Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 52: War Beast (3)

Li Xunzi couldn't believe the people in front of him, and raised an infinite survival in his heart, but an uncertainty inevitably occurred.

They must have wanted something out of me, so for the time being my life was left.

This is the first thing Li Xi thought of.

But the strong survival, but Li Xunzi would rather believe each other's words, is true.

"What do you want to ask ... I'm willing to change my life ..."

Everyone glanced at each other with blanks in their heads.

I just got the Red Dragon Blood Refining Technique. Everyone really doesn't know what else they want, and even if the other party takes the initiative to explain it, they may not be able to guarantee whether the information obtained is true.

In the end, Ye Qingxuan sighed and said sincerely: "We told you the truth, originally we wanted to kill you. After all, you and I are enemies, and you do n’t need any reason to kill you. But we ultimately I still decided to let you go, you do n’t need to doubt ... this is not a trap. Because we disdain and take advantage of people, of course, if you have a deep hatred against us and take advantage of people, I am willing to do more. But I have never known you. Although we are not gentlemen, when we meet you, we will take your life, and we always have a bad heart.

This time I let you go back, it ’s not a good idea. If you and I meet on the battlefield in the future, we will never be softhearted. It was a joy to kill us, and killing you at this time, I was disturbed, but annoyed. If you go back this time, you should consider that this incident has not happened, and if there is a meeting in the future. Let's kill ourselves! "

Ye Qingxuan said something. Speaking from Xunzi's heart, a strange emotion sprang up. This weird feeling. There will never be a disciple between Xianlongdong disciples.

Even if the enemy is the enemy, if the other side evades his life, that kind of gratitude is not a substitute for hatred. In particular, Li Xunzi and Ye Qingxuan did not have direct hatred, but the hatred brought by the ancestors of Xun Long.

Lizi wriggled her lips hard, and said hoarsely: "Okay ..."

Then his face flushed and his eyes closed.

Apart from being grateful, I feel a little bit ashamed of being let go.

Duan Sanshi placed the palm of his hand gently on the sternum from the mule. Suddenly, a suction force was generated, and under the click sound, I took a bite of cold air from my sister-in-law, sweating my forehead, but there was no humming sound. Between this moment, he knew that his broken and sunken sternum had returned. After being in situ, the elixir fed by the other party has already produced its effect in the body, and a hot breath in the chest is maintained in the area of ​​internal injury. The pain in the body was greatly relieved.

"It's your life!" Ruhua muttered.

"You can't go back now, wait for it. We'll let you go back." Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, Duan Sanshi stuffed two pill into Lizi again, Lizi felt a ray of sweetness in his throat. The taste, followed by heavy eyelids, immediately fell into a lethargy.

Duan Sanshi said easily: "I gave him 'Baiyun Bear Gall Pills'. Although it is usually fainted for half a day after oral administration, the healing effect is very significant."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said that he knew that after all, the formula of this elixir was still provided to Duan Sanshi, which was the elixir of Hengshan school, from "Swordsman". Although Duan Sanshi still has a more effective elixir than this elixir, in order to understand the effectiveness of the prescription provided by Ye Qingxuan, Duan Sanshi has been using the elixir provided by Ye Qingxuan recently. He also understands the drug properties and is engaged in clinical trials. Nature, and at this time the crippled son, miserable as a mouse.

And Ye Qingxuan and others have gone through such an interlude-like toss, and the fight in the field has gone through a fierce fight for more than ten minutes.

There are less than twenty people left in the masters of the Redhead Gang.

When the ancestor of the dragon dragon came to rescue the tyrannosaurus claw dragon, he again fought with this fierce beast, and the two dragons, the dragon and the dragon, were responsible for attacking the severely injured female tyrannosaurus. . The two have teamed up and have greatly injured this strange beast. One of the female tyrannosaurus's eyes was blown open by the devil's blow, but the devil's thunder was also countered by the opponent's claws and thighs. Was scratched. A terrible wound appeared there, it was only because the devil was avoiding in time, otherwise both legs would be cut off by the opponent's claws.

The devil was seriously injured and couldn't shoot. He was rescued by Lin Mengtang, who was near by the "piercing butterfly", and was temporarily out of the danger zone. Lin Mengtang was also frightened and found a place far away from the battlefield. On the pretext, a loyal look protected the devil's side.

Devil's dragon was injured, but Tyrannosaurus with an eye burst is already at the end of the crossbow. Xie Longzi's attack will hit the opponent almost eight times. This fierce female Tyrannosaurus was about to fall.

Not long ago, the ancestors of the Dragon Dragon had also ordered his masters to go to the Broken Stone Road and bring the "blue and white snake" Xuan Jie there to help, and let the rock rhino and the blood python lead the team. Guard over there.

The prolonged confrontation made the dragon ancestors a little breathless. At this time, the strength of Xuan Jie, the "blue and white snake", was second only to himself, and he was more powerful than the others, which was his own helper.

The team who went to ask for help had left for more than a quarter of an hour, and the ancestors of the dragon dragon had begun to take the form of guerrillas against the beasts, consuming the opponent's physical strength.

This kind of warfare continued for another half an hour, and I saw the overweight physique of these two behemoths began to appear fatigue, especially that the female Tyrannosaurus was panting like a cow, and was about to die.

Xiao Long's ancestor could not help but secretly smiled, feeling that his victory was in sight.

At this time, there was a long scream of wailing in the distance, rushing from far to near.

The ancestor of the Dragon Dragon was immediately overjoyed. This is exactly what Xuan Jie, the "blue-and-white snake", got the news.

Hum, the pervert boy "Blue and White Snake" knows how to be flattering, so rushing fast is a faithful performance, and he must be rewarded.

The ancestor of the dragon dragon was so happy that he couldn't help but shake his head a little, thinking about these irrelevant things, and at this time, as if he also knew the danger, this tyrannical claw dragon attacked the slow-moving beast, and suddenly shifted suddenly, The previous slump was swept away, and he hurled fiercely towards the ancestor of the dragon, a big mouth, two sharp claws, and attacked at the same time, hitting the dragon's ancestor by surprise.

Ah, such a wicked animal knows how to pretend to be weak ...

When the ancestor of the dragon was caught off guard, he suffered a big loss. In the face of the sudden attack of the tyrannosaurus, he had no time to avoid the horrible big mouth, but was caught by the opponent's right claw ...

With a scream, the dragon's ancestral body's breath was broken after a little persistence. Under the shock of the dragon's ancestor, the left arm and the left knee flew together with the elbow and knee joint, and was almost caught. The other claw is split in half.

The Patriarch of the Dragon Dragon was in pain, and crashed to the ground. The big beast of the strange beast fell from the sky and stepped on the Patriarch of the Dragon Dragon.

Seeing the huge hind foot fall from his head, there is still time for the dragon ancestors to dodge.

"Animals are looking for death!"

From the air, Xuan Jie's angry drinking sounded a loud noise. The attack of "Blue and White Snake" fell on the back of Tyrannosaurus, and at the same time, the scream of the dragon dragon came, A slightly weaker explosion rang out on the other support leg of Tyrannosaurus.

Almost two outbreaks at the same time saved the life of the ancestor of the dragon. The claw dragon raised his foot to step down the ancestor of the dragon, but was hit with a blow from the back and the support leg. For a moment, he stood unstable, and suddenly fell sideways beside the dragon's ancestor.


It was only at this time that the angered tyrannosaurus ancestor broke out with amazing strength again, and swung a full punch toward the Achilles tendon's giant foot just in front of him.

Bang, there was a loud noise, followed by the sound of Tyrannosaurus soreness, Tyrannosaurus' right Achilles tendon was punched by a violent punch from the dragon's ancestors, leaving only a few remaining tendons still connected. .

After the ancestor of the dragon dragon finished this furious punch, a painful pain came from the severed limb, and at the same time blood rushed out because of the violent blow. The dragon dragon's eyes were black and fell to the ground suddenly, Suddenly passed out.

"Old ancestor!"

Many disciples of Xianlong Cave were frightened and rushed over. The Tyrannosaurus knew that it was the moment of life and death, turned over, and rushed to the female Tyrannosaurus a few times. Two strange beasts with severely injured bodies, Fleeing towards his lair.

Although many Xianlongdong disciples know that this time is the best time to kill the two beasts, but no one dares to do so, because if the ancestors of the dragon dragon, who is a direct descendant of the Ao family, have a length, I am afraid that none of them Have a good end.

Disciples of Xianlong Cave were busy helping the dragon ancestors here, but they laughed at Ye Qingxuan and others in the distance.

"Okay, okay! Xiaolong's ancestors have become disabled, and one enemy is missing now." Duan Sanshi laughed.

Everyone had the deepest grudges against the old ancestors of Chen Long, and he would never have any secretive feelings towards him.

Ye Qingxuan took a look at the crippled sister-in-law ~ www.readwn.com ~ and smiled and said, "Now Chichi has stopped this group of people, and he should look around for him, and send him back quickly ... "

"Well, let me do it ..."

The monk Ruhua carried it directly on his shoulder and ran out snoring.

"I'll follow, lest this rammed goods shoot him ..." Meng Yuan shouted, and then ran out with Ruhua.

However, after a moment of effort, the two touched them again. Meng Yuanzhang still held a sickle rifle in his hand, and said with a smile: "Hey, it's not time to go back and pick up that guy's weapon ..."

"Bring it to me!" Ruhua on the edge grabbed it and said, "It's a little lighter, but it's better than empty-handed ..." Then he returned "Yellow in the World" on his waist to Ye. Qing Xuan asked at the same time, "Say, which side is the cheaper?" (To be continued ...)

ps: plus three.

This is the sixth change today, for support, ha ha ...

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