The expansion of the Kunwu faction is indeed beyond everyone's imagination. Even Chu Lingxu and his disciples did not expect that the "Kunwu College" proposed by Ye Qingxuan would have such a huge momentum.

However, all of this is obviously in the pursuit and calculation of Ye Qingxuan.

Some people like conspiracies and tricks, and think that such actions can be invincible. For example, the strategy of the magic gate is mainly based on the conspiracy; while Ye Qingxuan does not know the specific strategy of the magic gate, he cannot respond accordingly. Sexual methods cannot be broad and weak, but weak and strong, but Ye Qingxuan's method is more direct. The establishment of the "Kunwu Academy" is the product of dealing with the enemy. No matter what the enemy's conspiracy is, I will use my own Increased strength. When the enemy's conspiracy is carried out, I can rely on my strength to easily confront it. This is Yang conspiracy.

The conspiracy is invincible, but under the conspiracy, even if the enemy can see clearly, it is extremely difficult to stop.

The architecture of "Kunwu College" is based on the manuscripts written by Ye Qingxuan and finally formed after discussions among the public. The most powerful people on the surface are Chu Lingxu and his six apprentice He Qingzhu, but they play a leading role The mysterious person in action is Ji Guanglan, who is hiding in Kunwu Mountain.

Ji Guanglan, who understands the importance of Ye Qingxuan ’s move, fully realized the university model introduced by Ye Qingxuan. With the goal of gathering popularity and strength in a very short time, he pushed the reborn Kunwu faction to the Shenwu continent. Martial arts faction. Er, at least it is not weaker in fame than any other famous school, especially those that have contributed by Ye Qingxuan can be used as a bargaining chip, and they have open admission conditions. The Kunwu faction stood at the pinnacle of the martial arts school almost instantly. A little ambitious and a little dreamy young man. Almost swarming. After gaining great fame, the Kunwu faction also gained rapid expansion.

As Huangfu Jingde guessed, the rich martial arts knowledge of the Kunwu faction is the foundation of the Li faction, but the lack of actual record is an indisputable fact. Even though Ye Qingxuan, who is now an "assistant", can be regarded as the idol of the young martial arts, the masters above the innate level have no special performance. Although Chu Lingxu and Suzaku have been conveyed to the gods, but the magic gate The strength of the master is not familiar to ordinary people. So there is no direct concept.

This weakness has also been discovered by many experts. The Kunwu faction has recently received a lot of challenge letters from famous martial arts. After all, the well-known Kunwu faction has a reputation that attracts people's attention, but it is not enough to be praised and feared. Congenital masters sit in the town and challenge such a martial art. Although they have won all over the world, even if they lose, they can't lose anyone.

So in the past few months, more than 50 people have come to challenge them, basically all of them are masters at the peak of the day after tomorrow. Among them are well-known figures on the "Ground List". Feng Qingyan and other second-generation disciples were so busy that they would subdue the masters of the parties. In particular, Ye Qingxuan mentioned the "Sword Pavilion" built, and the entire wall was full of weapons that survived the defeat of famous masters of all parties.

The loser leaves the weapon. This is the rule of the Kunwu faction. Since you want to be famous, you have to pay for the conditions. It does n’t matter if the failure leaves the weapon. If you feel that your skills have risen in the future, the challenge is that you can take the weapon if you win. .

However, for months, this area has almost become the exhibition hall of the Kunwu faction. The various weapons are like a bright trophy, which records every victory of the Kunwu faction. .

The more victory the Kunwu faction achieved, the greater the reputation of the "Sword Pavilion", which added a little more prestige to the Kunwu faction, but everyone became more and more anxious because everyone knows that the current opponents are It is a master of the acquired level, and no congenital strongman has appeared, but it is a matter of time before the congenital strongman comes to the door. It is entirely possible that the next challenger is a congenital strongman.

The anxiety of everyone is not for anything else, but for the lack of masters above the innate level. Once there is a challenge from the innate strength, there are two warriors who can be challenged by the Kunwu faction, one is in charge of Chu Lingxu, the other is Xu Lingkong who has just returned. But one of these two people is used to being free and casual, and often finds no one; the other is the head of the house, and can't come alone to go up and do it, it is too worthless, and it also gives the other face some face ...

The weaknesses of the Kunwu faction's inadequate power are exposed.

The second-generation disciples of the Kunwu faction obviously also saw the shortcomings in this regard. In order to bridge this gap and also to strengthen the strength of the Kunwu faction, since the day of regaining the mountain gate, Lu Qingzheng, Feng Qingyan, and Tieqingshi The three guys who couldn't help him all closed their doors and went all out to hit the innate realm.

Thanks to the blessing of the Yijinjing provided by Ye Qingxuan, the second generation of disciples increased the speed of opening the meridians of the whole body significantly. Due to the strong foundation and the help of the dual training method, Lu Qingzheng completely before he could get the Yijinjing. After opening the Twelve Canons, and after contacting [Yi Jin Jing], Ren Du's second pulse has also been opened, and Feng Qingyan first opened up the Ren Du's second pulse. Brothers are about the same. It can be said that with their strength, it is almost completely okay to hit innate today. Just to step into the innate continent has greater potential, and they are barely suppressing the impulse to enter the innate. However, Shimen is now facing difficulties, so there is no need to wait until the realm of the meridians is fully ascended to innate, which is why the three of Lu Qingzheng are ready to enter the innate.

And when it came to seeing the Kunwu Mountain crisis, of course, it was not only the Kunwu faction himself, but also Ji Guanglan. When he felt the Kunwu faction crisis, he wrote a letter to Situ Ling Feng to let him go to Kunming. I stayed in Wushan for a few days, covered with food, and waited until he released the news of his top ranked master in Kunwushan.

And at this moment, the culprit who messed up Kunwu Mountain was standing on the top of the tree, the blue shirt was flying in the wind, just like a fairy, but with a look of dementia, his mouth grew up, and he looked away. The mountain peaks, which did not grow much in the distance, sighed.

Wangshan runs to death!

Ye Qingxuan finally had a profound understanding of this sentence.

Three days have passed.

Through the vast forest, everyone went up the mountain and crossed the road. Intersperse in this forested hilly area. There is no road at all. Above the head is a canopy that covers the sky, and under the feet are thorns and bushes. I ca n’t walk like a normal person, so I have to keep running light work and move on the branches. Similarly, my physical strength and energy are also consumed extremely ...

No wonder Uncle Murphy told Ding Dingwan to say that it is necessary to make full use of the "Crystal Shield", and it seems that he did not make a mistake, but it is just a real consumption. It is not something ordinary martial arts can afford.

The managers of the "Wulin Holy Land" gave the newcomers ten days when they first arrived in the Holy Land, not to familiarize them with the operation of the Holy City, but to use this time to condense the true energy into the "Crystal Shield". In this way, when you first enter the killing land, you can have enough aura to use it, and you can save your life to the maximum.

As for the Chinese warriors of the previous sessions, they did not use the opportunity of the "crystal shield", so they seemed so vulnerable, and the mortality rate was so high when they first entered the killing land. Only then would he feel so disgusted with the visit to the "Wulin Holy Land" and thought that he had come here. It was here to die.

"Wulin Holy Land" is indeed dangerous, but it has never risen to the point where it must die. For the full use of "Crystal Shield", this trip is more like a spiritual practice, martial arts ...

On this way, Ye Qingxuan not only paid attention to the surrounding environment, but raised his six-consciousness moment to a state of alertness. Even when he slept at night, he also discussed with Xiahou Qingfeng and Ruhua three. One person must stay awake and everyone sleeps. No more than two hours. For these fighters at the peak of the day after tomorrow, two hours of sleep can already ensure the fullness of the spirit, and more time is used to run the internal power, accumulate energy, and ensure sufficient energy, that is, This guarantees more choices in the face of crises.

In addition to observing the surroundings, Ye Qingxuan also kept alert to Li Daozong and Zhao Qingting.

Especially Zhao Qingting, after entering this forest, this guy suddenly became abnormal, instead of being vigilant about the surrounding environment like everyone else, but quietly and constantly looking around, although Extremely concealed, but Ye Qingxuan, who has more than six ordinary people, has completely looked at Zhao Qingting hiding in his cloak.

He is assured of his surroundings, and at the same time he is looking for something ...

This made Ye Qingxuan's heart extremely heavy. Zhao Qingting, like his own group of people, had come to the "Wulin Holy Land" for the first time. He should not encounter anything familiar here, but he What did you find? What is he looking for?

"An enemy rushed over from the left!"

Xiahou Qingfeng, who felt the farthest extension, suddenly exited and reminded.

Everyone was stunned, and the characters who were able to rush over at this time were definitely not casual people.

Alas, in a strange cry, everyone finally saw the appearance of the attacking enemy. This is a group of monsters that look like baboons. The number is more than 500. They have the height of a human being, their complexion is pale and pale, but the mixed hair is brown-red, and the skin is brown-black. Extremely strong, with extremely large hands and feet, all fierce and unusual, standing on the branches excitedly jumping around, several monster-like monsters around their necks, and wearing human skulls, obviously these primate beasts are humans Food, and with a little labor capacity, can make simple tools.

"It's a strange beast, we don't have to do anything with these monsters, we ..." After hearing Ye Qingxuan's description of the monsters, Xiahou Qingfeng immediately said a few words, but Zhao Qingting snorted and ignored him. Xiahou Qingfeng's suggestion took the lead in flying towards the monster in front.

"This pig!"

When the sword of Zhao Qingting's sword formed on the opponent's chest was cut open, Ye Qingxuan could not help cursing, sighing that he had caused a monster that should not be provoked.

The group of monsters screamed immediately at the moment they were attacked, and at the same time launched an attack on Zhao Qingting who had rushed to the front.

Ye Qingxuan cursed secretly, and said secretly in her heart: This is just right, so that this **** would go to death.

However, Zhao Qingting was caught in a siege, but Li Daozong beside him could not stand still, because Zhao Qingting was the only ally he could win, and he was destined not to watch him fail, otherwise he would face a one-to-three one after one person was missing. In this situation, his own security could not be guaranteed, so at the first sight of Zhao Qingting, he pulled out his sword and joined the battle.

Ye Qingxuan stared at Zhao Qingting tightly, but as soon as Li Daozong shot, Ye Qingxuan's eyes narrowed, and at this moment of sternness, he caught a strange smile on Zhao Qingting's side.

No, there is a problem!

Ye Qingxuan shouted, "Don't go, be careful!"

But at the same time as his shout sounded, Li Daozong was already fighting with the apes group, and Xiahou Qingfeng sang and rushed forward.

Ye Qingxuan screamed out of his heart, but in desperation, exchanged a look with Ruhua, and rushed up with "the world is no magic", but the main goal of the two was to protect the safety of Xia Hou Qingfeng. The ape does not take the initiative to attack, neither of them will take the initiative to attack.

In front of Li Daozong, he touched the group of magpies. With a wave of the sword in his hand, thousands of bright white lights scattered and turned into a sky of rain. They attacked several magpies that surrounded Zhao Qingting. The sound of "" is endless. The sword gas formed by the Jiupin Sword "Platinum Sword" penetrated the thick skin of the ape's chest and damaged the internal organs of the body. In the apes.

Every drop of sword rain of the hundreds of swords was perfectly controlled by Li Daozong, and even after hitting the ape, he completely grasped the opponent ’s downtrend, which has not been seen for more than half a year. This Li Daozong ’s sword skills and overall outlook have made great progress. .

However, after the group of magpies was attacked by Li Daozong's attack ~ ~ not only Li Daozong, but also Ye Qingxuan and others all gave a soft bang at the same time, because Zhao Qingting, who was originally surrounded by maggots Disappeared ...

At the same time, in the dense forest farther away, there was a sudden roar of "ga", which caused the magpie to jump up and down in excitement. Alas, there were chaos in the shadows of trees, and a large number of strange beasts besieged.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of giant ape beasts over three meters high surrounded Ye Qingxuan and others. In particular, the other party has a wolf-like mouth, grinning like a wolf, saliva dripping down the mouth, and extremely vicious.

The human body shape of the marmoset is as big as a child in front of these huge distant relatives.

Demon Ape!

The sweat on Ye Qingxuan's face burst out at that time.

Following the herd of wolves, Ye Qingxuan and others were once again surrounded by the apes. (To be continued ...)

ps: the first more.

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