Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 986 Do it again (2)

Daleiyin Temple, empty Sutra Pavilion.

Sunlight slanted in from the floor-to-ceiling windows inlaid with colored glass, tearing out strips of bright light in the dark and deep Sutra Pavilion. Thousands of male and female monks, either in monk's robes or in layman's attire, were sitting on tables by the window, frowning as they studied pieces of broken gold, silver and jade, or some fragments of Bodhi leaves, cassock fragments and the like.

Occasionally they have some insights and write down a few strokes on the light yellow scroll in front of them, which has a faint flow of Buddhist power.

In the huge Scripture Collection Pavilion, rows of bookshelves that are several miles high are neatly arranged. Hundreds of bookshelves are actually filled with compiled scriptures. The total number of books is probably hundreds of thousands.

But compared with the huge Sutra Pavilion, these hundreds of bookshelves are like a drop in the ocean, insignificant.

Even the hundreds of thousands of scriptures stacked on these giant bookshelves, which are miles high and hundreds of miles wide, look empty, like an empty cemetery at midnight, giving people an inexplicable chill.

Lu Sanqi led the way, and Ming Jiudan followed with heavy steps.

Lu Qian followed Lu Sanqi, walking among the rows of empty bookshelves. Occasionally, in a certain compartment of some giant bookshelves, there is a Buddhist monk dressed as a novice monk or nun, frowning and thinking hard, falling into some strange state.

Beside them, there were invisible forces holding up pages of paper, and thin brushes suspended in the air. Occasionally, there would be a wave of spiritual energy surging near their heads, and these brushes would quickly draw a few strokes on the paper.

They may be the reincarnations of the Buddhist disciples who were robbed in the Landa Holy Land in that battle. Lu Sanqi put his hands in his sleeves and led the way while explaining the origins of these young novices and nuns: They occasionally make surprising remarks, and their understanding of Buddhism is far beyond that of ordinary monks... They are very consistent with the great ways of this world, especially some of the big forces such as Tianting, Taihutian, Taiyitian, and even Guixu. It belongs to the avenue that they cannot touch at all... They can understand and master it easily.

So, we suspect that they are very likely to be the Buddhist disciples in the Landa Holy Land who were robbed and returned to the human world after the tribulation was over. Gu Sanqi looked at the young monks and novices with a smile: In their heads, From time to time, some strange scriptures appear, covering supernatural powers, secret methods, Buddhist principles, medicine, martial arts, and even formations, military techniques, and economic and world affairs methods...

Lu Qian felt a little heavy.

The word 'Return after the Tribulation' always reminded him of his father, Lu Min. That's also a guy who doesn't make people worry. I don't know where he is now or what he is doing... But Lu Qian always feels that the next time he sees Lu Min, something earth-shattering will happen.

The Landa Buddha in his mind was given to him by Lu Min.

Lu Min is obviously the Buddhist cultivator who was robbed at Landa Holy Land. After struggling in the world of reincarnation for who knows how many years, he finally returned to the Supreme Beginning Heaven and finally awakened the memory of a certain reincarnation in his previous life.

Are these novice novices and nuns the same?

What was the so-called supreme Taichu Heaven like back then? Lu Qian asked Sanqi curiously: Then what is the so-called great catastrophe? Do these things have anything to do with what you are doing now?

Lu Sanqi smiled and led Lu Yi step by step into the depths of the Sutra Pavilion.

Along the way, I don’t know how many mysterious restrictions I have passed, layer by layer, layer by layer, what is so close to the end of the world, what is mustard seed, time and space, have lost their meaning in this Scripture Pavilion, and completely distorted the concept. If Lu Qian had not been involved in the avenues of space and time, and was particularly keen and sensitive to changes in time and space, he would not have been able to notice all the terrifying arrangements in the Sutra Pavilion.

The emperor's means.

Absolute emperor's method.

Moreover, even among the great emperors, he is extremely powerful and at an extremely high level... In fact, Lu Ren's intuition is that even the old Xiong Zun of Yunchaling might be dwarfed by him?

After marching in this way for a long time and advancing far, the front suddenly became bright, and a bright hall with a round sky and a square place appeared in front of Lu Qian. Here, the dome above the head and the four walls are all made of gold and silver glazed bricks. Each glazed brick is natural and seamless, with countless Buddhist patterns carved on it.

Small Buddhist niches are neatly arranged on the dome and four walls. At first glance, it is clear that the dome and four walls are just one layer, but they are filled with layers of dazzling glare, as if there are countless layers... ...There are countless Buddhist niches on each level, and in each Buddhist niche, there is a Buddha statue with different expressions and postures.

Gentle light fell from the dome, illuminating the entire hall.

This light has its own Buddhist charm.

Standing in this bright light, Lu Qian felt that his whole body suddenly became clear, and all the worries, worries, confusions, and puzzlements in his heart faded away. Within his body, a continuous heat rose.

The undigested Buddha relics in his body and the power of the magical elixir given by Emperor Tai Zhen were originally thickly accumulated in his body. Lu Qian alone could not digest and absorb these majestic powers. How many years of hard work will it take? But under the illumination of this bright light, these accumulated powers suddenly became active.

Cultivation is being consolidated layer by layer.

In the orifice, those scales and claws restrained were riddled with holes by the power of transcendence. The shackles of the great road formed by the laws of heaven and earth that were blessed by heaven and earth on Lu Qian were also shaken open with countless cracks.

Just find a way.

As long as he finds a powerful enough avenue that Lu Yi is involved in, and if no one interferes or competes on this avenue... Lu Yi can even condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit instantly and become a so-called emperor-level existence.

Lu Qian? Hello! A gentle voice sounded.

Lu Qian looked over.

The huge bright hall was completely empty before the sound. With Lu Qian's current level of cultivation, he could not detect the existence of anyone or anything. But when the sound sounded, there was one more person in the bright hall, and there were several Buddhas sitting cross-legged on the ground.

That man is an ordinary young man. He has broad shoulders, a tall body, big ears and shoulders, and his arms are above his knees. Big eyes, high nose, red and thick lips. His appearance can only be regarded as ordinary, but inexplicably makes people feel simple and amiable, just like his own big brother. There is a kind of reliability and down-to-earthness in him that is worthy of 'trust'.

The main wisdom group in the Supreme Taichu Heaven is the celestial being family. They are born with a vertical eye between their eyebrows. If a monk obtains the predestined method, he can successfully enlighten the spirit and open the vertical eye between his eyebrows, and he will be born to master a skill. Supernatural power, understanding a secret method, moving according to one's heart, extremely powerful.

As for the simple and down-to-earth young man in front of him, the vertical eye between his eyebrows disappeared, replaced by a thumb-sized red mole, as red as blood and as crystal clear as a gem. This red mole shines brightly and has a strong Taoist charm. A very fine white long light spurts out from the center, shooting forward a hundred feet, and then slowly disappears into the void.

The white light between the eyebrows is like a hair. This is one of the highest visions in Buddhism.

Beside this young man, a row of thirty-six Buddhas with distinct auras sat cross-legged. In appearance, these ‘Buddhas’ are male or female, old or young. There is a charming twenty-eight-year-old girl, whose body is covered with jewels and precious light, and there is endless void and disillusionment around her; there is also a centenarian old man, who is old and withered, with a skin like bronze, with a strong Buddhist charm all over his body, like a huge treasure wheel slowly rotating , there are all kinds of annihilation around him all the time; there is also a snow-white and tender three-year-old child, who is born like a tender lotus root, but is full of domineering energy, and the precious light on the body reaches straight into the nine heavens, shaking the void, and the child He pointed his finger at the sky and scratched the ground with his other hand. Between his hands, there was a vast black hole that was hesitating, and its aura was so terrifying that it overwhelmed the other thirty-five 'Buddhas'.

They are all ‘Buddhas’.

It has flesh and blood, and its body is full of vitality.

However, they are all Buddhas after their 'annihilation'...their bodies are still full of vitality, and the Buddhist charm around them is extremely powerful, but they are all 'dead Buddhas', and they only leave this skin here. They are truly The core, the true essence...has long...already...

The Taichu Mixed Bead shook slightly, and wisps of light fell.

Lu Qian's brows suddenly opened, and he looked towards the young man's eyes. He saw that on that young man, thirty-six strands of cause and effect were tightly tied to the thirty-six Buddhas!

This young man is the reincarnation of the thirty-six Buddhas.

And these thirty-six Buddhas are the highest crystallization of his past thirty-six bright and glorious lives and his practice.

The young man stood in the middle of these thirty-six 'Buddhas', and they had become one body. The power of the thirty-six extremely powerful 'Buddhas' belongs to the power of the past thirty-six reincarnations and thirty-six periods of life. He can call it at will and do whatever he wants!

A flash of inspiration emerged in Lu Qian's mind.

He said solemnly: It's a pity. If they can be completely eliminated, your practice will be truly successful...

The young man was stunned, then laughed.

The laughter rumbled like thunder, shaking the entire Mingtang. On the dome and walls of the Mingtang, and in countless overlapping Buddhist niches, the Buddha's Dharma images all emitted brilliance like rain, and flowers fell all over the sky for a while. Like a brilliant golden meteor shower, it is beautiful, solemn and solemn.

Ming Jiudan's eyes widened in astonishment: Where? Complete annihilation? These thirty-six Buddha clones are good treasures that big brother found with great difficulty. Over the years, with their power, we have saved...cough , cough, second sister, why are you looking at me like a fool?

The young man had already taken two steps forward, clasped his hands together, and saluted Lu Qian: Qingsha... Or, you can ask me to kill Qing. Qing is Qingdi's Qing. Although, my body has never been In terms of blood, he is his son...but killing him is the ultimate goal I pursue in this life.

Lu Qian looked at Qing Sha in shock: Are you the son of Qing Emperor? Well, you took the initiative... to become his son?

Qing Emperor, what a existence.

Judging from Old Xiong Zun's fear of him, and from what Qu Sanqi told, behind the three great emperors Tai Zhen, Tai Hu, and Tai Chu, there was the shadow of Emperor Qing, it can be judged that it was an extremely terrifying existence.

Lu Qian could not even imagine how thorough and tyrannical these existences were to protect their descendants and inherit their family's foundation.

Qingsha was reincarnated at least thirty-six times in his previous life. Each time he practiced to an extremely high level and became an astonishing figure of the 'Great Emperor' level 'Buddhist Buddha'... He actually found a way to be reincarnated as the son of the Qing Emperor!

He succeeded!

He became the son of Qing Emperor... The process of his reincarnation was actually hidden from Qing Emperor!

Although I don’t know what methods Qing Sha used in this, how much damage he caused to Qing Emperor by becoming the son of Qing Emperor, how much useful information he analyzed from Qing Emperor’s bloodline, etc...

In short, it is obvious that this approach is difficult.

Qingsha can do this...

Lu Qian clasped his hands together with great admiration and returned the salute: Lu Qian, the Dharma name I once used is Fa Hai... But, the boy's six dust roots have not been exhausted, and his ordinary heart has not been broken. He feels that it is better to be a layman, so he gained another name. Hair, return to vulgarity.”

Qingsha's smile became brighter: It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, practice, focus on the fundamentals, not the superficial appearance. Even if you wear ordinary clothes, you may still marry, have children, and reproduce future generations in the future. This is also part of the way of heaven. As long as you practice my Buddhist teachings and uphold my Buddhist ways, you will be a good disciple of my Buddhism.

Taking a long breath gently, Qingsha smiled and said: Even if you don't uphold my Buddhist way or practice my Buddhist method, you can pass on my Buddhist method and my Buddhist way through your hands. You are my destined person in Buddhism!

Taking a deep look at Lu Yi, Qing Sha glanced at Ming Jiu Bain, looked him up and down, and then sighed heavily: Tiedan, let's talk about things, and you can eat meat by yourself. Have a drink...

Ming Jiudan's eyes widened and he looked at Qingsha with a look of astonishment: What's wrong with me? Hey, hey? What's wrong with you that I don't know about? These thirty-six Buddha bones are not yours, big brother. Is it a good treasure that we have worked so hard for so many years to find? Over the years, we have encountered many risks, but we have only been able to avoid them by relying on them.

Complete destruction... I heard you right, you want to destroy them? Ming Jiudan frowned and said, What a pity, why do you want to destroy these treasures?

Qingsha sighed.

Lu Sanqi is rolling his eyes.

Lu Qian looked at Ming Jiudan and said with a smile: If you want to understand the obstacles, there is a shortcut... If Brother Jiudan practices Buddhism and can make stubborn people nod their heads, then they will naturally understand the truth... …Why don’t you go try it, Brother Jiudan?”

Nushi nods? Ming Jiudan said oh and nodded vigorously: Then, I'll try... cough, cough... are you shaking me?

Ming Jiudan's eyes widened, and he looked straight at Lu Qian as if he had been bullied.

Qingsha laughed again.

Lu Sanqi shook his head slightly, flew up with his kick, and kicked Ming Jiudan to the corner of Mingtang. Before he could get angry, dozens of jars of good wine and piles of roasted, brown and oily animal meat appeared in Mingtang. In front of Jiudan.

Ming Jiudan coughed dryly, sat down awkwardly, ignored what was going on here, opened his cheeks, and started eating and drinking.

Let's chat. Qing Sha looked at Lu Yi with a smile: First of all, welcome to join us.

Lu Qian wanted to be a little pretentious and say something like, 'Why should I join you?', 'What are the benefits of joining you?', 'Who are you?', 'What on earth are you going to do?' and so on. The nonsense...be a little more reserved and a little more careful...

But seeing the extremely clear light in Qing Sha's eyes, Lu Qian smiled and shook his head.

In front of such an old monster, there is no need to mention those hypocritical words... some small tricks are of no use here in Qingsha.

Very simply, Lu Qian and Qing Sha sat cross-legged on the ground three feet apart.

First of all, let's explain the cause. Qing Sha glanced at Lu Qian: Tai Chu, Tai Lu, Tai Zhen, among the people they sent to the lower realm to investigate the ancient city of Loulan, there were our people. However, this is not what we learned from Yun Chaling is the fundamental reason why I brought you here and let you join us.”

Have my father met you? Lu Qian asked Qing Sha.

Qingsha showed a hint of joy: It's... your father in this life. In my previous life, I called him 'Uncle Master'.

Lu Qian's face twitched violently.

very good.

Lu Min's seniority in his previous life was actually so high... However, it's no wonder that without such a high seniority and such a special status, how could he directly hand over the Landa Buddha fruit to Lu Min?

However, Lu Min gave the Landa Buddha fruit to Lu Qian... not to Qing Sha or anyone else.

Is ‘Father’s love like a mountain’?

Lu Min always feels strange in his heart - cough, cough, brother Lu Min, you have to understand your identity. Since you have awakened the wisdom of your previous life, you are an old monk. You still carry the worries of this life, don't you? good.

Or maybe Landa Buddha is the tool for the causal connection between Lu Min and Lu Qian in this life?


Then, let's talk about the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Lu Qian said: Tell me about the three great emperors, tell me about the Qing Emperor, tell me about the past things in this world, and some things about the present. Do you think I should know about it? Cause and effect. I am very curious...and curiosity seems to be one of the driving forces for us monks to climb upward, right?

Qing Sha smiled and nodded: This is exactly the reason. You should understand these things clearly.

The Qing Emperor has woken up and started to leave the nest, which proves that he may want to continue the things he didn't finish back then... We, whether we like it or not, have already... Qing Emperor restrained his smile: To say that we are 'on the verge of death' may be a bit too alarmist...but in reality, it's not much different!

Lu Qian's smile froze.

No matter in any context, the word death is imminent is not a good word, right?

Let's talk about the Supreme Taichu Heaven first. Qingsha pointed to the ruby-like red mole on the center of his eyebrows: Before my Buddha came, the Supreme Taichu Heaven was just a primitive and barbaric wilderness. This world's The celestial beings are just a group of primitive ancestors who look like wild animals and drink blood.

I, the Buddha, opened up the Supreme Taichu Heaven, allowing this world to truly have 'civilization'.

The civilization of the secular world...and the civilization on the path of cultivation.

Qing Sha looked at Lu Yi seriously: So, from the most fundamental point of view, the Supreme Taichu Heaven is a Buddhist land. And the Supreme Taichu Heaven is the only one among the many spatial dimensions above and below this side of time and space. The world. It was after I, the Buddha, came and performed the Buddhist rhyme of Three Thousand Worlds, Big and Small with the supreme power of Buddha, that the so-called lower world came into being, the Liangyi Heaven when you came, and the extreme world you were born in before. Shengtian, as well as Yuanlingtian and many other worlds you have experienced.

My Buddha's behavior can be regarded as finding a small island to settle in the endless ocean. In order to survey the surrounding waterways and facilitate my disciples to have a place to rest and take refuge in the endless ocean, I built a small island around the island. , selected countless available reefs, reclaimed the sea and built land, thus opening up worlds large and small, and enlightened living beings in them, enlightened wisdom, spread Buddhism, and even sent disciples to sit in them.

Of course, to be honest, my Buddha's behavior is not without the purpose of 'gathering faith' and 'hoarding resources'. Qingsha blinked and glanced at Lu Qian.

Lu Qian nodded slowly.

Well, find a small island to stay in the vast ocean?

Then, use this small island as a starting point to survey the surrounding channels?

Are those big and small worlds in the lower realms the footholds created by reclamation and land reclamation during the survey of waterways? Resource points? Those enlightened wisdom groups can be accepted as disciples, gathering the power of faith that is most crucial to Buddhist practice, and at the same time collecting various materials needed for cultivation...

Nothing wrong, ahem... Lu Qian really wants to ask Qing Sha - have you ever played a strategic battle game, right?

The only thing that made Lu Qian curious was - surveying the waterway? Those Buddhas who come, where are they going?

If the Supreme Taichu Heaven is just a small foothold, then where did they come from?

I can't answer the questions in your mind right now. Qingsha pointed to the red mole between his eyebrows again: During reincarnation, my intelligence was damaged and many things have been forgotten. Originally, there may be some things in Landa Holy Land. Related records, but...

Qing Sha spread his hands, smiled bitterly and pointed in the direction of the Sutra Library Pavilion where Lu Qian came: I hope those disciples who have returned from the calamity, if there are among them the sweeping monks of the Sutra Library Pavilion in the Landa Holy Land, That would be the best, if they can remember something, that would be the best.”

In this life, I am the son of Qing Emperor. Qing Sha waved his hand and said solemnly: Although he was strictly guarded, I still got a glimpse of some interesting things from his blood inheritance.

He comes from beyond the Supreme Beginning Heaven.

He is my Buddhist enemy of life and death.

He came here just to destroy.

He has already succeeded more than half, because the Holy Land of Landa has been destroyed... Qingsha said softly: What he wants to destroy is not just Buddhism, but... the entire world, and all the living creatures in this world. .”

I don't know how much hatred and karmic involvement those Buddhist seniors who left have with him.

He's here just for complete destruction.

That's why we gathered together and wanted to... survive. Qing Sha pointed at Lu Qian: To survive, first of all, we need enough people and enough strength.

It's different from King Qiu Gui's kind of peripheral members who have nothing to do with each other and almost fend for themselves... You have a clean background and can be trusted. We are an important member who should be together by nature. We will do our best to help you. , to achieve the position of great emperor.

Qing Sha waved his right hand lightly.

Wisps of Buddha's light surged, and giant dragon dharma images emerged above the Mingtang. The dragon dharma images roared and rolled, exuding a suffocating Taoist pressure.

After all, this world was once a pure paradise of Buddhism. My Buddhist ancestors once used the supreme Buddhist Dharma to thoroughly refine the avenue of this world... Therefore, even if the heaven uses those evil methods to destroy the avenue, Refined into shackles of heaven and earth, locking the path of cultivation in this world. We still have mastered some avenues that are powerful enough and have a strong foundation.

You, pick one, and use the fastest speed to gather the fruits of the Emperor's Seal Dao! Qingsha smiled and said: I don't ask you which fundamental path you practice, and I don't ask you which path you plan to focus on in the future. ... Let’s first choose one of the avenues we have mastered, condense the Emperor’s Seal Dao Fruit, and have enough self-protection power, then we can make long-term plans for the future!”

Lu Qian looked at the phantoms of the rolling avenues and said in horror: Have these avenues been touched by no one yet?

Qingsha shook his head gently: No, no, no, how is it possible? These avenues are already occupied by others... What we have mastered means that whichever one you like, we can use it in the shortest time and with the fastest efficiency. , clear out enough of it, allowing you to quickly comprehend and master it, and condense it into the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit.

Lu Qian looked at Qing Sha in horror and confusion.

‘Clear out enough shares’!

Of course he understands what this means... Between heaven and earth, all living beings, as long as any living being embarks on the path of cultivation, his traces will be left on the avenue corresponding to the cultivation method he majors in.

As his cultivation continues to deepen, the traces he leaves on this great law become thicker and thicker, and his share becomes larger and larger.

Until one day, the share he occupies on this avenue and the power he possesses are enough to condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, and he can try to break through to the realm of the Great Emperor!

The deep meaning of 'cleaning up' a great law is to kill all the other monks who have understood this great law and occupied a 'share' on the road and completely annihilated it... just like King Qiu Gui mobilized his private fleet to do something in Blackpool Things are generally the same.

Lu Qian looked at Qing Sha.

Qing Sha looked at Lu Qian.

My Buddha, be merciful! Lu Qian murmured, and then he pointed at the giant dragon dharma image of the tumbling avenues, which represented the avenue of speed: Before, Lu Sanqi said, occupying The ones with the largest share of the Speed ​​Path are the several commanders and deputy commanders in the four major palaces of Heaven, Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning... If I want to condense the Speed ​​Dao Fruit...

Speed? Qing Sha nodded slowly: The speed is extremely fast, and the killing power is extraordinary. Especially, the ability to save lives is indeed second only to the few avenues.

Then, it's the road of speed. Be prepared! Qingsha said softly: This is actually the easiest way to start.

Lu Qian's heart twitched.

Yuan Fu defected from Heaven...but there are still people in the core of Heaven who want to kill them!

They can kill the important officials in the four palaces of wind, rain, thunder and lightning who have the power of speed at any time... leaving the 'share' they occupy completely vacant!

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