Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 55: The final battle (1)

Xuan Jie has overestimated Ye Qingxuan in his heart, but obviously, he is not enough to overestimate.

Masters compete, especially Xuan Jie's superb master. With every skill and every skill, he joins hands and weapons with hands, and naturally reaches the most subtle calculations to get the best results.

One of Xuan Jie's moves was exactly this kind of calculated attack. Its real-life operation was just at the moment of contacting the opponent's sword, climbing to the highest state, and urging him to reach the most powerful attack.

In his opinion, Ye Qingxuan's change is impossible, but it happened in front of him. The budget of Xuan Jie fell short, and there was a slight flaw, but Xuan Jie couldn't do anything about it. It's impossible to change tactics.

What he can do is to unleash his defensive breath and defense.

Xuan Jie is a disciple of Xianlong Cave. His body refining skills are not worse than anyone. Although he looks thin, his body's defense is just as amazing.

Ye Qingxuan's brothers were too late to applaud, not only because they were too nervous to breathe, but also because the situation changed too quickly, and no one could keep up with that speed.

The distance of two feet suddenly turned into zero distance!

The meridians in Ye Qingxuan's body are extremely trembling, and the Lingjian Sword produces subtle changes in this rapid and slight tremor. This sword seems to be straight, but in fact the qi on the tip of the sword is slightly spit, and with the tremor Just like an electric drill, it stabbed Xuan Jie's body and breath. At that moment ...

A flower blooming between two people, blooming between the sword and the body protector ...

That was the most gorgeous firework!

The most direct contest between radon and radon ...

No matter the radon on the tip of the sword or the radon on the body, it is splashing like a brilliant firework!

As if very slowly ...

Everyone trembled ...

But nothing sounded.

The hearts of everyone on both sides of the hostility seemed to be coming out of their throats. Nervous moment. Center of War. Deepest fireworks ...

There was a scorching slam that was so strong that people couldn't look straight into it, followed by a thunderous thunder.

The strangest thing is that the range of Liemang didn't extend very far, it only reflected the moment when Ling Ling Sword pierced Xuan Jie's body suffocation, and the fainting disappeared.


Except for Ye Qingxuan and Xuan Jie, no one can understand what happened, but the consequences are clear.

Ye Qingxuan and Xuan Jie appeared again ...

The two flew backward at the same time.

Instead, Xuan Jie, the blue-and-white snake, took a few steps back, Fang reluctantly stood, half of his body was a little stunned. A beauty fan was opened, covering her left face;

However, Ye Qingxuan threw the kite straight towards himself like a broken line. After landing, he rolled straight to the ground, tumbling more than ten steps, and started to jump. He still held the Lingjian sword in his hand, but his robe was broken as if exposed by fireworks. Countless caves.

The distance between the two was ten meters away, and the two sides looked at each other very calmly ...

Suddenly, the battle on the periphery stopped unknowingly.

Faced with a pinch by the monk Ruhua and Wang Guotai, the blood python was attacked and sweated. He was shocked by the martial arts of two acquired masters, and now. He was shocked at the outcome of the battle between Ye Qingxuan and Xuan Jie.

Xuan Jie covered her face with a half-faced beauty fan, and slowly lowered it, a bloodstain, from her forehead, across her eyes to her cheeks.

At the critical moment, with the help of the guardian's suffocation against the sword, Xuan Jie slammed his head back and turned the sword that would have pierced his eyes and broken his skull into what it is now.

His left eye was blind, but he died.

"Good swordsmanship!" Xuan Jie sounded without any tone.

"Assign!" Ye Qingxuan replied indifferently, removing a ray of blood from the corner of his mouth.

The other person's bodyguard gas held an explosion-like change at the last moment, and Ye Qingxuan, who did not have bodyguard gas, had a slight internal injury.

This change was unexpected, but I had similar experience when confronting the rock rhino before, but both of them are inside the body and one outside the body. The same is the high-level control of their own qi.

But anyway, this time using the most exquisite sword trick, Ye Qingxuan still beat the "blue and white snake" Xuanjie.

[Dugu Nine Swords] "Breakthrough Style", once again to build meritorious service.

Seeing that Xuan Jie, the "blue and white snake", had one eye abolished, the blood python on the side was so angry that he rushed to kill him, but unexpectedly he heard Xuan Jie quit drinking: "Stop!"

Blood Python's face was surprised, and said, "Why? Brother, he hurts you, I'm going to kill him!"

Xuan Jie, the blue-and-white snake, smiled abruptly, and said, "But it's just a blind eye. You step back ..." Then he glanced at Ye Qingxuan and others flatly with his remaining eye, and said calmly: "We are defeated. You go. After returning, we will evacuate here immediately. When you return to the rivers and lakes, we will calculate this account again!"

When the blood python heard the alarm, it wanted to stop the blue-and-white snake, but it was stopped by the opponent's waving hand, and then it was carried by the blue-and-white snake with unwillingness, along with the surviving red-headed helper, and slowly withdrew.

After they disappeared into the grass and walked away quietly, the brothers cheered and surrounded Ye Qingxuan together.

"Wow, old seven, good job!"

"Great, you hurt Xuan Jie and scared them away ..."

Everyone you say and I keep saying, Ye Qingxuan nodded with a smile, and said blandly: "But fortunately, I originally planned to bet on you to kill blood pythons, but this Xuanjie He didn't take us seriously, thinking that it would eat us, and as a result, he didn't show his strength at all. It was his defeat to himself. "

Meng Yuanzhang grabbed Ye Qingxuan's shoulder in excitement and said, "No matter what reason he failed, anyway, we lost and we won!"

The crowd responded with a laugh.

"Xuanjie said just now that they would retreat. Do you think he is telling the truth?" Jiang Shui's cold voice inserted.

"Of course, of course!" Meng Yuanzhang laughed. "The ancestor of Dragon Dragon was seriously injured. Xuan Jie, the blue and white snake, blinded his eyes. The two most powerful members of their team lost their combat power. The rest also Even the rhinoceros, lynx, and blood python can fight. How could it be a victory? They can't kill us anyway. I think they will retreat ... "

Everyone nodded in agreement, especially the current ancestor of Nine Dragons and Xuan Jie, the "blue-and-white snake", had to see a doctor. It is still safe to treat such a serious injury early.

"Huh, I hope so!" Ye Qingxuan sighed softly.

"Brother Xuan, how can you let them go, I can still fight, as long as you are entangled with that kid for a while. I must be able to kill a few, and we will be able to kill them as soon as Xun Longzi arrives!"

The blood python, which has left a long way, is still very dissatisfied with Xuanjie's decision.


"Blue and White Snake" Xuan Jie suddenly spit out blood, scared the blood python who was complaining about it, and hurriedly supported his stupid body.

"Brother Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Blue and White Snake" Xuan Jie laughed abruptly: "The opponent's sword gas hurt his head, I'm afraid I can't move it. If I read it correctly, the kid who hurt me and the monk could be badly wounded. Means of innate masters. If it was a hard fight at the time, I would definitely die. You are just a fugitive. "

The blood python's face was blue and red for a long time before he said unwillingly: "But let us give up like this, I'm a little unwilling, these bastards, but only survived by chance ..."

Xuan Jie shook his hand and said, "The situation is unfavorable to me. There is no need to fight for a length of time. This time our strength is severely damaged. If there are any more casualties, I am afraid that it will destroy the division's plan. For the time being, remember Rong will report in the future! When we go back, we recommend that our ancestors leave here immediately to rest their injuries. "

The blood python sighed and slowly nodded to know.

Two hours later, the group of red-headed gangsters really started to pack up, and with more than thirty red-headed gangsters left, they slowly evacuated.

A little further away, Ye Qingxuan and others supervised the evacuation of Pai Long and his ancestors.

"Wow, they are really gone, they are ashamed." Meng Yuanxi said with a smile.

"Are we going together?" Wan Guotai asked in a deep voice.

Ye Qingxuan looked back at this mysterious underground world and laughed: "Who knows if they will ambush us outside. Let's wait, wait for two more days before leaving. Besides, there are still cheap here and not finished ..."

When everyone heard it, they stared brightly at the dragon's lair location of Tyrannosaurus.

So, in the next few days, Ye Qingxuan and others studied the habits of Tyrannosaurus and started various layouts.

They ambush near the dragon lizard's lair, and killed dozens of dragon lizards by bait. They took out all of their poisonous sacs and poison glands, and added a lot of poisonous grass and catalyst from Duan Sanshi. A dose of potion that can numb dozens of elephants, and trapped a herbivorous stinger, drank the potion, and then placed it on the road that the tyrannosaurus must go out to prey. The rest Yes, just wait patiently.

Sure enough, Ye Qingxuan and others did not wait too long. The violent claw dragon appeared limping. Because of the attack of the ancestor of the dragon, the female Tyrannosaurus was seriously injured and could not hunt, but the right hamstring tendon of the male Tyrannosaurus was injured and the speed could not be fast. So in the past few days, two Tyrannosaurus Completely hungry. It also gave Ye Qingxuan and others a chance to poison.

However, for the dragon beast, any toxin is not fatal, so Duan Sanshi's medicine is only to paralyze the opponent, reducing the opponent's response and speed, and then it must be directly attacked to work.

Although the prey appeared suddenly, this talonaurus kept a little wary, but the nature of hunger finally overcome the doubt. Obviously, the family concept of these animals is not so heavy. The hungry big guy first satisfied his stomach. After a big hurry, after a short while, the tyrannosaurus claw dragon appeared instability, and the thick tail fluttered. Tossing around, taking a few steps like a drunk.

"Okay, let's go!" Duan Sanshi screamed violently, and the brothers immediately shed their swords and rushed towards the confused Dragonclaw Dragon.

The first to attack was Ye Qingxuan. The two swords that originally wanted to blind the opponent's eyes were swayed by the sudden claw of Dragon Claw Dragon, and nailed to the scales. It's just that the Xiaguang of the "Seven Swords of the Lingzhu" shook the face of Tyrannosaurus. Thus. The brothers who rushed over suddenly became a little fuzzy in its eyes.

As imagined, Ye Qingxuan's attack stopped the action of Tyrannosaurus for an instant.

After a moment's look, the action of Tyrannosaurus was stunned.

At the forefront is IWC, a heavy weapon.

For the opportunity created by Ye Qingxuan, Wan Guotai effectively used it. He rushed to the front of Tyrannosaurus in one breath, and the blue dragon 偃月刀 carried an anxious heat wave. Aim at Tyrannosaurus's long neck and chop it down.

Without any fancy action, it is the purest giant chopping!

He carried Qinglong Yueyue knife on his shoulder, then leaned back and began to charge. This set of actions by Wan Guotai seemed to make some people worry that his muscles would be forcibly broken, but the body that bounced back turned them all into the power of slashing.

Drink it!

With the shouting of heartbreaking lungs, the force that had been accumulated to the limit was released at once.

With the strength of the twisted muscles when they returned to their original shape, Qinglong Yueyue Sword was lifted high. At this time, based on the legs that were split off, I used the rotation of the waist and the torque of the shoulders to accelerate it again. Puffed out in this knife, "wheezed". The broadsword burned on the way of waving, and the entire Qinglong broadsword became red like an iron.


The scene was full of fire. The power was like igniting a gasoline canister.

The sound of scale breaking is also mixed in.

The extremely violent blow accurately hit Tyrannosaurus's neck, and judging from the feel, Wan Guotai even felt that the force penetrated the target's body deeply this time.

Huh? !!

Tyrannosaurus' head was slammed aside, his huge body fell to the other side, and started to shake a little, but after two steps, he did not fall down.

However, this strike from IWC also seemed to give some drowsy Tyrannosaurus a sense of sobriety, and the severe pain also inspired the fierceness of Tyrannosaurus.

Wan Guotai, who was right on target with the first shot, was excited to lift the big knife again, ready to cut the second one. However, the furious Tyrannosaurus's subconscious counterattack interrupted the second attack of IWC.

"Be careful, get down!"

When Wan Guotai heard Ye Qingxuan's angry voice, it was too late.


A wild lan appeared from the side ...

"not good!"

Just as Wan Guotai realized what would happen next, a fierce shock blasted his body very easily.

At that moment, too much intensive IWC had made a wrong judgment about the timing of shortening the distance, and on the spot was severely pumped by the tail of a Tyrannosaurus that nearly turned over.

"damn it!"

The hook sickle gun in the flowery hand behind Wan Guotai just handed it over at this time. The upper hook directly hooked to the claw dragon and left a little Achilles tendon, sinisterly towards its old wound, but Because of IWC's attack, its legs and feet changed direction.

When Wan Guotai was blown out, Ruhua monk hooked the talons of Tyrannosaurus and lifted it suddenly. The strange beast, which had been standing unstable, fell to the front of the crowd.

"Haha, come on!" Meng Yuanzhang and Jiang Shuihan arrived at this time, yelling and rushing towards the target.

Tyrannosaurus also noticed Meng Yuanzhang and others again. Although lying on the ground, when he got up in the future, he turned his upper body and turned his horror head towards the crowd.

嗷 ——!

It growled and then responded.

I saw Tyrannosaurus greatly opening his jaws with sharp teeth side by side, striding towards the river cold.

Jiang Shui quietly gave up the previous offensive line, flashed agilely to the side, and thus escaped the assault of Tyrannosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus, which had lost its target, bit the empty space with a single bite.

If Jiang Shuihan was bitten, let alone him, even the strong arrogant [Rohan Gold Body], like a flower monk, would be penetrated by its sharp teeth, and would be extremely traumatized and even directly killed.

Although he felt chills in his back when he thought of this situation, Jiang Shuihan, who was always calm, still took advantage of this opportunity to reach behind the unsuspecting Tyrannosaurus.

Obviously, Jiang Shuihan's purpose was to assault Tyrannosaurus and attract its attention. The blue sword in his hand aimed at the roots of Tyrannosaurus's unscaled tail and stabbed him in the past.

Perhaps the insignificant fellow of Lao Meng Liu will choose the chrysanthemum of Tyrannosaurus.

Jiang Shuihan, who has always been serious, does not know why this idea suddenly appeared in his mind at this time.

嗞 ——

The blue sword severely pierced the base of the Talon's tail. Although there are no scales here, the blade still rubs against the tight skin of the Talon.

Almost at the time when the blue sword was in the roots ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jiang Shuihan swung up, and by his posture, he pulled the sword in his hand to make a huge opening in the wound.


Tyrannosaurus coughed and screamed, and the entire tail was severely damaged, but the entire sword was inserted into the depth, and it had not yet touched the bones of the strange beast, but it did hurt the tendons and blood vessels. Blood water spewed out.

The raging Tyrannosaurus turned back to find the culprit that hurt him, and Jiang Shuihan turned from behind Tyrannosaurus to the front. The opponent's huge body was too much room for advancement and retreat.

Frontal Duan Sanshi and Meng Yuanzhang started a harassment attack. They stood there constantly attacking with dazzling movements, but in fact the two of them didn't do much at all,

It seemed that before the innate match against Ye Qingxuan, all the luck of Ye Qingxuan had been used up. His six-handed swords were all stuck on the scales of Tyrannosaurus, and he had to attack with a long sword. (To be continued ...)

PS: 5000 words update is offered.

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