Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 44: Fierce beast

Ye Qingxuan and others entangled the landing giant batwing dragon.

On the other side, Ruhua Monk knocked down the severely damaged Bat-winged Dragon, but at the same time, he also lost his focus because of too much force, but he took the opportunity to poke the "magic in the world" in his hand and stunned. With a light noise, the pestle head sank into the abdomen of this strange animal.

The screams and screams that nearly shattered the eardrums were approaching. The severely damaged Bat-winged dragon screamed and bite at Ruhua, and the "invincible world" in Ruhua's monk's hands immediately whipped inward, and Quickly lowered his head, avoiding his mouth, then took a step back and pulled out "No magic in the world".

Just as Ruhua wanted to sting into the body of Mantasaurus again, the dying struggling beast slammed his claws back and flew out a flower-like claw in front of him, and the claws on his claws tore the flower-like monk. The robe, but only a white mark was left on his body, and there was no blood on the stars.

And Meng Yuanzhang, who was also underneath this batwing dragon, started the attack while taking advantage of the neutral position.

The huge wings of Mantasaurus slap on him, just like a torrential rain in his tent, his ears rumbling.

He couldn't see anything, couldn't hear anything, everything was gone; only the flapping of wings, the chirping of a manta wing, and its tough wings. Its claw-like feet were desperately clutching his chest.

Meng Yuan burst into anger and rushed to the crown. When he was stepped on by a flower, he stood up, holding his Qimei stick that he had never loosened, slammed a cross, pushed the wings of the manta ray, and then stormed. "I tmd let you **** at me!"

A violent sigh of Qimei stick forward, almost a tall copper bronze eyebrow stick. "Beep". The end of the chrysanthemum chrysanthemum ...

"I rely on--" The flower just turned up. Seeing the chrysanthemum tightened tightly, he unconsciously clamped his legs. "This kid really likes this set ... it's cruel!"

The bat-winged dragon that Meng Yuan burst into chrysanthemums squeaked like a mouse.

It squeaked, flapping its wings, struggling to turn over, but in the end, it still struggled a few times without power. He fell to the ground and died.

With the length of the eyebrow stick, this time has pierced through several of its internal organs, and coincidentally, its heart has also been smashed in this one!

Meng Yuanzhang stopped, stunned.

tmd, I was thinking about digging in from the broken belly, but I did n’t expect it was struggling too much. I did n’t know what to do, and I exploded the chrysanthemum of the strange animal ...

This reputation ... doesn't seem to sound good!

And that stick ...

Meng Yuan stared dumbly at the body of the manta ray, and only a part of the Qimei stick exposed outside the chrysanthemum. He vowed secretly that he would never touch the stick again in this life.

Just let it stay there. I also learned from a monk, re-tempering a stick.

"You are so awesome, Meng Lao Liu!" Ruhua yelled and rushed over, "It drenched your shit, and you burst it with chrysanthemums, and sure enough it was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ..."

Meng Yuanzhang's face flushed instantly.

"If tmd mentions this again, I will turn my face ..."

"Turn your uncle!" Duan Sanshi growled: "Can't help!"

The landing flying beast apparently threatened to drop a lot. Ye Qingxuan didn't get close, directing the sub-sword of Ling Ling Sword, shuttled back and forth, alas ... the sound was endless, the giant batwing in front of him The dragon was pierced by numerous holes by Zi Qingxuan's Zijian hole, especially the pair of membrane wings that kept flapping, becoming even more like a rag.

It's just that the sub-sword can penetrate the thin film on the other's wings, but it can't penetrate the other's body, and at most poke a few blood holes on it. This bat-winged dragon deserves a life span of hundreds of years. Its body is not as good as the skin of the ground beast, and it has evolved to have a very high defense force. Even in the face of Jiupin's weapons, it can also be protected.

But, sooner or later, this defense will be broken.

When Ye Qingxuan controlled the sub-sword in his hand and successively poke several holes on the skin of the opponent's chest, the chain reaction could be said to have completely lost the defense force.

When Ye Qingxuan's sword tip was picked, the internal force was poured into a sword, and when he wanted to pierce the heart of a giant batwing dragon again, the sky was dark, and the last two batwing dragons fell down and blocked. The front of the giant batwing dragon blocked Ye Qingxuan's blow.

Even if the opportunity to kill the largest batwing dragon was lost, Ye Qingxuan also shot again without hesitation, stabilizing the emotional blow, and accurately penetrated the mouth of the winged dragon that had just fallen. His head flew out.

"Let's go, hurry up!"

Ye Qingxuanli fell to the ground to kill the newly fallen mantasaurus, but he did not have time to allow them to chase after victory, because he had already seen the dark cloud far away from them.

Judging by the speed they have been flying, within a few minutes at most, they will be attacked by the largest flying monster.

"The Sajia can kill it!" Ruhua roared sharply.

"There's no time!" Meng Yuanzhang ran with this rammed cargo.

Ye Qingxuan and others said to leave without hesitation, and the remaining two batwing dragons roared in anger, but they did not want to take off as easily as birds. Facing the enemies around them, they folded their wings like bats, rolled over, supported their bodies with the wing claws on their wings, and walked on the ground with four claws.

It can actually walk with wings!

Meng Yuanzhang looked at this unimaginable scene in amazement. If they were not fleeing now, he would laugh and compare this weird play with a few brothers.

The two batwing dragons chased forward hard and weird, but what happened to the opponents such as Ye Qingxuan? So after getting a little farther, both beasts chose to flap their wings and began to take off.

Just then, a low roar enveloped the audience.

Ye Qingxuan and others, who were running, seemed to be cold from behind, the kind of cold blood and coldness that almost invaded the soul, and almost everyone collapsed to the ground immediately.

The voice came from behind.

When the crowd couldn't help curiosity and looked back, they just saw a huge black shadow, jumped into the air, and flew towards the two batwing dragons that were about to take off.

The monster looked like a tyrannosaurus with a bird's head, but the tyrannosaurus obviously didn't jump so high and so far.

But that horrible figure absolutely chills any creature.


With a loud noise, the giant batwing dragon was stepped on the foot instantly, the sound of broken bones suddenly came, and died directly and silently on the spot. And another bat-winged dragon, which was about to fly, was broken into several pieces directly under the wave of its two claws on its chest, not even the hissing sound.

Its eyes didn't blink, and it didn't move. Its skin is very tough, with the texture of pebbles, basically the same as the skin color of lizards. The tan skin has dark red markings, just like the lines on tigers.

The muscles on its forelimbs are very strong. There are three toes on the forelimbs, and the toes are curved claws. Ye Qingxuan saw that in the first blow, the originally curved claws became straight in an instant. The sharp claws that were comparable to the magic soldier were just a slash, and he cut the batwing dragon into several pieces.

The hips are six meters high. This is the height when it leans down, and its body length exceeds fifteen meters. The pointed beak and mouth are wide open. There are sharp fangs that are sharper than a knife. The fierce image is enough to make people with a little guts have nightmares.

Just looking at it, Ye Qingxuan felt a chill spread all over his body.

"Damn, what monster is this !?"

"Brazil claw dragon!" Ye Qingxuan almost moaned and said the notes he had read in the book.

"Impossible, isn't this strange animal extinct?"

"This just proves that it's all rumor ..."

Tyrannosaurus! !! !!

When this terrible dragon-like beast, which only existed in the legend, suddenly appeared in front of everyone, everyone felt extreme tension and fear. Unconsciously, sweat was flowing from their shirts and palms.

"What shall we do !?" Meng Yuanzhang asked.

"Ghosts only know!"

There is no countermeasure at all.

Even in "The Book of Kyushu Strange Beasts", the response to this violent and terrifying beast is unknown, because few people can survive this monster. All recorded killing methods are basically people's imagination and speculation. For reference, several people think that they can kill them, which is a bit naive.

"Maybe this big guy doesn't care about our sporadic pieces of meat at all, its target should be those large prey ..." Meng Yuanzhang said with a trembling teeth.

At this time, no brother would dare to act lightly or even dare to move, for fear that a little move ~ www.readwn.com ~ will stimulate this beast to attack his own side.

Everyone hoped that Meng Yuanzhang's idea was correct, because the tallest monk in the crowd was not even at the height of the other's knee.

The Tyrannosaurus apparently focused on the food under his feet and beside him. He took a big mouthful of blood, took a sip, and bit through the chest of the batwing dragon under his feet, tearing off a pig-sized one. A piece of meat, the bone inside the meat, without any stagnation in its mouth, exploded directly, and swallowed along with the piece of meat.

"Let's go while it's eating ..."

Almost supporting the spirit that will not collapse, the brothers slowly backed away.


A nasal sound was dissatisfied, and everyone swallowed and spit, the fierce beast stared at Ye Qingxuan and others, and then continued to eat without care, but it was only that eye, the unique pupil of the cold-blooded animal, and it exudes The cruel and vicious atmosphere that came out also made Ye Qingxuan and others almost urinate their pants. (To be continued ...)

ps: add one more.

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