Huang Fu Taiming followed closely behind An Zhongxin, with two eunuchs leading in front of and behind, crossing the corridor of Jingyang Palace, and walking towards the imperial garden in the back of Jingyang Palace.

Where there is no sound at this point, the foot sounds under the feet are particularly harsh.

Facing An Zhongxin, the **** director, the minions of Jingyang Palace no matter how arrogant they did not dare to stop, they respectfully led the way and walked towards the palace palace.

Before the crowd, a little **** had long accused the emperor and the concubine Jin of the arrival of the emperor. At this time, An Zhongxin still looked like an aging person, and walked very slowly, as if he would fall on the spot at any time, leaving Huangfu Taiming in his heart Disgusting. With his straightforward temperament, he hates others pretending to be in front of him.

On the mountainside in the distance, a ventilated octagonal pavilion stands suddenly on the edge of the cliff, and the cliff is on three sides, the situation is dangerous. It's late at night, but the lights in the octagonal pavilion are brightly lit, and the white gauze hanging on the periphery obstructs the scene inside, but the singing and dancing sounds and the graceful figures constantly changing on the white gauze are enough to explain that. What is the old emperor doing ...

When Huang Fu Taiming followed An Zhongxin to the pavilion, the singing and dancing in it didn't stop, but because it was closer, it became more noisy.

An Zhongxin turned back to Huangfu Taiming and said, "The 13th Lord is also asked to wait outside. The slaves will go in and play, and there will be a call, but ..."

Huangfu Taiming said for a moment, and said congratulations, "An father-in-law, but it doesn't matter."

An Zhongxin nodded, and approached Huang Fu Taiming and said, "Even if there is any unknown in the heart, you should not smash your head. Don't mix your mouth with Jin Fei ..."

Huang Fu Taiming was originally angry. I want to question myself this ridiculous father. But when I heard An Zhongxin say this, my heart couldn't help but think about it, I couldn't think of my own mind being read out, and I saw that I had lost my place. Instead of violently conflicting with my father, let ’s be patient for a while. What opportunity to recover the defeat.

"I was worried about the father-in-law, Thirteen knew ..."

An Zhongxin smiled and nodded to Huang Fu Taiming. Then his face collapsed, and a wailing cry, "The emperor, the emperor, something bad is not happening-" and then rushed into the ground.

Huang Fu Taiming twitched his face and cursed, "Stealer!" Old goods!

An Zhongxin tossed and cried, and the singing and dancing in it stopped immediately. After a while, the sound of the table and chairs overturned came, and after a while. The dancers rushed out, panic-stricken.

It seemed that the emperor was angry.

After nine bends and ten bends. After three more seemingly unguarded portals, the **** stopped.

The eunuchs gestured for him to enter on his own.

Huangfu Taiming took a deep breath and slowly walked into the palace. Regardless of whether it is above the court hall or in the court, whether it is the relationship between the king and the court, or the relationship between the father and the son, the person inside makes Huang Fu Taiming unable to get close. No matter how deliberately he contacts, he always feels like that There is a layer of space between people, you can't see or touch them, but you can feel ...

Within Miyazaki, the imperial emperor's respect on the high throne was gloomy, and his eyes were about to spit fire. A beautiful young woman beside him kept stroking his chest and back, his face resentful. It was Princess Jin, sister of Feng Yige and Zhuo Qingfan.

At this moment, Jin Fei was looking coldly, and her eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and she seemed to blame herself for not disturbing their Yaxing, especially for bringing such angry news.

Several court ladies and eunuchs served around the two, An Zhongxin who had just entered the house. At this time, they stood at Huang Fu Jingde's right hand and blinked at Huang Fu Taiming.

Behind the two, four palace-dressed beauties stood with swords, all of which were heavenly fragrant, gold-lined embroidered "Phoenix Spreading Wings" on white background, covered with white soft leather armor, one hand on hips, one sword, Yingzi is so cool, Mei Yujian is even more proud. These female guards are all disciples of Fengyi Pavilion, and they are also Bingfengtang among the three inner halls. Everyone is a first-class swordsman. They obey Jin Jin directly, saying that it is to protect the safety of Jin Jin, and at the same time protect the safety of the emperor. .

Huang Fu Jingde heard the footsteps, raised his head sternly, a face that was too drunk and unrepairable, but a fierce and perverse expression, and at the same time, the sharp eyes looked at him.

Is this my father? The emperor and emperor who spurred the horse and smashed the wind at the time? This is simply an old, confused, still greedy.

Huangfu Taiming could not help but feel sore, respectfully stepped forward, fell to his knees, and said, "Children Taiming met his father!"

"Have you seen the body of Emperor Zhexin?"

The emperor Jing'an mixed with soaring wine, his tone was not smooth, and the pressure was obviously suppressed.

Huangfu Taiming replied: "Yes, son ..."



A piece of golden light flew over and hit Huang Fu Taiming's forehead, a sudden pain came, and then a stream of liquid flowed out of the forehead, flowing Huang Fu Taiming's face.

"Father emperor anger, sons and daughters are guilty!"

Huangfu Taiming knew that he was injured, and the golden jug dropped on the ground was just the thing that hit him. Hurry to the ground, although unknown, but still extremely obedient.

"The emperor is angry!"

Except for Jin Fei and the four female sword guards behind her, all the eunuchs and palace ladies around him, including the **** An Zhongxin, immediately fell to their knees.

Huangfu's beard shook with vigor and yelled: "Since you know that your uncle's fourteenth emperor died, you are a junior, why is there no sadness on your face? Is this your filial piety? I see When you die, you wo n’t cry a tear, what good is it to keep you waiting, drag it out and kill! "

What! ?

This one made everyone present at the scene ...

Why did the emperor suddenly become so violent, did the death of Emperor Fu Zhexin give him so much stimulation?

For a moment, even Princess Jin felt a bit shocked, and wondered how to comfort him.

"The emperor is angry ..."

At the critical moment, An Zhongxin knelt and wept bitterly: "The emperor, don't say such things, my emperor live forever, live a long time, slaves ... slaves ... wow ..."

An Zhongxin cried so much. Which of the eunuchs and maids at the scene dare not cry? Immediately, he cried into a mess, and the buzzing cries caused a mess in his mind. Huangfu Jingde was also distracted. Just now he was stupid about to kill Huangfu Taiming and was left behind. Confused, but even so, Huang Fu Taiming was still sweating.

"Shut up for me, cry?" Huangfu Jingde stood up suddenly, and struck An Zhongxin with a kick, but there was a choke under his feet, obviously still drunk, and growled at the crowd. : "Do you want to die? Would you like to sit in the place where you are? You want to sit on the dragon's chair? Let me tell you, I can't die! This chair, this chair ... Only I can sit ..."

There was a glance around, and everyone was shocked and shocked. When they saw that no one dared to look at each other, they laughed arrogantly, but unexpectedly they just stirred at their feet and fell a dog ...

"His Majesty!"

"Father Emperor!"


The eunuchs and maids of the perimeter were frightened, and rushed together to help the Emperor Jing'an. When he raised his head, it was already blood stained on his face, and three teeth were lost.

Huang Fujing despised no pain, yelling at a little **** with his finger, "Bold minions, dare to make fun of me, drag out, and chop me up and feed the dog!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty ..."

This little eunuch, who was only twenty years old, was the little **** who blocked Huang Fu Taiming and other ministers from seeing him at noon. This was a concubine of Princess Jin, who had never mocked Huang Fu's respect, but had been facing the kneeling Huang Fu. Taiming sneered. After all, I was scolded by Xiaodou in the morning, and I felt hatred in my heart. I was very happy to see the emperor Taiming being punished, but I didn't expect the emperor to suddenly fall, but he always looked down and laughed. From heaven!

The little **** desperately scratched his head for mercy, and even looked beggingly at Jin Fei, hoping that his master could save himself a little life, but this Jin Fei just frowned, and did not want to be angry with the emperor because of a slave, turned his head Go as if you haven't seen it.

Huang Fu Taiming had stepped forward to persuade him. After all, the little **** hated it and would not die.

Huang Futaiming is a man of integrity, and has a scale in his heart. Sometimes, for his own convictions, it seems stupid to do something outsider. This was the case at this time, and Huang Futaiming couldn't just watch his father emperor lose his life due to drunkenness.

Huang Futaiming only struggled for a while ~ ~ he decided to take the initiative to offend this little eunuch.

But when he was about to speak, he was dragged by his back. Huangfu Taiming turned back, only to find that it was the old **** An Zhongxin who was holding him.

The other person shook his head with a heavy expression, signalling that he would not speak out.

Two guards rushed in, grabbed the eunuch's arms and went out. The little **** had a sharp tone and shouted desperately: "Your Majesty spares life! Lady Consort Jin saves her life, slaves never dare, and never Dare ... "

The eunuchs and court ladies all around did not dare to say a word.

This little powerman is annoying. On the weekdays, relying on the trust of Princess Jin, he often doesn't put other people in his eyes. At this moment, when he sees him suffering, although he can't help thinking of gloating, he thinks again. The eminent **** lost his life instantly, but Jin Jin, who was arrogant and arrogant to him, was an expression of disgust, but his heart felt the sorrow of a dead rabbit and fox.

When the little **** was about to be pulled out of the house, the kneeling Huangfu Taiming finally couldn't hold back his emotions and suddenly stood up to stop: "Stop!" (To be continued.)

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