Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 987 Do it again (3)

The lower realm, Liangyi Heaven.

In the Supreme Taichu Heaven, Lu Qiancai wandered for just a few years, but in Liangyi Heaven, extremely long years have passed.

On that day, Lingxuan and others who were investigating the death of Emperor Taihu's son in the lower world gathered here. Liangyitian was forcibly transformed by Lingxuan and turned into the dojo of Emperor Taihu in the lower world. She used the magical power of forced transformation that was close to Buddhism to distort the will of all the creatures in Liangyi Heaven, tampered with their memories, and made them all devout believers of Emperor Taihu.

Today's Liangyitian.

Sky, white gold.

Earth, white gold.

Mountain peaks, white gold.

River, white gold.

Even the wind blowing in the void was white-gold, with a bright firelight, and the temperature was astonishingly high.

The indigenous residents of Liangyi Tian have lived in this white-gold world for a long time, and have been infected by the Great Dao from generation to generation. Now when all the aborigines are born, their hair, eyebrows, and pupils are all white-gold, and there are also pale colors under the skin. Golden flame patterns are looming, and children with natural flame powers and excellent aptitudes can spit out platinum divine flames that melt gold pin iron and are astonishingly hot when they open their mouths, and can even burn down hundreds of miles!

There is even a group of people who are extremely devout to Emperor Taihu. When they were born, they were born with a shining vertical eye between their eyebrows. In terms of appearance, except that there are no flame wings behind their backs, they are no different from the Holy Spirit clan of the Supreme Taichu Heaven. .

Relying on their extreme piety, these indigenous people who were 'transformed' by Lingxuan used their infinite power of faith to forge an unrivaled and powerful kingdom of faith in this dimension. Countless armies of monks who devoutly believed in Emperor Taihu drove warships and swept across all directions with their tyrannical innate magical powers. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of heavens in this dimension have been conquered by the army of monks from Liangyi Heaven and turned into Taihu. Emperor Qu is in the Kingdom of God’s dojo in this world.

Every conquered heaven will contribute a huge amount of faith power, making this kingdom of faith stronger and stronger. Relying on the endless power of belief and thought, resources were originally scarce. In Lu Qian's era, there had been no monks who could accumulate enough resources to ascend to Liangyi Heaven for many years. On average, there was a person with excellent qualifications every ten thousand years. The wings of flames were born the day after tomorrow, soaring upwards and ascending to the Supreme Beginning Heaven!


The entire Supreme Taichu Heavenly World has been transformed into a belief system and has been transformed into ‘Platinum’. A place deep in the mountains and valleys, still full of beautiful mountains and green waters. A subtle layer of Buddhist restrictions shrouded this place. Many monks, riding warships with rising flames and cruising murderously in the void, passed by the entrance of this valley and subconsciously ignored the existence of this valley.

In the valley, there are many white-gold bones that exude extremely high temperatures.

In a cave deep in the cave, in a cave with simple furnishings, a girl with a pretty appearance and a strong aura stared up at her eyebrows. Her whole body was burning with white-gold divine flames, and the flames even condensed into two pairs of huge flame wings behind her. Zhaozhan... She struggled desperately, but she couldn't move.

A strange woman with a snow-white body, white hair, white eyebrows, white eyes, and pale lips. The aura around her body was cold and terrifying. She was twelve feet tall and her body was as smooth as ice and snow. She stood quietly next to the stone platform where the girl was, with a frown on her face. The big eyeball rolled, emitting a very thin pale white light, suppressing the girl's figure tightly, making her struggle with all her strength, but she couldn't move no matter what.

The Third Burial Monk stood next to the stone platform, holding a strange-shaped knife in his hand. He slowly cut the girl's body, turned over her internal organs, analyzed her meridians and bone marrow, and carefully explored the mysteries in her body.

After so many years, I finally got something.

The three burial monks slowly manipulated the girl, making her watch in an extremely awake state as she was being dissected and dismembered bit by bit.

In those days, there were sages in Buddhism who were good at medicine. They once said that some plagues were actually caused by poisons and bacteria invisible to the naked eye that invaded the human body and multiplied wantonly in the human body, devouring flesh, blood, essence, and destroying the balance of the five elements in the body. The epidemic is plagued by diseases. And these poisons and bacteria can be spread wantonly through breath, mouth droplets, and even feces, through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and many mucous membranes, causing the plague to spread very quickly and with alarming lethality.

I didn't expect that the same would be true for you.

An existence smaller than those poisons and bacteria of the plague... an almost energy-based... 'gene'? Monk Sanzong looked at the struggling girl with a smile: In my memory, there is this' The word '...what's the name of that guy covered in green skin? 'Blue Emperor'? Well, that should be the name, it's not wrong.

That Qing Emperor once said, 'gene'? It's probably this kind of thing. I'm not a professional and don't understand it very well.

A kind of energy 'gene', borrowing magical powers, spreads wantonly, infects the brain, and uses countless small 'genes' to create a group consciousness, forcibly erasing the host's own 'self-awareness', thereby allowing the 'host' to be' The foreign parasitic group consciousness 'replaces' them, making them mistakenly think that this is their 'own heart'.

Piously worship Taihu, believe in Taihu, practice his laws, believe in his ways, burn your flesh, blood, essence, soul, everything to your heart's content, and turn them into Taihu and his lackeys to practice, Qualifications for advancement.”

This method has the flavor of Buddhism opening the door to convenience and bringing salvation to all sentient beings in all realms.

But the great powers of Buddhism are more or less careful about what you want to do... Except for those cruel and shameless ones in those days, such as Fahai and those younger generations who forcibly transformed, other great powers of Buddhism, and other Buddhas All the Buddhist believers in the country are willing to devoutly believe in that Buddha!

And you... simply spread 'faith' like a 'plague'. Once you are infected, regardless of whether you have a correct understanding and concept of Taihu, once you are infected by this plague, you will be infected from the body to the soul. All the way to the point of 'self and sincerity' at the core of the soul has turned into Taihu's devout lackey.

Hey, this method is a little bit more demonic.

However, I must admit that it is very useful!

While the Third Burial Monk was chattering, the girl with astonishing cultivation had been dismembered and turned into a mess. Parts of various colors flashing with white-gold divine light and burning with wisps of white-gold divine flames were piled randomly on the stone platform.

In the end, a fist-sized fist, shaped like a heart, with nine orifices inside, exuded astonishing Taoist fluctuations, was constantly absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth in the void, and constantly transformed the spiritual power of heaven and earth into blazing divine flames and crystal stones of immeasurable high temperature. From a young girl His heart was stripped away, and he was suspended quietly in front of the three burial monks.

Heart of the Holy Spirit!

The creatures infected by Emperor Taihu's 'Belief Plague' will eventually have such a crystallized heart of the Holy Spirit condensed in their hearts. Absolutely pure, absolutely pure, generated by the human body, and full of absolute devout faith in Emperor Taihu. , which can be refined by him without any trouble, and each one can provide him with huge energy.

Not to mention the origin of this thing, just from the perspective of effect and effectiveness, this is the best magical elixir in the world.

The Third Burial Monk looked at the infinite energy inside. Although it was condensed in the lower realm, the majestic Taoist charm and spiritual wisdom contained in it were almost comparable to the Holy Spirit Heart of a heavenly king from the upper realm who had opened millions of acupoints. He couldn't help but feel He shook his head.

The only intact head of the girl stared wide-eyed. Her original consciousness had been annihilated. The consciousness that came from nowhere replaced her original self, and she issued a hoarse threat to the Sanzong monk: Thief Bald, you are guilty, you are guilty. You will definitely be punished... Just wait, your divine punishment is about to...

The Third Burial Monk waved his hand, and a wisp of gray divine light surged, and this wonderful head silently turned into a piece of blood, and was swallowed clean by the motionless white girl standing aside.

So many years.

Countless evil spirits originating from the Wanmiao Heaven in the lower world, such as White Girl, Blue Girl, Qing Girl, etc., have been cooperating with the Three Burial Monks for so many years, and strange changes have occurred within themselves. Countless evil spirits finally merged into one body, and the unforged evil power was combined into one body, and finally turned into this evil being with white hair, white eyebrows, and a whole body of snow-white, twelve feet tall.

Bai Zun! The Third Burial Monk smashed the Holy Spirit's Heart with one finger, and looked at the Bai Nu standing in front of him with a smile: I, completely remembered, I am Zhi Buddha, the master of the Landa Holy Ksitigarbha Pavilion. ...After wasting many years in the lower world, I finally refined your seed of revenge.

So-called, is it a mule or a horse, drag it out for a ride?

After so many years of hard work, relying on a trace of original memory, and doing some good things in this lower world, I don't know how many heavens were broken. In the end, I only succeeded in Wanmiao Heaven... In the end, I became you!

But, it's good.

You are not flesh and blood, and you have no self-awareness. Everything comes from instinct. Your reproduction and your practice do not need Taoism, inspiration, food, nutrition, or the reconciliation of yin and yang. There is no need to have children... Qing Emperor's methods are all useless to you!

You have been the enemy of the Qingdi clan from the beginning! You may even be their nemesis!

So, try it. Try it. I remembered that I was once the Buddha of Wisdom, but the Buddha of Wisdom was not me... I am the Third Burial Monk. I have buried the past, present, and future, and cut off everything. The Three-Buried Monk with Causes and Effects.”

I can vaguely feel that there are some brothers who are also not in Nirvana. They have returned from the disaster.

Then, let's have a good time!

My Buddha is compassionate, Namo Amitabha!

The third-burial monk clasped his hands together, chanted a long Buddha's name, and slowly walked out of the cave, walked out of the valley, and appeared in front of countless monks patrolling and hunting in the outside world. The huge battleship, with its entire body burning with flames and emitting thousands of meters of divine light, suddenly stopped. Countless gazes traveled through the void and locked onto the figure of the Third Burial Monk.

You guys, can you admit your guilt? The Third Burial Monk smiled and looked at the monks whose bodies were shining with white-gold divine light, and gently shook his head: That's all, what do you know? They are just a group of pitiful people... you , there is no hope anymore, I, this will bring you complete relief!

Behind the Third Burial Monk, Bai Zun slowly appeared. She opened her arms and gave a low shout.

There is no shadow in Liangyitian today.

All the time, the sky, the earth, the mountains, the rivers, and even every flower, grass, and tree here are shining with a faint divine light, illuminating the sky. The light shines from all directions, and the whole world turns into a huge 'shadowless lamp' , no object can leave a shadow in this world.

However, these rays of light coming from all directions cannot penetrate the hearts of these monks.

In their hearts, a 'seed of fear' had been implanted next to the heart of the Holy Spirit. I don’t know where it comes from, where it ends, what it refers to, and what it is used for.

It seems that when these monks were born, before they clearly understood the 'greatness' and 'brilliance' of Emperor Taihu, and before they developed devout faith in Emperor Taihu, this terrifying seed was already implanted in their souls. , integrated with their souls. No matter how pious and worshipful they were for Emperor Taihu after they were born, or how much divine light they had in their bodies, they could not illuminate the darkest corner of the core of their souls, and they could not dispel this ray of harmony. They are entwined into one 'fear'.

The seed of fear is activated.

There is no shadow on the surface of the body, but the shadow grows directly from the soul, from the depths of the soul.

In the Liangyi Heaven, under the feet of countless creatures whose bodies were surrounded by divine light, wisps of dark shadows emerged out of thin air. Without allowing these monks to react, these shadows rolled up and swallowed their own bodies in one gulp.

There was no sound, and the entire Liangyitian suddenly became quiet.

There was no sound, and the entire Liangyi Heaven suddenly dimmed.

The sun, moon, stars, and the earth that had been shining brightly for so many years all darkened, all the light disappeared, and all the creatures also disappeared.

Wisps of shadows containing majestic power rose into the sky and gathered towards Bai Zun.

Bai Zun's aura gradually became stronger, but soon, the energy fluctuations that leaked out were contained by him, and no trace of them leaked out. He was like a white shadow standing behind the Third Burial Monk, without any real sense of existence.

My behavior is close to that of a demon. Monk Sanzong looked at Liangyitian, which was instantly transformed into a land of death, and said softly: However, whether it is a demon or a Buddha...it doesn't matter.

He smiled very subtly: The head of the Discipline Academy has been completely extinct... Since no one is in charge of the Discipline, who cares whether I am a devil or a Buddha? I am the highest ranking person in the temple, and those younger disciples will naturally It’s also out of my control... My Buddha is merciful, so good, so good... My trip is of course the right path of Buddhism!

The three-burial monk rose into the air, waved his sleeves, and the entire Liangyi Heaven disappeared into nothing.

Bai Zun took a deep breath, and the annihilated Liang Yi Tian, ​​the origin of the entire world, and the endless energy were swallowed up by him.

Standing in Liangyi Tian, ​​Tianwai.

Looking around, tens of thousands of heavens, large and small, were originally like burning coals, embedded in the hazy chaos, dotting the sky of Lianyitian. These heavens, big and small, were conquered and opened up by the believers of Emperor Taihu of Liangyi Heaven over the years, and turned into the world of Emperor Taihu's dojo.

The third burial monk put his hands together and began to recite a salvation sutra mantra.

Bai Zun raised his hands, opened his mouth, and took a deep breath.

In the chaos, hundreds of thousands of heavens, large and small, were extinguished one by one according to their distance from Liangyi Heaven. All the creatures in the heaven have endless fear growing in their bodies. Shadows emerge and devour the deity. All the essences and spirits come out of the sky and sink into Bai Zun's body.

The big and small heavens also collapsed and shattered. The origin of the world, the charm and spiritual inspiration contained in the world, all turned into swaying heads and tails, and large and small dragons that were tens of thousands of miles long or hundreds of thousands of miles long flew over one after another.

Bai Zun took a deep breath and swallowed the core essence condensed after the world was shattered.

The essence and energy of hundreds of thousands of big and small heavens are combined into one body... The energy in Bai Zun's body has become so huge that it is beyond imagination... At the core of his body, a faint light flickers, and the huge power is accumulated like this. In the small body, the quantitative changes have almost reached qualitative changes, and unpredictable changes are about to occur.

Let's get going! Monk Sanzong smiled, raised his head, and looked at the dimension of space where the Supreme Taichu Heaven is located.

When we go here, we may be shattered to pieces, or we may be lost forever... but it doesn't matter. The monk from the third burial said quietly: I struggled to get out of that disaster. It's not that I am greedy for life and afraid of death, or that I want to continue to live longer. How many years have passed since the Great Tribulation Meeting... I just want to cause some trouble for you!

The third burial monk said softly: You destroyed the inheritance of my Landa Holy Land and burned countless scriptures of our Buddhist ancestors... Those disciples died, that's it. Those scriptures, those old monks regard them as a hundred or ten thousand times more valuable than life. The scriptures... Tsk, this matter is not over yet!

The Third Burial Monk chuckled. He waved his right hand gently towards the void, and the void collapsed, revealing a crack that went straight to the dimension of the Supreme Taichu Heaven. He took the pure white Bai Zun and submerged into the crack with light steps. With a wisp of chaotic energy, the two of them disappeared without a trace.

This dimension of space where Liang Yitian is located has experienced the disaster of Linghu Juan collecting the 'Sky Crystal', and what Monk San Buried did today. Basically, the big and small heavens with some climate have been completely destroyed. Eight, the entire space dimension is almost lifeless.

If you want to have the bustling scene of today's densely populated people and monks traveling through the void... it will really happen after countless great tribulations.

Supreme Taichu Heaven.

In a star field where all information in the sky star map issued by the Supreme Heavenly Court has been completely erased.

The branches and leaves of a tree withered away, leaving only a trunk that was a hundred miles thick and more than three thousand miles long, floating quietly in the dark void like a dead thing.

Near this big tree stump, countless broken walls, countless broken beams, columns, bricks, and various smashed window lattice and doorways turned into piles of garbage, condensing into long rivers of garbage, floating randomly in this void. With.

Occasionally, in this piece of garbage, you can see a few dark golden bones, a few golden skulls, and some broken and melted ones, but the original appearance of the vajra, magic pestle, and lotus can be vaguely seen. Swords, demon-slaying swords and other Buddhist instruments...

In some places, there are even small land masses with a radius of tens or hundreds of miles, dying and hidden in the torrent of garbage. On these small landmasses, there are actually some earth veins left, which have nurtured some small spiritual springs and spiritual streams, and have spawned some grasslands, woods, and some birds and animals. They carefully rely on these small landmasses and sneak around. reproduce.

The eyes of some birds and beasts are clearly filled with strong spirituality and the light of wisdom.

However, they were extremely cautious, restrained their wisdom and aura, and pretended to be mindless beasts and birds. They reproduced the tribe here cautiously and protected some withered inheritance.

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