Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 102: As a dog is a tiger

Ye Qingxuan ran [Tayi Xuanyuan Ningyu Gong] once again, and transported his qi to his feet. The jade system of exorcism and poisoning immediately pushed the ant poison out of the wound on the sole of the foot, and followed the swelling wound. The smelly, transparent liquid erupted suddenly, and the left foot was originally red and swollen like a light bulb. It didn't take long to recover the original shape. Except for the red spot in the wound, Ye Qingxuan had no sense of discomfort.

Fortunately, when the opportunity was bad, I ran away immediately, otherwise I fell into the ant's nest and was slightly slower enough to be killed by the ant poison.

The venom in the mouth of this strange ant makes people feel a pain, which is more uncomfortable than any poison. Just the bite of an ant has made Ye Qingxuan feel pain and irresistible. How dare you stay and suffer How many bites?

I did not expect that the natural environment of the "Wulin Holy Land" is so bad, it is only in the periphery of the core city. If it really penetrates into this barren land, even if the martial arts are peerless, I am afraid that I will not be able to survive.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Li Daozong, who also had a swollen calf, and could not understand how the boy's uncle survived.

Li Daozong is also working hard to push the poison. The [Bone Rebirth Recipe] of Yijianzhuangzhuang can save him even if he was seriously injured and dying at the time. Of course, removing this ant poison is not a problem. After a while, the redness on the calf disappeared completely.

Li Daozong got up, only to find that Ye Qingxuan, who was also poisoned by ants, had already cleared the toxins one step earlier, and he could not help but frown and snorted. I didn't expect this sly boy to have such skills, and he could not help but add protection to Ye Qingxuan A layer.

This is a mountain above, and far below the mountain on the left. That is the ant's nest. Even if the distance is more than a hundred miles. But the blood was still drifting from there, but the hundreds of wolves on that land were almost gone.

The ant acids of the red weird ants decomposed the flesh of the allo wolf into small meat balls, which were moved into the ground by a large number of ant colonies and became the food of these bugs.

Not long ago, these strange wolves who were chasing Ye Qingxuan and others were cursing, but now they can't help but sigh for these poor guys who have no bones.

This is the real world.

Weak meat and strong food are the laws of nature and the laws of mankind. It's just that nature's biological method is more direct, and human behavior is hidden under various excuses and morals. In fact, there is essentially no difference between the two.

On the right side of the mountain beam, everyone's next destination. At a glance they saw a large area of ​​the woods beyond their sight. Just used to see the desolation on the plain, separated by a mountain beam, and then looked at this lush green shade, can not help but feel cool.

The woodlands are long, and many of them are exposed with white hills, which are rolling granite hills. Finally, cross the plateau. At least two hundred miles to the northwest, they saw a white mountain top shining in the sun.

It was a mountain with snow on top.

Their destination, the nearest sanctuary to Phoenix Harbor, was there, just above the snow-capped mountains.

At this time, it was late, Ye Qingxuan looked at the forest under his feet, and said loudly, "It seems that we are going to spend one night on this mountain beam. I don't want to visit the forest at night ..."

"Yeah, yeah, the Sajia don't want to!" Ruhua said: "The black lamp is blind. What if you step on a bug? Weird ..."

Ye Qingxuan murmured angrily. This rammed goods is always different from the normal entry point of normal humans when looking at problems.

Xiahou Qingfeng laughed: "It seems we are looking for a sheltered place to rest. The terrain here is too high and the mountain wind is very hard."

Xiahou Qingfeng went on to say: "Let ’s go and find some firewood. The more the better, the temperature is too low at night, which is bad for the body. Although we can rely on the Qi to resist all this, it will still consume the Qi too much, which is not conducive to protracted war Also, when everyone is full of vitality, we must instill the excess vitality into 'Crystal Shield'. At the critical moment, the energy of 'Crystal Shield' is enough for us to support for a while ... "

"Well! Who do you think you are?" Zhao Qingting stood up and went to the other side to sit down, ignoring Xiahou Qingfeng's opinions completely. However, Ye Qingxuan still saw his opponent's right hand hiding under the cloak holding something tightly ...

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sneer and smiled secretly: he simply agreed with the opinions of others, pretending to be disobedient in character. Today's young people are already rebellious for rebellion, and only pursue form, as if they have listened to others. They will be looked down upon. It is hard to know that such an attitude is really childish and ridiculous.

Without saying a word, Li Daozong got up and shot into the forest under the mountain beam. After a while, his body slammed into the jungle, and a gurgling sound came. Before long, a thick pine tree turned to one side. Dump, then the second, the third ...

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, muttering to himself: "The Li family's sword logging is so sharp? But this rich child doesn't know that the bonfire needs dry firewood to not smoke?"

As soon as Ye Qingxuan said this, Zhao Qingting and Xia Hou Qingfeng turned their heads in confusion.

Or Xiahou Qingfeng asked, "Why? The fresher the better, the better?"

"You are talking about green vegetables, not firewood!" Ye Qingxuan was furious, and the second generation of the rich group was sometimes very manic and too outrageous. I really came to play the role of nanny.

Zheng Zhantang grabbed the wick and added some lamp oil, and the lights swelled up, rushing the darkness before dawn to all corners of the room. Zheng Zhantang's figure slowly stretched under the light, and at the same time, another figure appeared in the corner of the room.

Zheng Zhantang didn't lift his head. He sat quietly under the lamp, took out a solitary verse, and said lightly, "It seems you are very leisurely, but you would come to see me in person ..."

The figure in the corner slowly walked into the area illuminated by the lights, but still carefully did not let his figure appear on the window.

A wrinkled, kind-faced old man sat at Zheng Zhantang's table, took out a silver jug ​​and a silver wine glass from his arms, and even poured himself in front of Zheng Zhantang.

The old man drank three glasses of wine before putting it in the glass, and sighed, "I haven't seen you for a long time, and you've got a deeper understanding of acting. Obviously it's a tiger, but you want to be a dog for decades. It must be very hot, right? "

Zheng Zhantang took the jug from the old man, and without a cup, he poured a large mouthful into his mouth, and saw the old man frown.

"Isn't Bingyu Hansui Wine so drunk, you don't have to be afraid that your internal organs will become a piece of icedora?"

Zheng Zhantang laughed aloud, "You are still an old thing. You are still the oldest turtle in the‘ Six Royals ’of the holy gate, thanks to your old turtle. Unfortunately, after all these years, you have not grown up.”

The old man grinned, but grabbed the jug in Zheng Zhantang's hand without any shame, shoved it directly into his arms, and refused to take it out.

This old man is no one else but the master of Xuanwu who is one of the "Six Royals of the Magic Gate".

Zheng Zhantang smiled and said, "These days are the happiest days for me. But like you said, being a dog and being called for so many years, there is a fire in my heart. I ’m using your cold wine to suppress the fire. You still So reluctant? "

"Reluctantly, reluctantly ..." The old man laughed, "But okay, I don't think you can keep your identity for a long time, you know, the plan of the Holy Gate is about to be fully implemented soon, and now the most important thing is It is to stabilize Fengyi Pavilion and restrain the hands and feet of the court ... "

Zheng Zhantang laughed: "Rest assured, I have put up with it for so long, how can I relax at this last critical moment?"

Then Zheng Zhantang sneered suddenly, seemingly casually asking: "How come I heard that Qinglong made a mistake?"

Xuanwu Yuzhu pulled a corner of his mouth, and laughed: "It seems that you are very happy to hear about the Qinglong accident ... you have to fight him for so many years?"

Zheng Zhantang sneered.

Xuanwu Sovereign sighed and said, "Well, the Lord most of the time was the two of you. For the holy plan, you sent one of you to Kunwu Mountain and one to Rulin Academy. You With a seedling, the two of you are the most productive, and so a large group of almost 5,000 disciples, less than a hundred people have survived, why bother to fight ... "

"Struggle? What is he worth fighting for? I entered the Rulin Academy and eventually reached the position of" Wu Xiang ", playing tricks on the court and Fengyi Pavilion. What did he do? Entering Kunwu Mountain, eventually He also gave birth to a disciple with the disciples of the other party, and the power of Kunwu Mountain is still resurrected to this day ... What is his ability better than me? Why is he at the same level as me and what qualifications do he have? "

Xuanwu Yuzhu smiled and shook his head and said, "Look at you running for decades in the position of Wu Xiang. I thought you had lost your pride when you were young. Oh, well, well, I never thought you would be so competitive ... … After I go back, I will explain to the Lord, I believe that your achievements are clear in the heart, but when the gate is used, Qinglong is extraordinary in strength and still has value to use ... "

Xuanwu stood up and retreated into the darkness, and said softly, "It's not early, I'm leaving."

"No delivery—"

Zheng Zhantang blew out the lights beside him ~ www.readwn.com ~ and immediately fell into darkness, but there were still two small dots that were bright, which were Zheng Zhantang's brilliant eyes.

Xuanwu is gone ...

Zheng Zhantang was silent at this time, sitting quietly in the darkness—

Hmm, Huangfu Jingde regarded me as an obedient dog, Zhuo Qingfan regarded me as an obedient dog, and even the holy gate treated me as a dog ...

As everyone knows, sometimes the dogs around you are the most dangerous!

When he bit his own master, the master had no defense and was bound to win. And they all seem to have forgotten the most important point-Zheng Zhantang is not a dog, he is a tiger, a white tiger disguised as a loyal dog!

He is one of the Six Tigers of the Holy Gate! (To be continued ...)

ps: Moving tomorrow, changing the network cable, and cleaning up the room, it is estimated that it will take two days to chase ... I really do not want to disrupt the April update rhythm.

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