Jiang Shuihan awakened the cautious crowd with a word.

The people who surrounded themselves were only Xuan Jie and blood pythons of the "blue and white snake", and more than a dozen red-headed helpers. There were obviously fewer red dragon-headed helpers and many red-headed helpers.

It is not difficult to imagine that the enemy used the ancestors of the Dragon Dragon ancestors as a bait, and the Dragon Dragon must have followed the Dragon Dragon ancestors secretly. Just in case, Xuan Jie, the "blue-and-white snake", scattered the net around the blood pythons. Once the other party followed the blood pythons, he immediately surrounded them with a net. Of course, if their goal is the ancestor of the dragon, the strength of the dragon dragon is enough to hold Ye Qingxuan and others, and the "blue and white snake" Xuan Jie and the blood python naturally maintain this bright and dark layout, and re- Return to the team of Pao Long's ancestors.

It was just that the "Blue and White Snake" did not expect that Ye Qingxuan would follow so closely and fell into their siege so quickly. Instead, because of the distance from the team of the dragon ancestors, they lacked the cooperation of the dragons.

However, the strength of Xuan Jie and Blood Python from the Blue and White Snakes are both good. Even without the cooperation of Xun Longzi, they are confident enough to win Ye Qingxuan and others. However, for the sake of insurance, Xuan Jie still sent The person notified Xun Longzi, and at the same time he spoke for a long time, but was unexpectedly pierced by the surprising insight of Jiang Shuihan, and the two sides directly entered into the battle.

"Blue Snake" Xuan Jie laughed, the beauty fan opened and closed suddenly, and a smashing sigh of anger was struck out. Zhen Fei's six-handed sword was laughed at the same time. Brother, so clever again, the slave family really loves you ... "

The beauty fan shook eighteen in her hand. The change is like a colorful butterfly. Fighted with Jiang Shuihan, whose hands kept changing.

Ye Qingxuan also has time to catch up and change. In a short period of time, Jiang Shuihan and Xuan Jie exploded countless lights like fireworks, which was the result of the two men's violent clashes.

When Ye Qingxuan's long sword rushed to the ground, and a sharp point made Xuan Jie's throat, Jiang Shuihan was already groaning, and his shape retreated sharply.

As soon as he took over, the two fought over more than forty moves in a short period of time. The exquisite short fight between the two was fast and fierce, and people were dazzled. In the end, Jiang Shuihan was not the opponent of the other side, and he was forced to fight for a while, and the result was blown up.

Ye Qingxuan stepped up, but as a result, the situation of pinching was still not formed. Xuan Jiejia, the blue and white snake, greeted with a smile, a beauty fan with her right hand, and flicked her face with her left hand. To make a beautiful lazy posture, but caused Ye Qingxuan to almost vomit on the spot. With a ruthless heart, Liu Daoxian encircled again and launched the Peerless Array [Big Dipper Seven Star Array]. As the Zhenzhen Sword Array of Quanzhen Religion, this set of swordsmanship is a supreme sword that overcomes the enemy with a weak one. Array, immediately surrounded Xuan Jie and killed him.

In front of the "Big Dipper Seven Star Formation", even the arrogant "Blue and White Snake" Xuan Jie, there was a sudden stray error. Several unknown red and black cymbals helped the master to help out, but the sword formation changed. [Big Dipper Seven Stars] becomes [True Martial Arts Seven], the enemy trapped, and the group killed, like sixty-four Ye Qingxuan confronted the enemy at the same time. Before that, the sword formation calmly changed back to [Big Dipper Seven Stars] and continued to besiege Xuan Jie.

"Blue and White Snake" Xuan Jie's left-handed orchid pointed up and flicked a sub-sword that pierced his throat, pretending to laugh easily: "Well, good boy, he will arrange the sword array, the slave family ..."

Alas, the two swords passed across the throat, Xuan Jie was busy, and his words were not as easy as before.

Ye Qingxuanlang laughed, but not facing the "blue and white snake", but the brother behind him.

"Dear friends, this snake demon will be handed over to the poor road, and you will go and take down the other demon!"

"Leave this to me!" Ruhua monk screamed and rushed into the proud blood python, slamming the hook from the mule, and hit the blood python at high speed, the whole hook The sickle shot a huge arc almost backwards in the air, which is enough to show how powerful this blow is.

As the flower monk rushed to the blood python, Wan Guotai did not dare to neglect, swept the green dragon in his hand, swept across the blood python's chest from the ground.

Duan Sanshi and Meng Yuanzhang, with both hands empty, fought with the rest of the Chihu masters.

"Little Sword Fairy" Ye Qingxuan fiercely fights "Blue and White Snake" Xuan Jie.

For a long time, Ye Qingxuan's opponents on the rivers and lakes, especially those enemies who fought in life and death, are all masters who are higher than him, so what Ye Qingxuan knows best is how to survive in front of these masters. Know how to use and make opportunities to win cleverly.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was without him and devoted himself to fighting against Xuan Jie. With superb swordsmanship, weird figure and meticulous sword formation, Ye Qingxuan maintains a strong attack on Xuan Jie. He knows how to make his opponents despise themselves, especially how to obtain them on the premise that they have been surprised. Secret advantage of the heart.

In front of "Blue and White Snake" Xuan Jie, this young man who has achieved great success in the day after tomorrow has already given him enough surprise. How could he betray himself firmly and rely on his own strength and some **** tricks, and fought hard and wanted to take his own life in a very short time?

"Blue and White Snake" Xuan Jie could not help feeling a little sympathy for the innocence of this young man. Even if he can't afford to lift his head by being attacked by the opponent's torrential attack, it is almost unimaginable that an acquired master wants to kill a congenital power in a one-to-one situation.

Seeing a touch of sympathy in Xuan Jie's eyes, Ye Qingxuan knew that his psychological battle was successful.

He just wanted his opponent to think he was stubborn.

After the insane attack, the offensive will naturally be decadent. At that time, it was the opponent's best counterattack time. This timing was set by Ye Qingxuan intentionally.

It's time to add more ingredients.

Ye Qingxuan Yungong forced a layer of sweat on his forehead, and his expression also did his best. The blue tendons on his forehead were beating, his breathing began to rush, and his sword began to lose his previous spirituality and accuracy ... All of this is because Ye Qingxuan caused his opponent to "have been attacked weakly, and the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry".

The smile in Xuan Jie's eyes was even more pronounced. He was confident. He took it for granted that Ye Qingxuan became tired after this series of high-intensity attacks. He believes this, because he is a congenital power, and the other party is just a master of the day after tomorrow. This realistic gap is enough to cover up any caution and caution.

After the initial surprise, the attack between Ye Qingxuan and Xuan Jie went into a state of stalemate. After all the masters of the Red Tail Gang started to be frightened, their emotions became more calm.

Most people don't understand why Ye Qingxuan is so stupid? Obviously a master of the day after tomorrow, why do you want to positively shock a congenital powerhouse? Although Xuan Jie was suppressed by the opponent in the early stage, and the strange sword formation blocked Xuan Jie's figure, the innate master is the innate master. The powerful spirit is enough to maintain sufficient toughness to resist the opponent's attack, and the young one Taoist, if he cannot win after this round of forced attack, what can he do to win?

"Blue Snake" Xuan Jie's smile was even stronger, and his eyes showed the murderous effect. He had made up his mind to kill Ye Qingxuan immediately, and his life could not be left for a moment.

This swordsman is too dangerous.

In the one-to-one competition, he couldn't even kill an acquired master. Such a fact will surely make himself a laughingstock in the gang, especially now that he is still being suppressed by the opponent's attack ...

No one could have anticipated the confrontation between inborn masters and acquired masters beforehand, and did not expect the situation to develop so.

But Xuan Jie's opportunity to wait has finally appeared.

The Taoist's strength suddenly softened, the mad attack stopped abruptly, and an inexplicable expression on his face suddenly appeared, almost behaving, and the opponent began to back away.

Xuan Jie knew that his chance to wait had finally appeared.

With almost no hesitation, in a coquettish laugh, the beauty fan in Xuanjie's hand pointed forward, penetrating the opponent's sword interception fiercely, poking at the Taoist's throat.

The opponent was desperately backing away. How could Xuan Jie let the prey in hand escape? He was like a blue and white snake, and he would never give up if he entangled the enemy. Only when the opponent suffocated and died would the end of his attack.

Suddenly, the distance between the two, the distance between the beauty fan in the hand and the throat of the other party, changed from a distance of two meters to a distance of about two feet. When the beauty fan wants to smash the throat of the other party, any Unexpected changes have occurred.

Ye Qingxuan's retreating pace came to a halt, and the long, sagging sword in his hands lifted again, pointing to Xuan Jie's throat.

The long sword is three feet and eight inches ~ www.readwn.com ~ The beauty fan has more than one foot. The distance between the two is more than two feet, so when Ye Qingxuan raised his sword, she almost became Xuan Jie. Throw your throat into the sword of the opponent.

Xuan Jie was horrified, and the beauty fan in her hand darted past the long sword next to her, as fast as ever. Xuan Jie and Ye Qingxuan battled countless swords. He knew that with the Taoist sword speed, he was also used to the opponent's sword speed. He now knew that at the current speed, it would be enough to fly the long sword handed over and then change it. Forefinger, crush each other's throat. All this is more than enough ...

However, at an extremely fast speed, Ye Qing's speed increased in a mysterious manner. This change, which transcended past cognition, suddenly made everything seem to be doomed, and completely changed.

Previously, in Xuan Jie's opinion, even if he tried hard, he could not increase the attack speed, but it was easily realized at this moment. Almost instantly, Xuan Jie knew that he was fooled ...

ps: five more.

I ’m hungry. I did n’t eat for a day. I finished eight thousand two thousand and four thousand words. It ’s a big outbreak. I have a bad headache. I eat first, sleep, and continue tomorrow ...

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