Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 944 Who is the head of the family (4)

Qingsang Cave, this is the core of the Qingsang Cloud Continent, the real lifeblood of the Linghu clan.

The green divine light enveloped the huge cave, and the thick spiritual energy of heaven and earth turned into billowing mist, surging and rolling in the cave. The Taoist charm and inspiration in this cave are smart and active, and are not bound by the heavenly rules and regulations established by the supreme heaven outside.

That is to say, in this cave, the people of the Linghu clan can comprehend the great road to their heart's content, gather their inspirations, and improve their cultivation without restriction... That is, the Linghu clan can find their own way outside the imperial money system. A source of wealth, an uncontrollable 'financial source' that is independent of the imperial money system jointly formulated by the great emperors.

If this news is leaked, the Linghu family will definitely be destroyed. No one can save them, and no one will save them!

Therefore, this secret is only controlled by the elders of the nine sects, and only the elders of the nine sects know it.

The ancestors who successively left the position of sect elders would use secret methods to cut off this part of their memories when they left office, without leaving any residue.

Therefore, Qingsang Cave connects the hub of Qingsang Cloud City's formation and is the real main energy source of the entire city defense formation. The nine elders control Qingsang Cave, and on another level, they control the entire Qingsang Cloud. The city's defense formation... But none of the nine elders were willing or even dared to take advantage of this and talk to Lu Qian, who had seized control of the formation's hub.

If an 'outsider' controls the hub of the formation, we can still talk about it.

If 'outsiders' find out about the existence of Qingsang Cave, there is no need to talk about it.

In the middle of the huge cave, a jade platform with a height of a hundred feet was carved out of flawless emerald green jade. The huge jade platform is filled with white flowers. The remains of a nine-tailed fox are huddled quietly among the flowers. The nine white bones are jagged and the long tail shining with thick rays of light is evenly spread out behind it like a fan bone. .

Around the jade platform, nine high-backed chairs are placed in a circle.

The nine elders of the Linghu clan, heaven, earth, people, sun, moon, stars, rivers, rivers and sea, were sitting on high-backed chairs. You looked at me and I looked at you, without saying a word.

After a long, long time, Linghu Genius said quietly: Let's discuss it?

After another period of silence, voices came one after another.

Linghu Wuyou died, I'm very heartbroken. But, that's all. There are so many talented people in the clan, even if it hurts, it is nothing compared to the fate of the family.

That's right, there are many young people in the clan, and they are quite talented and not inferior to others. If you lose one, just train a few more. It just costs more emperor's money and we spend more effort... The key to everything now is , what is the truth about what happened at Loulan Pass that day, so much so that it caused such a big disturbance?

Based on the current intelligence analysis, the three great emperors Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi have paid attention to this matter. We all know that if we can cultivate to the level of the great emperor, we can't do it early without any benefit... There is not enough benefit. , is it worth those three going to war?

Let Fox Shadow go out with all his strength. No matter what, let's figure it out, figure it out completely, what happened in Loulan Pass that day. A disciple died? A foreign king rebelled? The Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard and the Five Military Mansion were all involved. Come in? Even...

There are also unclean children in our clan. What happened to Linghu Xiong? Why did he create such an explosion on the way back to the Supreme Taichu Heaven at Loulan Pass? There is a clone of the Lord of the Book of Heaven sitting here, why is it like this? There was an explosion, and even his old man couldn't stop it?

Is my clan involved?

Linghu Ku, is he involved?

I suspect it is...otherwise, how could Linghu Ku, a child who is usually so shrewd and as slippery as a greased loach, fight at the Iron Gate Pass? Such a no-brainer? He even killed a Mahatma Lord!

It's not like he's going to investigate or anything, it's like he's going to kill people and silence them!

So, we are indeed involved? So, how deep is the involvement? Is this involvement worth it for Emperor Taizu to disregard his own dignity and borrow Emperor Taichu's knife to beat us? Or even... cleanse us?

Cleaning? Isn't that enough? How can I put it this way? Our Linghu family is also working hard and diligently...

We work diligently before and after the saddle, what the heck? We are just eagle dogs, eagle dogs... If they are obedient, they will naturally have meat to eat... If the eagle dogs are disobedient, change their minds, and join other masters, then the eagle dogs should also be killed and taken directly. Come and eat meat!”

If we don't open our mouths, who dares to say that we have taken refuge with the new master?

The problem is, when Linghu Ku and the others did these things, we didn't stop them... We can say that we were deceived by the juniors, and we have no idea what the juniors did... But, our master, Do you believe it?

It's me, I don't believe it. Instead of working so hard to prevent your own eagle dog from biting its owner, why not just chop it off and cultivate a new one that is loyal, harder working, more active, more enthusiastic, and more proactive!

So, our Linghu clan is indeed in danger of a disaster?

Discuss, discuss, how to get out of trouble... After listening to the various analyzes of the brothers, Linghu Tian became more and more frightened as he listened. He is a smart person, but smart people have too many ideas. If they think too much, they will easily think wrong.

A few beads of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Linghu Tian stood up, and after circling the remains of the nine-tailed fox that was several miles long among the flowers, he knelt down solemnly, paid homage to the remains, and then walked to Near the fox's tail, he carefully pulled out three fox furs that were as clear as crystal but with colorful divine light seeping out from inside.

Holding the fox fur with both hands, and after muttering some incantations, Linghu Tian spurted out a light cyan flame, lighting three thin and long fox furs as if he was lighting incense to offer to the Buddha.

Three fox furs burned slowly, and wisps of colorful smoke rose up, slowly flowing in the air and drawing an extremely impressionistic and strange picture. It's like a landscape, like a character, like countless twisted characters put together. There was a faint and timeless fresh air flowing in the air, and the nine people in Linghu Tian felt that their minds were suddenly bright, and every pore in their bodies seemed to be emitting a faint, clear and pure light.

The nine people knelt down and worshiped the fox remains at the same time.

Then, they returned to their seats.

After being silent for a long time, Linghu Tian murmured: Misfortune comes from within...and it's the Yang number. In other words, this trouble was caused by the men in the clan. That is, with Linghu It doesn't matter those little girls like Lu.

There are many crises, dark clouds are gathering, the future is unclear, and things are going badly. Linghu Tian bit the white beard hanging down from his upper lip and muttered fiercely: Don't let me know which room the kid belongs to. If Got it, even his father and grandfather were taken care of.

Ahem, ahem, you can take care of whichever one you want. Linghudi touched the neatly groomed white beard on his face, and said softly: Now, let's sum it up first, what should we do next? . Well... we all know the temperament of the person we are serving today. She... she... she... since she tolerates the warships from heaven entering my Linghu clan's territory, it can be seen that...

Linghuren said softly: We all know that you are petty. Ahem.

The nine elders looked at each other and then discussed in low voices. They lowered their voices and could only faintly hear words like 'benefits', 'powerful', 'face', 'justifiable' and the like.

One night, nothing to say.

Anyway, that night, there wasn't much else except that Yinyuan was tortured severely by his six father-in-laws and six mother-in-laws, and suffered some physical pain. The entire Linghuyun City was quiet and peaceful, and even the brothers from various houses who usually went out to fight in the city had also stopped.

Early the next morning, after Lu Qian enjoyed a delicious breakfast, the group went straight to the Linghu family's ancestral temple.

In the world of mortals, the six Linghuhuan sisters had already returned home with big bellies before they were married. For such activities that were disgraceful to their family background, the person involved would be beaten to death, or directly dipped in a pig cage.

But in the Linghu clan, maybe they really have the blood of the legendary nine-tailed fox. The status of women in their clan is extremely high. There have even been many female clan leaders in history... Therefore, the six daughters of Linghu Qing, actually They entered the ancestral temple and the main hall of the ancestral temple smoothly. Even considering that they were pregnant, each of them actually got a chair!

This... is the treatment of the Linghu clan elders, clan elders, and deacons of each house!

Lu Qian cursed in his heart - in the eyes of the Linghu clan, this was probably equivalent to a worldly rich man who accidentally gave birth to an illegitimate child outside, and then came back with the illegitimate child to recognize his ancestors, right?

Well, that's probably it.

Therefore, the six daughters of Linghuwan sat in the ancestral temple, and the clansmen around them looked at them much more seriously than yesterday.

After a while, Linghu Tian spoke.

The person in charge of the twelfth room, please come out.

There was a commotion in the hall, and after a while, three men in brocade robes came out, stood side by side in the middle of the hall, and saluted solemnly to the nine elders sitting above.

Well, there may be a lot of things today. So, let's talk about it. Why has the clan's industry that your twelfth house has been responsible for in recent years such a big deficit? Linghu Tian said calmly: The account books are well done. Yes, he does everything smoothly and cares about everything, and you can't even find a vacancy in the emperor's money.

But, he was still found out.

For example, for the nine-aperture wind element stone vein you are responsible for, the average annual output over the past thousand years has been 3.8 million cubic meters...and you have used excuses such as waterlogging in the mine, plague of mine slaves, erosion by evil spirits, etc. to retaliate. You made an excuse for unfavorable production, and for a thousand years, you only handed over an average of 1.3 million cubic meters to the clan every year, and 2.5 million cubic meters disappeared without a trace.

The Nine Aperture Wind Essence Stone is a necessary material for forging the floating formation of high-grade battleships.

A heaven-style warship that is a hundred miles long requires only ten thousand square meters of Nine-Aperture Wind Yuan Stone. In other words, the Nine-Aperture Wind Yuan Stone you have taken away from that mine over the years is enough to make twenty Fifty thousand standard battleships from the Five Military Commands of Heaven!

If you sell it for money, where is the money?

If it is used to build a ship, what about the ship?

Linghu Tian said calmly: You Twelve Fangs have been quite prosperous in recent years, so there are many industries in your hands. There are no less than 100,000 industries similar to this Jiuqiao Feng Yuan Stone vein. . You are very good at reporting expenses. What have you done with the money or things you have saved over the years?

The three deacons of the twelfth room looked at the nine elders with indifferent expressions.

After a long silence, the deacon in the middle sighed: If you want to impose a crime, why bother? We have never done it.


A bolt of blue thunder exploded in the deacon's chest, sending him flying dozens of feet. The flesh and blood on his chest were turned into ashes.

Linghutian took action and slapped the seat guard, shouting sternly: You haven't done it? Then, who did it?

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