Fourth-order cosmic nightmare body!

Is this thing a fourth-order cosmic nightmare body?!

How powerful the fourth-order cosmic nightmare body is,

Toni and Tommen will soon find out.

"Young man, you are very strong!"

"I like it!"

Then the Holy Fire Priest, who was controlled by the nightmare body, waved to Toni.

Tommen and Toni only felt a dizziness in their heads, and then they saw their bodies split into two.

The separated body turned into a smaller version of themselves, walked towards the Holy Fire Priest, and came in front of the Holy Fire Priest.

The Holy Fire Priest laughed, opened his mouth, swallowed the two separated bodies into his stomach, and patted his stomach with satisfaction.


"Elite professionals of the Ion Star Clan are great tonics!"

Tony, Tommen,"???"

What happened?

They just saw the Holy Fire Priest separate part of their bodies and eat them, but they didn't feel anything unusual!

If there was any change, it was that their bodies shrank a lot.

The two Ion Stars were originally ten meters tall, but now they were only about seven meters... something was wrong!

Tuoni quickly opened the attribute panel, and was surprised to find that his level had changed from 350 to 250!

The attribute values of each attribute also dropped significantly!

However, the level of the Holy Fire Priest rose from 450 to 451!

The two knowledgeable people understood it immediately!

They were eaten!

What was eaten was not only part of their bodies, but also the power and experience points contained in them! This was the first time they saw such a strange ability!

Tuoni's heart was bleeding.

Do you know how long it takes to upgrade from 250 to 350?

It was gone with just a wave of the other party!

Tuoni was angry.

He had never suffered such a big loss before!

He went up to teach the Holy Fire Priest a lesson, but when he took action, he suddenly stopped.

The sinister face of the Holy Fire Priest became amiable in his eyes!

Someone seemed to be whispering to him.

"You are obviously the most promising professional in the Ion Star Clan, why did the position of the Star Clan King be given to that loser?"

The King of the Star Clan!

This is the greatest desire in Toni's heart, and also the greatest regret in Toni's heart!

As the strongest hidden professional in the Ion Star Clan, a genius that only appears once in a hundred years,

Toni has gone from an ordinary member of the clan step by step to the top position in the entire clan!

I don't know how many life and death disasters he has experienced!

The position of the Star Clan King should have been his!

In the end, the throne was given to a fellow clan member who was many levels lower than him.

That guy was just a level 80 fourth-turn, an ordinary warrior professional!


The most infuriating thing was what the loser said to him when he ascended the throne,

"Our family has been king for nine generations, why should we lose to you who has studied hard and practiced hard?"

Listen, this is infuriating!

Tuoni refused to accept it! As long as he can get enough rewards in the Tower of Babel and gain stronger power, the position of the king of the star clan will be his sooner or later!

"Believe in me and follow me! I will make you king!"

The bewitching voice of the Holy Fire Priest sounded again.

Tony seemed to see him kneeling down before the Holy Fire Priest, and the Holy Fire Priest gave him infinite divine power.

This power allowed Tony to kill people everywhere in the Tower of Babel!

He easily obtained countless benefits!


Tony knelt down in front of the Holy Fire Priest again, obtained the divine power given by the Holy Fire Priest, and successfully took back his throne!

Tony seemed to understand that as long as he prayed to the Holy Fire Priest, shook his head and tail at the Holy Fire Priest, and pleased the Holy Fire Priest, the Holy Fire Priest would give him more powerful power!

If he could get power, what would it matter if he was a dog!

When desire was aroused, no one could control it!

Tony seemed to see a broad road leading to a bright future!

As long as he could get power, the Holy Fire Priest would let him do anything!

With the divine power given by the Holy Fire Priest, this universe would belong to him, Tony, sooner or later!

But for other challengers, they did not see Tony's broad road, but saw Tony sticking out his tongue and shaking his butt on the ground, barking like a dog

"Good call!"

"Come on, roll over!" said the Holy Fire Priest.

Toni really rolled over like a puppy.

The challengers present were all shocked.

What kind of power was this?

He crippled the extremely powerful Ion Star Clan in one encounter and turned them into obedient puppies...

This scene was too devastating, especially for Tommen, the challenger from the Ion Star Clan.

After all, the Ion Star Clan was a powerful and advanced star clan.

How could they be played like dogs by others!

"Wake up!"

Toman used a diamond-level mental awakening item to wake Tony up.

After waking up from a beautiful dream,

Tony was still a little confused.

"Am I not in my palace?"

"Tommen, why don't you kneel down when you see me?"

I didn't have time to deal with these two idiots.

I guessed that the Holy Fire Priest had some kind of mental control ability.

Tommen cast a mental defense shield on himself and launched a skill towards the Holy Fire Priest.

"Ion recombination!"

"Ion Explosion!"

"Ion destruction!"


Another three-hit combo!

But this time, Tommen's attack didn't even make a splash on the Holy Fire Priest. A translucent shield appeared on the Holy Fire Priest's body , blocking all of Tommen's skill damage! Tommen took out another advanced true vision scroll and saw the information prompt of the shield.

"Life-Calling Shield: A unique shield for the Life-Calling Nightmare. The Life-Calling Nightmare can devour other alien races and gain the experience they have gained!"

"The upper limit of the life-calling shield value is equal to the total experience devoured by the life-calling nightmare body!"

""Life-Calling Shield Value: 1.5 Trillion"

Oh my god!

1.5 Trillion Shield Value!

Everyone present was shocked!

I have heard of shield values of tens of millions, hundreds of millions, and trillions...

Even if you move the blood pool here, you can't get such a high health value!

What really made the two Ion Star Clan challengers feel desperate was that they couldn't pass through the bodies of the Meteor Star Clan and leave to return to their original levels...

It reminded them that they were locked by the high-level cosmic nightmare body and could not use this skill!

""Hehehe! Are you still playing?"

The two Ion Star Tribe members were tortured by the Holy Fire Priest.

In a word, they could not win!

""Hehehe! You can run if you want, but leave your life behind!"

The Holy Fire Priest said with a sly smile.

What the hell are you talking about? You can save your life, so why run?

Can't you just wait here to be swallowed to death by the nightmare of the universe?

"You're next!"

"I'll give you one chance. If you can escape from under my nose, I will commit suicide on the spot!"

The Holy Fire Priest is very naughty.

Unlike other cosmic nightmare bodies, as a high-level cosmic nightmare body, he has higher wisdom and enjoys bullying the weak!

The Holy Fire Priest looked at Gu Zong.

I'm tired of eating the Ion Star Clan, so eating lion meat is not bad!

Before killing the lion,

I can still have some fun!

But after saying this, a crescent moon appeared inexplicably in the entire venue!

As the moonlight spread, all the challengers in the venue disappeared!

The Holy Fire Priest was stunned.

He didn't expect that among this group of challengers, there would be challengers who could use teleportation skills that ignored their blockade.

Who is so awesome?

The next question is here.

The big lion is gone.

Is he going to commit suicide on the spot?

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