Unlike other Star Clan challengers who have great combat skills,...

The human side was more like a pile of loose sand.

Some were confused and lost their direction, some were at a loss and didn't know what to do, and some were mentally broken, crying and praying to the sky...

The levels of the challengers were also uneven, there were second-level, third-level, and many were first-level!

There were people from all countries...

In short, the challengers in the human camp were just one word, broken!

The challengers' mentality was broken, and the mentality of the people of Blue Star was also broken!

The guests present and the people of other star tribes were also shocked.

What was going on?!


Soldier King Long Chen knew that he couldn't hide this matter. What was coming would eventually come.

He told everyone frankly through the live broadcast screen,

"In the last Babel challenge, we, Blue Star, unfortunately, did not make it into the 145th lap! We received an extra penalty from Babel!"

"The content of the punishment is that this time the challenge will be changed from a designated candidate to a random candidate!"

"So what you see now is that 100 challengers randomly selected from the humans of Blue Star are participating in it!"

100 randomly selected challengers are participating in it?!

Are you playing?

Are you kidding?

What kind of place is the Tower of Babel ?

Even the fifth-level professional masters have to survive hard, let alone ordinary professionals...

If you go in, you won't even be cannon fodder.

"I have heard similar remarks, but the authorities came out to clarify and refute the rumors! Is there no such thing?"

"Facts speak louder than words. The higher-ups tried their best to conceal this matter, fearing that it would cause panic! Unfortunately, it did not affect the development of the situation!"

"It is foreseeable that this challenge to the human camp is a failure! It is definitely impossible to break through the minimum number of 145 laps! Next year, they will continue to be punished by the Tower of the Universe!"

"This is a vicious cycle! Humanity is probably going to decline because of this! This is a good opportunity for our Lihuang Star Clan to rise! The first deal of the alliance should be done by our Lihuang Star Clan. I want to see what capital humans have to compete with our Lihuang Star Clan!"

"Where do these flies come from? They’re so annoying with their chirping!"

"Is this the quality of aliens?"

"It is not your turn as aliens to interfere in our human affairs!"

"Haha, if you have time to talk nonsense, you might as well think about yourself! This is the era of the universe! If your star clan is weak, it will be swallowed up by other star clans! The rules of survival in the universe are not like playing house at home!"



The people of Blue Star and the aliens started a heated debate in the chat channel. Although they were not convinced, the people of Blue Star knew that this was the fact.

After only three years of participating in the Tongtiantong Challenge, humans have witnessed the cruelty of this universe, where the strong survive and the weak die.

How many weak star tribes have been either eliminated or enslaved by the higher star tribes...

Don't be fooled by the fact that the top ten alliances are friendly on the surface, but each of them is a tiger wearing a mask of kindness. To seek the skin of a tiger, you must have considerable strength!

If the strength of Blue Star weakens, it is really possible that it will be eaten by other star tribes as a big piece of fat meat!

Finding that Blue Star is weakening, the representatives of other star tribes have become unfriendly to Blue Star.

"Blue Star is too careless! With such a punishment and no choice of challenger, how can you turn things around?"

"Expecting a random challenger to get a ranking is harder than me trying to win the first prize in the universe lottery! If Blue Star can get into the top 145 this time! I, Liefeng, will take off my head and let you kick it like a ball!"

"We were punished by the Tower of Babel this year. It looks like this time, Blue Star will still be at the bottom! We will continue to be punished next year! I heard that for the weak races that have been at the bottom many times, the punishment from the Tower of Babel is more severe each time!"


Yan Sha even asked directly,

"If Blue Star does not have the strength to match that of the Ten-Star Alliance, should we change a partner?"

"After all, the Top Ten Alliance is a mutual aid organization, not a poverty alleviation organization!"


Soldier King Long Chen slammed the table and stood up,"Yan Sha, don't go too far!"

"You are responsible for everything you say now! Don't think humans are soft persimmons that you can squeeze!"If you are bullied in the face and don't fight back, you will be regarded as weak and can be bullied!

The competition between star clans is like this, fighting openly and secretly, and being tough when it is time to be tough!

But the Lihuang Star Clan chose to tear their faces at this time, which is obviously not a good trend.

Humans and the Lihuang Star Clan have been competing for a long time, and humans have always suppressed the Lihuang Star Clan.

This time, the Lihuang Star Clan found an opportunity to turn the tables.

Although the Soldier King Long Chen looks calm on the surface, he is actually panicking in his heart.

The challenge of the Tower of Babel is too cruel. If you continue to be at the bottom, Blue Star really can't bear the consequences!

The punishment for being at the bottom this year is 100 random challengers, and next year there may be an additional resource production reduction of 50%, or the probability of awakening of hidden professionals will be reduced by 90%...

The challenge of the Tower of Babel is a paradise for the strong! A hell for the weak!

There is no way, it’s because humans had bad luck last time and encountered a strange incident, which led to the annihilation of the entire army before entering the 145th round... Long Chen can only hope that there will be a few extremely powerful

Blue Star challengers this time.

He doesn’t want more.

As long as they can reach the minimum requirements of the Tower of Babel and lead Blue Star to break through, they won’t be punished again!

But later, seeing the influence of the Blue Star challengers in the Tower of Babel, each one was worse than the other, and each one was more mentally broken than the other, it was shattered!

Many Blue Star citizens simply turned off the TV in despair!

Compared to the despair of humans, the people of the alien star tribe are more interesting.

Their attention is all focused on the Blue Star challengers, wanting to see if they can find a Blue Star challenger who can take the lead.

Yan Sha sat on the seat with his thighs knocking his legs together, and said sarcastically,

"Dragon War God is still as grumpy as ever! What a courage! I admire the personality of Dragon War God!"

"I just hope that in a few years, you still have the courage to challenge our Lihuang Star Clan!"

"Is the Dragon God of War still tirelessly looking for potential challengers?"

"That's great! We just wait for the Dragon God of War to find a potential challenger and lead humanity to take off! Then we can all have some soup, right?"

"It’s a pity that you humans don’t have even one challenger above level 4 this time. I’m afraid that the potential challenger you found will not lead humanity to take off, but lead humanity to crash! Hahaha!"


Long Chen had no time to deal with this noisy thing, and continued to stare at the big screen.

The Blue Star Challenger has been broadcast to the 90th person!

Still no one can fight!

Is there really no hope for humans?

Just when humans were desperate for this, a Blue Star Challenger with black hair and black eyes appeared on the screen.

He was a Dragon!

He was dressed in a white T-shirt and casual clothes.

He was young but handsome at his age.

His appearance was amazing, only slightly worse than the big bosses watching the live broadcast!

Many fans who were watching the live broadcast were crazy about him.

The most important thing was that the confident and fearless smile on the face of this challenger made him walk in the dangerous Tower of Babel as if he was walking in his own backyard.

If it wasn't explained, I would have thought he was here for vacation!

It was completely different from the previous human challengers with sad faces!

Even the fifth-turn bosses of other star tribes were not as cool as this person!

Long Chen was shocked, the Blue Star people who were watching the live broadcast were shocked, and the aliens were also shocked!

What kind of profession makes this person so arrogant and confident!

The eyes of all the Star Clan were focused on Ye Mo.

Long Chen immediately opened Ye Mo's attribute panel to check

"Occupation: Chef?!"

"Level: Level 9?!"

"Since the challenger has set viewing permissions, you can only see the challenger's occupation and level!"


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