Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 975 Yuan Fu’s reinforcements (5)

Countless thoughts flashed through Lu Qian's mind instantly.

Here is the core location of the battle between Old Black Bear and Qing Emperor. The surrounding laws of the great avenue have been completely controlled by the top powerhouse among the two emperors. The heaven and earth intelligence here has completely turned into the two great emperors' private soldiers and dead soldiers, and outsiders cannot mobilize them at all.

Lu Qian only relied on the four heavenly pillars to form the Sexy Sky formation, and relied on the Buddha relic thrown by the old black bear to barely survive in the core of this extremely dangerous battlefield.

And this figure suddenly appeared next to him...

They actually entered the core battlefield of the confrontation between the two great emperors with such unobstructed access. They even invaded the Lustful Sky and came to Lu Yi's side without Lu Yi being aware of it!

The person who comes here must have a Buddhist treasure from the ancient Landa Temple. Their Qi and the heaven of lust are in harmony, so it is possible for the person who comes here to invade Lu Qian's side. The newcomer's own cultivation must be at the level of the Great Emperor, and it will never be lower than the level of the Great Emperor. Otherwise, even if they have Buddha treasures to protect their bodies, they will not be able to achieve this.

Lu Qian raised his hands with a smile: A good man, an honest man, if he wants to live, of course he wants to live... No matter what you want to do, I will cooperate with you wholeheartedly.

On Lu Qian's body, the Wugou Zen clothes gave off a faint gleam.

The long sword that was at the vital point of Lu Qian's back was gently poked forward, Wu Gu's Zen clothes trembled slightly, and Lu Qian's skin felt a slight pain through the Zen clothes. The cold air even penetrated into his insides, making Lu Qian feel the slightest hint of fear in his internal organs as if he had been scratched by a blade.

The sweet but cold voice sounded faintly: In this situation, in this situation, to be able to say these words, it shows that he is not a serious and good person... But for the sake of these precious Buddhist treasures!


An extremely heavy object hit the back of Lu Qian's head hard.

That force was quite violent.

If they were ordinary people with the power to open 480 million acupoints, this blow would be enough to severely injure them and cause them to faint... But Lu Qian... he had just comprehended some of the wonderful principles of power. Daoyun is rapidly strengthening his body and improving his power... And powerful power, especially the power of the body, naturally brings stronger defense and stronger vitality... In a word, Lu Yi is even more powerful. I'm so sorry!

This blow hit the back of Lu Qian's head so much that sparks flew out and the flames spread out.

Lu Qian's upper body swayed slightly, and he only felt a slight dull pain in the back of his head, and his brain was slightly shaken. Other than that, there were no other abnormalities. He was stunned, and then he yelled an exaggerated ah, rolled his eyes, twitched, and fell backwards, pretending to be knocked unconscious by a heavy blow.

The person who made the move muttered in a low voice: This guy has such a hard head, and he is so pretentious, who is fooling him?

‘Bang, bang, bang’, the man picked up the extremely heavy object and hit Lu Qian’s head several times in a row. Each blow is heavier than the last, and each blow is more vicious than the last. Sparks flew dozens of miles high on Lu Qian's forehead, and a huge roar shook hundreds of miles like a bell.

What made Lu Qian even more shocked and speechless was that there was a trace of domineering and unusual shock Tao Yun in this bombardment.



The skin, flesh, bones, and even brain and soul on Lu Qian's forehead all shook violently with the heavy blows. Along with the violent shock, stars flashed in front of Lu Qian's eyes, and he was finally knocked unconscious.

In my mind, the Taichu Mixing Bead exuded a faint light.

Wisps of faint aura enveloped Lu Qian's golden Buddha soul, and Lu Qian fell into a coma, but the most important innate aura at the core of his soul remained clear. Lu Qian has lost his response to the outside world, but if someone thinks that they can do something to him after he faints, such as wanting to kill Lu Qian, then this innate aura will definitely react violently, and Lu Qian will definitely Forced to wake up immediately...

Emperor Taihu's axe, as well as many other important Buddhist treasures, as well as the Tianlong Zen Staff, have all returned to Lu Qian's mind. Each piece of heavy equipment shines with a faint light, tightly surrounding Lu Qian's soul golden Buddha, like a group of the most loyal and reliable guards, guarding their monarch.

In this way, I don’t know how much time has passed.

Lu Qian suddenly shivered, and the innate aura at the core of his soul vibrated violently. All his energy, blood, and mana shook outwards, and he suddenly opened his eyes and awakened.

Hehe, young master, come and play, come on! Lu Qian had just woken up when he heard a burst of charming laughter and smelled the scent of timeless, elegant and high-quality powder and rouge. In the laughter and laughter, there were scattered Yunyu's gasping sounds coming from far away, and in the bursts of cloud-like, mist-like and dreamlike aroma, it was mixed with the smell of sweat from men and women, blending together. The taste of various wines and meats...

The dishes are all delicacies from mountains and seas, and Lu Qian can distinguish the smell of hundreds of the best raw materials. Deer sinews, elephant balds, shark fins, orangutan lips, and camel humps are all good things... They are all raw materials that Lu Qian had seen at various high-end banquets in the Dayin Dynasty in the lower realm.

The wines are all good wines, aged, good wines that are ten, twenty, or even more than a hundred years old, with various flavors mixed together. Moreover, nearly half of the aroma of the wine is mixed with various medicinal aromas. Lu Qian could also tell that there were deer whips, snake whips, tiger whips, donkey whips, etc., as well as Cynomorium cynomorium, Cistanche deserticola, Cuscuta, deer antlers, Cordyceps, etc., as well as some metal ore raw materials with extremely strong medicinal properties, all of which were large. Heat, strong yang, tiger and wolf medicine that can cure death.

The only thing that surprised Lu Qian was that both the dishes and the wine were just flavourful, without much Taoist charm or inspiration contained in them.

In a word, they are all mundane things, not a delicacy for monks to enjoy.

Lu Qian opened his eyes.

He saw that he was lying on a round bed with a diameter of more than three feet, enough to accommodate a dozen goblins fighting.

The pink sheets, pink quilts, and pink curtains are all made of fine silk brocade and other materials. Each object is embroidered with various exquisite patterns using extremely skillful techniques. The bees are digging into flower stamens, the butterflies are collecting pollen, and the mandarin ducks are playing in the water...

Just like the aroma of wine and food outside, these brocades, silks, etc., and even the embroidery techniques on them are all worldly things, and there is no monastic trick mixed in them.

The place where the round bed is located is an extremely spacious room. The square room is about ten feet long and wide, and about three feet high. In such a huge room, the floor was actually paved with silver plates engraved with peonies in relief. It was sparkling and extravagant to the extreme.

There are several huge pillars in the room. Several gilded copper dragons are coiled around the golden sandalwood pillars.

There must be some mechanism in these copper dragons. There is a thin silver tube in the mouth of the dragon, and wisps of light blue fragrance are sprayed out from it, which is dense and mellow, floating and blurred.

The four walls were made of white silk, with an extremely lively and bright picture of a night banquet painted by a master of painting. A group of dignitaries are entrenched in the center of the scroll, surrounded by maids and servants. In the corner are musicians, and a group of beautiful dancers are dancing wildly in front of these dignitaries.

What an ultimate enjoyment of a prosperous and romantic life.

Lu Qian suddenly arrived at this place from the bloody Yuncha Ridge. For a moment, he felt confused, drifting, and had a dreamy feeling of not knowing where he was.

Right next to the round bed, two pretty and cute little girls with buns and aqua skirts were sitting lazily on the beautiful little round stools, talking and laughing in a low voice. Just as Lu Qian's body moved, the two little girls raised their heads and smiled at Lu Qian.

Master, please wake up. Hey, Master, you had a really good drunken night last night. It was really amazing. That hundred-year-old wine has so many nourishing medicines added into it that an ordinary person can be drunk half to death after just three or five cups. Yes, sir, you actually drank a jar and a half by yourself...you really have a good capacity for drinking!

Lu Qian frowned and looked at the two little girls up and down.

In this situation, in this situation, these two little girls said these words so naturally... It gave Lu Qian the strange feeling of waking up from a nightmare in the summer evening.

Well, or...

Lu Qian sat up straight, his eyebrows opened, and a ray of divine light quickly swept in all directions.

They were just ordinary secular furnishings, and the two little girls were just ordinary mortal girls without any trace of cultivation. There are no formations, no restrictions, no talismans, and no ambush methods known to Lu Qian.

The two little girls were startled by Lu Qian's sudden opening of his eyebrows, and they jumped up suddenly and staggered back two steps.

Master! The two little girls screamed, their voices lingering, with a hint of crying.

Lu Qian suddenly held back the sound of Dafan's Leiyin that was already at his lips.

These are the two most ordinary mortal girls. If this magical power were blasted out, even if the two little girls had 100 million lives, they would definitely be wiped out.

Not to mention, the men and women who are having fun outside!

Which fellow Taoist is there outside? A flash of light flashed through Lu Qian's mind, and he laughed: Unexpectedly, the person behind Prince Yuanxu is actually hidden in the world of mortals. However, I am very curious, this supreme In the Taichu Heaven, is there really a secular world in the ordinary sense?

The two little girls looked at Lu Qian with confusion, not understanding what he was talking about.

A chuckle came from outside the door of the room: As long as you have a heart, where is the world of mortals?

If there is no mortal world, then make one yourself.

Lu Qian, or rather, fellow Taoist Fa Hai, what do you think?

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