Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 945 Guest Clan Elder

The Linghu family has a fox shadow secret guard.

Mostly, for a big family, in addition to being servants and thugs on the surface, privately raising some dead soldiers, spies and the like is an extremely normal activity.

The Fox Shadow Secret Guard is the dead warrior of the Linghu clan, and also functions as an intelligence system.

These were a group of people in green clothes and green robes, wearing green dragon scales. They had practiced unknown secret techniques. Their eyes were glowing with a faint green light, and even their hair had a hint of green, like guys with green grass on their heads.

Their movements were swift, vigorous, sharp, and they advanced and retreated silently, giving the impression that they were like a group of spirit foxes quietly foraging and hunting in the forest. When they were moving, Lu Qian noticed that the secret techniques they used had a hint of wind and shadow charm, and a deeper hidden and obscure essence.

In the main hall, a group of clan members from the Twelve Rooms, several deacons from the Twelve Rooms, and dozens of young men from the Twelve Rooms were suddenly attacked by the Fox Shadow Secret Guards who suddenly appeared and were directly pierced with a specially made secret treasure of confinement. The acupoints imprisoned the mana, and he fell to the ground in twos and twos. Not to mention resisting, no one even shouted loudly.

Even several twelve-room deacons whose cultivation had reached the realm of Star Lord or even Heavenly Lord were knocked down cleanly by the Fox Shadow Secret Guard.

Dozens of specially made spikes pierced the acupoints, chains covered with barbs bound the limbs, and a jade talisman was heavily suppressed on the eyebrows. The expressions of the three twelfth-room deacons who could not move were expressionless. Tragic change - only then did they know that the nine elders had really made up their minds.

The deacon in the middle hissed: Ancestor, everything we do is for my Linghu clan... Don't bring disaster to my Linghu clan...

Linghu Tian looked at the tied up clan members coldly, and waved his hands gently: Causing trouble? What you are doing is bringing disaster to our Linghu clan... You are really idiots who don't know why.

The secret guard of Fox Shadow silently grabbed the clan members of the Twelve Houses and headed straight for the secret prison set by the Linghu clan.

In the low sky, there are strips of dark blue, shaped like arrows, giving people an inexplicable sense of sharpness, and miniature warships with a length of only more than 30 feet shuttle rapidly. A large group of fox-shadow secret guards were dispatched to surround the mansion where the Twelve-Fang clan members gathered. Those men who were at the level of warrior or above, regardless of their seniority or age, were all captured and stuffed into the secret prison. .

Although Linghu Cloud City was controlled by the Heavenly Court brought by Lu Qian, the key to the city defense formation was controlled. However, Lu Qian did not isolate the nine elders of the Linghu clan from the outside world. Therefore, in the main hall, in front of many clan members, the nine elders directly used secret techniques to transmit the orders with the help of a small sound transmission array. It gave the Fox Shadow Secret Guard strongholds everywhere in the Linghu clan's territory.

In the huge Linghu clan territory, the secret guards of Fox Shadow came out in full force.

The men stationed outside the Twelve Houses, all the men who stayed in the ancestral land of the Linghu clan, were controlled by the Fox Shadow secret guards in just a quarter of an hour. After they were all captured and suppressed, they were stuffed into the warship and sent back Linghu Cloud City.

In just a quarter of an hour, an order was given, and in the huge Linghu clan territory, all the men in the twelve houses with duties outside were not able to escape, and they were all captured!

Lu Qian couldn't help but change his color slightly.

This secret guard of the Linghu clan is so incredibly efficient!

The nine elders of the Linghu clan have amazing control over the Linghu clan!

There was silence in the main hall. When the nine clan elders ordered the capture of the male from the twelfth room, all the clan members looked at each other and fell into silence. Many people's faces were distorted and discolored, but they all stood motionless. No matter how many shameful things they hide in their hearts, no matter how many worries they have in their hearts... who dares to make any move?

The city defense formation was controlled by the Heavenly Court subordinates brought by Lu Qian.

But the Linghu Clan's ancestral temple is the Linghu Clan's last line of defense that can resist at all costs, and can even be destroyed... There is also a delicate but absolutely powerful defensive formation here. This great formation was directly controlled by the nine elders... Who among the tribesmen present dared to make any move? Did they feel that the nine elders could not hold the sword stably?

‘Ding, ding ding’.

In the sound transmission array, the clear roar of jade chimes came. That was the fox shadow secret guards stationed in various places reporting back to the nine clan elders. They had already captured all the clansmen in the twelve clans on the list.

Linghu Tian nodded and said calmly: Now, those of the 23rd House, come out...your affairs are the same as those of the 12th House. In recent years, your expenses have been kept stable. What's wrong? The clan Do I need you to eat or drink? Do you need to embezzle public funds from the clan?

With a sneer, Linghu Tian said sternly: In the past thousand years, the Twelve Fang's Nine Aperture Wind Yuan Stones have been enough to forge 250,000 standard warships of the Five Military Governments of Heaven... And you, the Twenty-third Fang, are responsible for everything The metal mines that have been 'flooded' over the past thousand years are enough to forge one billion sets of heavenly warrior level, 100 million sets of heavenly captain level, 30 million heavenly school level, and half a million heavenly general level top-grade armors. .”

Where are these things?

If you use it to forge armor and raise a private army, that's it... My family members are a bit cautious and want to master some of their own private military force. Although they are a bit greedy, after all, they are all their own. Power, we can take that.”

If not, then where are these armors?

What if you didn't forge armor, but replaced it with emperor's money... where is the emperor's money?

If the emperor's money or other cultivation resources you exchanged are all used on the juniors in your first room, then your twenty-third room will have at least tens of thousands of children with good qualifications in these years, and their cultivation should be improved. Extreme speed is what it is. Where are those dolls whose cultivation levels have soared?

Linghu Tian squinted at a group of tribesmen in the crowd who suddenly turned pale: Don't tell me, you all used it to go to brothels and go to brothels... There are more than one billion sets of high-grade armor. You used them to go to brothels, even you. Both of your kidneys must be empty and turned into bacon, right?”

A large group of fox shadow secret guards appeared silently, knocked down the large group of clan members in Room 23 to the ground, tied them up like rice dumplings, and took them to the Linghu clan's secret prison in a mighty manner.

Next, there is the twenty-nine room responsible for the cultivation of elixirs and herbs, as well as some related peripheral industries.

They also spent money, and a huge amount of elixirs, herbs, and related alchemy resources were missing. According to the data obtained by the nine elders from unknown sources, these evaporated alchemy resources are enough to cultivate hundreds of millions of elite heavenly soldiers, heavenly warriors, heavenly captains, and heavenly schools... At the same time, once these elixirs are When refined, it is enough to support the daily consumption of an elite army of billions!

Lu Qian's face was trembling.

These people of the Linghu clan are going to rebel!

Look, the battleships, armor, elixirs... are all complete!

Put these resources together and put them together a little bit, and you will have a regular army of staggering scale!

After Linghu Tianfa left Room 29, he glanced at the crowd and said quietly: Fang 12, Room 23, and Room 29 are all stupid... Although the expenses they made are Gao Ming, but we are just old, not old and stupid... If we really want to find out, how can we not find out?

I just didn't expect it. I didn't expect it. There are experts among our Linghu clan's children. There are really experts!

The people in the fifth room, the seventh room, the ninety-eighth room...you guys in the third room come out and tell us how you did your accounts? Tsk tsk, you are responsible for our caravan company. One is in charge of our pawnshop and bank, and the other is in charge of our various black market stores... The flow of people is huge, and the amount of imperial money flowing is even more astonishing. All kinds of resources are coming in and out. The number is too huge, and the manpower we sent out was unexpectedly huge. After a while, there’s nowhere to start!”

Linghu Tian smiled and looked at the few tribesmen in the crowd who had cold sweat on their foreheads, and said softly: We know that you have tricks, but your methods are much higher than those of the previous three houses, and we can actually do it in a short time. We didn’t find out...so, please confess yourselves?

The dozens of deacons present in the fifth, seventh, and ninety-eight rooms swayed slightly. A slightly plump middle-aged man in the fifth room pursed his lips, walked out of the crowd with steady steps, and walked toward the ninth room. One of the sect elders bowed: The nine ancestors, Ming Jian, with their wisdom and wisdom, actually failed to find anything wrong with us... It can be seen that we are indeed innocent, there is nothing...

Linghu Tian raised his right hand, waved it gently, and shook his head.

The plump man shut his mouth.

Linghu Tian sighed: Use our wisdom and wisdom to stop our mouths? On ordinary days, that's it. Hey, hey, they are all descendants of our family. If they are a little bit greedy, as long as they don't touch the foundation of our family , each of your rooms is a little thoughtful, so be a little thoughtful, right?

For us old guys, your greed for a little bit of public funds is just like when you were children and your brothers and sisters were fighting for fruit when you had a runny nose. It's nothing more than a matter of you taking one more bite and him taking one less bite... The method is clever enough, that's your ability, you deserve to have one more bite.

We are all descendants of our own family, and the wealth does not go to others. If you have the ability to take more from other brothers and sisters, that is your ability... As long as the foundation of our family is not harmed, we will turn a blind eye. Anyway, In the final analysis, these resources are still used for our own children and grandchildren, right?

However, you should not use these resources...in an unclear way, and use them on some inexplicable and terrifying things.

Linghu Ku... Linghu Xiong... and all of you. Linghu Tian lowered his eyelids and said softly: Do you think you are capable? Are you an adult? Have wings? Can you fly to the sky and escape from the earth? So big Can the Linghu clan no longer tolerate you? Can the master of Tai Shengtian no longer protect you?

Are you ambitious and want to fly?

Linghu Tian shook his head and sighed: I won't talk so much nonsense to you. As the old saying goes, filial sons emerge from under the stick... In recent years, we have used less sticks!

Another group of fox shadow secret guards swarmed up and tied up all the men present in the three rooms.

Next, a few more powerful clan members who were responsible for clan affairs were ordered to be punished by the nine clan elders, and were directly tied up and sent to secret prisons.

Seeing that the tribesmen were sent away one after another, those who were still left in the main hall were the deacons of each house who usually only received a share of money and food from the public. Apart from that, they had no real power and could not make extra money. , each eyeball is so bright and scary!

Good guy, there is something wrong with the clansmen in these houses. For such a large Linghu clan, there must be someone in charge, right?

Well, the ones who are in charge must still be the nine elders.

But among the nine elders, there must be someone responsible for the operation and management of various family affairs, right? The huge Linghu clan has a vast territory. In terms of pure territory area, it is almost as big as the fiefdoms of the twenty or so powerful kings in heaven.

In such a vast territory, most of the food, clothing, housing, transportation, food, drink, and various industries are controlled by the Linghu clan.

These industries need people to take care of them!

Everyone who stayed in the hall looked at the nine elders with piercing eyes, hoping that they would say the words they expected.

However, they were quickly disappointed.

Linghutian clasped his hands behind his back and walked slowly in front of Lu Qian. He gave a bitter smile and said, The young people in the clan behave wantonly, which makes Master Fahai laugh. Alas, these young people who cause trouble, I don't know what they have done. This lawless and shady act... Master, can you please cover up something for me?

Lu Qian looked at Linghutian in surprise.

Cover something up for you?

Well, Lu Qian doesn't think there is anything to cover up about these things in the Linghu clan today.

Isn't it just a matter of embezzling a little bit of public funds?

Isn't it just private money...private money... Lu Qian's eyes widened suddenly. He looked at Linghutian in astonishment - Old guy, do you know what you are talking about? Uh, don't tell me, little monk, you yourself suspect that your descendants want to rebel, right? Uh, are you still rebelling against those great emperors? Haha, are they not that stupid?

However, Lu Qian smiled when he saw Ling Hutian's leisurely, graceful and handsome old face.

Uh, after so many tribesmen have been punished, you don't even look a little angry or worried? No negative emotions were revealed at all...Old fox, you are too shrewd, but you let the truth slip...Tsk, tsk!

Old sir, you really don't know what your children have been doing over the years? Lu Qian asked Linghu Tian curiously.

Linghu Tian coughed lightly, his face turning slightly red.

Lu Qian's eyes widened in surprise again, and he looked at the other eight elders who were also as smooth and smooth as twenty-eight-year-olds, but had white hair and beards to mark their age - these nine old guys , even the degree of blushing is exactly the same, it’s just right, with such a faint blush!

Haha! Lu Qian knew it well.

The nine old guys are probably all aware of the fact that the children of each house are secretly benefiting each house.

It's just that in the past... As the elders of the three sects, the clan members of each clan are their direct descendants... The clan members of each clan benefited for their own family. In the eyes of the nine old guys, it was a sign that their children and grandchildren were smart, A capable performance...

Although they are both descendants of their own families, there is also a closeness between them.

Even if they are both biological sons, there is a difference between being born and raised by an older wife and being raised by a younger wife!

Therefore, the nine old guys probably knew all about the bullshit activities of the clan members in the past, but they were just too lazy to pay attention to them. But this time, when something happened, they could no longer ignore it, so they forced the nine old guys to take action themselves.

Hey, every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite... With more descendants, it is inevitable that there will be some unfilial, disloyal, ignorant and greedy people. Lu Qian sighed slowly: It's just...

A tall blue glazed pagoda flew out of Linghutian's sleeves and landed quietly in Lu Qian's hands. This glazed pagoda pressed against Lu Qian's palm very quietly, as if it had always been in Lu Qian's hands.

The powerful and familiar Buddhist charm is far-reaching and majestic, with the charm of indestructibility, infinite vitality, and the appearance of pure sunlight... This is an extremely Buddhist treasure, and it is inseparable from the ancient Landa Temple. .

The Taihu Emperor's ax shook slightly in Lu Qian's mind. This pagoda actually made the Taihu Emperor's ax sensitive?

Lu Qian took a deep, deep, deep breath, then smiled sweetly at Linghu Tian, ​​twirling his palm, and the pagoda turned into a ray of blue Buddha light and injected it into the center of Lu Qian's eyebrows, quietly Suspended in Lu Qian's mind.

The golden soul of the Buddha changes its seals, and the secret seals of the ancient Landa Temple in the Landa Buddha fruit turn into golden flowers all over the sky, which are constantly imprinted on this pagoda. The low roaring sounds continued, and the pagoda suddenly released a vast, boundless, ancient pure Buddha's light, like water washing the blue sky.

‘Oriental Glazed Pillar’!

A meaningful and clear message flowed into Lu Qian's soul from this pagoda with a simple shape and a height of thirty-three stories.

It's clearly a pagoda-shaped Buddha, but it's named after a 'pillar'?

Soon, Lu Qian learned that this was the former Holy Land of Supreme Taichu Heavenly Buddhism, the pillar of the Oriental Glazed Pure Land World, the lower courtyard of Landa Ancient Temple, which was divided into four directions, and the hub of the vast array of that side of the heaven. It is the root of Tao Yun in that Buddhist holy land!

Countless years ago, Emperor Taichu and others attacked the ancient Landuo Temple and wiped out the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Buddha Gate. The four lower courtyards of the Landuo Ancient Temple, the four great Buddha Heavens, were also destroyed, and countless Buddhist cultivators were slaughtered. This (root) oriental glazed pillar has a spirit, and it has obscured its light and covered up all kinds of magical changes. It fell into the hands of an ancestor of the Linghu clan and has been passed down in the Linghu clan to this day.

The method that Linghu practices focuses on illusion, spirit, change, and secretness, which are incompatible and completely opposite to this pagoda. Therefore, for countless years, Linghu has known that this pagoda is A top-notch treasure, but no one in the clan can use it.

Simply, Linghu Tian took it out today and gave it to Lu Qian as a bribe.

Lu Qian was naturally happy to accept it.

He had a serious face, but actually he was smiling in his heart.

No problem, absolutely no problem. The young monk has always been kind to others and never talked about others behind their backs! Lu Renbao looked solemn, clasped his hands together, and said in a deep voice: It's just...

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