Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 51: War Beast (2)

Li Xun was accidentally pumped by the tail of Tyrannosaurus, and flew out dozens of meters.


Li Xunzi sharply exuded a large mouthful of blood, and the internal organs were mixed with broken internal organs. The entire world was turned into nothingness. Although Li Xunzi, who was generally hit by artillery shells, was amazing in defense, he was not an old dragon.

His ears were full of the sound of his broken sternum. With a single blow, he had been seriously injured and lost his combat power.

Fortunately, though, he couldn't die.


Li Zhe smashed on a hillside, and smashed the thick branches of tall ferns on the hillside, and his head was dizzy. When he stopped, he spit out blood again, and he suffered Extreme internal injuries, but fortunately, he knew that his injuries were not enough to die.

Langzhong, not knowing something dragged his body, this immediately startled the cold sweat from Lizi.

bad! Is there another strange beast in the bush? Am I doomed to kiss?

When he opened his eyes in horror and looked, a huge bald head appeared in front of him.

"you you……"

Li Xunzi just opened his mouth to speak, a bowl-sized fist widened in front of her eyes, and a loud noise sounded in the middle of the door. Li Xun passed out without saying a word.

At this time, a voice rang next, and shouted with a low voice: "Monk, you tmd don't kill him!" The tone with a lingering oily cavity is undoubtedly Meng Yuanzhang.

The big bald head shot is undoubtedly a flower monk.

Upon hearing Meng Yuan's dissatisfied voice, the monk immediately furiously said, "What is your bird thief talking nonsense? I'm struggling hard. If I don't stun him, what should I do to attract the attention of others?"

Meng Yuanzhang has to speak. But was interrupted by Ye Qingxuan on the side: "Less nonsense, drag people to change places quickly, be careful for the other party to find us, let's take the skills of this body and say ..."

Ye Qingxuan ’s [Bei Ming Shen Gong] has rarely shown power recently. Before facing the innate state of the rock rhinoceros, he was actually outraged by the other side and was forcibly interrupted. It seems that [Bei Ming Shen Gong] was used as an attack method. There is still a lack of conditions. I am afraid that this situation can only be solved by congenital realm or exchange of other internal work pictures.

[Bei Ming Shen Gong] Thirty-six pictures, Ye Qingxuan only exchanged two pictures. These two pictures follow the line of Duan Yu. Originally, I thought that relying on these two pictures would be able to secure a martial art in another world. Now it seems Still a bit overkill.

Ye Qingxuan secretly determined that after this incident, he must spend a purple-grade martial arts exchange opportunity to exchange all the first twenty pictures of the "Twelve Sacred Canons" and "Eight Strange Scriptures" of "Beijing Shengong". . [Bei Ming Shen Gong] of the gold-level martial arts can definitely not show all its power by relying on two pictures.

Ye Qingxuan's own Qi content. Now that he has reached the great consummation of "Diyuan Realm", he no longer needs to worry about the amount of true energy at all. His true energy is constantly being consumed, and the most inspiring place is the operation. [易Tendon Meridian] The process of opening the meridians throughout the body.

Like a water-milled stone, it carefully polished the imperfect meridians and nourished the body.

Ye Qingxuan's "Twelve Canons" were born unobstructed, and Ren Du's two pulses of the "Eight Strange Scriptures" have also been opened. In the recent period, the Chongmai has just been opened. Now all his energy is focused on the other five pulses The belt-like veins are the goal of his recent efforts.

Opening the meridians of the whole body is the skill of water-milling. Ye Qingxuan is only seventeen years old now, and he is already outstanding.

However, he still felt that the process was too slow and his skills were complete, and now he was struggling to find a way to speed up the process.

This spectacle made him discover the "Dragon Blood Refining Technique" of Xianlong Cave. Naturally, he would not let go of any chance of getting it.

The unlucky cricket is being pumped by the tail of Tyrannosaurus, and the direction of the flight is so close to Ye Qingxuan and others. Ye Qingxuan, who is ecstatic, will not miss this opportunity, and take the flower and Meng Yuanzhang, touched it, captured Li Xun directly, and checked that there were no omissions in the surroundings. Among the three people, Yu Ruhua carried Li Xun on his back, and quickly touched it again. Several people discussed and shifted their positions to hide. To another more secretive direction.

After a pile of chaotic stones, Ye Qingxuan anxiously groped on Li Xunzi.

After turning out a lot of mess, there was no such thing as cheats.


Ye Qingxuan was sitting on the ground.

Meng Yuanzhang wanted to wake up Li Xunzi and see if he could ask the secret of "Dragon Blood Refining" of Xianlong Cave from his mouth, but after dancing for a long time, the Li Xunzi was as motionless as the dead, showing the slightest signs of waking nothing.

"Monk, you have worked too hard ..." Meng Yuanzhang, who finally gave up waking her sister-in-law, complained sitting on the ground.

"Straight ninja thief, how does the Sajia know that this species is so resistant!"

"Please, brother, he is seriously injured!" Meng Yuanzhang rolled his eyes, and started to froze away from the sister-in-law. Suddenly he could see something in the corner of his eyes, and he couldn't help but whispered the clothes of the sister-in-law ...

The monk Ruhua jumped up in shock and said in a panic, "Lao Meng, your dog day is really good. I warn you, if you dare to start, the Sajia family will be justified from you!"

"What?" Meng Yuan was surprised to see the unexpectedly unexpected flower, looked at the other party's strange eyes, looked at his behavior, and suddenly realized that he suddenly thundered.

"I **** your uncle, you are a monk! Your uncle is good for that one! Lao Tzu is checking, check if you understand, you are a smasher ..."

Meng Yuanzhang drank and cursed there, but let go of the actions on his head. At this time, Ye Qingxuan and Jiang Shuihan both saw different things, and came straight up and lifted off the ladle's placket, exposing the abdomen. Tattoo.

"Oh, obediently, this article has cheated on your body ..." Ye Qingxuan said with a sigh.

A word attracted everyone's attention and could not help but surround them.

Meng Yuan looked angrily at the monk Ruhua, while the monk stunned his hands and apologized.

Sure enough, he kept the cheats.

Similar to this secret technique, any warrior fears that the memory is not true, and he has mistaken the formula, so even if he is memorized, he will try his best to record it. Every time he works, he will carefully compare it, except In addition to confirming accuracy, these secret techniques are also ancient secrets. Therefore, the secrets are ancient language habits. Just like modern people to understand classical Chinese, even big writers may have the possibility of misunderstanding. These are obscure and difficult to understand. Only by staying on the body and trying to figure it out, can you fully learn it, and even after reading it for decades, you can explore the true meaning of the formula.

Therefore, the more ancient the inheritance, the more cautious you are when dealing with these secret recipes and the like, and you will never understand the surface meaning and consciously learn it, discarding it aside.

Since Xianlong Cave is the remnant of the "Dragon God" thousands of years ago, the resulting exercises are naturally inherited from the millennium. Ye Qingxuan conjectured that these core disciples are very likely to keep the archives of these cheats and explore this. , Sure enough, found the cheats, which made Ye Qingxuan extremely excited, and lamented that this adventure was a huge gain, absolutely nothing.

Meng Yuanzhang took out a dagger from his arms and handed it to the flower monk.

"Why !?" the monk asked, scratching his bald head.

"What can you do, of course, dig down and keep it ..."

"Oh, okay!" Ruhua monk took it and limped towards Lizhang's stomach.

"I trust, are you really here?" The brothers stopped the flowery reckless action in a hurry.

Ruhua was very surprised and asked, "What's the use of keeping this goods, and you plan to spare him?"

The people were asked for a moment, bewildered for a moment.

Indeed, this sister-in-law is the enemy of everyone, and it is perfectly reasonable to say that he should be killed, but this brother is not a decisive person. If the two are in opposition, it is true that they kill each other. He will never be soft-hearted, but at the moment, there are some suspicions that he is in danger. Although he knows that this is the woman's benevolence, he always feels a little uncomfortable and doesn't take it for a moment.

"Hey, a few of you think about it, let him go now, he won't necessarily let us go in the future ..." Monk Ruhua reminded.

Among these brothers, instead, they came from a Buddhist background. They did not want to be decisive when it came to killing. The guy who was raised by a bear from a young age knows the jungle law of the strong. If he were to be killed, there would be no difference between men, women, young and old, and the big Zen stick would be broken with a wave.

"Killing him, is it appropriate?" Wan Guotai asked mutteringly.

"Being in danger, the benevolent will not take it!" Duan Sanshi strongly opposed the killing at this time, and the origin of the doctor, the nature of which has a mind to save people, it is difficult for him to kill him.

Ye Qingxuan looked at him like a flower, and the flower monk threw his dagger in his hand and said, "It doesn't matter that the Sajia family is in the future. Even if he doesn't show mercy in the future, the Sajia family is afraid of him? Still a Zen stick is broken!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Meng Yuanzhang looked at Li Xunzi, and then slowly said, "Why ... let's ask what this man means?"

Everyone showed ridiculous expressions together ~ www.readwn.com ~ But after a while ...

"I see ..."

Stuffed a piece of loose stone from Lichangzi to Lizhangzi, using the method of "Silver Needle Crossing Acupoints", and lightly applying medical treatment, the unconscious Lizizi immediately spit out blood and awoke Turn around.

"You, you guys!" Li Xunzi woke up immediately after seeing the people around her, suddenly wanting to sit up, not wanting a sudden pain in her chest, sweating with pain in her face, and lying on the ground again.

"What do you want?" Lizi asked gritted teeth.

"Oh, my brother wants to kill you and ask you to disagree!" Ruhua monk said honestly.

"Why ... what?" Li Xun was shocked first, then showed a weird expression, staring blankly at the young people in front of him, thinking shockedly: What is this ...? (To be continued ...)

ps: plus two.

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