Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 976: Lingshan, Great Thunder Sound

Just as Lu Qian thought, this was a brothel.

A worldly world, the capital of a dynasty, the busiest and most prosperous area, the most magnificent brothel.

The brothel covers a large area, covering over a thousand acres. Naturally, there are no need to mention the palaces, pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings. The room where Lu Qian was located was right outside the brothel, right next to the courtyard, right next to the street outside. Standing on the verandah outside the room, you can directly see the bustling street outside with people coming and going.

It was the time when the full moon was shining, and the road, which could accommodate thirty cars walking side by side, was still busy.

Lanterns of various colors hang high on various pavilions on the roadside. Brothels, restaurants, teahouses, restaurants, rouge gouache, daily necessities, and other businesses are all busy. It is a lively time, with men and women coming and going, and teams of armored warriors look like warriors. Walking on the street, people with sinister eyebrows and evil eyes are sneaking around in every corner...

It's lively, prosperous, and the atmosphere of worldly life is extremely strong.

Lu Qian leaned on the guardrail of the verandah, holding a pot of old wine and swallowing it in big gulps.

He inexplicably thought of the capital of the Supreme Saint Dayin Hao, and of the tiger men of Baihu Hall who, under his command, worked hard to build the first street with small blades and iron rods.

The first street market was established, so there were stinky tofu stalls, red oil dumplings, brown sugar glutinous rice cakes, dandan noodles, grilled cold noodles, various meat skewers, and all kinds of weird things. , people can’t help but take out snacks with coins and broken silver from their pockets.

A small business has turned into a big business, and the sand has accumulated into a tower, and the water has accumulated into a sea. Since Baihutang has gold and silver, it buys and sells weapons, medicinal materials, fine steel knives, fine armors, and various medicinal materials to strengthen the body and replenish blood... As a result, Baihutang becomes stronger and stronger, and lays down There are more and more markets, and more and more money is gathered!

When Lu Qian was living a happy life, an inexplicable forced marriage officially plunged Lu Qian into a bloody storm.

Scared! Lu Qian waved his hand, smashing those old dreams into pieces.

Everything is like the wind, gone long ago. I don’t know if it happened decades ago or hundreds of years ago... The Supreme Holy Heaven, Yuanling Heaven, Liangyi Heaven, and the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the dimensions of space are constantly rising, and all kinds of people are fighting. Fighting keeps getting mixed up, and those past events seem to have happened a long, long time ago.

It was clearly something that happened in this life, but it seemed like something that happened in the previous life was a bit blurry.

Instead, it’s the things that really happened in the previous life…

Haha, he was young and proud, and then he became terminally ill. He was lying on the hospital bed struggling to survive, but he saw the ugly side of human nature. People are still alive, but they are already busy fighting for inheritance... People are still alive, but in some people's hearts, they have become dead.

Therefore, in this life, I don’t ask for anything else, I just want to live a longer and peaceful life, I just want to be able to live happily, comfortably and happily according to my own ideas, goals and thoughts.

Unexpectedly, I would live to this day.

Downstairs, on the street, in the middle of the street, there is an extremely magnificent carriage, surrounded by more than a dozen servants in rich robes and hats, slowly passing by. In front of the carriage, two official lanterns were hung, with official names that Lu Qian was not very familiar with written on them... But it was obvious that he came from a wealthy family and had a high official position. The drivers in front and behind avoided this luxury car.

In the carriage, a very beautiful young woman suddenly raised the curtains and stared blankly at a scholar in shabby clothes on the side of the road, who was walking with a few companions through the sea of ​​people and cars to watch the excitement.

The two of them just looked at each other deeply and quietly in the flow of people and the sea of ​​cars.

The luxury car continued to move forward.

The car curtains are down.

Lu Qian looked through the carriage made of solid hard fragrant wood and saw the extremely beautiful woman crying silently.

He also saw that the scholar in green shirt had red circles in his eyes, with a hint of moisture in his eyes that ordinary people could not detect, and he continued to chat and laugh with his companions, discussing the possible direction of the scientific examination in a few months.

Imperial examination!

Policy theory!

The exam is a nightmare. From the Dayin Dynasty in the Holy Heaven to the unknown country in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, those secular scholars cannot escape the constraints of the exam.

The car drove forward slowly.

Shi Shiran, a scholar in blue shirt, walked in another direction.

In the crowd and in the traffic, the scholar in blue shirt and the extremely beautiful young woman are like two involuntary sampans in the tide of mortal world, driven by the torrent of fate, heading towards their 'destined', even if they themselves No matter how reluctant you are, you are unable to resist the unpredictable future.


‘Powerless to resist’!

The power ‘enough to defy fate’!

Lu Qian took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked into the endless depths of the sky. The giant dragon transformed from the avenue of power is more eye-catching in the worldly sky than in the sky of Yunchaling.

Of course, it is invisible to the naked eyes of ordinary mortals, but Lu Qian can see it clearly.

A huge invisible net covers all the worldly passers-by in this world.

Either fate, greed, luck, or disaster... All kinds of greed, anger, ignorance, and all kinds of worldly desires, relying on various laws of the great road, have evolved into various large nets, forming this side The world of mortals covers all living beings.

And in that big net, no matter what kind of destiny force or what kind of 'power', in the end, it will be involved in the avenue of power.

In Lu Qian's heart, he had a deeper understanding of the avenue of 'power'.

'Strength' is definitely not just about swinging your fist and breaking someone's head, or swinging your long sword and piercing the opponent's heart, or you falling with a violent thunder and splitting the opponent's mountain gate into ashes. This kind of performance can Is it strength?

Not only that!

It's definitely more than that!

The avenue of power, in a more obscure, more sublime, and more bizarre way, reconciles with many other laws of the avenue, blends with each other, brews with each other, ferments with each other, and transforms into all kinds of strange things that can be understood and cannot be understood. Power' dominates countless creatures in the world.

Everything in the world is enveloped by ‘power’.

This power can be space, time, the five elements, yin and yang, wind and rain, snow and frost...

It's a really nice city with some nice people.

Lu Qian thought about the young man in green shirt who was sad but forced a smile in front of his companions, as if nothing had happened. He chuckled and said, If King Qiu Gui is interested, why not make a couple happy? Come to think of it, my Taoist friend is here. The management of Yifang World is just a matter of words.

King Qiu Gui was dressed in a worldly attire, very coquettishly dressed, like a large splendid purse. He was standing upright in front of Lu Qian with his hands behind his back.

After hearing what Lu Qian said, King Qiu Gui laughed: He is an interesting fake monk... Why don't you give me a reason? Why should I help them? Fulfill them?

King Qiu Gui smiled maliciously: A few years ago, when I was like a lost dog, being chased and intercepted by the army, and almost falling into death, no one seemed to want to help me?

He pointed at Lu Qian with a smile: Moreover, you are a fake monk, and you beat my two sons to the point of vomiting blood! It's so embarrassing in public! The two noble sons of the emperor, hey, were beaten to vomit blood by a monk!

Lu Qian smiled and nodded.

He raised his head and said faintly: A long time ago, I was in a certain world...well, I have forgotten the name of that world. I only remember that that world existed in the pattern of stars, and it was generally water-blue. Color, maybe, can we call it 'Blue Star'?

In that world, I am just an extremely pitiful and helpless... ant.

However, that world is wonderful. There are many lovers, talented people, affectionate and talented people... They have written many wonderful and beautiful sentences to express their emotions. I remember some of them.

I am a shameless copycat. Lu Qian laughed loudly, and his laughter spread to the street below, startling many men and women passing by. The next moment, a few beautiful words were recited from the mouth of Lu Qian, who was applauding and laughing.

‘Red hands. Huangdi wine. The city is filled with spring scenery and willows on the palace walls. The east wind is evil. The joy is thin. Many years separated, my mind full of sorrow. Wrong wrong wrong.

Spring is as old as ever. People are empty and thin. The tear stains are red and raw. Peach blossoms fall. Xianchi Pavilion. Although the mountain alliance is there, it is difficult to trust the brocade book. Momomo. ’

Lu Qian has now broken through 480 million acupoints, and has even cultivated the power of transcendence. He has initially broken through the 'scaled claw' constraints of the cultivation laws of this world... His every word and deed naturally has supernatural powers. Not to mention that he practiced Buddhism intensively, and he was deliberately practicing it at this moment.

In the ten-mile long street, countless men and women all heard Lu Qian's singing, and the bright light came loudly in their minds. Every word, every word, was not missed, and the original text was clearly imprinted on it. In particular, the original author ‘Lu You’ was so deadly that he radiated a dazzling golden light in everyone’s minds…

For a moment, countless crazy men and resentful women turned red-eyed and confused at the same time. They all froze in place, all of them were demented.

Leaning slightly, several girls in luxurious clothes screamed and cried at the top of their lungs: Who is Lu You? I want to give birth to a child for you, Lu You, Lu You, you shameless heart-stealer, get out of here! come out!

Lu Qian smiled, grinning with pride, What an ancestor's skill!

On the street, the poor scholar in green shirt suddenly swayed. He turned around suddenly, panting heavily, and ran towards the luxurious car that had gone away, chasing after it wildly. As he ran, he screamed at the top of his lungs: Xiaoyuan, wait for me, wait for me, wait for me to be called at Donghua Gate, I will definitely come to ask for your hand in marriage!

Lu Qianxiao looked at King Qiu Gui, who also had a goose-like expression in front of him, and urged softly: Go quickly, go quickly... The good deeds of adults should be remembered as good stories, and this is also an act of doing good deeds... That scholar is a wise man. Talented!


King Qiu Gui's face was severely twitched.

The talent of the Supreme Taichu Tian... Haha, the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth was jointly banned by Emperor Taichu and several other great emperors, and the laws of the great avenue were all included in the web of laws drawn up by them.

Ninety-nine percent of this talent in writing and poetry was won over by those around the emperor and his confidants.

What are the names of 'Book Immortal', 'Poetry Immortal', 'Painting Saint', 'Music Saint' and so on? They are the real 'immortals', the real 'saints'. They have occupied the avenue of calligraphy, painting and poetry for seven years. Eighty percent, the immeasurable intelligent beings of the Supreme Taichu Heaven can share the remaining little talent. Therefore, just like what happened in the ancient city of Loulan in the lower realm, noble ladies such as Linghu Ruan can only Recite one or two lines of limerick.

Moreover, it is the kind of doggerel that is of extremely bad taste and makes people spit.

Linghu Huang is like this. Ordinary people in the secular world, even scholars who specialize in reading, can imagine their poetry skills.

Lu Qian's song Red Suspicious Hands was like a violent thunder falling, which made King Qiu Gui stunned.

King Qiu Gui condensed the Dao Fruit of the Emperor's Seal, but he took the unpopular path of 'swamp miasma'... He also liked arty elegance, but the power of this path of poetry and song was only controlled by some people around him. He chanted The limericks he recited were not as good as Linghu Huang!

At this moment, this beautiful poem made King Qiu Gui's heart feel inexplicably soft for a moment.

He turned his head and waved quickly towards the end of the corridor, in the dark corner. Standing in the shadow, just waiting for his own father to fall out with Lu Qian, they rushed up with their men and beat Lu Qian severely. Shaoyao Jun and Yueji Jun's faces were twitching, and they turned around and left with a group of cultivators. Shi Shiran, the weakest thug who had also entered the realm of the Great Heavenly King, went straight to the scholar in blue shirt.

Two emperors, a large group of heavenly kings and great heavenly kings, went to lead a worldly scholar with no cultivation.

This kind of thing is the first of its kind in the Supreme Beginning Heaven, throughout the ages, and since the beginning of the world.

Interesting! King Qiu Gui's expression softened a lot. He took two steps forward and got in front of Lu Qian. He had an extra wine bottle in his hand. He lightly touched the wine bottle in Lu Qian's hand, and then took a big gulp. A few mouthfuls.

Putting down the flask, King Qiu Gui looked at Lu Qian seriously: Who is Lu You? If possible, could you introduce him to me? How did he write such wonderful words? Could it be that he is the Wenhui Pavilion of Tianting? A certain pavilion elder? Is he a civil servant of Emperor Taichu? But, it seems, there is no such person in heaven!

Lu Qian just looked at him with a smile.

Lu You, who is he?

You have eaten an egg, which is very delicious and nutritious. You don’t have to know the old hen that laid the egg, right? What's more, even if Lu Yi wanted to take King Qiu Gui to find the old hen, with Lu Yi's current cultivation level, he really couldn't do it...

King Qiu Gui looked at Lu Chen expectantly.

On the street outside, there were crazy men and women crying and shouting, rushing towards the brothel, trying to find Lu Qian who had just recited a poem. A large group of thugs from the brothel blocked the door, pushing and shoving the men and women, and it was lively for a while.

Seeing that Lu Qian remained silent for a long time, King Qiu Gui could only sigh and helplessly shook his head: You are a boring person. I don't know why those people in charge invited you here. .”

Invite? Lu Qian touched the back of his head. With his cultivation and the strength of his body now, there was a trembling fleshy lump the size of a fist swollen on the back of his head. Lu Qian smiled strangely and said, The way you treat guests is quite gentle.

King Qiu Gui's eyes became very strange and a little dangerous.

His eyes, which had become a little soft because of the song Red Sustained Hands, now returned to the unpredictable and dangerous changes like the poisonous miasma in the swamp... Obviously, King Qiu Gui Although he has condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, he is still at the level of being controlled by the 'Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit', and has not yet completely 'controlled the Dao Fruit with his own self'.

There was an uncontrollable leak of Tao Yun in him.

Lu Qian noticed the change in King Qiu Gui's attitude, and he laughed: It shows that you are also a vengeful person. Well, the things you did are inherently disgraceful...colluding with the Linghu family and several other clansmen , poaching from my own father's side, sneaking around and getting some resources to help me become the great emperor...

King Qiu Gui interrupted Lu Qian: If it were me, I wouldn't just hit you in the head a few times...

Taking a deep breath, King Qiu Gui said in a deep voice: 'Dad'? Hey...poaching...hey...what do you know? If not like this, when will I be able to achieve the position of great emperor? With my Talent, qualifications, character, talent, if I were...

King Qiu Gui pursed his lips angrily, and waved his hand vigorously, as if to throw away all the stagnation in his heart: I have nothing to say to you, you don't understand anything, you don't know anything. …”

Lu Qian immediately followed his words: I don't understand, I don't understand, so I have always wanted to ask a question - you are the biological son of Emperor Taiyi. With the authority of the emperor, he If you are willing, you can choose a more powerful path with greater potential, condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit more easily, and achieve the status of the Great Emperor, why?

King Qiu Gui's originally gloomy expression became more and more gloomy, as if a thunderstorm was about to fall on a gloomy swamp where countless corpses were buried... There were traces of invisible traces on his body, but Lu The cold water vapor that you can easily feel floats out, and the water vapor contains even more terrifying toxins.

It was swamp miasma, mixed with countless rotting corpses, countless rotting vegetation, countless poisonous insects, poisonous snakes and other things in which they multiplied and spewed venom. All kinds of horrible things were mixed together, and were produced after countless years of fermentation in the filthy mud. Horribly poisonous.

Not only is it highly toxic, but it is also extremely filthy. It is best at polluting the soul and the body.

Lu Qian frowned and took two steps back.

King Qiu Gui... A soft voice came from the end of the corridor: Let Master Fa Hai... Hee, let Master Lu Jin come over.

In that compartment, a palace lantern suddenly lit up, and the light yellow light fell, illuminating a bright girl wearing a long aqua dress, who was full of writing spirit and had a bit of a flying spirit.

The girl's hairline is a bit high, so her forehead looks extremely broad. The light shines on her forehead, which is quite dazzling.

When King Qiu Gui saw this girl, the poisonous energy surging around his body suddenly stopped, and he said angrily: Why is it so troublesome? Is this guy worthy of the leaders spending so much energy and attention?

Lu Qian raised his brows, King Qiu Gui's words were unacceptable.

Hey, he believed that he was still quite valuable. Didn't he see that both Emperor Taiyi and White Snake were quite fond of him? Although it is said that the favor comes more from Yinyuan, having such a top-notch and sworn brother as Yinyuan also proves his worth!

Lu Qian smiled at King Qiu Gui and said softly: You seem to have some opinions on Emperor Taiyi? 'Best father'? Well, is it possible that he is not your biological father? Instead, is he your father-killing enemy? Tell me about it when you have time, I am a person who likes to hear people talk about their personal grudges, joys and sorrows.

Lu Qian smiled and walked forward along the veranda.

King Qiu Gui clasped his hands behind his back and stared at Lu Qian's back with dark eyes. After pondering for a long time, he shook his head and murmured in a low voice: I still don't see it. What does he have that deserves the efforts of these leaders?

After muttering, a hint of curiosity appeared in King Qiu Gui's eyes. He followed Lu Qian closely and reached the end of the corridor together. Here, there was originally no way, but with the gentle wave of the girl in the green skirt and the flashing of the lights, an extra section of the verandah appeared out of thin air, and a red lacquer palace door was added at the end, which slowly opened silently.

The girl in the green skirt nodded to Lu Yi, rolled her eyes at King Qiu Gui, and walked into the portal gracefully. Lu Qian and King Qiu Gui followed closely behind. As soon as they entered the door, a large swath of sunlight poured down like water.

Outside, it was the bright moon hanging high.

But in this portal, there is a complete mountain and river, with a red sun hanging high in the sky, and a few huge white cranes slowly spreading their wings in the blue sky and white clouds.

This is a small world filled with Buddhist charm.

Lu Qian closed his eyes and quietly felt the Buddhist Taoism that filled the void and was as thick as substance.

In my ears, there are dusk drums and morning bells ringing, and the air of mortal world is rolling. However, the aura of the world of mortals here is very different from the aura of the End of the World in the Lustful Heaven Array set up by Lu Qian with the four pillars of heaven. The aura of the world of mortals in this small world is bright and agile, full of positive and high-spirited spirit. Qi, full of majestic and proud vitality.

Lu Qian opened his eyes.

Surrounded by water, there are mountains in front, peaks... It is the remains of an ancient Buddha, sitting cross-legged between the sky and water, with his hands in a seal, a look of compassion on his face, and his godless eyes, overlooking Lu Qian.

Surrounded by vast expanse of blue waves, there is a huge lake. On the lake, there are dots of white sails, and fishermen are casting nets to catch fish in small boats. Some people even light a fire on the bow of the boat, burning a pot of fish soup that is full of fragrance. It even floats to this ancient Buddha with the wind. On the hill in the center of the lake where the remains were transformed.

Just like the Buddhist charm that fills this small world, this world is very vivid.

The song Red Hands just now is very good. A sweet and melodious voice came from the palm of the ancient Buddha's seal. Lu Qian raised his head and saw the halfway up of the mountain where the ancient Buddha's remains were transformed. , in the palm of Jieyin's hand, there are several thatched cottages.

A girl wearing a white feathered coat with faint wisps of white-gold firelight lingering under her skin was standing on the edge of the Buddha's palm, looking at Lu Qian with a smile.

Come? The girl waved to Lu Qian.

Come! Lu Qian soared into the air and stepped onto the Buddha's palm.

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