Ye Mo spoke, startling Gu Zong.

Ye Mo had been silent, and Gu Zong thought he was dumb...

But when Gu Zong heard Ye Mo's words"I also like to help others", he became visibly happy, and paid more attention to Ye Mo, as if he had found a treasure boy.

"Sure, boy!"

"There are not many passionate young people these days! Just for this sentence of yours, I, Gu Zong, will definitely protect you!"

Gu Zong laughed heartily. Ye Mo actually heard the emotion and vicissitudes of life in that laugh.

He didn't know what the lion was feeling and what vicissitudes of life were.

Ye Mo just wanted to say, good acting!

One of the basic skills of a liar is to show true feelings in order to make the other party believe you!

"Let me introduce myself again, my name is Gu Zong, what’s your name?"

"Ye Mo!" Ye Mo introduced himself

"Ye Mo? I'm 150 years old, definitely older than you! I'll call you Brother Ye! You can call me Brother Lion, it's a friendly name!"Gu Zong continued to say generously.

Damn! Sure!

This lion is quite skilled, always following his rhythm!

He acted so well, and this is to improve the relationship?

Ye Mo nodded, approving of Gu Zong's acting skills, and continued to show his harmless smile like the big brother next door,

"Then I won’t be polite, Brother Lion!"

""Brother Ye!" Gu Zong was very happy, and he met another brother.

The two of them were talking, and

Yue Lingxin had goose bumps.

Yue Lingxin stretched out her delicate hand and slapped herself on the face.

Oh my God!

This lion's old problem of social compulsion has come back again!

That kid is the same, a challenger, but he has no sense of crisis?

It's okay that he is not afraid of them, but in less than a minute, he has become friends with Gu Zong...

Gu Zong is social compulsive, could it be that this kid is also social compulsive?

"Gu Zong, don't forget our purpose!"

Yue Lingxin reminded

""Oh oh oh!"

Gu Zong remembered the purpose of this trip and asked Ye Mo,"Did you encounter any other Star Clan challengers who caused you trouble along the way?"

"No!" Ye Mo answered without even thinking.

"I did meet a few Star Clan challengers. They were all very friendly. Some wanted to make friends, some wanted to make friends, and some wanted to kneel down and sing for me... Unfortunately, it was just a chance encounter, and I rejected them all."

"I just encountered a conflict between two challengers from the Star Clan, and I successfully helped them resolve the conflict! They were so moved!"

Gu Zong,"!!!!"

Moon Spirit Heart,"……"

Making friends and making friends is fine , but what's so weird about wanting to kneel down and sing

? There are also challengers from the Star Clan who have the habit of kneeling down and singing?

Besides, the Tower of Babel is full of dangers.

Even the members of their heroic organization are very friendly to other challengers.

When other challengers from the Star Clan meet, they can't wait to skin each other and eat their flesh, and fight to the death!

Who doesn't say that the Tower of Babel is extremely dangerous!

What you said is the same as making friends offline. Are we talking about the same place?

Compared to Yue Lingxin's speechlessness,

Gu Zong was excited again. He patted Ye Mo on the shoulder and said,

"Good boy! I was right about you! You still want to help other Star Clan challengers and resolve their conflicts!"

"You have great potential to join us!"

"Yue Lingxin, what do you think of this boy?!"

"Let's make an exception and recruit him to join the group!"

The big lion's words contained a lot of information.

In addition to letting Ye Mo know that the angel-like woman was called Yue Lingxin, he also mentioned a certain organization.

"You are……"Ye Mo felt that he had caught a big fish this time, so he asked.

Gu Zong smiled mysteriously,"Sun Lion Lie Zong, Goddess of the Moon Yue Lingxin, we are all members of the Heroic Organization!"

"The Heroic Organization is a friendly organization dedicated to the cooperation and development between challengers, breaking the barriers between the Star Clan and the Star Clan challengers, and treating each other sincerely! Help each other, climb the tower collectively, and work together to survive!"

"Members are not allowed to attack other challengers at will. If challengers from other star tribes are in danger, they must help. The organization aims at mutual benefit and win-win!"

Ye Mo exclaimed.

This is still organized crime!

Look, the name of the organization has come out, it's called the Heroic Organization...

According to the ancient sect, the Heroic Organization is equivalent to a certain cross in the Tower of Babel, which provides warmth to challengers from other star tribes and lends a hand to star tribe challengers in danger... Ye Mo doesn't believe it at all.

In this Tower of Babel where people eat each other, you tell me that you come here to spread light and love?

Who are you fooling!

Which evil organization would write the words"I am a bad guy" on its face?

Aren't they wearing a hypocritical mask and doing unknown dirty things in private?

"How many people are there in the Heroic Organization?"

"More than you can imagine!"

"That's good, I want to join the organization!"

After a few words, Ye Mo made up his mind,"For someone like me who likes to help others, it's the best time to join you! We are the same kind of people!"

"Organization, I finally found you!"

Ye Mo's words were full of deep affection, as if he wanted to join the heroic organization very much.

Whatever heroic organization you are,

I will catch them all in one fell swoop!

How much experience points does this give!

""Okay, okay!" Gu Zong said, and handed a special communicator to Ye Mo,"This is a special communicator for the Heroic Organization! It can be used to locate and contact other members!"

"If you have this intention, I will let you join, even if you are only... 141st level?!"

Gu Zong checked Ye Mo's information, and the hand that was handing out the communicator stopped halfway.

141st level of human star clan?

This number is too low!

The heroic organization has a requirement that those who join as formal members must be at least 130 levels!

That organization doesn't want weak professionals who are useless and need to spend energy to protect to join.

Yue Lingxin couldn't stand Gu Zong anymore, and scolded,"Big Lion, please check the other party's information before you pull him in."

"Don’t get so excited that you forget about anything else!"

"A challenger of this level would not even be considered cannon fodder if something happened!"

"Can you protect him for a while, can you protect him forever?"

Gu Zong was also quite embarrassed. This was his mistake.

He was very optimistic about Ye Mo, the human challenger, and pulled him into the group, even forgetting the normal procedures.

"I'm sorry, brother Ye, I still consider it a……"

Before Gu Zong finished speaking, he realized that the special communicator in his hand was gone.

Seeing Ye Mo playing with the cell phone-sized, glass-like communicator, when did he take it away?

"Thank you Brother Shi for recruiting me! I am a member of the organization in life and a spy in death!"

Ye Mo expressed his loyalty so quickly that even Gu Zong was amazed!

From knowing to joining, it took less than three minutes, and you swore allegiance?!

Are you serious!

Thinking of Ye Mo's weak strength as a 141-level star clan,

Gu Zong suddenly realized that he was relying on us!

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