Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 989 Everyone gets moving (2)

If you run fast enough, so fast that mortals can't see or sense it, then naturally you can't touch it. As long as you run fast enough, knives can't hurt you, swords can't hurt you, and wind, rain, thunder and lightning attacks can't hurt you.

Only one thing can be faster than your speed.

That is ‘power’, or ‘rules’.

The four main halls of wind, rain, thunder and lightning are the powerful institutions of Heaven, and they are also one of the main battle halls of Heaven. Many civil and military officials in the palace have refined the laws related to wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and have understood the magical powers and secrets related to them. Many mysterious methods derived from them are quite mysterious in terms of attack and conquest. Especially in large-scale wars, the fighting power of the four palaces of wind, rain, thunder and lightning is more powerful than the trillions of military formations encircling the five military mansions.

The Fifth Army Mansion is mostly composed of heavenly soldiers and ordinary heavenly soldiers at the level of heavenly warriors.

As for the four major halls of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, most of them are elites, and their eight official titles are included in the list of civil and military officials. Those with positions and ranks, and the weakest ones are masters at the level of heavenly generals.

Therefore, the treatment of the Four Great Halls of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning is much higher than that of the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals of the Five Army Mansion who live in tents and sit in the open air... Any official with a formal position in the Four Great Halls will receive a salary in his or her own yamen. There is an exquisite pavilion of varying sizes to enjoy, and around everyone, depending on their rank, there are dozens to thousands of auxiliary officials, petty officials and servants serving them.

This time, the Commander-in-Chief of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard personally took action and commanded the army to hunt down the defecting Yuan Fu. The heavenly soldiers and generals of the Fifth Army Mansion surrounded Yuncha Ridge, but the main force of the attack was the masters of the four wind, rain, thunder and lightning halls.

After all, Yuncha Ridge covers a vast area. If you want to encircle it, even if you mobilize an astronomical number of heavenly soldiers and generals, you can only 'encircle' it. The greatest use of the Fifth Army Mansion in the battle to siege Yuncha Ridge was probably to act as eyes and ears to prevent Yuan Fu from escaping somewhere... Only by dispatching the masters of the four halls can we attack its key points and attack Yuncha Ridge. Apply sufficient pressure.

Since they serve as the main force of the attack, they naturally bear the greatest pressure and suffer heavy losses in battle.

The senior officials of the three divisions of the Xueyi Division, Iron Clothes Division, and Black Clothes Division of the Heaven Patrolling Forbidden God Guard, who were left behind to guard Heavenly Court, led their elite teams to arrive at the headquarters of the Four Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning Halls. They occupied a vast area and saw endless palaces and pavilions everywhere. There are various kinds of healing elixirs floating in the air, and a large number of masters from the Four Halls who have returned from the Yunchaling front line with serious injuries are huddled in the station to recuperate their body and mind.

Above the four major halls, the avenues of heaven and earth reveal their true form, with giant dragons twisting and squirming one after another. The thick and pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth turns into a sea of ​​stars and pours down from the sky. There is no restraint or any prohibition, regardless of the seriously injured four major halls. He swallowed and absorbed, repairing the injuries while improving his cultivation level.

A bell rang loudly, alarming the entire four halls.

Not long after, a large number of civil and military officials from the four main halls rushed to the main hall where they usually gathered for discussion.

Among these people were the two palace masters of Lei Palace and the Lightning Palace, and the seventeen deputy palace leaders who were at the forefront in Yunchaling, fought the most fiercely, and fought hardest for merit, but were also injured the most. The Lord, as well as the officials of the many prefectures, departments, pavilions, and temples under his jurisdiction.

In the battle at Yunchaling, the Four Halls fought fiercely. The senior officials who were recuperating at the Four Halls accounted for almost half of the entire Four Halls' senior officers. Hearing the roar of the bell, these senior officials did not dare to neglect, and rushed over one by one.

Seeing the high-level officials of the Third Division of Patrolling the Forbidden Gods and Guards arriving together, many masters from the Four Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning Halls who rushed to the main hall were trembling with fear, even if they had made numerous meritorious deeds this time, and the two halls of Thunder Hall and Lightning Hall were seriously injured in the fierce battle. Lord, when faced with the senior left-behind senior officials of the Third Division who were far inferior to him in terms of status and cultivation in heaven, they all showed an extremely deferential attitude.

My lords... The master of the Lei Palace just stepped forward, cautiously trying to find out what was going on.

First, take it. A deputy chief of the Blood Clothes Division who was present sighed faintly: Don't worry, Lord, it has nothing to do with you, but someone under your command colluded with the demons in Yunchaling, which caused you to be here. The fight ahead... was so brutal... Tsk, tut, just cooperate with the investigation, it's nothing serious, don't worry about it.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! The majestic Lord of the Thunder Palace has opened 480 million acupoints, mastered the laws of thunder, lightning, storms, hail and many other heavenly phenomena, and has soaked in countless In the year, a great master who can gather the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit just for an opportunity...

Well, with the cultivation of the Lord of the Thunder Palace and his background, if Emperor Taichu promises, as long as he gives a little favor, he can step out in one step, and he can easily condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit on any avenue that he has comprehended for many years. !

However, Emperor Taichu didn't speak, and the master of the Lei Palace was like a big fat pig that had been raised in a pigsty for countless years. He obviously had the opportunity to transform into a dragon, rise up, and break away from the fence... but he couldn't bear to lose his master every day. The delicious pig food came down, and there was no thought of getting away.

Therefore, after standing on the threshold of the Great Emperor for countless years, most of his body has been squeezed into the threshold of the Great Emperor. The Master of Lei Palace is like several other colleagues. The Emperor Taichu did not speak, so he honestly maintained his cultivation. In this extreme critical state, there is no idea of ​​a breakthrough, let alone the courage to break through.

Otherwise... with his background, his strength, and the number of experts from the four halls present, the mere manpower of the Third Division of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard would have been crushed to pieces long ago...

Not to mention, the Lord of the Thunder Palace has carefully studied the avenues of thunder, lightning, and storm. These three avenues are all related to 'speed'. He has extremely strong attainments on the avenue of 'speed'. If he wants to gather the 'fruit of speed', he only needs to kill a few other competitors who have certain attainments on the avenue of 'speed' and leave enough 'shares'. He also One who can be promoted to the status of emperor through the 'Speed ​​Avenue'.

Having studied so carefully on the Avenue of Speed, if the Lord of the Thunder Palace were to escape, all the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards present combined wouldn't even be able to smell his farts...

However, a few black-clothed clerks at the lowest level of the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard walked up casually. The master of the Lei Palace honestly proclaimed himself a cultivator and allowed these black-clothed clerks to put special shackles on him. , a series of muffled sounds came, and all the 480 million orifices opened were blocked...

That's it, the Lord of the Thunder Palace immediately became a mortal. In addition to maintaining his extraordinary physical strength, he could not use any other magical powers or spells.

Here, Master of the Electric Palace, please cooperate... The deputy director who had just spoken sighed again: Actually, it's none of your business... But, aren't the rules of the Patrolling Forbidden God Guard here? Your subordinates have made mistakes, and you are to some extent involved... As you know, the Heavenly Court has been incessant recently, so I would like to ask you a few words to clear away the suspicion, then everything will be fine!

Uh, uh, eh, eh... His cultivation level is much better than that of the Lord of Thunder Palace. He even has more than twice the attainments on the 'Speed ​​Avenue' than the Lord of Thunder Palace. Many important civil and military ministers in the Heavenly Court Among them, in terms of speed alone, the Master of the Electric Palace, who may be only slightly slower than countless people such as Tianshu Laojun and Datong Commander, also obediently stretched out his hands, proclaimed himself a cultivator, and allowed the black-clothed official to put the shackles on himself. .

Therefore, under the two palace masters, many elite masters from the four halls, and even some ordinary auxiliary officials and minor officials who were involved in the Speed ​​Avenue, more than a million elites from the Heavenly Court, were captured by the patrolling Forbidden God Guards. Taken directly from the station.

As mentioned before, among the civil and military officials in the Four Halls of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, the weakest ones are masters above the Heavenly General level.

Heavenly Generals, Star Lords, Heavenly Lords, Great Heavenly Lords, more than a million true elites, were strung together by shackles. They were extremely obedient, extremely well-behaved, and followed Shi Shiran, the patrolling imperial guard, without any resistance. leave.

What is the 'Speed ​​Avenue', what is the top heavenly master under the emperor...ah!

A mighty team entered the three large ships of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards. Surrounded by a group of warships, the large ship Shi Shiran left the Heavenly Court and sailed away through the secret passages of the moving formations set up by the Heavenly Court one after another. Where to go.

On ordinary days, this kind of movement would not be hidden from Emperor Taichu.

But a few days ago, due to the case of the leakage of the royal treasure of the Tianji Secret Pavilion, many institutions in the Heavenly Court were bloodbathed. Although the Lord of Heavenly Book selected a large number of masters from Taichu Yuanting to fill these bloodbathed vacancies... But Taichu Ninety-nine percent of the masters from Yuan Ting are dull, and they are just fine if they are told to follow orders. If you want them to have any subjective initiative... that is nonsense!

Those other useful, usable, and reliable masters, those who are truly loyal to Emperor Taichu, are all under the leadership of the great commander, risking their lives and fighting bloody battles in Yuncha Ridge... They and Yuncha The battle between the demon army in Ling was extremely lively, and official reports of victory were sent out several times a day. Today, a few giant demons were killed here, and dozens of giant monsters were killed there tomorrow...

Tsk, they are busy fighting against the terrifying demon army in Yunchaling, how can they have any spare time to distract themselves from the affairs of Heaven?

And the many emperors' sons and daughters who originally spent the whole day doing nothing, causing trouble in the heavenly court, planting eyes and ears everywhere, and operating their own power... saw that something happened to Yuan Fu, who was usually more favored than themselves, and the Taichu Emperor killed him bloody After cleaning the various palaces, mansions, offices, pavilions and many other institutions in Heaven, these emperor's sons and daughters all left Heaven and went outside to enjoy their lives.

The many members of their party left in heaven are becoming more well-behaved these days. No one is walking around, no one is wandering around, no one is looking, listening or thinking...

As for Emperor Taichu and Lord Tianshu who were supposed to be in charge of heaven in the past... Well, at the moment they are in an unknown town in Tianzhou, enjoying their lives to the fullest... Their attention is not focused on the bloody cleanup they just had. , Heaven should become extremely clean and extremely safe.

Who would have thought that there is still a 'big enemy' in his heart.

Who would have thought that his home nest would be robbed?

For countless years, in order to strengthen the control of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, except for a few forbidden areas such as Yunchaling and Guixu, the void channels of the heaven are densely distributed in all directions, and many of them have been moved and secreted, and they are rarely used even once in ten thousand or ten thousand years.

Only the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards, who are responsible for doing dirty work and doing dirty work in secret, know these secret passages of void movement that are rarely used once in countless years.

Secret passages were opened one by one.

The secret passages were activated one by one. After this small fleet passed by, the people guarding the secret passages were purged and replaced by themselves who were absolutely reliable to Zhi Ben and others.

It’s ‘oneself’, not ‘one’s own people’. There is a big difference here and should not be confused.

Finally, the three large ships were sent to a hidden star field that was remote and desolate, and could be called the 'Eternal Traces of Few People'... The three large ships stopped here, while the others left one after another.

When leaving, except for a very small number of 'himself', all the other members of the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard who were traveling with him were killed.

For the Xuntian Forbidden God Guard, its branches are spread throughout the Supreme Taichu Heaven. How many officials, core members, and peripheral members are there under its command? I am afraid that they are all a bad debt to the great commander. When you go out to perform a mission, no matter how many people are killed or injured, it is just a line of numbers in the ledger... and sometimes it does not even appear in the ledger.

To die is to die.

The death of someone who patrols the Forbidden God Guard is basically a pleasant thing for Heaven and everyone in the world. Who would care about how many of them died? When did you die? Where to die? What did he die for?

No one has to worry about it. If you die, just die!

Among all the 'selves', only Zhi Ben, who was mixed in the crowd and wearing a small official's clothes, took a deep look at a certain place in this desolate starry sky before leaving, and pursed his lips slightly. A smile.

I am Buddha, compassionate. Ji Beng gently and silently recited a Buddha's name.

In Lu Qian's mind, the Xitian Tianzhu among the four heavenly pillars slightly emitted a ray of Buddha's light, and a very slight ray of joy that after all the tribulations, the old friend remains was slightly revealed... Then, in this ray of Buddha's light , a trace of undetectable compassion quietly emerged.

The old friend who returned after all the calamity is no longer an old friend after all.

Not only are they not old friends, they are even...

Xitian Tianzhu wanted to communicate with Lu Yi and discuss something... But in the end, he didn't 'say' anything, and he didn't 'do' anything. He was quietly suspended in Lu Qian's mind, and together with the other three pillars, he arranged a Buddhist formation to protect Lu Qian's mind and soul.

If the Buddha suffered a calamity, even if he struggled hard to come back from the calamity, the person who returned to the human world might not be a Buddha, but more likely a 'demon'...

And those demons reincarnated by Buddha... will be more terrifying than the original 'real demons'.

They are more qualified than those 'real demons' to become the 'confidence of Buddhism' and the real 'enemies of Buddhism'.

The other three pillars also had dim light rippling at the same time.

Feeling the evil, 'non-Buddha' aura on Ji Kang's body, and the trace of sadness from the Western Heaven Pillar, the three pillars simultaneously gave birth to a trace of empathy of 'the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad', and at the same time, they also gave birth to a trace of worry. , or fear.

The Bead of Taichu Confusion flickered slightly.

In the dim light, only he felt the subtle exchange of information between the four pillars. But He remained unmoved and unmoved. It's like this part of the world remains unchanged forever and ever.

Lu Qian looked at the three large ships parked in the void, and looked at Lu Sanqi next to him in surprise: Did it arrive?

Lu Sanqi nodded slowly: Sent it.

Lu Chen clasped his hands together. Although he had returned to ordinary clothes, he still couldn't help but behave like Master Fahai: I am compassionate, even if I kill a chicken, it will... at least flutter and struggle a few times. ?”

Lu Sanqi laughed sarcastically.

This is heaven.

These are the rules and regulations drawn up by Heaven.

The Heaven is so powerful that it hangs over countless creatures in the Supreme Taichu Heaven like a monster. As long as you find the loopholes in its rules and find the gaps that it can exploit, the seemingly powerful Heaven can be broken with just one poke. colorful soap bubbles, that's all.

She grabbed the void with her bare hand, and a stream of light flew past, forming a piece of jade slip on her fingertips.

The cause and effect of the matter were explained clearly.

Lu Sanqi said faintly: It went very smoothly. None of them resisted or struggled... They were more well-behaved than a little chicken.

With a sigh, Lu Sanqi said softly: I finally understand what big brother said, this is the final battlefield they selected and arranged.

Lu Qi was horrified.

He looked at Lu Sanqi and said in a deep voice: Selected, arranged, the final battlefield? Senior Qingsha, they seem to have lost back then, right? Landa Holy Land was completely destroyed.

Total destruction? Lu Sanqi smiled: Real objects are easy to destroy. But how can 'Tao' and 'Dharma', 'Belief' and 'Inheritance' be destroyed so easily?

Not to mention, complete destruction? Lu Sanqi raised a finger and whispered: The word 'complete' is actually very... very not... rigorous. First of all, have a certain ability to protect yourself. Well? Someone who can be recognized by Master Lu Min... or in other words, someone who Master Lu Min sacrificed so much back then and finally brought here.

Lu Qian's hair stood on end again.

Lu Sanqi chuckled and said: Being able to become Master Lu Min's biological son in this life... I am also looking forward to it. What is so extraordinary about you... Well, the eldest brother said that when Master Lu Min burned out All the fruits of the past life were transformed into a great ambition, and he lived in the lower world for trillions of lives, just to bring 'a hope' back.

'One hope', could it be you? Lu Sanqi looked up and down at Lu Qi curiously: Maybe so. I'll wait and see!

Lu Qian looked Lu Sanqi up and down.

The ‘smell of conspiracy’ is strong!

Lu Min, that crooked father, actually did such a thing back then?

Anyone who understands clearly what Buddhism’s great aspirations are is...basically, it is an IOU to heaven and earth. Moreover, many IOUs are nothing, and they are basically not intended to be repaid.

But Lu Min's great ambition actually burned up all the achievements and achievements in his previous life?

If you look at Qing Sha, you will know that he has recovered so many Buddha remains from his previous life... As the elder of Qing Sha's previous life, Lu Min's achievements are definitely stronger than his... dedication Such a huge price, burning all the achievements in the past life, just for a great ambition!

This is ‘really invested in’!

Lu Qian shook his head, nodded again, and strode towards the three motionless giant ships suspended in the void.

Into a whirlpool.

In tribulation.

Although I don't know the whole leopard, I have already spotted a few mottled figures... It's scary to think about it carefully, and you must have a certain degree of self-protection.

‘Speed ​​Avenue’?

very good!

As for whether the masters of the Four Halls of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, and the civil and military ministers of Heaven present, are innocent...

Am I, Lu Qian, a kind-hearted Holy Mother in my past and present lives? Lu Qian smiled and shook his head as he asked himself: Obviously, no... My Buddha is certainly compassionate, but I am not my Buddha!

So, I don't need mercy!

The four pillars of heaven.

Come out together.

Emperor Taihu's ax was swung out.

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