The Tower of Babel is a place where the strong prey on the weak.

It magnifies the law of the weak in the universe by hundreds of times.

There is no need to argue here.

Just because you are weaker than me,

I will kill you!

Weakness is the biggest mistake in the Tower of Babel!

The drama of high-level star challengers hunting low-level star challengers is staged every day.

Every day, countless alien star challengers are eliminated due to death!

Challengers from various star tribes live in fear in the Tower of Babel , fearing that they will be targeted by more powerful star challengers and hunted if they are not careful!

But Ye Mo is an exception!

He hopes that others will come to trouble him.

People sit at home and experience comes from the sky.

This feeling is too good!

Is n't this more enjoyable than going out to search for challengers from other star tribes? In Ye Mo's view, challengers from other high-level star tribes who come to trouble him are no different from takeaways delivered to his door.

Ye Mo wanted to be targeted by the challengers of the higher star tribe so much that he almost wrote"My name is Zha Zha Hui, come and get me if you are my brother" on his face!

If he saw two challengers of the higher star tribe falling from the sky, challengers from other star tribes would have run away immediately, but Ye Mo was not like that.

He not only watched with relish, but also looked forward to it.

Even Gu Zong of the Beast God Star Tribe and Yue Lingxin of the God Moon Star Tribe who had just arrived were stunned.

What's wrong with this kid ? Why is he drooling at them? When the two challengers of the alien star tribe landed on the ground, Ye Mo also saw the appearance of the two people clearly.

One was a lion-headed man wearing golden ancient battle armor, with a golden mane, very domineering, and a height of three meters, one head taller than the Lihuang Star Tribe.

The muscles condensed all over the body, such a mighty lion!

I didn't expect that in this era of job transfer in the whole universe, not only huskies can become spirits, but lions can also become spirits!

The other one was a tall beauty wearing a white and blue alien-style sacrificial costume...

She was also a great beauty!

Like Meng, her beauty was completely in line with human aesthetics!

Her face was meticulously carved, not a little more, not a little less, and there was a hazy holy light on her body, giving people a sense of holiness.

If Meng looked like an elf, then this one looked like an angel!

Ye Mo silently gave her a high score of 120 in his heart.

This beauty was quite durable!

"Alien Star Tribe: The Beast Star Tribe"

"The best score of Tower of Babel: 110 floors!"


"Alien Star Clan: Shenyue Star Clan"

"Best score of Babel: 110 floors"



Two more big fat sheep!

Ye Mo looked at the two big fat sheep for a few more times, not only because the two big fat sheep were very good-looking.

In a place like the 138th floor of Tongtiantong, the probability of a star tribe challenger from the 110th floor appearing is already very small.

Meng once told Ye Mo that the Hunter Star Tribe had challenged the Tongtian Tower seven times before, and had never seen what challengers above the 120th floor looked like.

To put it bluntly, the probability of encountering challengers from higher floors at low levels is very low.

At that time, Ye Mo was speechless.

I only reached the 138th floor, and I encountered the Saiyan Star Tribe from the 90th floor, the Crusoe Star Tribe from the 100th floor, the Evil Eye Star Tribe and the Blood Eye Star Tribe from the 118th floor.

This time, there are two more star tribes from the 110th floor...

Am I too lucky or too unlucky?

Who cares!

As long as I can get experience points, it's fine!

Two star tribes from the 110th floor should not get twice as much experience points as the star tribes from the 118th floor?

When the time comes, we can confiscate their equipment, which will be another huge fortune!

Ye Mo saw Gu Zong coming straight towards him, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Can't wait to make a move so soon?

Ye Mo looked at Gu Zong as if he was watching a good show, wanting to see what special skills this lion has.

After this lion makes a move,

Ye Mo will let him know what despair is!

"Brother, I'm glad you're okay!"

"I'm relieved to see you're okay! Don't worry, I mean no harm!"Gu Zong slapped Ye Mo on the shoulder and said in a condescending manner.

This lion looks very majestic, and his voice is deep and steady, but why does it sound like mumbling when it speaks...

Ye Mo staggered, not because of Gu Zong's slap, but because he was speechless.

You come up to comfort me, what's your trick?

You call me little brother as soon as you open your mouth, do I know who you are?

Taking the opportunity to talk to successful people, right!

Ye Mo seriously suspected that the lion was mentally ill.

Ye Mo did not make a move, just to see what the lion was going to do.

Then he heard the lion head say intimately,

"Brother, judging from your appearance, this must be your first time here on the 138th floor!"

"The Tower of Babel is full of dangers, and as a newcomer you may easily be targeted by challengers from higher star clans!"

"Do you know how dangerous it is to be targeted by challengers from other star tribes? What should I do?"

The big lion clapped his badge and made a loud noise.

"Then you have to find me, Gu Zong!"

"I really like helping others!"

Ye Mo,"!!!!"

Ye Mo was confused at first and didn't know what the lion was going to do, but he understood it immediately after hearing the last sentence!

I finally met someone in the same field as me! When I was trying to trick challengers from other star tribes, my favorite thing to say was"I love helping others"!

What happened?

All the alien challengers who were helped by him were tricked to death by him without exception...

Ye Mo never expected that it was him, Ye Mo, who was fooling others, and one day it was someone else who fooled him!

The world is so cruel, and things change...

You, a lion, don't stay in the zoo, but run out to steal my job?

This lion is called Gu Zong, right?

Seeing that Ye Mo didn't speak for a long time, Gu Zong continued to ask with concern,"Are you alone? Is that person also your companion?"

Gu Zong saw the dream behind Ye Mo.

Ye Mo's mind raced.

Is this to test how many people there are in total?

Want to determine the number of people and catch them all in one fell swoop?

An old trick!

Do you think I can't guess it?

Ye Mo stretched out two fingers and said enthusiastically,"Yes, there are only two of us!"

"Friends seem strange to each other, as if we have never met!"

"Are there two of you too?"

Ye Mo smiled, his smile as warm as that of a big brother next door,"What a coincidence! It's really rare to meet such a friendly alien challenger like you in the Tower of Babel!"

"Besides, you like to help others... Coincidentally, I also like to help others!"You like acting, right?

Then I will act with you!

You want to catch us all in one fell swoop!

I also want to catch you all in one fell swoop! No matter how devoted this lion is to acting, he definitely doesn't know that there is a saying in human beings that good hunters often appear in the form of prey!

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