Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 113: Life and death chain bridge

In front of Ye Qingxuan and others, there are two gray and shady peaks.

Yes, there are two.

Previously, because of the angle problem, I always thought that this snow peak was a single one, but when it was close to the top, it was found that the peak of this snow peak was two twin peaks.

There is a distance of about three hundred meters between the two peaks. Below is a bottomless deep extinction. In the extinct extinction, the white mist is diffused and the air is heavy.

There are eight chains thicker than the wrist, connected between the twin peaks. Because the clouds are isolated, the eight black chains float in the clouds, looming like a dragon.

On the cliff on the right, on the smooth stone wall, the four blood-red characters "Bridge of Life and Death" are written.

On the sides of the four red blood characters of the "Bridge of Life and Death", there are two small white lines, which read:

"Life has no fate since ancient times.

Ye Qingxuan looked back at the roadblock, but saw the gray ice mist like clouds flowing in the valley, and he couldn't help raising a chill from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, the snow and snow suddenly stopped, and the cloudy sky scattered with the wind, and the blue sky suddenly appeared, holding out a round of bright sun.

The strong sun rays can't penetrate the heavy flowing gray-white ice and mist in the extinction, but they seem to be more bright and dark, and a little bit more horrible.

But above the cable, it became clear. The sun passed through the chain bridge, dispersing the clouds in the mountains, reflecting the eight cables above.

The iron cables are clearly visible, and underneath, Wanzhang must be covered by clouds, like a person who is timid and low in intelligence with a thick cotton pad. It will become a little more secure.

The chains are not side by side. It is arranged in three dimensions. The top two, the bottom two, and the middle four are diamond-shaped four corners.

At this time, more than a dozen people stood above the iron cable, facing each other in two.

One of them was a blue-clad warrior, with his hands on his back, facing this side, and stood quietly on the iron cables. His eyes looked coldly at the dozen or so soldiers on the opposite side.

On the other side, the warriors looked panic and inexplicable, and some people could no longer stand on the cable, but hugged the cable in a embarrassing manner, trying not to be blown away by the mountain wind blowing from time to time.

How is this going?

When Ye Qingxuan and his team of four arrived here, they saw this scene.

And those more than ten warriors turned out to be old-fashioned, all "bad wolf gangs". Two of them were the head of the team "grey wolf" Wolf and another young monkey with thin yellow hair. As for the fat congenital master. The body had been thrown on the halfway of the Snow Mountain and turned into a moraine.

The original "terror wolf group" of twenty or thirty people. There are only half of them left now, and other people don't need to think about and know that they have already died.

At this time, more than a dozen warriors stood on this end of the iron cable bridge, divided into four groups of people.

Three of them are masters of the martial arts who came from all sides. It seems that they are veterans in the "Wulin Holy Land". They are all gloomy and murderous.

One group is four brown races, three men and one woman, all dressed in weird and beautiful dresses, with headbands like Pharaohs, several scimitars around their waists, and oil paint on their faces. , All accessories are made of gold, extremely gorgeous.

The second group is a group of weird people, a total of seven. Insignificant dwarf, strong mountain-like force, old man who is about to die, charming beauties, a pair of young and strong twin brothers, led by a young man like a noble prince, all dressed in wind robes, all of them are Standing, he alone was sitting in front of the crowd, and there was still a glass of wine in his hands. It was really coquettish.

The third group is four brahman empires with turbans and bearded faces, where various yoga moves are performed. The most funny thing here is this group of people. It's not how surprising the costume is, but At this time, the atmosphere on the battlefield was tense. What other eye-catching performances did the four Borodic samurai perform here, or spit fireballs there, or play flexibility here, put their heads behind the buttocks and sit up? Of ... it's really speechless.

The last group is only two people.

They wore uniforms and covered their faces. Their realm was around the middle of the congenital period. The front chest of their clothes was embroidered with a Yin word of "wu".

Obviously, these two people are the "supervision" of this shelter, responsible for the fairness of the competition here.

On the ground in front of them, there were more than ten colorful "crystal shields", which seemed to be bets for the contestants on the field.

Ye Qingxuan frowned, seeing the unusual one.

Uncle Murphy said before that everyone who came to the "Wulin Holy Land" had three "crystal shields" on the original, and each warrior would choose a "crystal shield" as his own "crystal shield", which is to use Come and store the "Crystal Shield".

This "crystal shield" is the most important item for the warrior. It exceeds any other logistics supply item. When the warrior competes with others, he will definitely not take this "crystal shield". It is used first. A blank "crystal shield" to bet.

But at this time, the "Crystal Shields" here are obviously the most precious "Destiny Crystal Shields". The colorful appearance just shows that they have a strong sense of energy stored in them. Why don't these people like the "wolf group" put these things At hand, you can always supply Qi, but you are thrown here as a bet?

And the competition in front of it is too **** ... because the loser is not just losing the "crystal shield", but even losing his life.

Ye Qingxuan looked around with this surprised expression, and the people around him also looked at Ye Qingxuan and others when they arrived.

These people were all watching the competition on the field attentively. Even the Brahdo Samurai with a lot of movements focused on the competition. Only when Ye Qingxuan and others rushed to this small platform, they were almost the same. In an instant, everyone's eyes were on them. At the same time, everyone's eyes lit up.

Almost instantly, Ye Qingxuan felt overwhelmingly rushing over, and that was the look of the wolf when he saw the lamb.

Among the group with the largest number of people, the beautiful alien girl in a red tights and glamorous appearance spit out a scarlet tongue, licked her lips sexyly, and groaned.

This action, which should have made all men see the blood in their veins, made people feel weird.

Uh ...

The wretched dwarf in the crowd suddenly gave out a weird laughter and said, "La la la, it's funny, there is another team of fat sheep, and it seems that the goods are quite fresh, it should be new to 'Wulin Holy Land' 'Warriors, they are the most favorite prey here. "

Then, the gnome was close to the young aristocrat sitting in the chair, and said charmingly: "Master Qilu, can you let 'Lanyu' get started soon? After all, with the new goods, it is not appropriate to be snatched away. ... "

The young aristocrat took a look here, and his eyes stopped on Xia Hou Qingfeng's body. He seemed to see that his eyes were wrong, and he couldn't help showing a look of interest. Then he waved his hands arbitrarily, and that gnome immediately A few steps forward, shouted at the blue robe warrior on the field: "Hey, blue owl, don't play anymore, there is a new product!"

Originally, the blue robe man dangling from the iron cable, shaking the iron cable, heard the shout, and immediately looked back, revealing a vicious face as vulture.

The nose like a bird's beak, the sunken eye socket, and the sharp eyes like an eagle reveal a cruel smile, like a vulture, watching Ye Qingxuan as a group of people already under his beak and claws Flesh flew in general.

Almost as soon as he smiled back, the gray wolf, who had been suppressed by the other side, and the congenital subordinate launched an attack together.

The gray wolf took a short knife from his arms and slid over it sharply against the iron cord, like a ball of meteor, piercing the opponent's chest and abdomen.

The other yellow-haired, thin monkey attacked from the iron cable below, leaped into the air, and clumped together in the air. The claws on both hands attacked the lower body of the blue robe extremely shamefully.

"act recklessly!"

As soon as Wu Zhefu named Lan Yan spoke, his tone was like the sound of rubbing with gold stones, which made people's ears itchy and extremely uncomfortable.

In a word, the clothes were hoarse and hoared up.

The gray wolf grunted, and also leapt from the iron cable, welcoming the bluebird. The other Huang Mao's subordinates were also on the iron cables a little under his feet, from bottom to top, and continued to chase the blue maggot that leaped.

Lan Yan laughed, his body was stretched, and he didn't see how to act. The volley went up again. He had already flown three meters above the gray wolf's head, and took the lead in violently hitting the "grey wolf" Wolf in the volley.

Unexpectedly, the two attacked randomly and wanted to form a pinch attack. In the presence of the peerless body style, they became their first hard-hitting shock.

The gray wolf who rides a tiger is slightly regretful ~ www.readwn.com ~ The reason why he rushed to buy was purely to take the opportunity to choose a cheap one, and in terms of position, he was face to face with the blue robe man, and his men were Beneath him, it is necessary to attack others by yourself, and it is necessary to attack downwards to be able to master the initiative. Moreover, the realm of the yellow-haired and thin monkey is obviously not as high as his own. He thought that his opponent would attack his own subordinates first. I didn't care, I chose the most powerful one among my opponents, and I couldn't help but panic.

The blue salamander had been three meters above his head, and his breath was criss-crossing, and he could already feel the pressure brought by his opponent's breath.

He was also a top-notch player, immediately regaining his heart, flying up and intercepting the bluebird.

As long as you drag on the opponent for a moment, the men under you can catch up and attack you with your own hands.

And sure enough, his own subordinate also rushed to attack and wanted to form a two-to-one trend as soon as possible.

In terms of cooperation and ideas, it can be said to be impeccable. (To be continued ...)

ps: the first more.

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