Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 988: Everyone move

Lu Wu turned into a stream of light and broke into the small courtyard.

Then he regretted it.

He always thought that he was the true pride of heaven. He had been aloof since he was born, and everything went smoothly no matter what he did. He always thought that he would regret nothing in his life!

Who can make him regret it?

As one of the three most powerful emperors in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, he is also the one with the best talent, the purest blood, the strongest strength, and the most important among all the emperors of Taihu Emperor... He himself After his birth, it only took him just ten thousand years to reach the threshold of the Great Emperor.

What a terrifying growth rate, what a monster’s talent!

Under the brilliance of Emperor Taihu, Lu Wu punished everyone and worked in parallel, as if he were going straight in, fluently and without any disadvantages, and never regretted it!

But at this moment, he really regretted it!

He broke into the gate, he broke into the second door, he broke into the moon gate leading to the third courtyard, he broke into the back garden where the three women were practicing kendo in retreat... He saw Cheng Sancai standing next to a clear lake. The three girls of Qingyou!

Then... he felt like a lonely little fly breaking into the legendary Knife Mountain Hell among the eighteen levels of hell!

Well, eighteen levels of hell?

Qu Wu Pun even has mood memories. Where did this concept come from? Not because of the teachings from Emperor Taihu, nor the knowledge from where he got his blood after he was born, but from his bloodline, the inexplicable bloodline memory!

Among the eighteen levels of hell, the Hell of Sword Mountain!

At this moment, this back garden covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand acres is it.

Infinite sword light, immeasurable sword intention, immeasurable sword rhyme, endless chill and cold light, overwhelming the sky and the earth, surging forward. The whole sky, the whole earth, all things and all the laws, become a vast ocean of swords. As for Lu Wu Pun, who possesses the realm of the Great Emperor, has condensed three Emperor Seal Dao Fruits, and has mastered the mysteries of the three avenues of 'heat ray', 'light afterimage', and 'flame purification'. Those rookies were a hundred times or a thousand times more powerful than Qu Wu Pun. Faced with this vast ocean of swords that enveloped everything and killed everything, they completely lost the courage to resist.

His path was torn apart by sword light.

His magic was shattered by the sword light.

His consciousness and soul were completely filled with endless sword light, sword light, and sword intent. He completely lost his sense of the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit that he had condensed. He couldn't feel or touch the magical power of heat rays, light afterimages, and flame purification. The blazing divine power!

Father...save... Qu Wuxu wanted to shout out those shameful words.

Many times, he saw his brothers and sisters walking outside. When they encountered trouble, he urged Emperor Taihu to use the restraint method on him at the top of his lungs, crying for help from Emperor Taihu. And many times, it was him, Qu Wu Pun, who came forward on behalf of Emperor Taihu to wipe the butts of those incompetent brothers and sisters!

How shameful it is to ask Emperor Taihu for help!

Only an incompetent coward would do something like this.

But today... Lu Wu shouted at the top of his lungs the words he thought he would never say in his life. He used all his strength to blast the magical seed of rescue left by Emperor Taihu in his mind. As long as he touches this magical seed, he can activate the backhand left by Emperor Taihu on himself and lead Emperor Taihu's supreme power to come!

The three Qingyou girls stood calmly by the lake.

They felt the vast and boundless terrifying power of Qu Wuxu, and the three women knew very well that this was a terrifying opponent that they could not resist at all.

But there was no fear in their hearts.

Because the Sword Way is vibrating around them, the Sword Way is hovering around them, and the Sword Way fills every space and time around them, including their past and present, and filling their future...

Every trace of the sword's charm was like a loyal old hound who had been separated from his master for countless years. He suddenly smelled the familiar scent of his master and rushed over with joy. He rubbed against them with great attachment and couldn't wait to wait. Dedicate your strength to your old master, let the old master understand your strength, understand your waiting, and understand your loyalty...

The three women have the illusion that time is confused and the void is distorted.

They seemed to be in a lucid dream, and there seemed to be an illusion surging around them - in the illusion, the three sisters were originally one person, one extremely talented, and his qualifications were so monstrous that ordinary people could not understand them. A terrifying 'genius'.

She was born.

She met the Master.

The Master asked for a terrifying 'sword seed' from somewhere.

That sword was too powerful, too tyrannical, and contained the secrets of swordsmanship that even exceeded the limit that the world she was born in could accommodate... A touch of sword intent flowing out of that sword could destroy all the avenues of this world. Totally shattered!

I really don’t know where the master got such a sword.

What an extravagant and unimaginable existence, he would rub such a sword seed 'casually' and inadvertently give it to a 'younger foreign teacher' who was not very close to him!

To that incredible being, this 'sword seed' was really just something he kneaded casually. But for her, this sword seed was so powerful that she couldn't fuse it, control it, let alone get it out of it. Dissect anything useful!

Summer insects cannot speak of ice. This is the greatest sorrow for little ants who know that they have great opportunities ahead of them but cannot touch them at all.

Fortunately, there is a Master here.

That master, with great effort, finally differentiated the three-thought swordsmanship of heart, mind, and body from that sword seed, penetrated into her soul, and merged with the origin of her soul and the fundamental imprint of her existence. . As a result, she couldn't bear the full strength of the Three Thoughts of Swordsmanship.

The three thoughts of swordsmanship in her heart, mind, and spirit, after merging with her soul, stimulated her soul to grow rapidly, expand crazily, and finally differentiate into three independent but closely connected souls. As a result, she differentiated into the ‘Three Swords Buddha of Mind and Spirit’ with the same root and origin…

Three Swords Buddha!

The three-sword Buddha in the Landa Holy Land.

Landa Ancient Temple, the strongest master of Buddhist swordsmanship, and the strongest mountain-holding elder of Landa Ancient Temple.

And after that sword seed has differentiated into the Three Thoughts of Swordsmanship, the secrets of the swordsmanship contained in it are still endless and majestic. If an ordinary person touches it even slightly, their soul will be destroyed and they will be destroyed... She, or they, , teamed up with his master to integrate that sword species into the world of swordsmanship in this world!

As a result, the swordsmanship of heaven and earth in this world has been imprinted with Buddhism, and a deep imprint belonging to the three of them!

Except for the three of them, no one in this world can prove the Sword Emperor!

This is the supreme Taichu Heaven, and the way of swordsmanship is so superb and vast, but Taichu, Taihu, Taizhen, and many other great emperor-level powers have spent countless resources and hard work for countless years to cultivate countless swordsmanship geniuses. But no one can condense the Imperial Seal Dao Fruit of Sword Dao, and no one can realize the fundamental reason for the Sword Emperor’s dignity!

What’s even more mysterious is that after the sword seed merges with the swordsmanship of this world, no matter how many calamities the three of them encounter, as long as the swordsmanship of this world still exists, as long as the sword seed still exists, the three of them will be able to survive. Human beings can go through thousands of calamities without being destroyed. No matter how many generations they reincarnate, no matter how many calamities they encounter, no matter how they change their appearance, they will still come back!

A series of sharp and bright sword lights flashed in his mind.

Wisps of vague memories flooded into the soul.

The Qi of Qingyou and the three girls surged, and they looked at each other. The fierce sword intention in their minds, the instinctive sword heart, urged the supreme swordsmanship to kill all the memories of the past.

They kept that information.

They don't want the past that has been precipitated in reincarnation.

Sword cultivators are the purest monks, or in other words, one of the most boring monks... They only value what is in front of them, the people and things at the moment, where the sword in their hands is pointing.

What is the past? There is nothing to worry about, just kill it with one sword.

What is the future? There is nothing to worry about, just break it with one sword.

Grasp the present and only reproduce the present. Apart from the present, apart from the current 'own heart', nothing else matters!

What is the original heart of the three Qingyou sisters now?

Very simple, very clear... They are very simple people!

Well, where is Lu Qian? He is very important to this life.

Except for Lu Qian, this bird-man with a bunch of platinum chicken wings flapping behind his back is really making people angry just looking at him!



The three women scolded softly.

Wisps of unparalleled, razor-sharp sword light surged out from the void. The 'sword way' of this side of the world moved. The entire world, at least the side of the world where Linghu Cloud City is located, turned into a sword. The sword slashed down towards Qu Wu with great force.

My...Father, save me! Qu Wuxun finally shouted those extremely shameful words!

The life-saving magical seeds in his mind were activated, and the wings behind Qu Wuxun instantly turned into raging flames, burning up in an instant. At the expense of the wings on his back, the supreme power of Emperor Taihu descended, and a thin ray of white light fell from the sky and fell on Qu Wuxun's body.

In the diagonal thorn, a small hand as delicate and moist as white jade was inserted across the hand.

With a choking sound from her small palm, the falling white light was shattered into pieces. Lady White's sweet voice resounded through the sky: When children are fighting, what are you doing to interfere? You're so shameless!




Countless streaks of extremely fine blood splashed all over Qu Wuxu's body. In an instant, he was hit by countless sword energies, and without even a grunt, he was instantly turned into nothing.

Too shameful! Emperor Taiyu's angry shout could be heard faintly.

Are you being reasonable? You came to my territory to kill people and set fires. Haha, I didn't come to your door, so you just had fun? What's the matter? Your own son came to my territory to steal and was beaten to death. Isn’t it a matter of course? Do you still have the nerve to reason with me?”

Let me tell you, although I am Tai Zhen as a woman... Ahem, this sentence is wrong... Although I am Tai Zhen as a young woman, I am not so easy to bully... Today's account, we will slowly Calculate!

Let me tell you, today's matter will not be settled so easily. The three girls Qingyou are the darlings of my brother Lu Qian, and your dog came here and wanted to kidnap her? Oh my god, what else is there? Is this the law of heaven? Is there any royal law? This, this, this...

Emperor Taihu only roared two words.

The White Snake, on the other hand, was in a fit of rage, complaining for a quarter of an hour without stopping.

In Linghu Cloud City, countless people were stunned when they heard White Lady's complaints... Except for some elders of the Linghu clan who knew the inside story, the other Linghu clan members were going crazy.

White Snake and Emperor Taiyi, what on earth is going on?

What are you doing?

For the sake of the three Qingyou girls, Emperor Tai Zhen and Emperor Tai Qu were facing each other head-on?

There were even more people who were close. They came to the scene to inspect the scene, and the news immediately spread through countless channels - Emperor Taihu sent one of the most important emperors, Quwu Punishment, to launch the attack hidden in the upper echelons of the Linghu clan. The deacon of the ancestral hall sneaked into Linghu Yuncheng and wanted to kidnap the three Qingyou girls.

As a result, the three Qingyou girls had some powerful means to kill them directly!

Lingxuan, the prodigy of the Holy Spirit clan, and others who sneaked in together with Qu Wuxu were unable to escape in time. Their void moving formation was destroyed by Emperor Taiyi himself, and all of them were beaten to death by Emperor Taiyi's guards. Like a dog!

Emperor Tai Zhen personally took action against Emperor Tai Qu’s sons and close ministers!

In other words, Emperor Taiyu's sons and close ministers secretly took action against the confidants whom Emperor Taiyi valued!

Two great emperors are at odds with each other!

This news is like a horrific plague with a very high fatality rate. Through countless weird information channels, in just a cup of tea, it has spread almost throughout the Supreme Taichu Heaven - such a terrifying communication efficiency, it can be seen that a certain How terrifying the intelligence channels arranged by these powerful people are. It can also be seen how many people inside and outside Linghu Cloud City and the Linghu clan have arranged spies.

The highest heaven.

Patrolling Forbidden God Guard Headquarters...

Thick thunderclouds rolled, and thunder roared loudly. In the thunder pond below the headquarters, huge thunder dragons and thunder dragons swim silently. Occasionally, a few big ones raise their heads impatiently and roar toward the void, and countless lightning bolts fall from the sky. Thick and thin thunderbolts were like heavy rain, washing the heaven and earth crazily.

The commander-in-chief of the Xuntian Forbidden God Guard led his elite team to Yuncha Ridge to hunt down the defecting Yuan Fu. The army fought with the demon army in Yuncha Ridge. The commander-in-chief was even injured by Han Haisou in front of countless people. …

The Xuantian Forbidden God Guards, whose face and appearance were greatly damaged, were like a mad bull, constantly deploying their troops to continue besieging Yunchaling... Therefore, the chief commander, a group of deputy commanders, and even the Xuantian Forbidden God Guards Most of the top executives were mobilized.

Nowadays, the person who is left behind to patrol the sky and is responsible for the daily operations of such a large organization is Zhu Long, the deputy chief of the Blood Clothes Department.

And this Zhulong...

At the same time that Qu Wuxun sneaked into Linghu Cloud City, Zhu Long summoned many left-behind officials from the Xuantian Forbidden God Guard and held a 'working meeting' in a hall at the Xantian Forbidden God Guard headquarters.

Behind the heavy koan, which shimmered with light thunder, his face was slightly darkened, and his face with Chinese characters was quite majestic. Zhulong, who was also known as selfless and ruthless in the heaven, had an extremely subtle expression on his face, which could even be said to be There's a bit of evil, a bit of frivolity, and a bit of a sly smile.

In the main hall, more than a hundred middle-level and high-level officials and generals who stayed behind to patrol the Forbidden God Guard all looked at each other with the same smile. From time to time, weird sneers sounded from the main hall.

Well, we are all one body. We should work together and work together for our own destiny. For a long time, for a long time, Ji Kang, wearing the official robe of the marching Sima in front of the Fifth Army Mansion, stood up from the crowd with a smile. He came out: We are all one, and some disputes and some biases can exist.

After all, no matter who among us differentiated individuals is the main one in the future to reconstruct the soul and wisdom of this deity, after all, we will be reunited as one.

Now, let's discuss how to deal with this matter.

Zhi Ben put his hands in his sleeves and said quietly: What do you think of the news coming over there?

In the main hall, a group of officers of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard continued to look at each other for a while. A black-clad chief clerk sneered and said faintly: It's an obvious thing. We need to take action to use the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard's The person who cleans up in name is a high-ranking member of the Four Palaces of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning...the only thing they have in common is...'the Avenue of Speed'!

Over there, we want to give birth to a powerful emperor who condenses the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit and masters the 'Speed ​​Avenue'!

The chief secretary said coldly: The current Heavenly Court is like a frightened hedgehog, heavily guarded, like a golden city. Outsiders want to do something here...for example, kill a palace master of the Four Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning Palaces, Deputy Hall Master, hey, I'm afraid he will be beaten to pieces immediately.

But it is up to us, the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guards, to take action... Not to mention killing a few palace masters and deputy palace masters, or killing a group of leaders... Even if we completely clean the four main halls of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, it is reasonable and reasonable. of!

The only question is...if we do this, what will be the benefit? The master said quietly: We are all one body, this sentence is correct...but, joining over there is not ours. The decision was made by everyone.”

Zhi Ben took a deep look at the master's book and said quietly: Then, just recycle it!

The chief clerk was stunned, and just as he was about to speak, several senior officials of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard wearing heavy armor all around him took action. Dozens of thunders exploded, blasting him to pieces.

A bit of spiritual light flew out, Zhen Ben opened his mouth, swallowed the spiritual light that flew out of the master's body, and swallowed it straight.

The aura around his body was fluctuating, and he said quietly: That's it, a little bias, a little dispute, can exist... But, after all, there must be some rules. There are so many of us, right, we are one. , there should be a voice of the Lord and a consciousness of the Lord...

So, let me make a suggestion.

Cooperate with them to clean up the four main halls of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning... By the way, how about letting some of our companions in the four main halls take advantage of the opportunity to ascend to high positions?

Of course, since we have joined this mutual aid organization, we also need some benefits.

Ji Ben smiled brightly.

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