Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 107: Break out

How could the demon ape and the ape be linked together? Except for the interdependent beasts, in nature, I haven't heard that two alien beast groups can live together in such a peaceful way ...

This kind of beast is the king of primate beasts. Not only does it have inferior and similar claws, it can tear tigers and leopards, but it also has a horrible big mouth that stands out like a wolf, making its attack methods both diverse and horrible.

The origin of Yunzhu ’s pair of iron arms was when he was young. By coincidence, he once touched a liquefied crystal nucleus of the Demon Ape King, contaminated the purest essence of life in the crystal nucleus, so he let himself The two arms have obtained the supreme strength, the strength of the simple arms, few people in the world can stand shoulder to shoulder. If Ye Qingxuan has no other strengthening, Yun Zhu will definitely exceed Ye Qingxuan's strength in the future.

The sudden appearance of the demon ape, the sudden disappearance of Zhao Qingting, and the crowd fell into the siege again ...

Farewell to the crisis of survival that didn't last long, and once again it was in the hearts of everyone, and what made everyone feel even more serious was what Zhao Qingting's disappearance meant ...

At this time, Li Daozong was in a mess.

When the people of Fengyi Pavilion introduced Zhao Qingting to themselves, they told the two of them that they must be united and work together to make a difference in the "Wulin Holy Land" and try their best to get close to the "Lingwu God Machine Stone" The opportunity is to use this mysterious stone, which is the most proud of martial arts in your hand, and deduced it again, so that they become more severe, fewer flaws, and greater power.

But now, in the face of Zhao Qingting's apparent move to count himself in, in this betrayal, for the first time, Li Daozong felt that others could not be trusted and trusted. And I was filled with anger for this.

The moment I just attacked ape. It seems that Zhao Qingting's figure in the ape group shrank suddenly. It disappeared, it looks like the long-lost [White Horse Crossing Body Method] in the legend, but is he doing this to introduce himself into the siege of primate beasts? If this is the case, I'm afraid Zhao Qingting will not leave, and he should hide somewhere nearby to wait for the opportunity.

But why did he do that? Is it just that Ye Qingxuan offended him before? If this is the case, then the person's mind is too narrow and can be called morbid.

But why does he even count himself in? Is it for killing, or is there another plan ...

Li Daozong was stimulated by a sudden betrayal. In an instant, six or seven demon apes rushed towards him, and the huge black palms were enough to shatter Li Daozong's head.

A stink body smelled, Li Daozong was fearless. The "platinous sword" in his palm was as bright as the sun, a spin, and Bai Mang concealed his figure.

The surrounding area was first brightly lit, then dark, and six demon apes flew over the dazzling white light spheres, blocking the fiery light of the "platinous sword" ...

But only for an instant. The screams of the six demon apes screamed, and the white light group they hugged exploded. Six demon apes were swallowed up by the dazzling light at this moment!

The two impending ape demon apes moved a little later, only swept away by white light. One of them lost both claws and screamed and fell backwards, while the other was more than half of a body and disappeared along with its head. No, as for the six demon apes who had previously hugged the white light group, as if they had been evaporated by the white light, their bones had disappeared and there were no traces of their existence.

You must know that the demon ape is an intermediate and difficult animal. It is not only agile and powerful, but also thick-skinned and amazingly defensive. It will naturally resist the radon attacks of the warriors. However, Li Daozong's attack was not a sword technique, but a pure radon burst. [Platinum] was extremely powerful. In the limit, it completely ignored the opponent's defense power, using itself as the center and using radon. The shock caused all the nearby beasts to shatter, leaving no trace of dregs. This is the purest radon power.

However, using Zhenqi in this way is undoubtedly a waste, and of course, it is extremely expensive.

For a moment, Li Daozong's vitality in his body was empty by a third, his face paled, taking advantage of the gap created by this moment, he suddenly stepped back, and stood with the three of Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan raised his eyebrows and blew his whistle, admiring Li Daozong's peerless internal skill, and at the same time, Ye Qingxuan made this frivolous move for another reason. It seemed that he had heard faintly before the demon ape attacked Li Daozong just now. What ’s moving seems to be a sound similar to a bamboo whistle, but the frequency is very high, almost beyond the range of ear hearing, and something like ultrasound means that Ye Qingxuan almost thought that he had signs of tinnitus, so he whistled and detected Ear reaction.

Facts have proven that my ears can't be better, and there is absolutely no problem with hearing. The problem is the sound just now, maybe it's really not an illusion.

Ye Qingxuan had a defense in his heart, but still pretended to laugh without any notice: "Although I don't want it, it seems that we can only join forces against the enemy ..."

Li Daozong snorted coldly and said, "Our account will be calculated later!"

As the flower chants: "Arrogant chicken feathers, there are species that can always find a sprinkler to try and compare, at any time, the sprinkler can slap your thief with a Zen stick ..."

Li Daozong snorted coldly, ignoring the aggressive provocation of the monk Ruhua, because the two sides had been in contact on the sea for more than two months, and knew that this was the temper. If it was because he had to respond to every sentence, it would be almost There must be a fight at all times.

Li Daozong whispered: "Be careful, although you don't know what Zhao Qingting is going to do, obviously he hasn't left yet ..."

Xiahou Qingfeng said faintly: "Farther afield, I noticed that someone was spying!"

"Where? How far?"

"Outside your right hand, five miles away ... Just when Brother Daozong's blow appeared, the man was surprised and moved a little bit, which made me realize, otherwise I thought it was just a tree ..."

Ye Qingxuan asked in a low voice: "Can the other party's identity be guessed?"

"No. But it's definitely not Zhao Qingting ... he should be hiding nearby, the motive is unknown!"

The hearts of everyone were heavy, and they leaned together to guard against possible attacks at any time. But it is strange that since they attacked Li Daozong just now, these primate beasts just surrounded Ye Qingxuan and others and remained motionless, neither attacking nor retreating.

How is this going?

When the people were puzzled, Ruhua monk suddenly said: "These beasts are controlled by people, they keep us here ..."

"What? The strange beast is under human control?" Li Daozong asked in disbelief somewhat.

"I believe what my brother said," Ye Qingxuan vouched for the flowery speculation. "My family grew up with animals from an early age. The understanding of animals is absolutely beyond your imagination. And you see these strange beasts, different ethnic groups Staying together is still okay, and there is a rare phenomenon of order. If you think about it, how can animals in nature be so disciplined? If it was the original herd, I would have messed up. Mission, it ’s impossible to squat and watch us so quietly ... Although it is impossible to figure out who controlled these strange beasts, and how he controlled these strange beasts ... But these strange beasts are controlled by humans, Definitely a matter of course. "

"Then what do you think is the purpose of the person who controls the strange beast?"

"Should someone be waiting for instructions ..." Xiahou Qingfeng guessed.

"It might be waiting for someone to come ..."

"Who will come?"

Ye Qingxuan awakened sharply, "It's the one who killed us! Hurry up! If you don't leave, you won't have time ..."

Ye Qingxuan's words awakened everyone instantly. These strange beasts were controlled by people to stop themselves and others. The intention was definitely not good. It may be the people who control the strange beasts. They felt that relying on their own strength was not enough to kill everyone, so Controlling the beasts scares himself and others, and dares not to act lightly, while waiting for the arrival of his associates ...

"Let's go ... towards the sanctuary quickly!"

Xia Hou Qingfeng yelled, Ye Qingxuan first ran out in the direction of the Snow Mountain. The two monks, such as the flower monk and Li Daozong, protected Xia Hou Qingfeng from the left and right and followed Ye Qingxuan's footsteps.

When Ye Qingxuan and others took action, a high-frequency whistle sounded. At the same time, these primate beasts guarding the surroundings, whether they are demon apes or magpie apes, blame and attack repeatedly. After coming over, don't attack savagely, don't care about defense or evasion, just think about leaving Ye Qingxuan and others.

Ye Qingxuan's erect ears ~ www.readwn.com ~ immediately captured this whistle, and at the same time, he understood the purpose of the whistle almost instantaneously, which is to command these primate beasts and control their behavior.

It seems that unknown forces have come around to themselves and others, with the intention of not doing well for them.

Unfortunately, Ye Qingxuan confirmed that he had heard this whistle, but was unable to confirm the exact location of the other party, and could only continue to pretend that he didn't hear it, and rushed forward with everyone.

As Ye Qingxuan and others left, it turned out not far from where several people had fought. A figure dressed in black and dressed in a ninja flashed out from behind the tree, hugged his shoulders proudly, and said sternly, "Qing Ting Jun, your teammates have gone far, you can come out ... "

Not far from where Zhao Qingting disappeared, the floating leaves on the ground trembled, Zhao Qingting came out silently, and said lightly to the Weizhou ninja: "According to our appointment, it is your help After I killed these people and took their 'Crystal Shield', they sent me out of the 'Wulin Holy Land'. Why do n’t you do it? "(To be continued ...)

ps: second more.

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