As a challenger, Bulma reacted quickly.

She noticed something was wrong and immediately took out a defensive posture that could increase her defense several times, but it was useless!

The mechanical giant ape just slapped Bulma into pieces. It emptied the health bar directly!

The mechanical giant ape had been dead for a long time, but the existence of space filth could not be felt from his body.

Coupled with the ability to teleport and sneak attack and the high-level explosive power, something was wrong with him!

The incident happened suddenly, and

Toni used an advanced true vision scroll to see the real information of the mechanical giant ape.

"Alien Star Tribe: Ancient Mechanical Star Tribe"

"Occupation: Mechanical War Ape (Terrain Occupation)"

"Level: 350"

"HP: 45 billion"

"Status: Dead (controlled by the cosmic nightmare entity)"


"Cosmic Nightmare: The Gazer"

"Grade: Second-order nightmare body"

"Nightmare Skills: 1. Gaze and kill: When you see the gazer, you are his prey."

"The Gazer will kill any challenger who is weaker than him with one strike! Ignore skill protection! Ignore defense attributes!"

"2. Flash Sneak Attack: If you move your gaze away from the gazer, the gazer will perform a flash sneak attack on you."

"3. Killing makes you stronger: Every time you kill an alien star, the gazer's strength will be passively enhanced by one point"

"4. Immortal Body: After you see the gazer, the effect of your ability on the gazer will be greatly reduced!"

"Whether it is attack or skill, the effect is sharply reduced by 95%!"

"5. Possession: As a cosmic nightmare body, the gazer has extremely powerful strength. It can possess the corpse of any alien star race and control them, while enhancing the strength of the controlled person."


The information presented by the advanced true vision scroll is shared by the whole team!

Not only can the two Ion Star Clan see it, but everyone else can see it too!

After reading the information about the"Gazer", everyone was shocked!

Is the second-level cosmic nightmare body so cruel?

After seeing the first-level cosmic nightmare body space filth easily subdued by the Ion Star Clan, some challengers who don't know the height of the sky and the earth think that the cosmic nightmare body is just like that!

But the appearance of this second-level cosmic nightmare body, the Gazer, taught them a good lesson.

As long as the alien star challenger with lower attributes than the"Gazer", he will be killed in one blow!

Ignore skills and defense!

What's even more disgusting is that after seeing the"Gazer", you can't take your eyes off them, otherwise they can come behind you and launch a sneak attack at any time!

Fight, you can't beat them!

Run, you can't run!

This time, the challengers really felt the fear of being dominated by the"Gazer".

It has been rumored that the Cosmic Nightmare Body is the nightmare of all the cosmic star clans.

After seeing it today, I realized that the rumor is so damn correct!

There is no way to defeat it at all!

This does not include the high damage reduction effect and killing power of the"Gazer".

After slapping Bulma to death with a slap, the aura of the mechanical war ape possessed by the Gazer was obviously strengthened, and its height of more than ten meters also grew a little bit upwards.

The challengers dared not to face the"Gazer", for fear that they would be slapped to death by the Gazer if they were not careful! Under the instant kill effect, this thing can hit them one by one, and there is no need for a second hit. All hopes are placed on the big boss of the Ion Star Clan.

"Ion recombination!"

"Ion Explosion!"

"Ion destruction!"


After realizing that the Gazer was difficult to deal with,

Toni and Tommen attacked at the same time, using the more powerful skills of Ion Explosion and Ion Destruction.

After decomposing the mechanical star clan into parts, these two skills can also cause the various parts of the mechanical star clan to explode and destroy, causing huge damage!

The 95% damage reduction made Toni and Tommen very uncomfortable, but under the powerful output of the two challengers, plus their skills that were a natural counter to the mechanical star clan, they finally decomposed the mechanical war ape into parts, and together with the Gazer, they exploded into slag!

""Shh!" Toni almost collapsed on the ground due to excessive force. Tommen beside him was not much better. Dealing with this gazer consumed most of their energy. It would take several hours for them to recover. But the two Ion Star Clan were also excited.


"I didn't expect there was a second-level cosmic nightmare entity in this place! It's probably the boss guarding this dungeon side quest."

"This is the first time I've seen a Gundam second-level cosmic nightmare body!"

"No wonder there are fewer and fewer ancient mechanical stars born in this manufacturing factory. I guess they were all killed by this thing!"

"The grading system of the cosmic nightmare body is simple and violent. Don't look at it as a second-level cosmic nightmare body. Its strength and degree of danger are one level higher than that of the first-level cosmic nightmare body!"


After solving the boss of this dungeon side quest, 'Gazer', this side quest is over!

The special dungeon is really difficult. It's just a side quest, and there are second-level cosmic nightmare bodies.

But what's the use of the second-level cosmic nightmare body?

It was still defeated by our ion star clan in seconds!

Toni is more confident than ever before, and feels very awesome!

After resting, go and take down the other two side quests!


"Long live the lords of the Ion Star Clan!"

"In this life, I am a member of the Ion Star Clan, and in death, I will be a member of the Ion Star Clan! I am mixed up with the Ion Star Clan!"

"That's right! Don't you see who our leader is? The two big guys are the 69th-level star challengers!"


The challenger is bound to be flattered, and it doesn't cost money to flatter, so just flatter!

What's more,���The Star Clan's fighting power is indeed strong. This time , if they didn't have the help of the Ion Star Clan to deal with the second-level cosmic nightmare body 'Gazer' , they would definitely die! They flattered and cheered, but soon after, everyone found something wrong.

"Strange! The boss of this side quest, 'The Gazer', has been killed, why is there no related quest completion prompt?"

"Could it be that the special copy is different from other copies, and there is no prompt when the side quest is completed?"


When everyone was puzzled, they saw pairs of mechanical eyes emitting dim purple light appear in the darkness, and then one by one, the ancient mechanical star tribe controlled by the"Gazer" walked out of the darkness.

One, two, three... When hundreds of them appeared, there were still a steady stream of ancient mechanical star tribes appearing!


So many?!

Everyone felt that their hearts had stopped beating!

At this time, the ancient mechanical star tribe controlled by the"Gazer" stepped aside and made way from the center.

An ancient mechanical star tribe with an alloy crutch, hunched over, and like an old man in the twilight, walked to the front step by step. Who is this mechanical old man?

A large group of second-level cosmic nightmare bodies are led by him!

Another advanced true vision scroll passed by.

"Alien Star Tribe: Ancient Mechanical Star Tribe"

"Occupation: Holy Fire Priest"

"Level: 450"

"Status: Dead (controlled by the cosmic nightmare entity)"


"Cosmic Nightmare Body: Life-Calling Nightmare Body"

"Grade: Fourth-order cosmic nightmare body"


The smiles on the faces of the Ion Star Tribes also disappeared, replaced by fear.

They thought that the"Replacement" was the boss of this side quest, but they never thought that it was just a small monster!

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