Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 50: War Dragon Beast (1)

Although the dragon ancestors were arrogant, they were by no means stupid. After mobilizing the enthusiasm of their subordinates, the dragon ancestors began to consolidate their skills and the black radon gas group formed again.

And the power is obviously an order of magnitude higher than before. The strong wind suddenly spun around the black air mass, and the surrounding space collapsed into the black mass, like a black sun, tearing the entire space a bit crackling. Ringing, the majestic momentum is extremely amazing.

The two running beasts had already seen the corpse of the small tyrannosaurus on the ground, roaring and roaring together, and rushed over desperately.


The thoron accumulated by the ancestors of the dragon was raised again. In the black radon group, the ancestors of the dragon were wide-eyed, and the pupils could not be seen clearly. The pure black radon burned out like a flame, and the mixed body had blue tendons. The skin color has become pure black. If you carefully identify it, you can see that it is black and delicate scales ...

This terrifying image was covered up by the black radon mass outside him. This is the result of the dragon dragon's ancestors perpetuating the body with the dragon blood hammer all year round, and it is also his most powerful state. The reason why the dragon dragon ancestors are a little bit dragon is because he has been eager to achieve it for many years, but the result of using dragon blood has not been completely refined. In fact, it is a phenomenon of poisoning. In fact, after the dragon blood is completely refined in the body, This phenomenon will be eliminated.

The ancestors of the dragons exhaled a breath like Long Wei, which made the two Tyrannosaurus dragons stunned at the same time. They smelled the same kind of breath, and their blood seemed to be more pure, but although they were surprised, Death of offspring. Still full of anger. Even if there is a pure blood dragon. They will also shock without giving up.


The ancestors of the dragons roared like dragons, and the radon mass that had accumulated enough power turned into a black dragon again, rushing towards the head of the violent claw dragon, and the strong howling wind brought by it would be closer. The corpse of the remnant Iron Horned Dragon is shattered ...

That's the body of an iron horned dragon that can easily defend the eight-pin weapon ...

In the face of a sudden and powerful attack, the massive tyrannical claw dragon showed its extraordinary agility and judgment. The right claw of the chest protruded out a sickle-like nail and waved towards the puppet of the dragon's ancestors. come.

That sickle-like claw. It turned out to be covered with a layer of green air. High-level dragons have the power to take it for granted, but no one has thought that this kind of aggressive dragons that are purely powerful also possess this kind of power.

The black radon air in the air of the dragon's ancestors once again showed the stunts that had suddenly changed the track before, slamming an arc, bypassing the claw dragon's claws indiscriminately, and hitting the opponent's face door.

The Tyrannosaurus really wasn't a good kind, and he suddenly shrank his head, and the attack of the dragon's ancestors suddenly hit the air. Flying from the top of Tyrannosaurus, the sudden change surprised everyone on the spot.

However, the strike of the Patriarch's ancestor against the public claw dragon did not work though. However, the castration-unchanging radon mass hit the female chest behind the male claw dragon.

Click ...

The sound of the broken breastplate sounded, and the female Tyrannosaurus hissed with a sigh, a lot of blood spewed from his mouth, and the sternum was broken. He was knocked to the ground by the old dragon's ancestor, was seriously injured, and couldn't get up.


The furious male tyrannosaurus was unable to stop for a while because of the forward rush, and continued to rush forward, but the stagnant ancestor of the dragon was unable to make any response in the future, and a dark shadow was pumping in front of him. After hitting myself, suddenly, the dragon ancestor flew out like a cannonball, and after flying out for more than 20 meters, it hit the ground and slid a distance of more than ten meters at the same time, plowing a deep groove in the ground .

It turned out that the male tyrannosaurus claw dragon once again used the super strong reaction force, while passing by, he used his tail to vigorously draw the stopped ancestor of the dragon.

"Old ancestor!"

Numerous disciples of Xianlong Cave roared in unison, while leading the masters of the Red Crow Gang, they rushed out and killed the nearest public claw dragon.

At this time, the violent claw dragon also rushed forward a distance of more than fifty meters, and the powerful lower limbs slid deep grooves on the ground before stopping the huge body.

At this moment, I saw a large group of humans attacked, but the pressure on it was far less than the one just now. Instead, it was like a nasty fly, entangled, and the roar of the violent claw dragon was also facing these red. The masters of the Gang Gang launched an attack.

The huge mouth suddenly leaned over and bite, a redhead helper could not escape, and was bitten into two, with a wave of his tail, two redhead helpers were hit to the sky, the sound of broken bones and crackles sounded, Life has been lost in the air.

A master who flew into the air, because he flew into the air, actually made it easier for the claw dragon to attack. Just shaking his head, the master disappeared into the opponent's huge blood basin. The weapon fell to the ground, and the plasma flowing from the corner of the other animal's mouth sprayed out more than ten meters.

"Scatter attack, spread, spread!" Shouted the dragon.

The remaining forty red-handed gang masters seemed to be waking up like a dream, like a fly, and coaxed away, avoiding the situation where several people were attacked by Tyrannosaurus at the same time.

"Jiaolong, go find your ancestor! Let's get around it ..."

Under the ancestor of the Dragon Dragon, the Dragon Dragon always wanted to compete with the Dragon Dragon. On weekdays, he was often dissatisfied with this master. However, at this time, the crisis did not contradict the instructions of the Dragon Dragon. With a sound, rushed towards the direction of the ancestor of the dragon.

It was just that Xun Longzi rushed out without two steps, and suddenly a strong attack came, while a loud drinking sound rang in his ears: "Get away!"


I just felt that a black light flashed in front of me, and the dragon dragon was hit by a blow.

"I rely, what!"

Ye Qingxuan and others watching in the distance watched in astonishment at the appearing mixed dark monster, and recognized for a long time, only to see from the clothes that the opponent was the ancestor of the dragon who had been hit before.

The ancestor of the dragon was whipped by the tail of Tyrannosaurus. Although he vomited blood, it was not seriously injured, but his face was really uncomfortable, and his fierceness burst out.

Xun Longzi came to spy, but was angered by the angry ancestor of Xun Long, and flew out with a wave of his hand.

"How dare you hurt me?"

The black dragon scales of the dragon ancestors are still being eliminated, and the anger is soaring to the sky, and they flew out to attack the violent claw dragon, but the dragon dragon ancestors seem to be coarse mines, but in fact The treacherous department did not lose the others, and as soon as its eyes turned, it turned over and rushed towards another severely damaged female claw dragon.

In his eyes, these two Tyrannosaurus must be a nest of strange beasts. If they are killed, they will not only weaken the strength of the strange beast, but also cause the other mad talon to stimulate the male's crazy attack. .

However, although it is dangerous to face a crazy attack, the ancestor of the dragon is confident that he can save his life under this, and the madness of the other party will only make this strange beast consume more physical energy in the face of a strange beast. Even protracted war is worth it.

The Patriarch's ancestors remembered this, so they decided to kill the female Tyrannosaurus first.

When he flew to the female Tyrannosaurus just struggling to get up, the Tyrannosaurus showed a dreadful look, its breastbone was sunken, and its internal organs were impacted, although it could barely attack, However, the injury on his chest made him dare not to wave his claws easily. At the same time, the severe pain in his body made it move a lot slower. Each attack of the ancestor of the dragon dragon has a great deal of strength. The key to injury.

Devil's close-up destructive power is powerful, and the speed of impact is amazing. Its strong lower limbs, sharp claws, and mouth with horrible bite force are all prepared to attack the monsters with huge body. Use the speed to chase the monsters. , Then slap to grasp the prey firmly with claws, and finally bite the opponent's neck with his mouth ... all the powerful weapons on it are made for this, but once its speed stops, its own weakness It also became apparent that its turn was not sensitive enough. In particular, it is deficient in dealing with human beings that are many small but extremely fast.

The ancestors of the dragon dragon drew close to each other, shuttled back and forth in front of and under the female Tyrannosaurus, from time to time, they attacked the position of the opponent's Achilles tendon several times, overturning the opponent's body more than ten meters high, and attack The injured sternum.

After being attacked again, the female Tyrannosaurus roared violently, and sought help from a male Tyrannosaurus not far away.

At this time, the tyrannosaurus claw dragon has killed more than a dozen redhead helpers. Those little bugs in front of them are now spread farther. It attacks quickly, only one person can be selected at a time, and sometimes they lean over. The bite will often fail, and at the same time, your neck will be attacked by the opponent without reservation.

Although most masters of the Redhead Gang cannot harm it ~ www.readwn.com ~, but they are also several masters of Xianlong caves with innate strength, their attacks can bring huge pain to the Tyrannosaurus, especially The opponent's attack parts are the most vulnerable parts of the body, which makes it abnormally angry.

At this moment, he heard the call of his spouse for help. The hunter in nature turned around immediately and made a rushing look.

"Stop it, stop ..."

The cricket who has been flying under the claws of the tyrannosaurus finally stopped this cat-and-cat attack, with a sickle in his hand, like a sickle, he slammed into the violent claws that turned his body. He The stroke of the full force is aimed at the opponent's Achilles tendon. If it can cut the Achilles tendon, no doubt the moving force of this male Claw Dragon will drop by more than half.

It was only a blow that he thought was proud of himself, but was interrupted by the tail that suddenly came over. The tyrannical claw dragon showed the cunning side of the predator, even if it has been a strange beast, even if it is not human, but it suddenly flashes out of wisdom. It also caused a big loss. (To be continued ...)

ps: add one more.

The fourth update is uploaded today!

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