Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 45: Provoke the claw

If you want to improve the survival rate, in fact, the best way at this time is to escape by splitting up a few people.

However, this way, of course, it will greatly increase the chances of everyone's survival, but someone will definitely lose their lives because of this, even if this horrible monster does not pursue.

Because the separated people, the overall strength declines. If someone alone encounters the iron armored horned dragon, manta winged dragon, or even a group of birds and lizards, the chance of survival will become extremely low, not to mention the face of the red gang guard Broken dragon stone gate, scattered strength must not have a chance to break through.

So from beginning to end, no one asked to run away separately. The brothers made up their minds to die together, even if they died.

It is too difficult for a person to survive in this area.

This beast is like a small building. When it stands up, it exceeds ten meters. Even if it is bent down and eaten, it has reached a height of six meters.

This claw dragon has blue-black skin with reddish-brown spots, a large mouth, and fangs. Its huge head turned around his muscular neck and looked around from time to time. And in his eyes, it seemed that he did not care about Ye Qingxuan and others 20 meters in front of him.

The crowd thanked the giant beast for treating them as disgusting targets. There is nothing more relaxing than "no one in your eyes" at this time.

The beast bowed again towards the manta ray. He stabilized the body of the manta ray with a huge hind limb, and began to bite the meat of the sheep with his mouth.

"It won't leave," Meng Yuanzhang said softly, "This is great! We can leave this ..."

The crowd began to recede slowly. But a small mistake made a sound.

Tyrannosaurus raised his head again. In the giant jaw was a **** flesh. It gazed at everyone. It started chewing. They heard the disgusting "creak" chewing of bones.

Okay. It didn't react too much.

This beast weighing at least ten tons at least, every breath is so powerful, the overall formation of the power is frightening.

I am afraid that only masters of late innate can compete with it.

Ye Qingxuan and others have withdrawn a distance of 100 meters.


Feeling that he had left the control range of Tyrannosaurus, the six brothers could no longer bear the fear of this kind of flood and wild beasts, and hurried out.

Several people fled quickly, but did not notice the back of the giant fern behind them. A tyrannosaurus that was smaller in size was several times larger and stood only five meters tall. The same gloomy eyes, but curiously looked at Ye Qingxuan and others who were rushing out like a rabbit.

Shrug his nose, sniff the scent on the ground, and then the cat headed and followed from the direction of Ye Qingxuan.

This juvenile little tyrannosaurus took the pursuit of Ye Qingxuan and others as a matter of course.

The masters of the Redhead Gang experienced an awakening battle like never before. Thousands of birds and lizards attacked their camp.

From the beginning, the fighting was extremely violent.

Because I knew nothing about this lizard-like monster that ran like an ostrich. In the first confrontation, many masters of the redbird help were killed by the venom of the bird lizard. The death of more than 20 people in an instant left the confident dragon ancestors scared away. I didn't expect this little monster to be so powerful.

But it seems that apart from this trick, these strange beasts have no new rules.

Therefore, the following battles became more and more beneficial to human beings, especially the ditch and piled camp walls that the ancestors of the dragons generally ordered to dig, although they could not completely stop the jumping attacks of birds and lizards, But this risk is greatly reduced.

After an hour of attack, the stink body of the bird lizard almost filled the entire ditch, and the red-headed helpers, including several congenital powerhouses, became breathless one by one.

And more than 30 people died, and nearly 10 people lost their fighting ability.

At this time, the "quack" sound was commanded by the king of the bird lizard, and the bird lizard also began to end the war of attrition.

"Jin Zongzi, take someone out to explore the path and look for the traces of the small beasts; Blood pythons take people back to answer the 'blue and white snake' and the rock rhino, and remind them to guard the door. If there is no situation, you remember to take the person Tour around Longshi Road ... "

The ancestor of the dragon dragon had a rare respite, but he did not easily send large troops out to round it up, because this place is really weird and in crisis, even though he has never taken pictures or feared the ground, he did not dare Easy to dive into. Therefore, he sent a disciple who kept his physical strength and was alert enough to find the traces of Ye Qingxuan and others.


Although receiving such an order at this time made Jin Xunzi very unhappy, but the command of the ancestor of the dragon, he was afraid to disobey.

Leading more than a dozen red-headed gang masters, first touched the cliff, then followed the chaotic traces and quickly chased in the direction that Ye Qingxuan and others left.

However, they did not expect that at this time, Ye Qingxuan and others had turned back to the direction of Broken Dragon Stone. Of course, with the current strength of Ye Qingxuan and others, it was impossible to defeat the combination of rock rhinoceros and "blue and white snake" Xuanjie.

The direction of the blood pythons is Ma Pingchuan. Especially when there was a baptism of fire, there are basically no strange animals that can hide their tracks, so they are safe.

Sure enough, the first problem was the team of Jin Xunzi.

As they passed a river, they encountered a group of beasts that were fiercer than birds and lizards. They walked like Komodo dragons and looked like this creature, except that they could be opened and closed behind their heads. The fan-shaped neck brace keeps closing the bright red neck brace when it is angry or frightens others.

They are called dragon lizards and are a highly toxic lizard creature. Jin Xunzi traced the trail of Ye Qingxuan and others here, unguarded, so that the creatures in these swamps could meet. This is actually a trap left by Ye Qingxuan and others. They know that their whereabouts will be pursued, and they cannot leave no traces. Therefore, on the advice of Jiang Shuihan, they intentionally approached this with their footprints. The group of dragon lizards then returned along the same path, flying lightly for a while, and proceeding from another path.

After the unlucky Jin Zongzi tracked for a period of time, he found that Ye Qingxuan and others did not hide their whereabouts, so they released their courage to chase after them. By the time he found out, his team had been scored by dozens of dragons. Assaulted.

The teeth of the dragon lizard are highly toxic, and even the mucus outside the body can paralyze human nerves. The discovery was confirmed only after the followers of Jin Xunzi fell numbly in the river water.

"Duck, these beasts!"

Looking at his men, bitten by these dragons and lizards, he died of poisoning, and Jin Xunzi cursed with utter hatred.

This group of dragon lizards caught them off guard. Several people were poisoned when they attacked these seemingly stupid beasts. Even Jin Xunzi now feels that her hands are numb and her arms are difficult to hold.

"We leave here!"

Relying on his profound skills, Jin Xunzi forcibly suppressed the toxins that paralyzed the nerves. With the remaining several red cymbals to help the masters, he began to run towards the camp.

Suddenly felt a paralysis in his heart. He knew that he could not continue to use internal force and light work. He gritted his teeth and walked hard in the river water, and then he could return to shore when he saw it.

Suddenly, he heard a splash of water splashing from behind the river.

Jin Xunzi turned and looked back.

With the advantage of location. They could see the dark shadow chased by the dragon lizard moving in the grass across the river. Now the two dragon lizards had scooped out of the grass, followed, and were wading across the river, approaching themselves.

Jin Lingzi saw two striped dragon dragons wading across the river. They are swimmers, approaching very fast, and their bodies are reflected in the flowing river water. Opening their **** mouths, they made a hissing threatening sound at several people of Jin Yuanzi.

He turned his head and looked towards the upper reaches of the river, and saw another dragon lizard crossing the river, and one behind it. The two beasts had now reached the water and began to swim over.

Jin Xunzi led the people hurriedly backward, back into the thick grass, and then turned and ran.

He sprinted across the waist-deep grass, his mouth gasping, and at the same time he felt more and more strenuous in his body ~ www.readwn.com ~ As if drinking alcohol, his vision began to blur. At this time there was no need to lose face, he ordered two men who were not poisoned to help themselves escape.

Suddenly a bird and lizard's head appeared in front of them, hissing towards them, barking endlessly. They quickly fled away and changed the direction of running, but suddenly, the bird lizard near the ruler suddenly jumped in the air, jumping very high, and the whole body exceeded the grass. He saw the whole process of this beast leap in the air, its two hind legs lifted up and slammed at him. He also glanced at the dagger-like curved claws of a beast.

With a scream, a red-haired helper was too late to escape, and was knocked down by a bird and lizard. The person who had been poisoned originally had no strength to resist, and a few beasts severed his throat and died on the spot.

The rest of them ran forward desperately, and their extreme fear made them forget about fatigue. Jin Lingzi heard the roar of the bird lizard behind him again. He ran desperately, and in front of him was another twenty yard of open grass, then the fern jungle. He saw huge plants like trees.

He thought, maybe they could climb up the tree and run away. (To be continued ...)

ps: plus two.

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