No wonder the guests were shocked....

This news is simply a bombshell.

In the eyes of the people of Dragon Country, a challenger from the Star Clan entered the 100 laps?!

That's no different from the Chinese national football team winning the World Cup! It

's simply a fantasy!

You know, among the ten major Star Clans present, the best result is that the Lihuang Star Clan entered the 138th lap!

That's all!

Don't look at the difference between 138 laps and 100 laps.

In the Tower of Babel, every lap forward is harder than ascending to the sky!

You can't get in by hard work!

Compared to these Star Clans, the professionals of the higher Star Clan are too damn invincible!

Let's put it this way, the strongest tank of the Lihuang Star Clan can only be killed in seconds in front of the super professionals of the higher Star Clan!

Entering within 100 laps is a world where the higher Star Clans compete for supremacy, how is it possible?!

Who is it? Which Star Clan will have this honor!

What is certain is that if it is true as the wonderful mother-in-law said, a challenger has entered the 100 laps!

Even if the professional didn't get any secret treasures of the universe, just eating the guaranteed reward from the Tower of Babel would make that star clan take off!

Grandma Wonderful's words made all ten star clans excited!

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"Who is it? Granny Mickey Mouse! Tell me who it is!"

Yansha from the Lihuang Star Clan was the first to slam the table and stood up excitedly.

In his opinion, if there is a challenger who can enter the 100 laps, it must be a professional from their Lihuang Star Clan!

The physical fitness of their Lihuang Star Clan is the best among the ten major star clans!

Except for the lack of support, there is almost no disadvantage.

If it is not a professional from their Lihuang Star Clan, who else can it be?!

"I don’t know! I can only calculate that there will be a challenger within the 100 laps, but I don’t know who it is!"

Grandma Miaoyu said truthfully,"This is also the reason why I came here!"

"I want to see for myself which challenger is capable of entering the 100 laps!"


Yan Sha breathed a sigh of relief and sat down, but the smile on his face remained the same.

In his opinion, even if Granny Miaoyu was unsure, it was most likely a challenger from their Lihuang Star Clan!

When the guests from other Star Clan saw Yan Sha's expression, they all expressed their opinions.

"God of War Yan, don't be too confident! It's possible that the prophecy of Grandma Miaoyu refers to our two-headed star tribe!"

"We, the Heavy Apes, are naturally able to manipulate gravity, which is like having an extra profession! We, the Heavy Apes, have this possibility!"

"To be honest, I think it's our Evangelist Star Clan! Which star clan has the ability to avoid disaster and seek good fortune as our Evangelist Star Clan?"

"I also said that they belong to our Berserker Clan!"


The guests present were arguing with each other until their faces turned red!

I have never seen this group of war gods lose their composure like this!

There is no way, they are too excited!

If a challenger enters the 100th lap, with the exaggerated rewards of the Tower of Babel, he will undoubtedly lead the star clan to take off!

On the live broadcast screen, challengers from various star clans began to be played one by one.

Almost all of them are five-turn professionals!

They are all hidden professions!

They are all famous bosses from various star clans!

If you are a four-turn person who mixes in, you will be embarrassed to speak!

The Lihuang star clan has Arnold, who is known as the unbreakable shield. He is a five-turn 100-level, hidden profession"magician". It is said that the strongest ability is to transform into a magician form, double the strength, double the blood volume, and reduce the damage to 80%!

The Slaughterer brothers of the Wild King Clan, fifth turn and level 100, have the hidden class of"Mad Beast". Their most terrifying ability is that when in a frenzy, they greatly increase their bloodsucking, damage, and attack speed. All the damage absorbed will be converted into attack power, making them mad dogs on the battlefield...

The Dream of the Hunter Clan is called the"God Hunter". It is said that the arrows she shoots can even imprison gods.


Each time the challengers of the Star Clan played on the screen, the people of that Star Clan would cheer!

This represented the strongest fighting force of each Star Clan!

It was a dream lineup!

Except for the challenge of the Tower of Babel, there was no chance to see so many big guys competing on the same stage!

Grandma Wu Yu stared at the big screen intently, trying to find some clues from it.

""Miaoyu Granny, do you have any favorite candidates?" a guest asked.

Miaoyu Granny shook her head,"Not sure!"

After looking at nine challengers from the Star Clan in one breath, to be honest, these challengers are all very strong, but they are not what Granny Miaoyu wants!

Granny Miaoyu's prediction is actually more than that!

She didn't say two things.

One is that in the prophecy, that challenger will bring a challenger from the Star Clan to the Hundred Circles together.

This is also the reason why Granny Miaoyu hurried over!

It is related to the prosperity of the Star Clan and cannot be careless!

The other is that the prophecy is even more outrageous.

In the prophecy, this challenger is amazingly powerful, and he killed his way through with a completely crushing and invincible posture, killing gods and demons.!

After making this outrageous prediction, Grandma Miaoyu was a little bit unconvinced of her own divination!

But after divination a few more times, it was still the same result!

Kill gods if gods stand in the way? Kill demons if demons stand in the way?

There is such a ruthless person among the ten major star clans?!

How come I don’t know?

Unfortunately, after looking at the challengers from the nine major star clans, Grandma Miaoyu shook her head in disappointment.

These challengers are powerful, but in the Tower of Babel, it is impossible for them to crush the top powerhouses of other star clans! Grandma Miaoyu’s lost look was seen by others. Yansha, the god of war of the Lihuang star clan, couldn’t help but say,

"Grandma Miaoyu, did you miss it? Or should we watch the challenger from the Lihuang Star Clan again?

Grandma Miaoyu shook her head,"No need, I saw it clearly!"

Just as the guests from other Star Clan wanted to take this opportunity to talk to Grandma Miaoyu, the live screen showed the status of the challenger from the Tower of Babel.

"Oh my god! Why was I the one chosen?"

"Damn! That's not right! I'm the son of the richest man in Sakura Country, and countless wealth is waiting for me to inherit! What the hell is this Tower of Babel?"

"Who can help me!"

"Smecta! I can choose to leave on my own after seven days, but can I live to see seven days?"


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