. A 'pioneering divine seed'. Once this divine seed is condensed, a pioneering group must be sent to actively expand the wasteland. This is uncontrollable.

So, even if it's not Young Master Iron Needle this time, there will always be other young masters who are unlucky.

Zhao Ding smiled miserably: Those in humble positions are also...hey, hey...

Zhao Ding also wanted to feel sorry for himself, lamenting that the relationship with his boss was not good on weekdays. During the holidays, the filial Qizhen and the emperor's money were slightly less. When Master Tiezhen had an accident this time, he was not careful. , got in front of Shangguan...

Lu Qian's heartbeat was beating faster and faster. He shouted in a low voice: Stop making noise. Go at full speed!

He suddenly turned around and looked in the direction he came from, and said in a deep voice: If you don't leave, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave!

The Tianlong Zen Staff fell from the sky and turned into a heavy coiled dragon staff that Lu Qian grasped in his hand. The heavy Zen staff hit the ground hard, and the ground trembled violently. Lu Qian recited the Buddhist mantra in a low voice. The five uncles either had their hair or scales exploded, and at the same time they let out high-pitched, low-pitched, sharp, or melodious whistles. Voice.

The surrounding void swayed slightly, and invisible wind blew from the bottomless abyss behind him.

On the bodies of the five uncles, the innate and acquired five elements are surging. In the invisible wind, wisps of five-color strange light surge out. The five elements' attributes of heaven and earth are transformed into the Yangtze River visible to the naked eye, rolling in all directions in a mighty way. move.

Lu Qian recited the Buddhist mantra, and the five-element spiritual machine turned into a changing and agile five-color Buddha lotus, quietly embedded in the void.

A Buddhist formation based on the five elements, with the power of suppressing the prison as its bones, covering a hundred miles in radius, was quietly formed.

The mighty invisible wind blows from the bottomless abyss. The five uncles swallow the invisible wind and continuously transform it into the power of the five elements of innate and acquired nature and inject it into the formation. Little by little, they consolidate the foundation of the formation and add more energy. The power of the great array.

Lu Qian moved his fingers, and thirty-six white bone relics flew out. They swallowed the Five Elements Spirituality around them, and turned into the true form of the White Bone God and Demon. Their bodies expanded little by little, and gradually turned into hundreds of feet high, and the Five Elements Spiritual Energy around them. There was a tremor, and there were streaks of thunder as thin as a water tank, traveling through their jagged bones.

This is the most powerful Buddhist formation that Lu Qian can use now.

In fact, this world's monopoly and control of avenues and spiritual machines is too strict. With Lu Qian's small seal of Loulan Deputy Town, even with the blessing of Emperor Tailu's ax, his authority is still limited. It is quite small and cannot mobilize too many resources at all.

On the contrary, the five uncles...perhaps due to their ancestral bloodline, they are divine beasts and spirit birds born from heaven and earth, and they are born with some kind of transcendent authority. This kind of authority even surpassed Lu Qian's Loulan Deputy Town Seal.

At the edge of this wasteland, the five uncles can freely swallow the invisible wind from the bottomless abyss, transform the five elements of inspiration on their own, control the five elements of Taoism, and turn it into their own use.

A five-element formation, combined with Lu Qian's own prison-suppressing power, is the most powerful formation that Lu Qian can set up now.

One after another, the huge carts of the pioneering group, amidst the shouts of several experienced officials such as Zhao Ding, and the shouts of large groups of private soldiers, one after another walked onto the road that had expanded to dozens of miles wide. On the branch bridge.

The huge team of pioneers began to walk onto the bridge.

No need to hesitate, no need to worry, no need to worry.

Everyone has seen the ferocious flames of Dao Qiqiqi before... If Lu Qian can suddenly show such a state of being in front of a powerful enemy, the enemies coming later will definitely be more dangerous than Dao Qiqiqi.

Two crystal balls were suspended next to Lu Qian, one large and one small. Inside the small one was Dao Qiqiqi, and inside the large one were a dozen men in black who were traveling with him. The huge team kept walking onto the Hongqiao behind Lu Qian, heading towards the group of light and shadow in the distance.

Lu Qian and the five elders continued to consolidate the power of the formation.

Behind them, in the direction they came from, a red electric light flashed. When Lu Qian first saw this extremely thin red electric light, the electric light was still on the horizon. When the electric light flashed again, he had already rushed in front of Lu Qian.

‘Boom… bang’!

There was a thunderous explosion, and where the lightning exploded, the girl who was forced to self-destruct by Mr. Hei Kui appeared in mid-air with a twisted smile. She was surrounded by plasma and lightning that flowed silently, floating quietly outside the large formation set up by Lu Qian.

This female donor, what a coincidence. Lu Qian looked at the girl with a smile, his Zen staff at his side, clasped his hands together, and saluted her: Is the female donor also going to that primitive wilderness?

The girl's eyes widened, looking at the huge team that was marching up the Hongqiao, and she sneered: They are indeed trash!

She looked at the two crystal balls floating next to Lu Qian.

Lu Qian waved his right hand lightly, and the two crystal balls floated forward dozens of feet: Is the female donor here for them? Then, the jade is returned to Zhao intact...cough, cough cough, the female donor probably doesn't understand 'the jade is returned to Zhao intact' 'What does it mean... In short, you can see that their arms and legs are intact, and there is no damage to their fur at all. The little monk will return them to the female donor intact!

The girl frowned, took a deep look at the suppressed Dao Qiqiqi and others in the crystal ball, and slowly shook her head: No need. We'll talk about these wastes later!

She looked Lu Qian up and down with great interest and sighed: You actually suppressed them?

Lu Qian smiled bitterly: They can't be beaten to death, they can't be burned, and I have tried every means to do anything with them. The monk can only suppress them here... Well, this female benefactor, everyone has no grievances and no hatred... so high and high. It’s so vast, the world is so vast…it’s better to have the road facing the sky, and you and I each go to one side, okay?”

The girl raised her eyebrows in surprise: The sky is high and the sky is high? The world is vast? The road is facing the sky, and everyone goes to one side? You, a monk, talk quite interestingly... In this supreme and primordial heaven, I want to find someone who talks as interestingly as you. People, it’s hard!”

Lu Qian was shocked by the girl again!

Which girl is this from, so ignorant? In Buddhism, Lu Qian can be regarded as a kind of loyal and honest one. You have never seen any real thieves monks who are called bright-mouthed lotus flowers and sleazy-tongued... If you meet them, you will not be able to Were they fooled into flying?

After coughing slightly, Lu Qian smiled and said, Then, the female donor agrees with the young monk's proposal?

The girl looked Lu Qian up and down thoughtfully, and she said quietly: I asked Dao Qiqiqi to come here to kill people.

Lu Chen waved his hand resolutely and blew a whistle. Zhou Laodao and his party, who were standing behind him, immediately pushed out Mr. Iron Needle and a group of dandy companions around him.

These dandies who had been 'transformed' by Lu Yi and had already regarded Lu Yi as their highest belief were all trembling and trembling. Although their hearts were full of fear, they gritted their teeth resolutely and walked towards the girl step by step. past.

Did they offend you, girl?

Lu Qian smiled and said: I heard Zhao Ding and the others talk about what happened at Tiemenguan... A group of dudes are used to being arrogant and domineering. If they provoke a big shot like the girl, they really deserve death. The girl deserves death. On the surface, you gave the Tiemenguan Guards a face. You just let them exile your sons and let them open up the wasteland, but you sent killers behind to chase them... This is a routine operation. I can understand it, and I understand the girl very well. What he did!

Lu Jin waved his hand generously and said with a smile: Then, Iron Needle and the others are yours, girl. You can kill them as you like, and cook them as you like... Xiaoseng will lead the pioneering team now. Innocent people, stay away from the Eight Great Plains, and never interfere with the grudges between the girl and them!

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and said with a smile: According to the rules of the world, the young monk has already done his best to be benevolent and righteous!

The girl looked at Lu Qian in surprise.

She didn't even look at Tiezhen and the others, but looked Lu Qian up and down again. After a long time, she murmured: Things shouldn't be like this!

Tsk! The girl frowned and said in a low voice: According to my understanding of those in power, even if it is a dog they raise, if someone wants to kill it, for the sake of their own face, it will start a war. It is absolutely impossible to let go of overt and covert fighting without killing or injuring tens of thousands of people.

Monk, why did you hand over the iron needle and the others so easily? The girl looked at Lu Qian curiously: This is wrong!

Lu Qian looked at the girl even more surprised.

Tens of thousands of lives were sacrificed for a dog?

Is it Lu Qian’s head that is broken, or is it the heads of the ‘superiors’ as the girl calls them?

He looked at Tiezhen and the others again, and shook his head inexplicably - fighting with this girl who was obviously not easy to deal with for these dudes? Unless Lu Qian's head is broken, how is it possible?

Such a thing as face!


Perhaps some powerful monks take face very seriously, very seriously.

But... Lu Qian is a monk, and he is a monk who has received the elite Buddhist orthodox education of Liangyitian Buddhism... Is face such a thing? For this kind of elite monk, when it is useful, face is more important than Everything is important. When you don’t need it, face is just bullshit and can be blown away at any time!

Smiling slightly, Lu Qian clasped his hands solemnly and said softly: What are you talking about, girl? You can travel all over the world with reason, but you can't move without reason... Tiezhen and the others have offended the girl, even if they are cut to pieces by a thousand knives, they deserve it. Little monk, how could you implicate other innocent people for the fault of a group of ignorant cowards?

Lu Qian took two steps back.

The elders around him also followed him and took two steps back.

Tiezhen and the others could not help but walked up to the girl step by step.

Lu Qian smiled and said: They are yours, the female donor... just let the female donor handle them, just pretend that the little monk does not exist!

With a gentle wave of his right hand, the two crystal balls slowly flew towards the girl. Lu Qian smiled and said: The female donor's noble subordinates also returned them as they were. You see, the limbs are intact, the internal organs are intact, and the soul and intelligence are intact. All kept in perfect condition.”

The girl giggled, and she chuckled: Interesting, interesting, this is the first time I have seen such an interesting monk. Although I have seen a few before, they were all dogs with their spines broken. It's just a wild dog that lives at the feet of some people, begging for mercy, just for a few bones.

“This is the first time I’ve seen a living and eloquent monk like you!”

The girl looked at Lu Qian with a smile: So, you have been recruited.

Lu Qian's face suddenly twitched and he looked at the girl in shock: What?

The girl pointed at Lu Qian and said calmly: You have been recruited. My name is Yingque, and I belong to the Black-clothed Division of the Forbidden God Guard. I have the title of General of Ten Thousand People and received the three-day medal. You can suppress the sword Qiqiqi. It can be seen that There are some means. My subordinates are empty now, and I am short of useful people like you... From now on, you will belong to the Black Clothes Division of my Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard, responsible for secret spies, spying, catching winds and shadows, and patrolling all directions!

Yingque smiled slightly, leaned forward, and said with a smile: If you do well, I will have better luck for you.

Behind me, there is a big shot that you can't even imagine! Yingque's smile was extremely... twisted.

However, because of his extremely beautiful appearance, this twisted smile is quite heartwarming to ordinary people. Even among the Zhou clan members standing behind Lu Qian, some couldn't help but take a deep breath. , swallowed hard.

Lu Qian looked at Yingque.

Better creation?

Like Dao Qiqiqi, an immortal creature?

However, this kind of immortality that relies on external forces... is not so much a blessing, but a curse, right? Lu Qian relied on himself and lived comfortably enough, so why did he need to borrow such inexplicable 'good luck'?

Behind him, giant carts accelerated on Hongqiao.

The accompanying chariots and camel beasts, as well as the private soldiers and retinues of large and small families collected along the way, all also speeded up silently.

The Hongqiao created by this god seems to have its own rules. The huge team marched on the bridge, covering several miles in one step, and the speed of advancement was more than a hundred times that of normal conditions.

However, the edge of this wasteland seems to be only thousands of miles away from the primitive wasteland planned to be developed. It stands to reason that it can be traveled in hundreds of breaths, but it has not been able to reach the destination.

It seems to be thousands of miles away, but in fact the space in the middle folds, collapses, twists, and nests... There are even unpredictable space traps lurking in it.

During the growth process of this long bridge that the god seed breeds, it keeps making low roaring sounds. The branches that grow rapidly forward continue to smash through the congested and silted space barriers, smashing into the chaotic space whirlpools everywhere, and forcefully A thoroughfare was opened up in the unpredictable space trap.

The specific length of this bridge is unmeasurable.

In a short period of time, the huge development team was unable to cross this long bridge that was still growing and reach the wasteland to be developed.

Lu Qian could only sigh and continue to argue with Ying Quexu: Can the young monk know the name of the big man mentioned by the female benefactor? Well, the young monk is very curious. The patrolling forbidden god guard has heard of his illustrious name. , but this Department in Black... Hei Yi, Hei Yi, is it possible that there are other 'divisions'?

The firefinch chuckled.

She tilted her head, looked at the long bridge that was stretching forward, then looked at the development team running quickly on the bridge, and started to explain the regular structure of the Sky Patrolling God Guard with a smile.

The Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard is just a general term.

Under the guards of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God, there is the Black-clothed Division - just as Yingque said, this Black-clothed Division is like a shadow, hiding in the dark. He is responsible for placing secret spies, arranging spies, collecting intelligence, and catching wind and shadow. The divine guards monitor the most important eyes and ears of the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven.

In addition to the Black Clothes Division, there is also the Iron Clothes Division under the Xuntian Forbidden God Guard.

Iron clothes, that is, armor clothes, are people wearing armor. These people are the permanent armed force of the patrolling imperial guards. Once the Black-clothed Division discovers that there are monsters and rebels somewhere, and there are traitors and traitors with evil intentions, if the Black-clothed Division can sort it out by himself, he will easily wipe it out after collecting the evidence.

If the opponent's power is too strong and the Black Clothes Division cannot compete with it, the information will be sent to the Iron Clothes Division. The Tieyi Division has a large-scale regular army establishment, and there are also standing military camps guarding all directions. Once the information from the Black Division is sent, they will swarm out and completely crush the opponent with thunderous force.

Apart from the Black Clothes Division and the Iron Clothes Division, the most feared person among the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guards is the Blood Clothes Division.

The Blood Clothes Division is the inner guard of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard, which is divided into two parts according to their functions.

One of them, wearing blood clothes and tied with iron belts, has functions roughly equivalent to those of the Ministry of Punishment, the Dali Temple, the Heavenly Prison, and the Imperial Prison of the secular dynasty. They are responsible for detaining serious criminals, interrogating them severely, collecting evidence of crimes, and making files. They keep The most secrets of the Xuntian Forbidden God Guard are that they know countless secrets and secrets that are both visible and invisible to others.

The other part is wearing blood clothes and blood belts.

This is the most frightening existence among the Forbidden God Guards... They have no other functions. Once they appear, they are just for killing. Not just killing outsiders, but also killing own people.

If the Black Clothes Division, the Iron Clothes Division, and the Blood Clothes Division with iron belts on their waists of the Patrolling God Guards are still a bit human...these Blood Clothes Divisions with blood belts on their waists are pure killing. Machines are a horror that has no human touch at all.

Some people even swore that these blood-banded and blood-clothed divisions were simply evil puppets made by the Commander-in-Chief of the Patrolling Forbidden God Guard using secret methods, and were not living beings at all!

Lu Qian listened carefully to Yingque's story.

As Yingque spoke, large fragments of memory surged up in Lu Qian's mind.

Part of it comes from the old monk Hongchen, and part of it comes from the old monk of the Book of Heaven.

When the old monk Hongchen taught the 'Liberation Method', he also instilled a lot of 'common sense' from the Supreme Taichu Heaven into Lu Qian, and then sealed it deep in Lu Qian's mind.

And Lu Qian was in the ancient city of Loulan. After getting on the line with Lord Tianshu, and on his way back to the Supreme Taichu Heaven with Loulan Ancient City, he also asked Lord Tianshu for some common sense about the supreme heaven as a 'subordinate'. .

These memory fragments turned into wisps of starlight and merged into the light of the soul above Lu Ren's mind.

The two factors confirmed that Lu Qian's understanding of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards has deepened a lot.

For example, those blood-clad guards with blood belts tied around their waists... They are the terrifying butcher knife in the hands of the commander of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard... But this butcher knife does not seem to be absolutely reliable... In the past years, , it seems that this butcher knife has also been used by outsiders!

However, these secrets were forcibly covered up in the past.

These messages come from... old monk Hongchen? Well, that’s right, it’s Professor Hongchen, an old monk.

Yingque was still talking about some of the great achievements of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards, and even more focused on the fact that she, who wears the Three Days Medal, would be considered a high-ranking person among the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards. Although the official Black Division under her command only has 30,000 people, every formal member of the Black Division will develop a large number of peripheral members.

The number of people belonging to the Black Division who are directly controlled by Yingque is estimated to be no less than tens of millions.

This is an extremely vast network, and the resources that can be mobilized are comparable to hundreds of frontier towns such as Tiemenguan.

Monk, you are very interesting. You accept me as your master obediently. I can't treat you badly. After Yingque's explanation, he extended an invitation to Lu Qian again: Hey, there are countless benefits waiting for you.

Lu Qian looked at Yingque with a smile and said softly: Then, I would like to ask, can you tell me something about the big shot behind the female benefactor?

Yingque narrowed her eyes, her pretty face suddenly distorted.

She chuckled: Is this true? Even if you become mine, you have to make enough achievements so that I can introduce you to him? Do you think this is true?

Lu Qian looked up and down the Yingque.

From this point of view, this so-called big shot of Yingque is probably not a member of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard at all, right? So hesitant, so coy... Tsk, what is the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard? It is the orthodox official violent organization of the Supreme Taichu Heaven and the Supreme Heavenly Emperor Taichu who monitors Zhou Tian and suppresses countless powerful powers!

If the big man standing behind Yingque belongs to a certain big boss of this huge existence, what can't be said?

On the contrary, if there is a big shot standing behind Yingque, then when she wants to recruit a younger brother, she would naturally report her backers as soon as possible to enhance her attractiveness!

Lu Qian also served as a high-ranking official for a period of time in the Supreme Saint Dayin Dynasty. Although he was not an expert in the twists and turns in the court, he had seen some of them.

Lu Qian is not proficient in how to draw a pie for the lower class, but he knows a little bit about it.

Yingque is so embarrassed even when she draws a pie... Either she is a useless fool, or the big shot behind her has an embarrassing identity and must not be revealed in public!

Lu Qian even thought that Yingque's public identity among the Forbidden God Guards may be that he is an ordinary general wearing the Three-Day Medal. Moreover, he has no backing or backing, and is completely dependent on others. Through your own efforts, you have accumulated merits and climbed up the ranks step by step. Your identity and background are 'very clean' and 'can withstand thorough investigation'!


Infernal Affairs!

It's a secret agent placed by some powerful black hand in the patrolling Forbidden God Guard!

Think about the presence of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard in the Supreme Heavenly Court, and think about what kind of figure the commander of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard is in front of Emperor Taichu... Unless Lu Qian’s head is full of tofu, otherwise Even if there is still a little bit of brain left in his head, he will not follow the Firebird!

After clicking his lips, Lu Qian murmured: But, this is about the development team!

Yingque looked at Lu Qian in surprise, and an extremely dangerous thunder light began to beat in the corner of his eyes. She said coldly: You don't want to obey me?

Lu Qian coughed slightly and pointed at Tie Zhen and others who had walked dozens of feet away in front of him: But Mr. Tie Zhen and the others promised me that if I follow them and successfully open up the wasteland, I will be rewarded with wealth, gold, silver and jewels. I have been promised countless things.”

Lu Qian looked at Yingque very seriously: The female donor just announced her identity, and made an empty promise to introduce a big shot to the young monk... without seeing any actual benefits, she just wanted to make the young monk 'dedicate himself', this, this, this , traveling all over the world, doesn’t this make sense?”

The firefinch was blinking desperately.


Something doesn't feel right... She needs to masturbate!

As soon as Lu Qian saw him, he pushed Tie Zhen and his group of dandies out to die, hoping to use Tie Zhen and their deaths to neutralize his own threat...

And now, Lu Qian actually said that he was 'invited' to join the pioneering group?

Well, Tiezhen and others promised him certain benefits, so...

You pushed them out to die! Yingque patted his cheek hard: No, no, this matter makes me dizzy... These guys are clearly controlled by you using Buddhist magic... …You told me that you stayed in the pioneering group because of their promise to you?”

You have clearly taken control of this pioneering group.

You use something you have complete control over as an excuse to refuse my solicitation for you?

Yingque gritted her teeth. She glared at Lu Qian angrily and hissed: Although the Supreme Heavenly Court's 'Tianji Xingjun' controls the secrets of heaven, all the changes and strategies between heaven and earth are controlled by him. We are indeed unsatisfactory in terms of adapting to changes and strategizing!

Yingque jumped up angrily: Monk Thief, are you treating me like a child by being so round and round?

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

He sighed: The young monk dare not. Female donor, the young monk is just explaining to the female donor one of the most basic principles in the world - clearly marked prices and fair transactions. Whether you want to recruit me or recruit me That’s fine…come up with a price that satisfies the young monk!”

Lu Chen stretched out his hand and grasped the Tianlong Zen staff at his side: Why don't you just open your mouth with empty teeth and the young monk will kneel down and worship you on the spot?

Yingque had a gloomy face and hissed: Shouldn't it be right? I am Yingque, the Ten Thousand General of the Three Days Chapter of the Black-clothed Division of the Forbidden God Guard!

I recruited you in the name of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard, and I even explained so much to you with my words... You actually still shirk the blame... You are so brave!

In the void, a faint brilliance swept across.

The brilliance was as fast as lightning, sweeping across the body of the glowing bird, and then suddenly solidified on the glowing bird.

Yingque's body froze, and she turned around suddenly, looking in the direction where the light was shining.

Lu Qian also looked along the faint light, and saw a void in the distance that suddenly blurred, as hazy as frosted glass. Then the piece of 'frosted glass' exploded into pieces, and a dark ship made of metal with a solemn and solemn aura, like a giant whale patrolling the sea, emerged from the small piece of shattered and twisted sky. Got out.

The low sound of war drums rumbled.

On the bow of the battleship, a dark treasure mirror with a diameter of several feet hung high. The light from the mirror spread all over the sky, and the figure of the Phoenix was reflected squarely in it. A ray of light gradually lit up on the mirror, locking the body of Yingque from a distance. This giant battleship, which was hundreds of miles long, seemed to be dragged by this ray of mirror light, smashing through the countless wind and clouds, and headed here Coming quickly.

The battleship flew so fast that the void in front of the bow was stirred up with faint ripples visible to the naked eye.

All the way, there was only a dull and thunderous sound, but in just a few dozen breaths, such a huge battleship rushed from the far horizon and flew in front of Lu Qian and others.

Such a huge battleship that was running rampant and flying quickly actually started to slow down when it was still a hundred or so miles away from Lu Qian and others. It only took a short three miles of deceleration space for the huge battleship to disappear. The momentum was firmly frozen in the air.

The main color of the armor worn by the brigade is black, but there are dark silver lines on the surface to outline an exquisite armor with a star chart. They hold a long gong, a long sword on their waist, and a long bow on their back. There are quivers hanging on the left and right sides of the waist, all over the body. The soldiers, who were armed to the teeth, stepped on the clouds and shouted lowly as they filed out of the battleship.

Thirty or fifty people...

Three to five hundred people...

Three to five thousand people...

For such a huge ship, in just one cup of tea, more than one hundred thousand soldiers stepped into the sky on the flowing clouds, and formed a large formation shaped like a crescent moon in front of the battleship.

In front of the more than 100,000 soldiers, there were about a hundred strong generals standing in a row.

On the left chests of these generals, a palm-sized jade plaque was embedded in the dark silver star pattern pattern. It was engraved with cloud patterns all over the sky, and there were varying numbers of crimson suns looming inside.

On these bright days, half of the face is covered by cloud patterns, and only half of the face is exposed.

The sun shines brightly in the cloud patterns. The red suns exposed on the jade plaques on the chests of these generals, ranging from five to nine...

Lu Qian looked at Yingque and said ahem a few times: Five-day chapter? Nine-day chapter? Cough, cough cough, this female donor, your three-day chapter seems not to have a high status. How high!

Lu Qian humiliated the firefinch while carefully retreating backwards.

Lu Qian didn't know how many people were on the giant ship.

A powerful Dao Daoyun enveloped the entire giant ship, blocking out all magical powers and secret techniques from prying eyes... Now Lu Qian was unable to display any magical powers or secret techniques, and it was impossible to figure out what was inside the giant ship. specific situation.

But just the one hundred thousand soldiers standing in the void... The aura of any one of them, Lu Qian had to admit, made him feel a little bit threatened. One hundred thousand soldiers gathered together, and the warning sign brought to Lu Qian was clearly a world-destroying tsunami, bringing about a catastrophic disaster.

As for the hundreds of generals... Lu Qian didn't even bother to feel the danger signs they brought to him.

Any general with five sun patterns on the jade medal on his chest made Lu Qian feel completely unable to resist at this moment... It was like a huge beast from the wild suddenly appeared in front of him!

Lu Qian prides himself on being a roaring tiger in the mountains and forests.

And this ancient giant beast, a single hair is as thick as the entire body of this tiger...

The difference in strength is too big, and it is completely meaningless to think about it any more.

Lu Qian just retreated step by step, retreating extremely cautiously, retreating extremely cautiously, and at the same time, retreating extremely helplessly... In this situation, all responses were meaningless.

Yingque's neck was stiff, and she turned her head little by little and looked at the soldiers arrayed behind her.

She took a deep breath and said dryly: Xuntian Forbidden...

A black wind swept across, and the world suddenly shook. The majestic pressure suppressed the words in Yingque's mouth back into his throat. A tall man about two feet away, holding a Xuanhua ax, a dark-skinned man with ruffled hair, emerged from the dark wind and came up to Yingque almost face to face.

What a piece of shit from the Black-clothed Division!

The sound of the Chinese language rumbled, like a muffled thunder, and the waves of sound shook the skin of the Phoenix's cheeks, making a 'pop' sound like water waves. Facing the big man's barbaric and rough behavior, Yingque's body was stiff and unable to move. She could only let the big man's saliva sprinkle on her fair and delicate face like a spring rain.

Xiao Zuizi, tell me, what are you looking for here? What did you find?

Be honest and tell me anything.

It's a bit unreal... Hey! Your black-clothed division always kills 18 million people every year. No one will care if one more of you dies, right?

The generals with day badges hanging on their chests all laughed.

The laughter was full of indifference, as if the life and death of the Phoenix were just like a little bird and not worth their concern at all.

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