Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 922: Going against the Party

Xilan Village.

Many years ago, under the jurisdiction of the Juofeng Tianyu, Miyingxingxingyu, Douyingxingxing Mansion, and Yujiaguan Guarded Mansion, there was a son of a wealthy family who committed an offense and should be punished according to the law.

It's just that magical creatures like the wealthy young masters have always had some faint protective aura in the sky and on the earth throughout the ages, and they always carry some gold medals to avoid death.

Therefore, under the operation of his elders, this rich man avoided death and was not guilty. He led a luxuriously equipped development team and embarked on the road of survival to open up the primitive wilderness.

It's unlucky for people that even drinking cold water will clog their teeth.

When the wealthy son's pioneering team activated the God Seed and headed for the primitive wasteland, they encountered a void storm that was rare in trillions of years. A terrible wave was set off in the chaos, which directly severely damaged the God Seed. Not to mention, they even deviated. After arriving at the original destination, he was dragged into the extremely unfamiliar area of ​​Xilan Village.

The void storm seriously injured and annihilated several of the master guards around the wealthy young master.

As for this wealthy young man, he is a good man who spends his days drinking, drinking, and having sex. If you ask him to do serious things, he will inevitably be a bit of a paper warrior, and his daily administrative abilities can be said to be completely blank.

The power, resources, and all aspects of specific affairs of the entire pioneering group were gradually transferred to the leaders of several groups in the pioneering group.

Without the help of his reliable confidants and powerful masters, this rich man suddenly 'died' of illness a few years after he established the Xilan Village... Well, he was a rich man with a heavenly school-level cultivation and a body as strong as a dragon and an elephant. Young Master, I don’t know how many life-saving pills I have brought with me, but I suddenly died of illness... This way of death is quite novel and wonderful!

In short, after the leader of the pioneering group died of illness, a group of minions around him also all died of illness in just a few decades.

Later, in Xilan Village, the leaders of the three most powerful surnames of 'Lin', 'Xiong', and 'Yan' sworn sworn sworn ties to Heaven. 'Lin' was the eldest brother, 'Xiong' was the second eldest brother, and 'Yan' was the eldest brother. As the third child, the three families join forces to take control of Xilan Village.

It is said that they are jointly controlled, but in fact, the Lin family, who was the most powerful at that time, took charge of the overall situation. Some of the elixirs and magical weapons left by the wealthy young master, as well as the towering trees transformed by the divine seeds and the entire city defense array of Xilan City, including Xilan City, etc. The most powerful standing army in Lanzhai is in the hands of the Lin family.

In the entrepreneurial stage, conditions are difficult and the environment is dangerous. The ancestors of Xilan Village can still share the hardships and support each other. Everyone is harmonious and works together and works hard together in everything. Therefore, the Lin family holds the power alone, and the Xiong family and the Yan family also provide full assistance, without any hesitation.

As times change and time passes, there are countless dangers in this boundless void and boundless chaos.

Xilan Village used to be a rough road, and the generations of old people who worked hard to open up the village have long since perished. Now those who are in charge of Xilan Village are the tenth and eleventh generations of the Lin, Xiong, and Yan families.

As the old man passes away, the 'friendship', 'friendship', 'brotherhood', etc. of the older generation have long been squandered.

With the passing of the old people, today's Xilan Village, in Lu Qian's view, is just an ordinary small world with sparse and ordinary Taoist charm, as thin as water's inspiration, and even no 'recycling value'.

But in the minds of the senior officials of Xilan Village today, the huge Xilan Village, with more than 10 billion people, is their entire world, their entire earth, their entire lives, and their entire world.

In the hearts of the people of the three surnames who are in power, profit is their biggest pursuit now.

Mrs. Sister-in-law... ahem, according to Yinyuan, her 'nominal' husband Lin Sheng is the current head of the Lin family.

Lin Sheng is also the most dazzling genius in Xilan Village in the past thousand years.

Under the cultivation of the Lin family with all the strength of the family, Lin Sheng only spent hundreds of years to open up 36,000 acupoints. This kind of cultivation speed, even if it is placed in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, Those ordinary local wealthy families also have very amazing qualifications and extremely terrifying cultivation speeds.

Because of this monster's qualifications, astonishing cultivation efficiency, and ability to surpass his peers, Lin Sheng has naturally become the talker of Lin's generation.

According to the ancestral rules of the Lin family, the Xiong family, and the Yan family, Lin Sheng also became brothers with Xiong Bao of the Xiong family and Yan Xiang of the Yan family. Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang became the second heads of Xilan Village. He is the third head of the family, and the three of them are in charge of Xilan Village.

Lin Sheng is very strong.

Above Lin Sheng, several masters from Lin's previous generation are very strong.

Therefore, over the years, although the Xiong family and the Yan family have repeatedly stretched out their claws to grasp all aspects of the interests and power of Xilan Village, overtly or covertly. But Xilan Village is still firmly in the hands of the Lin family, especially Lin Sheng.

But two years ago, Lin Sheng and several elder masters of the Lin family were ambushed and killed by people from the enemy Nanyun Village in the long river of rocks outside. Lin Sheng, several senior masters, and an entire elite force controlled by the Lin clan, which could be called the regular army of Xilan Village, were completely wiped out, and things quickly changed.

Within the Lin family, various houses were vying for power and profit.

The Xiong family and the Yan family even joined forces to expropriate all interests of Xilan Village. When Lin Sheng was around, they didn't dare to be so unscrupulous. With Lin Sheng gone, the Lin family was messing around again, so the two families became increasingly arrogant.

As for the sister-in-law in front of me...the natal family behind her is also a powerful and wealthy family in Xilan Village.

There are mines, fields, and especially many mine slaves and serfs. With a little arming and favors, they can form an army of staggering scale. In addition, Mrs. Sister-in-law has been by Lin Sheng's side all these years, so-called grasping fat with bare hands, and her fingers are stained with oil. She just stayed with Lin Sheng, and naturally she also controlled part of the power within the Lin family and Xilan Village.

Lin Sheng died, and his wife had no children. However, when Lin Sheng was still alive, Lin Sheng and his maid who had grown up had a son. This son became Lin Sheng's most natural and legal heir.

As the wife controls this son, she also controls the great righteousness.

Therefore, chaos is gradually emerging in Xilan Village, but Mrs. Sister-in-law has actually become a facade figure introduced after the peace talks between various forces. On weekdays, she can still be somewhat in charge and decide some things. It is precisely because of the presence of Mrs. Sister-in-law that although Xilan Village is in chaos internally, it is still in a chaotic and orderly state. Several people did not really fight with each other.

But this 'chaotic yet orderly' situation happened before Yin Yuan arrived.

With the arrival of Yinyuan, the balance of strength in Xilan Village is bound to be unbalanced - that is, Linghu Juan and other members of the Linghu clan have been seriously injured. Now they only have the combat power of Tianshi and Tianwei levels, plus everyone is big. She has a belly, and she has just given birth to a child, and she has strength but cannot show off... Therefore, the balance of Xilan Village can be maintained for a while.

After Linghu Juan and others gave birth to the child, they recovered their cultivation level of the heavenly general level.

Especially when Yinyuan and his wife’s child was born...

One can imagine what will happen in Xilan Village!

Now, people from the Lin family, the Xiong family, the Yan family and many other forces are just provoking Yinyuan overtly and covertly, trying to force him away from Madam-in-law. They are also testing Yinyuan's origins, and testing the relationship between Madam-in-law and Yinyuan. Relationships and so on.

Even so, according to Yinyuan's own words - he was forced to run to the gate of Xilan Village to guard the gate to prove his innocence!

Gee, this is debatable.

Lu Qian was very suspicious that this man was not a man who had proved his innocence - he probably couldn't bear the conflicts and disputes within the family and ran away for the sake of a man's purity and leisure!

Of course, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that under the treacherous situation in Xilan Village, under the premise that Yinyuan and his wife are indeed unclean, and under the increasing pressure from all sides...well, Lu Qian is here!

And Lu Qian is here!

Along the way, he defeated Xiong Wu and Ma San extremely roughly, overturned Yan Xiaojiu, and even killed more than a dozen powerful warships with one blow... This undoubtedly stimulated Xiong and Yan. Shit, they actually didn't give Lu Qian and others any time to prepare for an emergency, and led people directly into the garden that originally belonged to Lin Sheng but is now used by his wife!

In this garden, all those who came out to resist were Mrs. Sister-in-law's confidants.

But the comprehensive strength of these people obviously cannot stop the family elites brought by Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang.

But the Lin family's ancestral home, which was so close, or even just separated by a wall, was quiet, without any sound of people moving around. It can be seen that the other members of the Lin family have acquiesced in Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang's 'testing', or in other words, 'forcing the palace'!

Sister-in-law with a big belly!

If her current appearance is seen by Xiong Bao, Yan Xiang and others, then the orthodox status of Mrs. Sister-in-law in Xilan Village will naturally be gone, and the Lin family's houses can legitimately take over the legacy left by Lin Sheng.

As for the wife-in-law, and the natal family behind her, the best outcome would be for them to be wiped out.

Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang's warships are getting closer and closer.

The shouts of death in the distance became louder and louder.

In the garden, soldiers of all colors were constantly rushing out of various houses and buildings. But from the hundreds of warships in the sky, arrows were pouring down like rain. No matter how many soldiers rushed out, they were all beaten to the ground like hedgehogs by the dense arrows, or were forced to find a hiding place. Can't show its head at all.

This sudden attack was clearly a purge of the forces represented by the Lin family, the Xiong family, and the Yan family!

Perhaps, they had already tolerated it to the extreme.

I don’t know what Yinyuan has done in the past two years.

But there is no doubt that it was Lu Qian's strong appearance that stimulated some people and forced them to make such a decision!

Yinyuan, Yu Changle, and Bai Yu looked at Lu Yi at the same time - over the years, no matter when, what happened, or how big the battle was, Lu Yi seemed to have never let them down.

Linghu Juan and other Linghu clan girls gritted their teeth and stared fiercely at the incoming warships.

A woman from the Linghu clan even said angrily: A group of bastards who deserve to have their homes confiscated and exterminated... If Loulan Pass hadn't suddenly exploded and we were seriously injured in the chaos, these ant bastards would have been wiped out with just one hand!

The six Linghu clan girls, not to mention the leader Linghu Zhuan, are fully qualified to be high-level heavenly generals.

The other five clan girls also have the same level of strength as a heavenly general.

Moreover, as members of the direct lineage of the Linghu clan, they have serious duties under Emperor Tai Zhen, and can be regarded as serious heavenly officials in the supreme heaven... They have magical powers, secret techniques, and all kinds of powerful heavenly weapons and treasures. , the combat power of any one person is enough to crush dozens of times the monks of the same level who were born in the grassroots.

But being seriously injured, Lu Qian could understand.

When he was in Mikawara, he was seriously injured and was picked up by Zhou Laodao in the wasteland.

But things like being unable to fight... Lu Qian looked at their big bellies - you can't fight, maybe it's not because you are seriously injured. Well, well, that’s all, it’s all this good brother Yinyuan who is responsible!

Lu Qian coughed slightly and clapped his hands gently.

Thirty-six white bone relic beads slipped from the fingernails like running water, deep laughter rang out, and among the pale Buddha flames, thirty-six white-bone gods and demons whose strength had reached the level of heavenly generals quietly appeared.

Then, thousands of little people jumped out of the boat that Lu Qian brought.

These little people are naturally not as physically strong as the powerful upper-level tribes such as Yaksha, Rakshasa, and Asura in the Eightfold Heaven, but the origin of the heaven and earth in the Eightfold Heaven is a hundred times more powerful than the small landmass where Xilan Village is located.

Therefore, these little people, who are about a foot tall, also have the physical strength of Tianwei and Tianxiao levels.

What's more, they all took the blood essence extracted from Yaksha, Rakshasa, Asura, etc. A small drop of blood essence stimulated their bloodline magical powers. Each of them mastered the ability to sneak into the shadows, transform into the shadows, and control the shadows. of great power.

Thousands of little people rushed out under the leadership of King Ruohui, and uniformly knelt down on one knee to Lu Ren, saluted, and then swayed their bodies and turned directly into wisps of shadow, submerging into the shadows in all directions. middle.

On the lake, the breeze blew, the water was sparkling, and light shadows were cast between the waves.

Thousands of little people quietly passed through the lake through the faint water light waves, and went straight to the garden gate where the shouts of death were shocking in the distance.

In that compartment, thousands of loyal subordinates under Mrs. Sister-in-law were forming a military formation. With the help of the surrounding sentry towers, arrow towers, and various defense facilities, they were struggling to resist the onslaught of an enemy that was almost twenty times their size.

There are dense trees in the garden and there are houses and pavilions everywhere.

There are traps everywhere in these woods, and houses and pavilions are also arranged as defensive bunkers.

There are powerful crossbows, powerful bows, various hidden weapons, and even various ambushes such as traps, flaps, thorn stakes, and poisonous insects.

Although a traitor opened the garden gate and allowed the enemy to break in, in such a short period of time, tens of thousands of foreign enemies were only crowded at the garden gate. The elite vanguard who rushed at the front could only invade the garden. Twenty feet away.

Even so, with the continuous influx of enemies wearing iron armor and the continuous appearance of large numbers of heavy shields, some enemies even brought in barrels of kerosene and other materials, posing as if they were burning the city and massacring them. With the thousands of subordinates under Mrs. Sao's command, it is obviously impossible to stop the elite armed forces gathered by the Xiong family and the Yan family.

Not to mention, there are more than a dozen warships approaching slowly in the sky.

Once these warships control the airspace near the garden gate, Mrs. Sister-in-law's loyal subordinates on the ground will not be able to withstand the enemy's onslaught. It will only be a matter of time before the garden is completely lost.

Just then, the wind blew.

Amidst the swaying shadows of the large trees, there was a slight, weird shrill laughter.

One after another, the elite players of the Xiong and Yan clans, their ankles suddenly exploded in an extremely abrupt manner, accompanied by intensive 'clicking' sounds...

It looked like a little man over a foot tall, carrying an extremely heavy hammer, struck their ankle bones with extremely terrifying force... The hammer was not big, but the force was extremely strong. Fierce, compared to that level of power, these invading enemies have no more cultivation than ordinary heavenly soldiers, that is, the strength to open one, two, or two or three acupoints.

Their ankles were like fried soybeans being hit by a heavy hammer, exploding into powder with a 'pop' sound.

Blood splattered everywhere.

The screams continued.

In an instant, the thousands of enemies who rushed into the garden had their ankles shattered and fell to the ground one by one, screaming in agony.

It's good that they didn't fall to the ground. They just fell to the ground, but they saw the shadows around them moving slightly like running water, and the sound of 'clicking' was endless, and the necks of one enemy after another were like their ankle bones, 'clicking' The sound exploded.

The wind blew, the shadows moved, and the enemies who rushed into the garden died suddenly in their breath.

Then one enemy after another fell to the ground with miserable howls, spreading from the inside of the garden outwards.

The leaders of the Xiong family and the Yan family who were responsible for directing the fight for the garden gate had no idea what was happening here.

If they're successful in spiritual awakening, if they open their natural third 'eye of the sky' between their eyebrows, if they realize a powerful enough 'eye of the sky', they may still be able to discover the whereabouts of the little people.

Sadly, they didn't.

If they have advanced enough cultivation techniques, for example, if they can have Linghu's ancestral techniques... then they will also have some corresponding secret techniques and techniques to deal with these enemies who seem to be hiding in the shadows.

Unfortunately, they didn't.

They could only keep retreating, retreating crazily. In the end, tens of thousands of elite warriors wearing armor and holding sharp blades dropped their weapons at the same time, shouted, and fled in panic like ducks whose nests were exploded.

But at this time, more than 15,000 incoming soldiers were killed by those little people!

Although these little people were subdued by Lu Qidu, Lu Qi had not had time to teach them anything.

These little people were born in the primitive wilderness such as Babutian. In their bones, they have survival instincts comparable to those of wild beasts... These warriors, who are eight feet tall, are basically useless to these little people. Not the same kind, just 'prey'.

Since he is ‘prey’… why should he hold back?

Just let go and kill!

Therefore, more than 15,000 soldiers, not even one was seriously injured, were all killed, and no one was spared!

Rough, cruel, almost crazy killing!

The tribesmen commanded by Xiong and Yan were so frightened that they were almost convulsed. Their minds went blank. They abandoned their men and ran away in panic. They kept making meaningless roars: Dead, dead, why, all died?

There was a commotion near the garden gate, and the huge noise spread to more than a hundred warships in the sky.

On the warship, Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang, who personally led the elite tribesmen to take action, frowned and looked towards the garden gate in confusion.

Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang are both over ten feet tall, burly and majestic, even a bit ferocious and arrogant.

In a place like Xilan Village, only a man with this kind of appearance and this kind of style can suppress the clan members and deter foreigners who covet their own interests.

The two stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the large group of people running away in the direction of the garden gate in the distance. Xiong Bao couldn't help but stamp his feet: Brother Xiong, did your legs get weak from playing last night? Such a trivial matter, The door was opened for him, how could he be defeated? How could he be defeated?

Yan Xiang narrowed his eyes and said sternly: Go and ask if some old guys from the Lin family have gone back on their word again?

With a strange laugh, Yan Xiang whispered: Let me just say, our sister-in-law is not such a simple person... Could it be that several old guys from the Lin family were also tricked by her on the bed...

My Buddha is merciful. If the donor does not practice oral ethics, he will go to the tongue-pulling hell after death! Amidst the deep sound of the Buddha's call, a faint ray of Buddha's light surged. Lu Qian stepped on a ball of light and appeared in Yanxiang almost teleportingly. The bow of the warship where it is located.

There was a loud bang, and the warship galloping forward hit Lu Qian hard.

Lu Qian stood in mid-air, motionless. Although the layer of dark golden skin was extremely thin, there was an extremely majestic golden light flowing through it. The warship collided with him, and the Buddha's light on Lu Qian's body did not waver at all. Instead, the warship, which was made of pure metal and had a large number of forbidden blessings, forcibly opened a huge hole in the bow of the ship.

Yan Xiang and several of his confidants stumbled forward.

Lu Qian stretched out his hand and grabbed Yan Xiang's neck.

Yanxiang is also a heavenly general who has opened more than 30,000 acupoints.

He let out a strange scream, grabbed Lu Qian's palm with both hands, and pulled it out with all his strength.

In the 'click' sound, Yan Xiang's fingers couldn't move, but Lu Qian's palm didn't move at all. He slightly pulled his fingers inward, and looked up at the stunned Yan clan members: Put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Several donors, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, there is only one shore you can turn back to... Little monk, this is the shore for you, as long as you take refuge Only under the disciples of the little monk can you transcend the sea of ​​suffering and achieve bliss!

Although Lu Qian's words were said dryly and without sincerity, they were indeed the standard words of Buddhist disciples.

If these words were told to those old ladies with bound feet in the secular countryside, they might have been so excited that they fell to the ground, worshiped, and by the way, they took out three to five buckets of coarse grains at home and gave them to Lu Qian. .

These Yan clan members obviously have no ‘wisdom root’ and have no connection with Buddhism.

After they listened to Lu Qian's emotionless, passionless, and dry speech, they not only bowed down without bowing their heads, but instead pulled out their weapons and slashed and slashed at Lu Qian.

Xiong Bao on the side yelled: That's it, chop this guy to death!

While Xiong Bao was scolding, he and a few of his close relatives retreated back along the deck of the warship.

Xiong Bao suddenly made an extremely surprising discovery!

Just now, he actually didn't see clearly how Lu Qian appeared - and Lu Qian's sudden, almost teleporting appearance in front of the warship showed that he had mastered an extremely mysterious flying escape method.

But Lu Qian stepped on the void, suspended in the air, and was hit by the warship head-on. Lu Qian was not damaged at all, but the bow of the warship broke a big hole...

The Lin family, the Xiong family, and the Yan family, their original cultivation method was extremely crude. It was the popular version of the 'nameless method' that was most common among ordinary people and grassroots families in the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

Later, their ancestors followed the unlucky rich man to this world. Their ancestors used tricks to trick the incompetent rich man to death. Only then did the three of them share the rich man's ancestral skills.

It was an 'excellent' technique with an official name, called Dingjia Battle Technique.

As the name suggests, this 'Ding Armor Battle Technique' can be used to cultivate the 'Acquired Ding Fire', which can temper the physical body until it is strong enough. It can even use the 'Ding Fire' in the body to be released from the body to condense a 'Ding Fire Divine Armor' , providing certain additional defense and fire damage.

The Lin family, the Xiong family, and the Yan family are practicing this Ding Jia War Technique now.

But the Ding Jia Battle Technique is, after all, just a cultivation technique for the wealthy people in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. It is considered good, but it is only 'not bad'.

They can cultivate the fire-attributed heavenly power, and can use the fire-attributed heavenly power to temper their physical bodies and condense the 'flame armor'.

Apart from this, there are no other additional magical powers.

It is quite sad to say that Xiong Bao, Yan Xiang and others, after practicing Ding Jia War Technique and reaching the realm of heavenly generals, they can only barely fly in the air, and their flying speed is only as fast as a galloping horse!

With their cultivation and their powerful bodies at the level of heavenly generals, if they were to run and jump on the ground, their forward speed would be at least a hundred times faster than their flying speed in the air!

It can be seen how limited this Ding Jia War Technique is.

Xiong Bao knew very well that if he was flying in the sky, not to mention a major warship hitting him, even if he was hit by a slightly larger bird, it would be difficult for him to stabilize his body!

And Lu Qian appeared almost teleporting, which shows how fast he escaped.

Lu Qian withstood the impact of the warship head-on without any damage to his body, which shows how strong his body is.

And after he was hit by a galloping warship, his figure did not move at all. Instead, the warship was forced to stop. This shows how reliable his 'floating' effect in the air is and how superb his 'flying' magical power is. .

At least Xiong Bao understood one thing - not to mention Lu Qian's real cultivation level, the technique he practiced was much better than the Ding Jia Battle Technique shared by the three families... at least, it was more than a hundred times stronger?

Run away!

Xiong Bao's heart was sweating, and he retreated backwards in embarrassment with his clansmen.

Various thoughts kept popping up in his mind - Who is Lu Qian? Where did it come from? What do you want to do?

However, he quickly came to certain conclusions - Lu Yi was an acquaintance of that pretty boy Yinyuan! Where he comes from, what he wants to do, these are not important at all... What is important is whether Xiong should, whether he is 'able', and whether he is 'qualified' to fight against such a 'powerful enemy'.

Changlanglang sounds several times.

Several members of Yanxiang's clan waved their weapons and slashed at Lu Qian with all their strength.

Sparks flew everywhere, weapons shattered, and several Yan clan members stumbled forward and almost fell off the warship.

Lu Yan pinched Yan Xiang's neck, shook it slightly, and said with a smile: Are the donors stubborn and intending to resist the Buddha's grace? In this case, don't blame the young monk...

White light shot out in the sky, and thirty-six bones of gods and demons flew in silently. They appeared nearby quietly with wisps of afterimages, and Yan Xiang and Xiong Bao sneaked back. Others, all gathered in the center.

Yan Xiang rolled his eyes. He was pinched by Lu Qian until he almost fainted.

Xiong Bao stiffened and stopped, his eyes twitching as he looked at these jagged white bones and ferocious shapes. However, their whole bodies shone with white Buddha light, which inexplicably gave people a warm, dignified, majestic and solemn feeling. .

A member of the Xiong clan who is used to being domineering.

His brain was obviously not as useful as Xiong Bao's... Suddenly he saw a white-bone god and demon blocking his way. He roared, pulled out his weapon, and slashed at the white-bone god and demon in the head.

There was a sound of ‘chi’.

It was just a 'chi' sound, not even the expected 'choking' sound of gold and iron clashing.

It was just a soft sound. This sword was forged by the master craftsmen of Xilan Village. It can be regarded as a fine item among the Heavenly School-level Heavenly Weapons. It can almost step into the threshold of the Heavenly General-level Heavenly Weapon. It has not yet touched the body of the White Bone God and Demon, but only slightly. When it touched the white bone Buddha flame lingering on his body, which was about a foot thick, the entire weapon was like a small ice cube thrown onto the red-hot iron plate. It made a crisp sound and instantly turned into a wisp of smoke.

Not even molten iron.

No residue at all.

The entire weapon was completely vaporized, and it was vaporized directly with just a snap of a finger.

Xiong Bao and others dared not move again.

They were all trembling, and sweat was dripping from their foreheads.

In the huge Xilan Village, there are only a few weapons of the heavenly general level left by the wealthy young masters of the past. The entire Xilan Village has developed for so many years and eleven generations. Now, the craftsmen trained by Xilan Village itself can only steadily forge Tianxiao-level weapons.

Occasionally, if you are lucky enough to collect some rare ores with excellent quality, you can use the power of raw materials to forge weapons that are half-step to the level of a general. But these sharp weapons are still far inferior to the real heavenly general-level weapons left behind by the wealthy young master.

The long knife in the hands of this Xiong clan member represents the highest forging technology in Xilan Village today.

Whether it's a weapon, armor, or other instrument, there is nothing better than this long knife.

Such a long knife is not even qualified to touch the body of the Bone God and Demon. It is directly burned by the Bone Buddha Flame on his body and turns into a wisp of smoke and floats away?

Sweat kept sliding down his cheeks.

what does that mean?

This means that in the entire Xilan Village, except for the magical weapons left by the wealthy young masters, no other weapons have the slightest chance of damaging these bones of gods and demons!

All attacks will not break the defense!

This... Xiong Bao smiled dryly. He looked at Lu Qian, and quickly glanced at Yan Xiang, whose face was purple from suppressing the pressure and had already begun to roll his eyes. He was held by Lu Qian and swaying like a puppy. His brain Countless thoughts were running through his mind, and he finally remembered how he should address a monk respectfully.

This master, junior Xiong Bao, has met the master!

All the things just now are all misunderstandings, absolutely misunderstandings!

Xiong Bao spoke softly and said with a gentle smile: We came here with no ill intentions. It's just that I haven't seen my sister-in-law for a while, so I wanted to come over and visit...but we misunderstood. I thought there was someone with ulterior motives who detained my sister-in-law and plotted against our Xilan Village...

Lu Qian coughed lightly: Monks don't lie... Your sister-in-law, she and my brother are getting along. She doesn't come out to see you these days because she has a big belly. How can she meet people?

However, since we have spoken openly, the young monk will tell the truth.

From now on, my eldest brother will make the decision in Xilan Village... If you agree with this matter, Buddhism is vast and the Buddha is compassionate. The young monk is willing to open the door of non-dualism and welcome all good people in the world who have wisdom and are destined to be Buddha.

If you don't agree with this matter... The young monk sees that you are all riddled with blood. It is obvious that you have been heinous villains, bad people, and damned people in your previous life... Although the young monk is compassionate, he can only use the anger of King Ming to purify the world. ”

Xiong Bao looked at Lu Qian pitifully, and murmured: Master, master, your words are convoluted, and this junior doesn't quite understand it? Can you please speak more frankly!

Lu Qian blinked his eyes and coughed a little awkwardly: Well, in one sentence, if you obey, you will live. If you don't, your whole family will die!

Lu Qian wanted to slap himself twice.

What he said was that he had no dignity at all. How could he be the same as a bandit who robbed homes and homes?

However, Xiong Bao could only understand these words. Hearing what Lu Qian said, he smiled and nodded hurriedly: I understand, I understand, Master, you said so, I understand... Master's magical power, Master's might , This junior will never dare to disobey in the slightest...but...

Xiong Bao wanted to say that he alone had the final say in the huge Xiong family.

Lu Qian raised his head and patrolled the shuttle to the left and right for a while.

Just tens of miles away in the distance, between the two gardens, there is a mountain with a height of thousands of feet and a radius of more than ten miles. The mountains are covered with lush vegetation and numerous birds and animals, as if they were a specially enclosed hunting ground.

Lu Qian looked with his eyes and saw that there was no human trace in the mountain, so he pointed lightly towards the mountain.

Just when a white-bone god and demon was about to move, a high-pitched bird song rose into the sky. The big parrot lying above Lu Qian's head soared into the air, flickered, spread its wings, and suddenly turned into a head with a wingspan of ten feet, and its whole body was burning with red divine flames. Suzaku big bird.

The long tail flapped, the big parrot opened its mouth, and sprayed a fireball the size of a water tank towards the mountain.

The fireball instantly cut through the void for dozens of miles and landed firmly on the top of the mountain.

There was a loud noise and the earth shook.

Thousand-foot mountains were annihilated out of thin air, and a red pillar of fire shot up dozens of miles high, slowly turning into a dazzling mushroom cloud in the sky.

Heat waves rolled in and flames surged into the sky.

On the ground, a large hole with a diameter of five to six miles and a depth of a hundred feet was suddenly blasted open by the big parrot.

In the huge pit, magma is rolling, and the sound of bubbles can be heard clearly for dozens of miles.

Xiong Bao shut his mouth firmly.

The big parrot swung its long tail feathers lively: Brother Qi said, if you obey, you will live, if you don't, you will die... Hey, you can't understand human language or something?

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