Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 58: Jingyuan Lingbing

The most powerful of the two Tyrannosaurus was removed.

The scene was a mess, the range of two hundred meters was almost razed to the ground, and the splashing dragon blood was scattered everywhere.

Brothers Ye Qingxuan and others sat panting breathlessly not far from the corpse of Tyrannosaurus. The most precious blood had been collected. Using the fertile membrane of a fern in the ground, it was made into a huge pocket, which was full. How high a person's blood is.

The most valuable part of this strange beast was also taken down. A fist-sized, pure white, translucent spar was put in Meng Yuanzhang's arms.

This is the source of the alien beast, which contains the essence of the alien beast's body and even the soul, which is extremely precious.

At this time, everyone was sitting on the ground, while recovering their strength, watching Duan Sanshi examining the body of Wan Guotai.

Ye Qingxuan also sat next to him, inputting the true energy to observe the reason why Wan Guotai suddenly became a Super Saiyan.

"It's okay, Big Brother is fainted due to severe physical and vital energy consumption, and it's okay to let him sleep ..." The first thing I talked about was Duan Sanshi, who determined the cause of the fainting at IWC and then stuffed it. Several pills of IWC supplementing vitality and speeding up recovery.

Ye Qingxuan also withdrew his hand to visit the meridians at this time, and sighed, saying: "Big brother actually opened the entrance to life and death at this time. I really ca n’t imagine that he would dare to do such a dangerous thing in a fight, and he was not afraid. Get into trouble. "

"Is that all right then, isn't that big brother?" Everyone asked tentatively.

"Like the third brother's conclusion, sleep is okay." Ye Qingxuan sat back on the ground and said, "Now my brother is the same as me. They have already opened the entrance to life and death. You can choose to enter the innate at any time. But only The explosive power generated by opening the entrance to life and death should not be enough to form such a mighty offensive. What happened just now? "

Everyone was puzzled, and they all looked at the hill split in half with a knife.

"Perhaps there are problems with the weapon besides the human ..." Meng Yuanzhang, who had been holding the green dragon moon knife next to him, suddenly said that when everyone looked at him doubtfully, he immediately compared the blue dragon moon moon knife in his hand. "This guy is an old antique with no cutting edge. I think everyone has seen the change of the baby just now. It should be said that if the elder brother's knife gas should also be the" fire "formed by the" burning wood knife method ", but that moment . Obviously it's not the fire, so don't you think it's strange? "

As soon as Ye Qingxuan reached out, Qinglong Yueyue Knife flew directly from Meng Yuanzhang's arms and flew into his own hands. A few brothers also gathered around and looked carefully at the sword that had previously given off the green light, but at this moment it was silent again.

The thick and simple big knife and the exquisite embossed pattern do not feel fancy at all, but only add the mysterious atmosphere of the sword itself.

Since the purchase of this eight-pin blue dragon moon knife. I haven't seen it carefully, and I have been held tightly in my hands by the baby. Therefore, the material of this knife and the like have never been studied, and this time I took the opportunity to study it carefully, and really saw some problems.

The embossed blue dragon on the sword was never seen in metal. It seemed pure black, but it was actually a very thick blue. Ye Qingxuan struck two knives vigorously with his nine-pronged Lingzizi sword, but he failed to leave any traces.

This kind of metal is like a metal wire on a circuit board, and runs through the entire blade body, basically it is the structure of the entire blue dragon.

"The role of this metal should be more than just shining, right?" Ye Qingxuan asked softly.

"Of course not," Meng Yuanzhang walked over and said, "and the things above are not metal ..."

"what is that?"

When they heard it, they were all surprised and looked down carefully.

Meng Yuanzhang took several fist-sized spar from his arms and threw it to everyone.

"It's this thing!"

"Another Beast Crystal Source !?" The crowd cried out almost at the same time.

What Meng Yuanzhang lost was the crystal source dug from the alien beast horned dragon and tyrannosaurus. This thing contains the essence of these two alien beasts. The master of the innate peaks smelted the essence inside, and he can make himself The congenital qi of Qi is activated, and when it is shot, the Qi that originally had no power attributes will also bring the attributes unique to the strange beast to let its own power go to the next level, and it is also a necessary means to step back to vanity.

Ye Qingxuan busily looked down again at those thin lines that were integrated with Qinglong's sword. It was unimaginable that someone had completely melted the alien beast crystal source and fused it with the weapon. It has always been thought that this thing is only a necessity for innate peak masters, and what is useful is only the essence of it. Never thought that the crystal source like a vessel itself has such a use.

Duan Sanshi on the side also took a closer look at the translucent alien beast crystal source like the ice cube of Tyrannosaurus, and said softly: "The method of melting the alien beast crystal source has long been lost in the world. I remember It has been recorded on an orphan that I saw in the early years. This thing can only be activated by innate innocence, the essence of the strange beast in Jingyuan can activate the innate innocence of innate masters, and the crystal source itself as the essence carrier can activate weapons and armor ... ... I thought these were just legends and speculations, but I didn't expect that today I could see the real thing! "

"So, when the elder brother broke through the entrance to life and death, the innate qi in his body was triggered, so did he activate this Qinglong Yueyue knife?" Ye Qingxuan asked with some disbelief.

"That should be the case."

Everyone stared again at the heavy sword.

"The crystal source on this big knife is covered with a thin knife in the form of thin lines. This should not be a purely beautiful design. It definitely has the effect of strengthening and accelerating the innate innocence. Otherwise, even if the boss is exhausted, he will not be able to send it. That power can split the sky! "Meng Yuanzhang once again expressed his thoughts, and everyone could not help but nodded.

The boulder that was cut apart by a knife in the distance can definitely be achieved by a master in the middle stage of "Congenital Realm". Ye Qingxuan measured in his heart that this knife should have the innate peak master "Broken Halberd" that was encountered in Yunlan Township that year. Qian Duao's five or six points are powerful.

Of course, the actual IWC did not have this strength, but the innate infuriation in his body activated the weapon, and then the inferior infuriated qi was cleaned by this knife, and even severely overdrawn. Otherwise, IWC will not be exhausted because of the use of Qi.

"It is said that several soldiers in the world have this design. How can they be called soldiers if they are simply stacked with materials?" Meng Yuan slang continued without surprise.

"Ah, wouldn't it?" Ruhua monk opened her mouth and sighed loudly, "Will it be the boss's sword, or the magic soldier? Can it be compared to my" No World in Magic "!?"

"Of course not!" Meng Yuanzhang said with a smile: "Listen to my master once said that the magic soldiers in this world were basically formed thousands of years ago. At that time, Jingyuan fusion technology was extremely superb. What we now call Jiupin weapons belong to the category of mortal soldiers. Only weapons that are integrated with Jingyuan can be called spiritual soldiers. Among them, the superb weapons, even legends, already possess spirituality and even affect the master's luck. It is a magic soldier. The birth of this magic soldier always carries a strong sign of the omen, and even the legend says that the selection of the master by the magic soldier has occurred, which is very amazing ... "

Ye Qingxuan thought with a little headache, what kind of situation is this, how can people make strangely think of "Shen Bing Xuan Qi"? Too violating ...

"Yeah, yeah, you just continue to blow ..." Ruhua monk shook her head disdainfully, "Return the soldiers to choose the master. Are there any stories about the soldiers who love the master?"

"Of course I do," Meng Yuanzhang said exaggeratedly, "The **** sword of the Beiming family once had the phenomenon of sword controlling people's hearts. At that time, the great son of the Beiming family had a mad heart. , Killed more than 300 masters at the contest, and was shot and killed by Master Beiming in the palm of your hand ... This is recorded in "Wulinzhi", please do n’t you have to read more!

"The boss is willing to watch!"

The evil soldiers deceive people! ?

How does it feel like "Feng Yun" has appeared? The replacement of the Blood Sword with the Fire Lin Sword is also fully established!

Everyone was arguing with each other. Ye Qingxuan touched the green dragon and moon moon knife in his hands a bit stupidly. If it was thousands of years ago, it should be called "spirit soldier". Although the spiritual soldiers have not been seen to be stronger than the ordinary soldiers, taking their own "Spirit Sword" as an example, it is still possible to cut off certain spiritual soldiers.

But Fan Bing has nothing extraordinary except its own material, and it is an indisputable fact that Spirit Soldiers can provide special abilities to its holders. The knife in front of it can at least strengthen the qi, but unfortunately it can only be activated by innate qi, otherwise Ye Qingxuan and others have the means to challenge the masters.

It's just that at this time, Ye Qingxuan, looking at the blue dragon and the moon knife in his hand, always had a weird sense of familiarity.

However, when I was looking for such familiar things ~ www.readwn.com ~, I always couldn't remember, so Ye Qingxuan became agitated.

"This spirit soldier sounds a bit like 'external meridian grafting'!" The cold water in Jiang Shui's words made everyone shut their mouths.

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Jiang Shuihan shrugged his shoulders unexpectedly and said, "I just mentioned it casually. Well, the two are arranged outside the body, one is by the meridians of the other beast, the other is Relying on the crystal source of other beasts, they also provide the ability that the human body does not have ... so, that's why I say so ... "

"Old man, you are a genius!" Ye Qingxuan rushed over, hugging Jiang Shuihan's head, and there was a sip in his forehead.

If he finds the melting method of Jingyuan again, Ye Qingxuan thinks it is possible to re-master the method of refining "spirit soldiers". This kind of epoch-making weapon manufacturing method can definitely make the Kunwu faction's strength and A qualitative leap in influence. (To be continued ...)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

Yesterday's deficiencies were made up later. It should be possible tonight.

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