Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 59: Return from adventure

Feeling that another unknown world appeared in front of his eyes, Ye Qingxuan was full of the excitement of discovering a new continent.

Ye Qingxuan was here to study the blue dragon and the moon knife like a baby, and everyone was talking about the martial art civilization that flourished thousands of years ago. The time passed unconsciously for more than ten hours. When Wan Guotai was awake from his deep sleep, everyone Hunting for the last Tyrannosaurus is also at the implementation stage.

The battle in this battle was much more than expected.

Because the food provided by the tyrannosaurus is not available, in fact, both tyrannosaurus have not eaten for more than seven days. For a behemoth such as the tyrannosaurus, being unable to eat for so long will undoubtedly weaken its body to a certain extent .

The original injury also worsened. When Ye Qingxuan and others attacked it, he couldn't even make a full-scale slam. The movement of lowering his head was extremely painful. In fact, even if Ye Qingxuan did not come, this beast It ca n’t survive for a few days, unless it eats some of the fastest recovering heavenly treasures. Legend has it that these dragons and beasts like to live by keeping some heavenly treasures, but obviously the two are best killed by killing them. Fun Talons don't have this hobby.

The battle was over in an hour.

Without outsiders' interference, Ye Qingxuan brothers packed all the valuable parts of the alien beast very carefully. Some internal organs that could be used for medicine were roasted and ground with Duan Sanshi and packed in several hemp bags.

"It's so sharp, it's so strong!" Meng Yuanzhang held a **** object that was more than two feet in his hand, and swiped sharply, and then easily split a stone, but the **** object did not have any scratches. .

Meng Yuanzhang is holding the famous weapon of Tyrannosaurus, and his sharp nails.

Two Tyrannosaurus. The hardest part of the body is the nail that can be freely carved on the broken dragon stone. This nail has a sharp tip. But it is very stout in itself. Ye Qingxuan and others worked hard to collect only six. Tyrannosaurus toenails are completely useless.

This material is the same as the one-horned horned iron horned dragon, which is a natural weapon of these fierce beasts. Of course, the claws of Tyrannosaurus are more precious in quality.

Although the nails of Tyrannosaurus were a little shorter, only a little more than two feet, a good craftsman was found, with a handle. Enough to create six nine-pin baby weapons.

The main thing is that this unexpected move, everyone got the materials that can be operated on Zhan Yu.

The meridians on the two claw dragon claws were removed by Duan Sanshi, and were sealed and preserved. These massive high-quality veins are sufficient to cure the meridians of the show feathers, and there is even a lot of surplus.

"The meridians on this claw dragon's claws are extremely strong and have abilities," Duan Sanshi said seriously. "Of course, said that the power of the claw dragon is a bit elevated. It is actually a violent beast, The power that comes with it is the fierce strength and sharpness of finger claws. "

Duan Sanshi then smiled. Said: "With these meridians, not only can the second brother's left hand be cured, but also the boy's hands, and they can even strengthen their claws and take their hands to the next level."

Ye Qingxuan also nodded and said, "Three brothers are right. The newly obtained" Beast Beast Map "is exactly related to the original one. Several original maps of the external meridians were restored. One of them is to strengthen the power. What I need is the core meridian of this power-type alien beast. When I look back and understand it, I will try it out. "

The first candidate who appeared in Ye Qingxuan's mind was the boy Gui Guisheng, who was definitely an unpolluted experimental candidate.

"Pick up your stuff and we'll turn around immediately." Wan Guotai shouted excitedly.

"it is good--"

Everyone echoed.

Ye Qingxuan and others turned carefully and cautiously, nothing unexpected happened.

The adventure of this one ended successfully, and the gain was great.

The gold and silver treasures were countless, and the brothers discussed with them. Except for leaving a part as expenditure, the rest was treated as investment and handed over to Ye Qingxuan and Jiang Shuihan.

The two money will naturally be provided to the Kunwu faction and the Dajiang League, especially the reconstruction of Kunwu Mountain requires a large amount of silver. Roughly calculated, the gold that is distributed to Ye Qingxuan is converted into silver for hard currency. Hundreds of millions of dollars, this huge sum is enough to start building the main hall strongly recommended by Lubotong on Kunwu Mountain.

The majestic sanctuary that is fascinating on the model is definitely a symbol of the highest honor of the Kunwu School. The pure white marble base, the majestic and majestic main building, and the super bright lighting design, the space of four floors up and down ... The most important thing is that it looks good enough and has an absolute look.

With this hall, the Kunwu faction can be regarded as a real reopening of the school and opened the mountain gate. Otherwise, there is a wasteland, where is the door to be opened?

Ye Qingxuan and others hired a team of chariots and horses and returned with the loot. The hearts of the brothers were on their throats, and they were afraid of being robbed, but they were calm along the way. When they got on the boat, they encountered nothing Accidentally, smoothly and smoothly returned to Dajiang League along the way.

Upon arriving at Dajiang League, Ye Qingxuan received a letter from Mei Yinxue through Dajiang League's relay.

After regaining Kunwu Mountain, Mei Yinxue has been staying in Yunlan Township, and accompanied her sister-in-law, Situ Ling Feng, in the letter. Although the father-in-law is indifferent in nature, it is really nothing to her He said that pointing Wu Yi has done his best and usually has a lot of love and care, that is, he has no feelings for Ye Qingxuan, and he has been called several times about his little white face, little **** stick, etc., and Mei Yinxue knocked sideways numerous times. After that, it was confirmed that his first dislike for Ye Qingxuan was that he could not be affectionate!

The most important point of view and evidence of her grandfather is, "I can't concentrate on a sword warrior with a sword. Can a woman concentrate on one person?"

At the same time, the "knife" also pointed out that if you can't focus on one point, it is difficult to reach the extreme of martial arts. Using this sentence, came from Mei Yinxue's mouth, and undoubtedly, Situ Lingfeng's last salvation of Ye Qingxuan.

People who always think of "winning with odds" and "both big and small" often have bad intentions and are often opportunistic because they always think about how to get the maximum benefits and returns with the least cost, which is doomed to them. The actions of ordinary people will not be the path that ordinary people have to follow, and they will become the first choice of these so-called "smart people."

In Stuart Lingfeng's eyes, Ye Qingxuan who was holding a pile of broken swords and posing in a sword array is such a quick-working, unrealistic warrior. Maybe Ye Qingxuan can step into the innate, or even return to vanity, but he will never Reaching the peak of kendo, you will never find the extreme of martial arts, and you cannot find any meaning in the level of "dao".

In fact, Ye Qingxuan knew very well that Situ Lingfeng was right. People who are too complicated in mind, although seemingly clever, often lacked concentration and perseverance.

However, at that time, he chose the "Seven Souls of the Nine Dragons", which was also forced by the situation. Even now, he will not give up this strategy of using swords. He can use fewer swords and still use his sword. Unless one day, Kun The strength of my faction can fully cope with any crisis, and when he does not need to deal with so many enemies alone, this sword technique will reach the end of its mission.

Of course, the existence of the "Seven Souls of the Soul" does not hinder Ye Qingxuan's pursuit of Kendo. In more and more cases, Ye Qingxuan will respect the model of one person and one sword to realize the limits of Kendo.

Ye Qingxuan needed to sharpen, but integrated his kendo.

The "Wulin Holy Land" trip is undoubtedly the most suitable time.

In Mei Yinxue's letter, she said that she was going to return to Sushang Palace, and did not say what to do, but Ye Qingxuan clearly felt Mei Yinxue's decisiveness and infinite friendship to herself.

As a disciple of Sushang Palace, Mei Yinxue's premise of receiving strong support from Sushang Palace is that she is always single and cannot fall in love with anyone.

This is a cruel choice, but in the mood of that year, it was not surprising that Mei Yinxue made this lonely lifelong decision. But now she has him ...

How to face your own teacher is an extremely difficult task.

Ye Qingxuan never asked and never mentioned this because he was afraid that Mei Yinxue would face such a cruel choice, and he was also afraid of Mei Yinxue's choice ...

What if she chose not to be with me?

But in this letter, Ye Qingxuan has read out Mei Yinxue's choice, she will be with herself ...

Ye Qingxuan was so anxious that she wanted to face this cruel choice with Mei Yinxue, but in her letter, Mei Yinxue resolutely denied the decision that Ye Qingxuan was likely to make, warning him that he must never step into the prime The skirt palace is half a step.

Ye Qingxuan closed the letter and sighed with relief, murmuring, "Yinxue, even if you don't say it, I know you are afraid that your master will be bad for me, especially your master who is known for his coldness— —'Han Bing Fairy 'Qiu Bing'e ... but you go back alone ... how can I feel relieved? "

I hope everything goes well ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ye Qingxuan can only comfort himself.

Sushang Palace, a place where all the women are, and also listed as one of the top ten schools, is not much worse than the legendary Guanghan Palace, which is as beautiful and as cold ...

Mei Yinxue, in white clothes, stood alone in a pavilion, looking far into the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Sushang Palace, the most beautiful is snow, the most is also snow. For hundreds of years, even for thousands of years, it has been so white and blank, nothing.

The people here are as cold and indifferent as their hearts are. It is not impersonal ice, but just as indifferent as a monk ...

But outside this pavilion, there is a red plum, in the pale world, stubbornly blooming her own red, as stubborn as her Mei Yinxue. (To be continued ...)

ps: Basic three and two.

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