Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 923: Going against the Party (2)

When my sister-in-law's garden was attacked.

Outside Xilan Village, there is a long river of rocks.

Behind a huge rock, entangled by two rings of sand and dust, with a diameter of more than two thousand miles, three hundred warships hundreds of feet long lurked quietly.

On this huge rock, facing away from the first gate of Xilan Village, and facing the direction of these warships, there are a large group of strange beasts that look like black panthers, but are smooth and hairless, with a pair of huge wings on their backs. He was lying down and resting quietly.

These bodies are two feet long, with muscles knotted under the smooth skin, and many joints have bulging tendons. From time to time, there are traces of khaki light streaks looming under the dark skin, and the whole body highlights a wild and savage look. , The alien beasts with domineering auras, each alien beast is accompanied by two soldiers wearing heavy armor.

These soldiers have the same equipment.

One was wearing heavy armor, holding a thick round shield in his left hand, and holding a three-foot spear in his right hand.

And one is wearing a leather half-armor, no shield, a short sword on his waist, and a strong bow in his hand. There are as few as five or six, as many as eleven or two quivers hanging on his belt. The arrow pots were densely packed with twenty or thirty arrows.

And on the deck of each of the three hundred battleships, there were densely packed and neatly arranged armored soldiers.

These people take the flexibility and plasticity of the human body to its extreme.

On the deck, which was a hundred feet long and ten feet wide, every inch of space was crowded with people. On each warship, there were at least five to six thousand heavily armored soldiers crammed into it. Including their armor, their heavy crossbows, their quivers, as well as spears and heavy halberds, etc... The huge deck was really watertight and impenetrable.

In the cabin of a warship in the middle, several graceful men wearing long robes were gathered around a long table.

On the long table, countless fine floating dust shone with a faint light, condensing into a panoramic pattern of the small mulberry leaf-shaped landmass where Xilan Village is located. Among them, near the petiole, the image of the giant tree transformed by the divine seed is clearly visible. Under the canopy of the giant tree, Xilan City was shining with bright light, which was extremely eye-catching and dazzling.

A man pointed towards the location of Xilan City.

On the long table, floating dust surged, and the panoramic view of Xilan Village collapsed. Countless floating dust stirred up, forming a panoramic view of Xilan City. In Xilan City, there are many large and small manors, city gates everywhere, hidden caves for garrisoning troops and secret marching passages inside the city walls, and even the locations of ambushes and formations throughout the city, all within a few feet of this area. A panoramic view of all sizes.

The entire city defense secrets of Xilan City were completely exposed without reservation in front of these men.

Nan Yunshuang, who looked a little older, with a long face and a fair complexion, and a few long beards on his chin. He looked like a teacher, sighed softly: We have finally reached this point... It's a pity, this In one battle, even if we can capture Xilan Village, the elites and elites of the Lin, Xiong, and Yan clans will also die in one battle.

Nan Yunshuang shook his head gently: It's a pity, it's a pity that such a good body cannot be kept for big things, but instead it is just thrown away for some trivial profit. How heartbreaking is it?

Next to Nan Yunshuang, Nan Yunlei, who was two heads taller than him, as tall as a flying bear, and with a temperament more like that of a long-time executioner, rolled his eyes at his brother: Young Gua Nao... kill Lin Sheng. When I was here, I didn’t see you being soft-hearted, but instead you stabbed me with a knife more cheerfully than anyone else!

Nan Yunlei pointed his fingers and murmured: That little thief Lin Sheng, I only stabbed him once, but you stabbed him three hundred and seventy-five times in a row... I can clearly calculate for you, three hundred and seventy-five times... Five swords... Tsk!

Nan Yunshuang snorted softly. He took out a string of small Buddhist beads from somewhere, pinched the beads, murmured a few inexplicable scriptures, and said seriously: Second brother, be compassionate. ... Only with a compassionate heart can the Buddha protect our Nanyun Village, bless us, and allow us to go smoothly and grow stronger.

He looked at Nan Yunlei seriously and said softly: Look, look, how many years ago, our Nanyun Village was stumbling and everything was not going well, whether it was famine, plague, beast disasters, or demon disasters, the tribesmen, How many people were killed or injured?

But since we enshrined the Buddha and started doing things for the Buddha...Tsk, look, look, how prosperous the village has become in these years? Not to mention anything else, just in these years, our Nanyun clan The number of clan members has increased by a full 127 times!

Many children, many blessings, many blessings and long life, these are all gifts from the Buddha.

So, we have to have one... Nan Yunshuang's babble was interrupted impatiently by Nan Yunlei: Yes, yes, yes, mercy, the mercy that stabbed Lin Sheng more than three hundred times in a row...

Nan Yunshuang shook his head slightly and sighed: I am not stabbing him, but I am saving him and eliminating his sins. Every time I stab him...

Nan Yunlei once again interrupted his brother's croaking: Okay, okay, salvation, mercy, my Buddha is compassionate, Eel that Zhai... uh, when do we do it?

Slapping his palm hard on the long table, Nan Yunlei's eyes turned slightly red, and a very fine line between his eyebrows cracked, revealing an eye with faint blue light and a hint of blood lotus and Buddha pattern in the pupil.

In the surrounding air, the killing energy was strong, and the smell of blood that was almost solidified lingered. Wisps of blood rose above Nan Yunlei's head, gradually condensing into a human-bear creature with an animal face and a human body, and eight arms.

He murmured in a low voice: Forget anything else, I don't want those frivolous wealth, I want Lin Sheng's girl!

Licking his lips vigorously with his thick tongue, Nan Yunlei chuckled and said: Kill his husband, take away his wife, and life will be blissful!

The beads in Nan Yunshuang's hands turned a little faster, and he chuckled softly: This is also a kind of mercy. Then Lin Yun followed Lin Sheng and enjoyed too many blessings that she should not have. This is a sin. Old Second, you can save her severely, which is also a kind of good deed to accumulate virtue... That woman is yours, no one can snatch her from you.

After a slight pause, Nan Yunshuang said softly: Wait, wait. The news coming from the hidden line in Xilan Village, there will be movement in these days... If the Xiong family and the Yan family don't take action, Someone in the Lin clan will also take action.

As soon as chaos breaks out in Xilan Village, we will go straight to Xilan City and kill all their senior officials!

At that time, not only Lin Sheng's women, but also Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang's women will be yours, all of them will be yours... Nan Yunshuang smiled and said, I think of being able to bathe in the Buddha statue in Xilan Village Under the radiance of my brother, my heart is inexplicably happy!

Nan Yunlei smiled: Yes, yes, yes, joy, joy, hey!

In the ship building, several members of the Nanyun clan grinned one after another, each and every one of them laughing happily, as if they had already invaded the Xilan Village and trampled the entire Xilan Village under their feet.

While they were laughing, at the gate of Xilan Village, in the channel between the two black rocks on the left and right, a small boat came out at full speed. The small boat slipped out from between two black stones. On a thin pole stuck on the bow of the boat, a bloody streamer was eye-catching.

On the black stone where Yinyuan and the young eunuchs had stayed before, on the towering sentry tower, a lookout who was in a daze saw the bloody ribbon. He shivered, looked left and right, and turned away from the sentry. In the corner at the top of the tower, three sticks of incense sticks, which were as thick as mung beans and more than two feet long, were found. They were lit and inserted into the guardrail at the top of the tower.

The thin incense burned quickly, and the faint green smoke quickly filled the air and spread from the sentry tower. The dense smoke lingered near the sentry tower for a long time.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this green smoke is extremely thin and almost does not exist in the naked eye.

But in the distance, a man wearing black clothes and crawling on the black stone held a small thin chip in front of his eyes and kept looking in the direction of the sentry tower. Through this small chip, he could see that the green smoke turned into a dazzling blood color, and it continued to emit extremely strong flames.

What's even more surprising is that in the billowing light smoke, a bloody lotus flower can be faintly seen.

The man in black turned around suddenly and lit a thin incense stick.

So, hundreds of miles behind him, on a rock, another man looked through the thin chip and saw a ball of blood shining with flames, in which a bloody lotus slowly bloomed.

In this way, one by one, the news reached the black stone with a diameter of more than two thousand miles.

In the ship building, Nan Yunshuang and Nan Yunlei received news from their family members - in Xilan Village, the Xiong family and the Yan family took action against Madam-in-law!

This is exactly the news they have been waiting for with a large number of Nanyun Village elites, who have been lurking here for many days.

This was exactly what happened two years ago when they ambushed Lin Sheng and several elders of the Lin clan and killed an elite group of Lin clan. They then used various means to create trouble in Xilan Village and tried their best to promote it.

My Buddha is merciful, there is civil strife in Xilan Village. Nan Yunshuang clasped his hands together, smiled and nodded.

Children, move out! Nan Yunlei roared impatiently: Break into Xilan Village and break through Xilan City... Quick, quick, quick... Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang, those are not good things, don't let them They hurt my beauty!

A sharp whistle sounded.

Tens of thousands of black flying leopards stood up straight, and the soldiers of each flying leopard quickly rode up. The flying leopard flapped its huge wings, slowly rose into the air, and began to circle around the three hundred warships.

On the carapace of the warship, wisps of forbidden runes lit up.

The densely packed soldiers sitting on the deck took a deep breath at the same time, with excited and bloodthirsty smiles on their faces. They began to arrange the armor on their bodies, caressed the weapons in their hands, and placed quivers and other odds and ends in the most convenient locations.

The pioneers responsible for the first attack began to move their arms and legs to soothe the meridians and blood vessels as much as possible, so that their movements could be more sensitive and faster later.

The warship started and drew a huge arc, bypassing the huge black stone in front of it.

Surrounded by tens of thousands of flying leopards, the warship began to accelerate vigorously, and soon it reached an extremely high speed of nearly ten thousand miles an hour. The defensive array that lit up on the hull collided rapidly with the floating dust, gravel, and small gravel in the void, splashing up large sparks. The three hundred warships speeding at high speed, at first glance, looked like three hundred groups. The dazzling fireball was burning.

When there were still more than a hundred miles away from the gate of Xilan Village, a group of elite flying leopard knights had already accelerated beyond the warship and rushed to the two black stones guarding the gate first.

When the Flying Leopard Knight appeared, the Xilan Village on the two black stones immediately fell into chaos.

On the two sentry towers, the traitor who colluded with Nanyun Village suddenly killed his comrades, then used the fastest efficiency to pull out the crossbow, set up the crossbow arrow, and locked the people of Xilan Village stationed on the black stone.

Brother Snake, who had met Lu Qian, hissed and roared loudly, asking people to send messages to Xilan Village and many subsequent levels, and at the same time formed a formation to resist the attack of the Flying Leopard Knight. The Flying Leopard Knight was still circling above and had not yet landed to attack. The crossbow bolts fired from the sentry tower, and the crossbow bolts turned into thunder slurry and hit the members of the Xilan Village who were quickly gathering from behind.

Electric light flashed, plasma sprayed, and large figures disappeared in the plasma.

Before Brother Snake even figured out what was going on, the members of the brigade around him were blasted into a wisp of smoke by the powerful ordnance issued by him.

The Flying Leopard Knight began to land.

They methodically began to clean up the surviving Xilan Village belonging to the Black Rock. With the cooperation of the traitors, they quickly took control of the first gate of the Xilan Village. Several traitors activated the boats assigned to the Black Stone and led the brigade. The Flying Leopard Knight invaded the inside of the passage.

There are also traitors colluding with Nanyun Village in several checkpoints at the rear.

One level after another was breached.

Except for one checkpoint in the middle, the leader of Xilan Village who was responsible for guarding was alert and suppressed the traitor immediately. The other checkpoints were breached almost without any precautions.

Even at the level where the boss was vigilant, they could barely resist the attack of thousands of flying leopard knights for a quarter of an hour. After barely sending the warning signal with a messenger bird, they were all killed by the flying leopard knights.

The birds they risked their lives to send were not as fast as those flying leopards.

As soon as the bird took flight, it was playfully torn into pieces by several flying leopards and devoured alive along with the warning message.

Therefore, Xiong Wu and Ma San, who led the patrol fleet and were on duty behind the passage in and out of Xilan Village, suddenly saw a tide of flying leopard knights pouring out of the passage. Three hundred warships larger than their own. A larger, higher-grade ship than our own warship, and with stronger indicators than our own warship in all aspects, it rushed into the void where Xilan Village was located.

Enemy...enemy attack!

The majestic Xiong Wu's eyes widened and he roared: There is a mole, there is a mole... The bastards from Nanyun Village have rushed in, why is there no news at all from the outside? There is a mole, damn the mole. Ghost!

Come forward and entangle them! Ma San waved the spear in his hand. He didn't know whether it was excitement or fear. His pretty face turned red and he shouted at the top of his lungs: Brothers, we were born in Xilan Village and grew up in Xilan Village. Lan Village... we shall fight to the death for Xi Lan Village...!

Shouting fight to the death, Ma San stabbed Xiong Wu in the back with a clean shot.

The Coiling Dragon Spear flashed with cold light, and a clean shot pierced Xiong Wu's heart. Xiong Wu's burly body suddenly stiffened. He turned his head with difficulty and looked at Ma San in horror. Blood spurted out from his mouth: Fuck... Ma San, brother, I...

Ma San looked at Xiong Wu with a red face, but his lips were strangely white as snow.

He looked at Xiong Wu and said with a deep smile: Fifth brother, you have nothing to say to your brothers... But my surname is Ma and your surname is Xiong... Why, my clansmen surnamed Ma can only praise me in this life? Where are your stinky feet named Xiong?

Tai... Xiong Wu wanted to say something. Behind Ma San, a Ma clan member who was stronger than Xiong Wu rushed up and chopped off the severely wounded Xiong Wu with an axe.

The Blood Lotus has come to this world, the Buddha is merciful! Ma San and the strong man of the Ma family roared at the same time.

The Ma clan accounts for more than half of the more than a hundred warships. Originally, in Xilan Village, under the three major clans of Lin, Xiong, and Yan, there were powerful clans of all sizes. The people of the Ma clan are very talented in cultivation. They have always been the most loyal followers of the Xiong clan for many years. The Ma clan members account for a huge proportion of the Xiong clan's private force!

Nanyun Village's three hundred warships and tens of thousands of flying leopard knights surrounded them.

On more than a hundred warships, a few members of the Xiong clan fought frantically, but were killed on the spot by a force several times their own.

A quarter of an hour later, more than a hundred warships from Xilan Village merged with the invading enemies from Nanyun Village. Under the command of Ma San, more than a hundred warships served as the leader and flew straight towards Xilan City.

At this moment, Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang's attack had completely failed.

The big parrot had just spit out a fireball, shattering a thousand-foot mountain. In Xilan City, a pillar of fire rose into the sky, and the smoke slowly spread. From a very high altitude, this bright mushroom cloud was clearly visible.

Nan Yunshuang and Nan Yunlei had left the ship building and came to the bow deck.

They looked down at the huge Xilan City, which seemed to be only the size of an egg at the moment, and at the core of the egg, the shimmering mushroom cloud was eye-catching.

Nan Yunlei couldn't help but exclaimed: Good guy, good guy, Lin Yun's wife, what did she do? Could it be that she activated Xilan City's defense formation and killed her directly?

Such an alarming movement seemed to Nan Yunshuang and Nan Yunlei that ordinary generals would be unable to cause such a massive destruction even if they tried their best. Such a killing could only be achieved by Madam-in-law using the attack formation in the city defense array and gathering the power of a city.

Impossible! Nan Yunshuang frowned: After Lin Sheng's death, the hub of Xilan City's city defense formation was controlled by several veterans of the Lin clan. Among those clan elders, there were some They are our people... Unless several clan elders join forces, it is impossible to open the formation!

What happened? Nan Yunshuang said sternly: Speed ​​up and rush into Xilan City... No matter what happens in the city, in short, today, Xilan City belongs to us!

Inside Xilan City.

Over the garden, Lu Qian released the five fingers of his right hand.

Yanxiang covered his neck with his hands and knelt down heavily on the bow deck, panting continuously, with strips of drool dripping from his mouth. His neck was almost scratched by Lu Qian, but he was finally freed at this moment. His heart was full of joy, and at the same time he was filled with extreme fear of Lu Qian.

With your own cultivation.

He couldn't see Lu Qian's movements clearly and couldn't resist Lu Qian's huge strength. The strongest clan members around him couldn't even break through Lu Qian's defenses, not even his oily skin!

The difference in strength is too big and they are no match at all.

Even a bird raised by Lu Qian was so terrifyingly powerful.

Yan Xiang smiled bitterly, knelt on the ground and panted for a while, looking at Lu Qian pitifully - kneel down, surrender, surrender, let's do what you say!

Xiong Bao stared blankly at the movement caused by the big parrot's blow, and shivered violently.

This is... a legendary spell, right? Is it the legendary supernatural power?

The Ding Jia War Technique practiced by the three leading families in Xilan City can be practiced to the 'top' level of the Heavenly General level. The only self-contained spell is to use the fire attribute of the heavenly power in the body to condense a set of additions. Defense armor.

Oh, that suit of armor made of flames also has certain attack effects. The temperature of the armor is extremely high. If an ordinary soldier accidentally touches it, he will be burned to ashes by the rising flames of the armor... Its power can radiate to a range of ten feet around him at its strongest?

Probably, this is the power.

In fact, Dingjia Battle Technique is not a 'unparalleled magical skill', nor is it a secret skill taught by the legendary Tian clan. To have such a secret method can be regarded as a very good 'local powerful clan-level magic skill'. '!

Compared with the popular technique that Zhou Laodao and others practiced before, which didn't even have a name, Dingjia Battle Technique is already ridiculously powerful.

But the big parrot's attack, such terrifying supernatural powers and powerful spells that were like natural disasters... Who has ever seen it? Who has heard of it?

Even if the elite clan members of the three chief clans have reached the realm of heavenly generals, they can only run faster, jump higher, and have stronger defense than ordinary warriors. On the battlefield, a heavenly general can easily harvest numbers. Just the lives of ten thousand or one hundred thousand ordinary soldiers.

Even so, if the generals of Xilan Village want to kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers, they still have to work hard with swords, guns and halberds.

Even if the general's power is very strong, the strong wind and sword energy surging on the weapon can sweep hundreds of feet, and one sword can kill hundreds or hundreds of people... If you want to kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of warriors, you still need to chop them. Shooting hundreds of knives, cutting thousands of swords... Moreover, it requires those warriors to gather together stupidly, stay in place and fight you desperately from the beginning to the end without even one escaping.

And the big parrot's attack...

One hundred thousand elites were also destroyed in one blow.

How many one hundred thousand elites are there in the Xiong family and the Yan family?


Completely convinced.

Xiong Bao took a few breaths, then knelt on the ground with a 'gudong' sound, and knocked his chest heavily with his right hand: I'm convinced, I'm convinced. Master, if a god-like figure like you presides over Xilan Village, we will Mr. Xiong, you are absolutely obedient and obedient, whatever you say will come true!

Yan Xiang gasped and hurriedly echoed: It's the same for us, the Yan family!

Shadows surged around.

In the shadows, a large number of little people quietly appeared.

They stood in the shadows everywhere, curiously looking at Xiong Bao, Yan Xiang and others - in the eyes of these little people, these Xiong and Yan warriors were all tall and strong, but their combat power was so weak?

The little people curled their lips subconsciously - Zhazha, if they were placed in Babutian, this kind of scum would only be worthy of being food!

As Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang knelt down and surrendered, and as the leaders of the Xiong and Yan clans shouted and shouted, the two private armies running in all directions also stopped their running steps and headed towards the garden from all directions. direction gathered over.

Looking down from a high altitude, under the cover of the smoke and fire, it looked like tens of thousands of soldiers were rushing towards a garden crazily, as if they were attacking fiercely.

As a result, more than 400 warships swooped down from high altitude almost vertically.

The warship stirred up the air, creating a dazzling firelight, and even erupted into a dull sound like thunder.

Faster than the more than 400 warships are the tens of thousands of flying leopard knights. They were facing down, flapping their wings vigorously. There was a strange force field surging around them, which pushed away the air in front of them, allowing them to fly straight from an altitude thousands of miles above the ground at an astonishing high speed five or six times faster than a warship diving. He rushed towards Xilan City.

Above the garden, a hundred feet above the ground, Lu Qian and others heard the dull sound of breaking through the air above their heads.

They raised their heads and saw hundreds of rapidly falling light groups.

In front of the light group, there were tens of thousands of extremely thin lines of fire flickering, and a low beast's roar came from afar, and what struck faster than the beast's roar were arrows flying all over the sky!

There are tens of thousands of flying leopards, and behind each flying leopard, there is an archer wearing a strong bow.

These archers drew their bows and arrows from high altitude, and regardless of the situation, they stretched their bows and released arrows towards the garden below. Their arms even brought up afterimages. In just a short breath, the least one among them fired his bow thirty or forty times in a row.

Hundreds of thousands of arrows rained down from high in the sky.

The arrows rub against the air, and the arrows made of pure metal turn red in the high temperature.

The sharp sounds were connected together, and the sky was filled with harsh and sharp sounds. Hundreds of thousands of arrows were thrown down above the garden. This was an indiscriminate covering attack that represented death!

Enemy attack... the bastards of Nanyun Village! Yanxiang raised his head, his eyes widened, staring blankly at the flying leopards swooping down at high speed. He suddenly woke up. He had been entangled with Xilan Village for many years. The unknown Nanyun Village attacked in large numbers.

What does Lao Wu do for food? Xiong Bao yelled: Why hasn't any news come back? This, this...

Xiong Bao and several members of the Xiong clan were covered in cold sweat.

It is impossible for Xiong Wu to betray the family... Nanyun Village will never be generous enough to take in a Xiong clan member. The only possibility is that Xiong Wu was killed.

But even if Xiong Wu was killed, it was impossible for the people of Nanyun Village to rush into the airspace of Xilan Village without any news.

There's a mole! A leader of the Xiong clan yelled, There's a mole in these people who kill a thousand swords!

Arrows all over the sky sprinkled down with thin flames.

Hundreds of thousands of arrows fell from the sky densely, like an unexpected heavy rain, scattering towards everyone near the main entrance of the garden and within a radius of several miles.

It's over. Xiong Bao, Yan Xiang and the others groaned in despair.

The masters of the Heavenly School and Heavenly General level among them could ignore these arrows dropped from high altitudes with strong bows.

But how many Heavenly Generals and Heavenly School-level masters are there in the entire Xilan Village?

Near the garden, there are tens of thousands of soldiers, all ordinary heavenly soldiers and heavenly warriors... The slightest contact with these arrows falling from the sky at high speed will result in their limbs being shattered and killed suddenly on the spot!

Tens of thousands of elites!

Nanyun Shuang! Xiong Bao and Yan Xiang shouted and cursed in unison.

Mrs. Sister-in-law, start the formation, start the formation! Several leaders of the Xiong and Yan clans shouted in panic.

Lu Qian looked up at the rapidly falling arrows. He recited a Buddhist chant in a low voice, clasped his hands together, and wisps of mellow and majestic transcendent power suddenly burned out in the hundreds of thousands of acupoints in his body.

A bright and pure Buddha light appeared in the sky above the garden, covering the airspace with a radius of more than a hundred miles.

In the thin Buddha's light, the immortal and indestructible Vajra Buddha's charm surges. The seemingly thin Buddha's light has an amazing defensive power.

Countless harsh crashing sounds sounded.

Hundreds of thousands of arrows hit this thin piece of Buddha light in one breath. The faint Buddha light is like the wings of a cicada, so clear and transparent that even with the naked eye, ordinary people cannot detect the existence of this thin piece of Buddha light.

It is made of hundreds of thousands of alloys. Even if it is dropped from the sky hundreds of miles above the ground, the high-speed friction of the air will only make the whole body red without any softening and deformation. It can be seen that the arrows of extremely high quality and extremely hard texture are there. The thin Buddha light was smashed into pieces.

It was like an egg hitting the thick armor plate of a tank.

There was not even a ripple on the Buddha's light, and the egg had been shattered into pieces and exploded into countless sparks.

Lu Qian gave a soft drink, clasped his hands together, and as the Buddha's seal changed, the Buddha's light in a radius of a hundred miles suddenly disappeared.

The avenue of space surged, and faint space waves rippled. A huge piece of Buddha's light suddenly jumped into the air from a height above the heads of Lu Qian and others, reaching hundreds of miles above the ground. It appeared upright among more than ten thousand flying leopards. Directly below the knight, their vanguard knight was less than ten feet away!


With a height of just ten to tens of feet, those flying leopards that tried their best to dive and accelerate from high altitudes, how could they stop the momentum of the dive?

With a 'bang' sound, tens of thousands of flying leopard knights collided with the Buddha's light almost uniformly.

The Buddha's light, which was originally as hard as a diamond and full of immortality, suddenly became as soft and tough as floating clouds. Fei Bao and the knights exclaimed, their hearts suddenly filled with despair, and they felt that they had fallen into a thick, warm, and dense 'dream'.

The surroundings were empty and light, and no power could be felt. All the strength, all the momentum, all the energy were swept away by the Buddha's light and disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, the Buddha's light rolled out again, and the flying leopard and the knight on its back appeared in front of the garden gate at the same time.

From all directions, tens of thousands of soldiers from the Xiong and Yan clans slowly surrounded them, staring at these guys with unkind eyes.

The Flying Leopard Cavalry are all old acquaintances... Nanyun Village's most elite cavalry are flexible and powerful. In the past conflicts between Xilan Village and Nanyun Village, the Flying Leopard Cavalry caused the least damage to Xilan Village. casualties in the millions.

Now, they can no longer fly around in the sky.

Hehe, hehe, hehehehe! The overjoyed Xiong family and the Yan family's private army completely forgot what they were here to do today. Seeing these weak and numb Flying Leopard Cavalry, paralyzed on the ground unable to move, the two private soldiers In the army, someone suddenly sneered, and then more people continued to sneer, each one leaning forward and backward with laughter, laughing with murderous intent.

High in the sky, more than four hundred warships began to slow down.

Decelerate forcefully.

The expressions of Nan Yunshuang and Nan Yunlei became extremely distorted - what is going on? My own Flying Leopard Cavalry, why, why did I see a faint flash of light, and tens of thousands of Flying Leopard Cavalry with astonishing combat power, just disappeared out of thin air?

My Buddha... Nan Yunshuang clutched the rosary in her hand tightly and subconsciously began to mutter sutras again.

This, this, give it to me, boom! Full speed, full strength, boom! Nan Yunlei suddenly came back to his senses, roaring hysterically, and jumping around crazily and violently like a giant monkey.

There were more than 400 warships, and the heavy crossbows on the deck locked the Xilan City below and the garden where Lu Qian and others were. Each warship, ranging from forty to fifty to hundreds of crossbows, made a low roar.

Once the bed crossbow of Xilan Village is fired, the crossbow arrow turns into thunder pulp and falls as fast as lightning.

The bed crossbows of Nanyun Village are also quite unique. Once their bed crossbows are fired, the spear-sized crossbow bolts will suddenly decompose after a hundred feet, from one complete crossbow bolt to twenty-four A large arrow.

Thin wisps of wind entangled the three-sided penetrating arrows made of pure metal. The flight speed of the arrows suddenly soared, and the arrows began to rotate rapidly, making the power of the penetrating armor even more terrifying and ferocious.

Crossbow arrows roared down from the sky, wave after wave, and the sound was extremely terrifying.

Especially the thunder plasma crossbow bolts fired by the bed crossbows in Xilan Village were extremely fast. As soon as they turned into plasma, they almost landed on the heads of Lu Qian and others.

The continuous Buddha light emitted by Lu Qian rose again.

The Buddha's light enveloped the sky for hundreds of miles in radius, and the sky was full of thunder arrows and wind arrows whizzing down, one after another falling on the faint Buddha's light. The plasma exploded, the arrows shattered, and there were endless dull crashes and explosions, but the Buddha's light was not damaged at all, not even a ripple.

I am Buddha! ​​Nan Yunshuang's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

Which senior brother is here? A low shout came from the cabin of the warship where Nan Yunshuang was.

A large swath of blood surged out from the cabin like a flood. The blood rolled around and turned into a bloody lotus about ten feet in diameter on the bow of the ship. A tall monk wearing a bloody monk's robe and a black cassock. The contrasting black and red clothes made his skin even more pale, like a zombie. He stood upright on the lotus platform, frowning and looking at the person below. A piece of dense Buddha light.

The monk's skin was as pale as a zombie, but his thin lips were as red as blood.

He opened his eyes and looked again and again at the piece of Buddha light emitted by Lu Qian. For a long time, he couldn't see any clues. A fine line between his eyebrows suddenly opened, a bloody vertical eye opened, and a bloody lotus Buddha seal appeared. The blood-colored eyes suddenly lit up, flashing with an astonishing cold light.

However, no matter how much he moved his eyes, he still could not see through the foundation of Lu Qian's Buddha light.

My Buddha is merciful! Which senior brother is in trouble with this young monk?

The tall monk tried his best, but still found nothing. He frowned and said coldly: May I ask, senior brother, where are you from and what are you doing?

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