Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 114: Chain Bridge Deathmatch

In the face of the opponent's combined attack, Lan Zhi laughed a long time, one hand, and the blue robe with large sleeves slammed out in the air. The original body fell quickly and suddenly slowed down. At this moment, it was almost fixed in midair among. .

The gray wolf had a cold heart, because in this way, his attack was bound to fail.

This should be impossible, completely contrary to the common sense of martial arts, and also caused the "grey wolf" Wolf to lose his original and extremely accurate budget.

It's too late to change.

The gray wolf slammed violently, and slammed down abruptly. Below is a wire rope, hoping to step on the chain, jump up again, and meet the bluebird.

But Huang Mao, who was behind him, did not have his skill. At this moment, the gray wolf fell sharply, and he was soaring up into the sky, struggling to catch up with the gray wolf. He did not expect that the gray wolf suddenly fell, but he was in the blink of an eye. Passing by with the gray wolf, they immediately surpassed the gray wolf and faced the blue magpie.

At this point, there was no other way. The person who had been used as a soldier immediately transformed his role, became the active person, and replaced it with a gray wolf.

At this time, the toe of the gray wolf touched the chain and was about to bounce high.

Lan Yan laughed, speeding up almost stagnantly, turning over, passing over Huang Mao's head, and swiping his left tiptoe, blocking Huang Mao's hands and claws, and his right tiptoe slammed on his head.


With a muffled sound, the yellow hair's body suffocation was directly broken, and then his head was cracked like a broken watermelon. The blood and the yellow and white things in the brain were scattered everywhere, and even the gray wolf was splashed. Look.

With a bang, the blue magpie's majestic figure disappeared and jumped over the head of the gray wolf, throwing himself at the rest of the "evil wolves" behind him.

Just like the weasel entered the henhouse, the remaining "evil wolf corps" scattered and escaped, avoiding the attack of the blue cricket. Two of them were standing unsteadily. When they fell on other iron cables, they slipped under their feet. Screaming, losing his center of gravity, plunging into the grey bleak despair, the despairing screams, from near to far, made people tremble with fear.

On this side, the bluebird master turned back in the air and landed directly on another iron cable. On this iron cable, three masters of the "evil wolf group" stood. When the bluebird fell, It was as if he stepped on the ground fiercely and made a squeak, but the blue cricket relied on the iron cable to spread the suffocation. The iron cable instantly rippled and hit the eyes of the master of the "evil wolf group", a strong spirit. The eruption, the master of the "evil wolf" who will be closely attached to the iron cable, was instantly shaken away from the iron cable, directly thrown into the air, and screamed and fell again.

One of them had good luck, and fell on top of the other iron cable, immediately clinging to the iron cable, frightened, and shuddered, and refused to let go.

The thick grayish-white ice mist rising from the absolute sorrow, and the screaming screams from time to time, constituted an unpredictable mystery and horror. This inexplicable mysterious horror is full of death, and it also deepens people's sense of timidity, so that these rivers and lakes high-flyers who finally survive under the sword have also developed deep fear.

The alien warrior, the blue warrior, was like a cruel vulture picking food from the lower mouth, jumping and jumping between the chains, and those warriors of the "evil wolf group" panicked like a chick. Dodge and then run away in the other direction. The "Life and Death Chain Bridge" has a special rule. It is a victory to reach the warrior from one side smoothly, but it won't win the "crystal shield". Just to save his life, at the same time to keep his "crystal shield". So these people started to flee, and the target was naturally chosen as the mountain on the other side.

However, the blue cricket made a world of effort, and at the same time, his heart was ruthless, and he would not easily catch up from behind from time to time, kicking his stomach and breaking his heart, and the corpse fell directly into the sky from the air.

Although "Grey Wolf" Wolf was scolding and chasing, he was not as good as the other side, and he was injured by a sneak attack at the beginning. His injuries did not improve at all, and he could not catch up with the bluebird. In the hands of those who lived and died together, they were kicked by the opponent mercilessly.

Above the "Bridge of Life and Death", life and death are set.

When the "gray wolf" turned red and finally caught up with the blue magpie, only the two of them remained on the entire cable bridge.

The blue eyes and blue eyes were staring closely at the angry gray wolf, and said coldly, "Give up your place where you hid the 'Crystal Shield', or you stored things in the Chamber of Commerce's closet and hand over the password. To spare you not to die. "

"Grey Wolf" Wolf sipped his breath and said fiercely, "Thinking delusionally, even if these things are rotten in the closet, they will never let you perverts get them. In exchange for the opportunity to turn the" Lingwu God Machine Stone "? Go ... "

Lan Yan smiled coldly and said, "I just ask you a routine thing, do you think I will let you leave alive?" Then looked coldly at Ye Qingxuan and others outside, "With these newcomers coming, your value is not So precious, in addition to the 'Birth Crystal Shield', we still have five 'Crystal Shields'. The things in their four hands are enough ... "

"Grey Wolf" Wolf looked back at Ye Qingxuan and others, and suddenly hehe laughed: "The things in their hands are afraid of your brother's ability, and they dare not move, knowing that Lao Tzu was directly affected by someone Did you get from the city to the killing land? "

Lan Yan raised an eyebrow and asked, "Because of them? Who is the force behind them?"

"Grey Wolf" Wolf sneered: "I don't know who is behind the forces, but I know that they are the prey that the old sheep fancy. Looking at the injury on the kid, I'm afraid it is the" Ice Man "than It ’s caused by Lee ’s double knives. You dare to take action with them, that is, to grab food from that old sheep. You must be aware of his insidiousness, insidiousness, mischief, and mischief... It has caused him, and your sons are as bad.

"There is so much nonsense!" Lan Yan frowned, his murderous look even more serious.

And at this time, among the crowd watching the battle, the mouthful dwarf immediately interfaced and roared with a male duck's voice: "Do you think we're afraid of the lame old goat? It's just the one on the continent of Oulen. The granddaughter of a small country, my young master is the prince of the Langa Empire. As the lamb, when he arrived at the Langa Empire, even the breeding sheep in my young master ’s estate could not compare ... ”

Everyone around them burst into laughter.

Ye Qingxuan also laughed afterwards, after all, it was hard to hear someone making fun of his own enemy, although Ye Qingxuan didn't know what the Duke of the Goat hunted for, and the so-called Langa Empire was Which country on the continent ... these do not affect Ye Qingxuan's happiness in finding distress from time to time.

But in this laughter, a cold voice sounded, coldly spoken, plainly speaking, but passed all the noisy voices, and sent his words into everyone's ear.

"People who have the courage to make fun of Lord Duke, I hope you have the courage to accept our challenge!"

"Who is it, get out!"

The wretched gnome yelled loudly, but the man timidly hid behind the surnamed beauty next to him, and at the same time, his hands fell on the opponent's strong hips intentionally or unintentionally, causing the surnamed beauty to frown. , But did not immediately push the other side away.

Everyone was looking around in surprise, but no figure was found. Even Ye Qingxuan and others were unable to detect the exact position of the person who spoke. This is similar to the practice of [Sound of a Thousand Miles], leading their voices to others. The place came from all directions, deliberately creating an unpredictable feeling.

Under this method, Ye Qingxuan, whose six consciousness exceeds ordinary people, cannot determine where the person is, but the ears cannot be determined, but it does not mean that other consciousness cannot feel.

It was almost extremely slight, and Ye Qingxuan felt a little shock at his feet.

Among the crowd, at the feet of a group of the Prince of Langa Empire, a rocky ground suddenly sank half an inch, but because it was so small that no one stood there, no one could find it.

It turned out that the masters who hunted down their own group of people were the men of the so-called Duke of Goats. At this time, the other party had also chased here, and because the dwarf's words were not bad, he sneaked in and prepared to assassinate the dwarf, uh, Or maybe assassinate the Prince of Langa Empire directly.

This is really good news, because the warriors of the Langa Empire obviously regarded themselves as prey, and they are also enemies. Now two enemies have clashed because of the prey. This is undoubtedly the most favorable for the weak Ye Qingxuan and others News.

Now surrounded by enemies who are jealous of one's own side, it seems that the "grey wolf" Wolf on the "Bridge of Life and Death" is so precious, because everyone here is not as friendly as him, but just blackmailed his party Instead of a direct hands-on attack that avoids inquiries.

Now that the "gray wolf" has become a lone wolf, do you pull him at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ to find a foreign aid for yourself?

Ye Qingxuan secretly stunned the people around him to raise their attention, while secretly holding four blank "crystal shields" from their wide sleeves. .

As long as the timing is right and the "Crystal Shield" is thrown into the bet, the four of them can officially board the bridge.

As Ye Qingxuan and others waited silently for the time to come, the situation around them finally changed.

However, the first to take the initiative was not the bluebird and gray wolf on the "Bridge of Life and Death", but the prince of Langa Empire who was sitting on a chair among the watching crowds.

I saw the young aristocrat, like the second ancestor, suddenly jumped up and slammed onto the ground with one foot, almost at the same time, several masters standing next to him fled at the same time ...


For a while, the mountain shook and the light shone. A huge pothole appeared on the ground, showing that the next person was mixed with earthy yellow energy, and a strange weapon like a drill in his hand was lame. Jin, resisted the almost exalted kick of the young aristocracy. (To be continued.)

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