Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 943 Who is the head of the family (3)

Linghuwan and his six daughters lined up in a row and stood in front of the main hall of the ancestral temple.

Nine sect elders, hundreds of clan elders, hundreds of deacons from each house, and thousands of young clan members from far and wide, concubines and branches, were either standing in front of the main hall or surrounding the surroundings, all looking at them with twinkling eyes. Linghujun and six people. His eyes naturally focused on their bellies.

For a long time, there was complete silence.

Only the dark clouds condensed by magical powers in the sky were blown over by the wind again. The belly of the battleship, which was almost floating in the sky, swayed past. Above the city, it shook its body vigorously and shook off the heavy snow in the sky.

White and cold snow flakes fell one after another, just like the hearts of some elders of the Linghu clan present, who were trembling with cold.

Linghu Juan and the other six girls were all from the lineage of the head of the family to which Linghu Ku belonged.

The Linghu family is divided into three sects, the left, the middle, and the right because of the three brothers from the same father and mother. Subsequently, the ancestors of the three sects passed down several descendants respectively. Among them, there were nineteen outstanding ancestors in the past generations. They established nineteen lines under the three sects. Nowadays, some of the clansmen of the Nineteenth Lineage are prosperous, some are in decline, and only a few of them can still speak within the clan.

Linghu Juan belonged to Linghu Ku's lineage and family, and Linghu Ku was her direct biological grandfather.

The other five girls will also call Linghu Kugui 'great uncle'.

Before Linghu Ku's death, Linghu Juan's six daughters were the darling daughters of the Linghu family. They were strategic high-quality resources that never marry outside and only recruit sons-in-law. At that time, the six of them had countless auras and dazzling brilliance. Their status within the clan, actual authority, and treatment they enjoyed even surpassed many elders from the side branches and concubines who were five, six, seven, eighty or ninety generations ahead of them.

But this time when they came back...they still came back with big bellies and babies!

This, Linghu Ku, the direct descendant of the Zhongzong, the main lineage, and the first family, who had already been at a disadvantage in terms of the inheritance of the family head, now seemed to have received a blow. Many elders felt cold and cold in their hearts. They wished, they wished...

Look at the beautiful faces of the six daughters of Linghu Juan. The people of the Linghu clan are so 'emotional'. These angry elders hesitated for a moment. An elder who Linghu Juan wanted to call 'uncle' trembled. He walked out of the crowd, shivering and pulled out a ruler inlaid with gold wire and engraved with the family motto of the third ancestor of the Linghu family from his sleeve.

A 'jie ruler' as thick as a child's arm and more than five feet long... This is the childhood nightmare of many members of the Linghu clan!

Linghu Yu, the deacon who was the deacon at the ancestral temple and held the power of family law, gritted his teeth and hissed: Where is Linghu Wuyou? As an elder, he takes you out to do things. Is this what he does? ?”

Linghu Juan and these six girls were not willing to fight.

Then, the only option is to fight Linghu Wuyou.

As an elder, he took a group of juniors out to do some business. He didn't know what to do with the business, but the six girls he took out came back with big bellies!

If this matter spreads out, will Linghu still want her face?

If Linghu Wuyou were present, both of his legs would probably be broken!

Linghu Juan sighed, patted his head and followed her. He was a little over two feet tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, quite handsome, but with a pair of watery peach blossom eyes, he was looking at someone in the crowd. The son of the plump and plump Linghu girl who was flirting with him gently shook his head.

Uncle Wuyou, died. Linghu Juan said calmly: We found Loulan Pass in the lower realm, recovered Linghu Cangcang's uncle, and we also know something about what happened at Loulan Pass that day. , found the remains of Emperor Taihu’s son, and even collected materials to return Loulan Pass to the Supreme Taichu Heaven.”

Things were going very smoothly. However, who would have thought that on our way back to the Supreme Taichu Heaven with Loulan Pass, our cousin Ling Huxiong from the twelfth room, why did he blow up Loulan Pass? What a disaster. We wandered into the unexplored wilderness of the outside world and almost died?

Linghu Huang said softly: Unless my husband risked his life to save me, we might not be able to come back alive.

Linghu Juan looked at Linghu Yu with a sneer, and said quietly: Grandpa Yu, can you tell us why Linghu Xiong did such a heartbreaking thing?

Lu Qian looked at Linghu Juan.

It was actually a member of the Linghu clan who blew up Loulan City, and yet everyone was unable to ascend safely, but instead drifted away in chaos?

Ha...Linghu Huang didn't say anything about this before!

Well, I guess I don’t dare to say.

The ancient city of Loulan was exploded, everyone was scattered, and many people died. The activities involved were too scary... Especially, the ancient city of Loulan was exploded and exiled outside the territory of the Three Kings and One Lord, and King Qi had already brought two pieces of Tianshu Secret Pavilion. The royal treasure, commanding the army, is waiting there eagerly!


Is there any collusion between Linghu Xiong and King Qi, and the people behind King Qi?

Can this matter be concealed from Laojun Tianshu's clone? Can you hide it from Emperor Taichu? If Emperor Taichu knew about it, how could Emperor Taiyi not know about it?

I'm afraid not, the head of the Linghu clan has fallen, the Linghu clan's internal power struggle is so fierce now, and Emperor Taiyi actually stays behind closed doors, and there is no trace of the elders of the Linghu clan who went to Taiyitian to pray for the imperial edict... It's hard to say It has nothing to do with Ling Huxiong’s behavior!

In fact, Lu Qian led the Heavenly Fleet and directly broke into the Linghu clan's territory!

The territory of the Linghu clan is the territory of Emperor Taiyi, the private territory of Taiyi Tian... The Heavenly Fleet appears here, and the Linghu clan is in civil strife, so it is understandable that no effective response has been made. But Linghu's neighbors, those large and small affiliated forces of Taiyitian, actually didn't respond at all. This is very strange!

Do you dare to say that there is no influence from Tai Zhan Emperor?

Isn’t there some tacit understanding between Emperor Taichu and Emperor Taiyi?

Lu Qian didn't say a word, he just raised the five senses and six consciousnesses of Buddhism to the current extreme, and carefully observed the changes in the expressions of the many members of the Linghu clan in the crowd.

Some people were shocked.

Someone was surprised.

Some people are secretly happy.

Someone was sullen.

There were also some people whose faces twitched slightly, showing a trace of anxiety, fright, panic, and some inexplicable emotions.

But these expressions passed in a flash, and then, what Linghu Juan said about Linghu Wuyou's death was like a huge stone smashing into the pond, causing huge ripples.

Several deacons of the Linghu family rushed out, pointed at Linghu Juan, and asked in a hissing voice the process of Linghu Wuyou's death... There was even an extremely handsome and handsome man who looked to be no more than thirty years old. , his eyes turned slightly red, and asked Linghu Juan in a hissing voice the 'truth' about Linghu Wuyou's death!

This Xuanlang man is probably Linghu Wuyou's father, right?

Lu Qian was surprised. Along the way, he also gained a lot of common sense about heaven from the mouths of Meng Hu and Hou Qing. For example, the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Military Mansion have their own jade talismans stored in the Military Secret Hall. If something goes wrong with themselves, they can accurately grasp their specific situation from the changes in the jade talismans in the Military Secret Hall and make the most effective decisions. response.

As a giant clan under the command of Emperor Tai Zhen, doesn't the Linghu clan have similar means?

Then Linghu Wuyou's father, Linghu Shuang, grabbed Linghu Juan's shoulders and said sternly: How could my son Wuyou fall? How could he fall? This is simply unreasonable, unreasonable... Impossible, absolutely not possible!

Linghu Shuang was in a state of agitation and used too much force with his hands. Linghu Juan was in pain and deliberately raised his voice, crying out in pain.

In the diagonal thrust, Linghu Jun's father, Linghu Chao, snorted coldly. He swayed, bringing up a clear wave of light and shadow, and flashed to Linghu Shuang's side. The five fingers of his right hand were like plucking strings, bringing up five extremely thin sword lights. , and drew towards the pulse gates of Linghu Shuang's hands.

Brother Shuang, it doesn't make sense for you to do this... My Juan'er said that it was Ling Huxiong from the Twelfth House who did that evil thing. If you don't go to the Twelfth House to ask for an explanation, just go ahead and ask for an explanation. What does it mean to bully my Juan'er?

Linghu Chao's moves were graceful, but extremely ruthless.

And Linghu Shuang was not polite. He also made continuous light and shadow with the ten fingers of his hands. Countless sword lights crisscrossed in the void with a radius of half a foot, directly forming a delicate and subtle sword formation, and the sword on Linghu Chao's five fingers. The awns are intertwined.

For a time, there were many illusions in the half-foot-sized void. There were gods coming to the world, flowers falling from the sky, the sun rising and the moon setting, and pearls on the sea... All kinds of visions turned into strands of sword intent colliding with each other, and I just heard There was a long and continuous sound of ding', which was caused by at least a million sword strikes in the blink of an eye.

Lu Qian's forehead was sweating slightly.

If Linghu Shuang and Linghu Chao's sword skills were aimed at him, they might not even be able to see clearly how the opponent used the sword, and they would have been cut into eighteen million pieces, and would be blown away by the wind. Lost.

The Linghu family's method and the Linghu family's technique are all extremely graceful and gorgeous. In just a short breath, Linghu Shuang and Linghu Chao had already exchanged countless moves. The half-foot-square void in their palms had been filled with an incredible amount of mana and sword energy, and their power had been piled up to the extreme, almost triggering... Tao's changes.

A ball of light emitted a dazzling light, and countless illusions flowed out from the small void. Like a big river, it instantly enveloped the entire ancestral hall and swept towards Linghu Cloud City in all directions.

A slight cough sounded from in front of the main hall. Standing at the main entrance of the main hall, nine elders from the three sects on the left, middle and right, and Linghu Tian, ​​the leader of the middle sect, stood in the middle and spoke.

Linghutian, with white beard and white eyebrows, is nine feet tall. He is very tall and handsome. Although he has white hair and a white beard, his face is as bright as that of a twenty-eight-year-old girl, and his appearance is as harmonious as that of a twenty-year-old girl. He is generally handsome as a young boy, and it gives the impression that his white hair and beard were deliberately created using magical powers in order to maintain the clan elder's 'majesty' and 'qualifications'.

The name of the elder of the Linghu family is fixed.

No matter who inherits the position of patriarch, the three patriarchs of the middle sect are named Heaven, Earth, People, the three patriarchs of the left sect are named sun, moon and stars, and the three patriarchs of the right sect are named rivers, rivers and seas name. This naming habit has never changed for countless years...it will not be until they step down from the position of elders that they will resume their original names.

Linghu Tian clasped his hands behind his back, with a drooped face, and said in a cold voice: Nonsense... since when did you start beating and killing your own brothers? For no reason, outsiders saw it as a joke!

Linghutian focused on the word 'outsider', so countless people's eyes fell on Lu Qian, Yinyuan and others at the same time.

However, although Lu Yi stood at the front, many people's eyes just glanced at Lu Yi - the focus of their attention was all on Yinyuan - the Linghu clan members were so smart, they always followed him From the faces of the children around Linghujun and the six girls, from the details of their facial features, ears and eyebrows, we can tell that Yinyuan is the culprit!

It was this guy with his head held high and his slutty look on his face who made his six beauties go home with big bellies!

Disgrace the lintel.

An insult to family tradition!

The ruler in Linghuyu's hand trembled slightly. He stared at Yinyuan with sharp eyes, wanting to push him to the ground, and then use the ruler to beat three thousand six... No, thirty-six thousand... No, thirty Wanliu... No, I won't stop until I beat him into a ball of meatloaf!

Don't make any noise here. Linghu Tian said calmly: Each go back to your home and ask the elders about the matter clearly. The cause and effect will be sorted out. Tomorrow, come back to the ancestors to discuss it. !”

He raised his head and looked at the formation of 300,000 large and small warships floating quietly in the sky. Linghu Tian waved his sleeves, and the nine elders flashed with light and disappeared without a trace at the same time.

As soon as the nine clan elders left, many clan elders present stamped their feet and disappeared in an instant.

Afterwards, the deacons of each room - all the deacons of each room who had nothing to do with Linghu Juan's six girls, seemed to have evil spirits chasing behind them, and they led the juniors behind them into a series of magnificent and fantastic sword lights soaring into the sky. Then, a few flashes of light flew in all directions of Linghu Cloud City. With a touch of sword light, these people all ran away and disappeared.

Lu Qian put his hands together and said, Old donor, please stay. Just as he said, all the elders of the Linghu family present had already disappeared.

Lu Qian was stunned, and then laughed: Okay, okay, okay, as expected, there is a 'fox' in the last name, and the rule is not to leave any flaws to the monk... Haha, then, let's use each method. !”

Lu Qian was helpless.

These elders of the Linghu clan were very shrewd. They saw the mixed fleet coming in force - and they put on an obvious and not very friendly attitude. The fleet did not stay in the outer space of Qingsang Yunlu, but Directly approaching the sky above the family's core ancestral land, this is a bit bullying.

And the family's city defense formation has actually been taken over by outsiders... The lives of all the young and old in this city have been suppressed by others.

Behind Lu Qian, there were clearly several masters with terrifying auras, wearing heavenly standard battle armor.

All right!

Emperor Taiyi has ignored Linghu family these days. And Emperor Taichu's minions actually extended into the Linghu clan's territory... What is hidden behind this is truly terrifying to think about.

If you talk to Lu Qian today, then no matter what Lu Qian says or what requests he makes, the problem is put on the table... When the army is approaching the city, no matter what decision is made in a hurry, it will be wrong - even if it is good, It cannot maximize benefits or minimize losses.

Therefore, a group of old foxes ran very fast.

They have a clear understanding in their hearts, but now that ‘outsiders’ have the upper hand, they are completely at a disadvantage. But if the 'outsiders' don't take action directly, it means that everything can be discussed.

But let's talk about it, how to talk about it... we definitely can't show our trump cards right away. Therefore, let the elders of each house and the six daughters of Linghu Juan talk clearly. After questioning the 'outsiders' behind Linghu Juan and others about their thoughts, that's when they, the clan elders and clan elders who are the real masters of the family, come forward for interviews.

If this time of ‘asking for clarification’ can be delayed, of course it needs to be delayed as hard as possible.

Even, it was delayed until more ‘outsiders’ intervened.

Even the gaze that was delayed until too late came over.

It would be best if Emperor Taiyi could send two or three special envoys.

That night.

Linghu Cloud City is covered with heavy snow.

In the northwest corner of the city, several small green peaks surround a green lake. The structure of this lake is extremely ingenious. There is a water eye below, with nine water veins winding into a dragon shape, leading directly to the Earth's Lung Fire Cave under the Green Mulberry Cloud Land, leading up to nine strands of extremely pure and majestic water. The Wuji Spirit Flame has formed a heavenly Wuji Nine-turn Panlong Furnace on the bottom of the lake.

This glance at the Bihu Lake, because of this Panlong Furnace, became full of inspiration and infinite aura. The bottom of the green lake is full of rare elixirs of all kinds. Beside the green lake, it is like spring all year round, with flowers blooming all the time.

Even at night when the snow is falling all over the sky, the area around the green lake for more than ten miles is still as warm as spring. Everywhere you look, there are colorful flowers and plants, and there are also cute and cute birds of all sizes. Animals roam and play by the lake...

Maybe it's not just for fun?

After all, there are a few more bad guests today...

There was a big parrot covered in red feathers, flying around in the air with strange sounds, one claw at a time, beating the flying spiritual bird until its head was covered with bruises, and it fell to the green grass and rolled around.

There was the rabbit, as plump as a meat ball, chasing a group of spiritual beasts all over the ground with bared teeth, and its sharp claws scratched people's buttocks, bringing up a thin stream of blood.

There are also snapping turtles the size of small houses that dive into the bottom of the extremely deep lake. After destroying a lot of fish in the lake, they lie down in the clumps of carefully cultivated elixirs and herbs, gnawing big mouthfuls.

What's even worse is a green snake that flies in the wind like lightning. It's carrying a thief. It goes to the nests of other people's spiritual birds and swallows an unknown number of eggs one by one.

Well, among the birds and beasts by the lake, there are naturally some quite powerful beast kings sitting there.

But these beast kings, who were usually quite mighty, had long been beaten to the ground with bruises and swollen faces by a dog-like earth unicorn. This big yellow dog that kept barking woof, woof walked slowly around these beast kings who dared not move. From time to time, it would look at the big parrot that was wreaking havoc with the doting look of a loving father looking at his naughty children. , rabbit cat, snapping turtle and green snake take a look.

In short, disaster has entered the door!

However, the owners here, Linghu Jun's father Linghu Chao, Linghu Jun's mother Nangong Wan, and the other uncles and elders in their room were not in the mood to save these harmed birds and beasts, and they were too lazy to save them. Go and deal with the elixir and magic herb that the snapping turtle is devouring as a snack.

They gathered in a monastery by the lake that was made entirely of crystal flakes. They all looked at Yinyuan with twitching faces, sitting upright opposite him, and with their big bellies, they gathered around Yinyuan extremely diligently and were busy. Six precious ladies served him tea and water, peeled grapes and tore loquat skins.

Lu Qian smiled and sat in the corner of the monastery without saying a word.

He didn't bother to speak and disturb the family's family happiness.

Although, this family happiness is a bit different, right?

Linghu Chao stared blankly at the apple of his eye for a while... He raised his head speechlessly, looked up at the ceiling, and murmured in a low voice: You've committed evil!

People say that the more the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the happier she becomes... But Nangong Wan, as Linghu Juan's biological mother, looked at Yinyuan with dull eyes at this moment, with the urge to draw a knife and chop him into eighteen pieces!

My own little pearl.

Homemade cabbage.

My little sweetheart.


Nangong Wan covered her heart with both hands and exhaled slowly. The Nangong clan is also a giant clan under the command of Emperor Tai Zhen. The ancestral technique Yinghuo Dao Jing is the top fire-attribute technique in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. The Nangong clan's bloodline also has the ultimate fire-controlling talent.

Nangong Wan turned the anger in her heart into wisps of crimson flames visible to the naked eye and spurted out of her mouth. The temperature of the entire monastery soared for a while, the air twisted and vibrated, and the decorative paintings hanging on the walls appeared at the same time. The black smoke suddenly burst into flames.

Among everyone present, Yinyuan had the lowest cultivation level.

Nangong Wan just spurted out one mouthful, and Yin Yuan let out a strange scream. He was caught off guard as Nangong Wan was sitting down, and his face was aroused by the fire breath spurted by his mother-in-law. His face immediately turned red, and five tears were visible to the naked eye. Six thumb-sized fire bubbles.

Linghu Huang rolled his beautiful eyes, stamped his feet fiercely, and said angrily: Mother!

Lu Qian also stood up and shed a ray of Buddha's light, which calmed Yinyuan's face and eliminated the terrifying heat wave that was like fire on his body. He put his hands together with a smile and said to Nangong Wan: Madam, it doesn't make sense for you to do this... You can't let your grandson simply lose his biological father, can you? Miss Lu hasn't married my eldest brother yet. If He has a bad reputation and a bad reputation!

Nangong Wan laughed angrily at Lu Qian's words.

She trembled and looked at Yinyuan - such a weak scumbag couldn't even bear her casual breath... How could such a level of cultivation be worthy of the beauty of her family?

Staring at Yinyuan, Nangong Wan gritted her teeth, looked at Lu Qian and hissed: My daughter, the Linghu family, am I still worried about getting married?

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes and said coldly: I'm afraid no one dares to marry me!

Nangong Wan looked up to the sky and laughed three times and said sternly: If I want to marry, who dares not to marry the son-in-law I like?

Lu Qian said calmly: I'm afraid it's him who doesn't have this life!

Nangong Wan suddenly patted the small table next to her... I don't know what kind of precious material it was made of. The whole body was crystal clear like a phantom, without any impurities or variegated colors. Green smoke.

Light blue smoke shot straight up to the ceiling, and the ceiling made of these crystal pieces melted into a large hole that led directly to the outside world!

Nangong Wan stood up and looked at Lu Qian coldly: What do you mean?

Lu Qian looked at Nangong Wan with a smile and said softly: What do you think the little monk means, madam?

With a slight cough, Lu Qian shook his big, smooth head: That's all, that's all, madam, let her fury of thunder rest for now... Now that the deal is done, Miss Lu's lifelong happiness is the most important. My eldest brother is carrying a rare miracle in the world. Man, don't you, Master Chiu, and Madam Chiu not see the good qualities in him?

Linghu Chao and several of his brothers stared at Yinyuan again and again with wide eyes, and then closed their eyes at the same time, showing a tragic expression that they couldn't bear to look at.

No matter how you look at it, you can't find any good qualities in Yinyuan!

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