The Military Industry Hall was a temporary hall that was quickly established after the Terrans came to the Beimei Continent.

Everyone registers with a computer here. The young lady in the hall saw that Ye Chen was actually a freshman, and he was still a silver level 30, so she stopped doing it at that time: "Aren't you fooling around?" Although there are many large families who will bring their juniors to come to see the liveliness. Your level is too low.

"You can't take that risk. Even if you can be resurrected after death. Few young people can withstand the despair that comes after death. Many people have psychological problems.

"This low-level can't pass."

The young lady is also thinking about Ye Chen.

This is normal.

And when Tang Xiaoyue said that Ye Chen was the one who made the experience copy.

The young lady looked surprised: "I thought it was the same name." I haven't asked about your profession just now, I'm sorry.

"People like you will surely be able to shine on the battlefield." But you have to be careful with that eye. "

Poison Venerable Feng Kui was looked at by that eye because he used poison too ruthlessly, and he is still lying in the hospital."

To be honest, since Feng Kui was recalled by the top management.

Ye Chen didn't contact this guy much.

Hearing that he was injured, Ye Chen was still a little surprised: "Isn't he Tianzun?" And isn't the high-level demon inside sealed? "

Those high-level demons just can't get out... I can't say it well, you'll know when you go into battle. The young lady sighed: "You are the treasure of our Terran race, don't step forward, just put more defense towers."

"By the way, do you have any special equipment that can leave a mark, and if you accidentally wear it out on the battlefield, we provide materials here to repair it for free."

The young lady made a very detailed registration.

Ye Chen glanced at his salted fish points.

All the salted fish points accumulated recently have not been used.

He opens the System Store.

Although the goddess of resurrection is not on sale.

It still takes 5 million salted fish points.

[Resurrection Goddess]: Need 5 million salted fish points, a statue, can be placed in any safe area, can leave anyone's mark, and there is no upper limit, you need a construction master to be able to build, you can be resurrected within 24 hours after death, full of health and attributes after resurrection.

But Ye Chen still exchanged this thing for the first time.

"The matter of the defense tower, I'll find an agent puppet to help me build it in a while." Ye Chen said, and took out the proxy doll again.

The agent doll had no face when it was first taken out, and it would slowly look exactly the same as Ye Chen.

Cortana followed behind the agent doll step by step, although the agent doll copied Ye Chen's whole body attributes and had the same amount of blue, but it still needed to be replied.

As a small bottle. Cortana used to work with the agent doll like this.

The two of them went out to build a defensive tower, and the people around Ye Chen were not strange, but Nalan Xue was a little curious: "I want to follow the past and take a look."

"Go ahead. You can also help us when necessary. Ye Chen said directly.

Nalan Xue followed the agent doll out.

Bai Luoyan didn't quite understand Ye Chen's behavior: "Otherwise, you operate with that doll?" Double the happiness. The speed of building defensive towers is also fast. "

Don't worry about this first." Ye Chen also knew that after he came, the pressure on the outer edge battlefield would definitely be greatly reduced.

The Goddess of Resurrection is a small statue, only the size of a palm.

But this thing needs to be built by a master builder.

Gotta pick a place.

"What's the safest place in the area?" Even if you are standing here, where is the safe place that will not be attacked by the eye above? Ye Chen asked directly.

"There's nothing safer than where I'm in." The young lady had not answered, but another voice appeared in the hall.

An old man's voice.

Ye Chen looked in the direction of the old man, it was the leader he had seen before, the old man of that profession.

The old man was followed by more than 20 unknown Heavenly Saints.

The two Tianzuns who had been following the old man were also gone, probably on the battlefield, right?

"I didn't expect you to come too." The old man looked at Ye Chen with emotion: "This young lady is right, you are the treasure of our Terran race." There must be no accidents. Why don't I stack another life for you. "

Can this thing still be stacked?

A strip had been superimposed on top of Ye Chen's head.

"No, no, no." If the other party has no loss, he can casually superimpose a life on Ye Chen, and the other party directly cuts the life span with skills, which is worth it.

"I can build a statue of resurrection." Ye Chen directly said his needs: "I need a particularly safe place. Then I set up ten thousand defensive towers near that resurrection statue.

"My resurrection statue can bring people back to life in a full state. And there is no CD. Everyone can leave their mark on the statue. There is no upper limit. "

The military hall was originally a mess.

There are people lining up to register.

After someone registers, they change their equipment and go to the battlefield.

There are also people teaming up, and it's safest to team up in this case. And at this time, the nanny and meat are the most lacking.

Ye Chen's voice was not loud.

But in the process of his talk.

Everyone in the entire military industry hall gradually quieted down.

They looked at the young child in front of them with a shocked expression—a silver level 30 child who had just woken up not long ago.

The best age for people to wake up is 16 to 18 years old.

So the person in front of you may still be a minor.

The leader looked at Ye Chen with an excited expression: "What you said is true?" Full state resurrection? "

The biggest problem that plagues humanity right now is that resurrection items are not available to everyone.

But for such a large war, there is a monument that can be resurrected in the hall of the military industry. However, after this thing is revived, the whole body attribute is sharply reduced to 5%, including the amount of health is also 5%.

So next to the monument there is about a company of nanny.

Someone was resurrected, so they hurried up and added blood. First pull the blood up, as for the sharp reduction of the attributes of the whole body, this negative state must last for three days, and it cannot be dispelled.

But some people simply don't care about that. A sharp reduction is a sharp reduction. Go out and kill two demons first. Anyway, if you die, you can be resurrected.

Many people feel that their bodies have been hollowed out.

Because once you die, only 5% of the whole body attribute remains, and if you die if there is only 5% of the whole body attribute left, that is 5% of 5%.

The number of days of weakness also increases sequentially.

From 3 days to 6 days.

From 6 days to 9 days.

Therefore, those who have just been resurrected after death must be forced to rest.

However, some nurses have a relatively powerful talent, which can make people's attributes sharply reduced, not so serious.

The most powerful is the Pope. After resurrection, it can maintain at least 70% of its attributes for a day, and there is no way to clear the negative state.

Ye Chen said that he could be resurrected with full attributes.

And there is no CD.

The group of combat professionals who were forming a team looked in Ye Chen's direction one by one.

The leader immediately said: "I'll find you a place, it's definitely the safest." How long does it take you to build?

Ye Chen: "... A second? "

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