Ye Chen's resurrection goddess was built in the house of the military industry hall where the leader lived.

Because that's where the defense of the entire military-industrial hall is thickest.

The leader can add buffs to the people of the whole summer, so it must be well protected.

When Ye Chen approached the leader, he also had a few more buffs on his head. In addition to the one added by the previous chief. There are new ones.


of the Summer Kingdom]: Lasts 7 days, and the health and blue energy recovery speed of all classes in the Summer Kingdom is increased by 100%, the attack is increased by 50%, and the experience is increased by 50%.

[Wartime Status]:

Duration 30 days, health and blue recovery speed increased by 200% for all classes in the Summer Kingdom. Attack power increased by 100%. Critical strike chance increased by 50%. 20% increase in hit rate. 100% increase in experience.


Lasting 3 days, all classes of Xia Guo's normal attacks and skills will deal 20% damage deepening, 13% critical strike chance, and 20% experience bonus.


Duration 3 days, the movement speed of all classes in the Summer Kingdom is increased by 20%, and after killing a unit, the movement speed is increased to 50%, and the duration is 15 seconds.


Lasts for 3 days, and all professionals in Xia Kingdom can release combos with an 8% probability when they attack or release skills in a normal attack, releasing two normal attacks or skills.

[Strength Buff]:

Duration 3 days, the strength of all classes in Xia Kingdom is increased by 500.

[Spirit Gain]:

Duration 3 days, the spirit of all professionals in Xia Kingdom increases by 500.

[Agility buff]:

Duration 3 days, agility increased by 500 for all classes in Xia Country.

[Physique gain]:

Duration 3 days, the physique of all occupations in Xia Guo increases by 500.

The above 10 buffs are all from the boss.

What remains is a joint buff from other chiefs and their own chiefs.

Through these buffs, Ye Chen can basically understand what is going on with the profession of the leader?

First, heads of state can add buffs to all classes in their country.

There may even be other features, but the location is not clear at the moment.

The second is that the leaders of the countries can join forces to add buffs to all humans.

It is estimated that the basic buff is similar to everyone.

It's just a different name.

The joint buff looks like this, presumably to balance the way each country names this joint buff.


The joint buff has no name at all.


: [Joint Buff1]:

Lasts 5 days, increases the attack speed of all classes by 80%, and reduces the skill CD time of all classes by 20%.

[Joint Buff 2]:

Lasts for 5 days, reduces the healing effect of enemy units by 20%, and increases the healing effect of our units by 10%.

[Joint Buff 3]:

Lasts for 5 days, increases the movement speed of our units by 20%, and increases all attributes by 200.

[Joint Buff 4]:

Lasts for 5 days, increases our unit's critical strike chance by 20%, hit rate by 10%, and increases the shield effect of auxiliary units by 20%.

[Joint Buff 5]:

Duration 5 days, increase the full attributes of our units by 1%.


These buffs are really comfortable enough to stack on the body.

Therefore, the houses prepared for the chiefs by the military industrial halls of all countries are the strongest and most durable.

As soon as the leader dies, the buffs all disappear.

In particular, the joint buff will disappear with it.

"How do I feel, this joint buff is a bit like a low-end version of unlimited firepower." Ye Chen thought thoughtfully. It's that skill CDs can't be completely eliminated.

It can only be reduced by 20%, which is actually good.

The leader was inexplicable: "Infinite what?

"Nothing." Ye Chen took out the statue of the goddess of resurrection.

Quickly established.

This statue is beautiful enough.

That is the image of an angel. It's a bit similar to Cortana. But the statue is a little more beautiful.

Everyone can enter their mark on the angel statue.

Specifically, when everyone approaches the statue, a white dialog box will appear. Just put your left or right hand on it.

After Ye Chen's resurrection statue was erected, three defensive towers were also built next to the statue.

It looks like three.

In fact, it is 30,000 units.

Everyone ran to the statue of the Resurrection to record their mark.

Then he rushed out like chicken blood.

After recording the imprint, everyone had an extra buff on their head.

[Goddess of Resurrection]:

After death, it can be resurrected in an infinitely full state.

The first to try was the group of people who were resurrected with ordinary monuments, and the whole person's full attributes were only 5% left.

For them, the amount of blood is filled though.

But that negative state cannot be cleared.

It will be three days later.

How can they endure this?

Everyone was rubbing their hands.

Directly rushed to the battlefield and sent him to death.

And when they died, they found themselves really full of resurrection.

The resurrection site is in the military industry hall of Xia Guo.

One by one, they screamed and ran out again.

Ye Chen: ......

Then Ye Chen also saw a familiar figure in it.

He is cheap daddy, Ye Zhenguo.

Ye Zhenguo was obviously resurrected with other props.

It is not a full-state mode.

Having just been resurrected, he is still a little uncomfortable.

This discomfort is impossible to talk to others. Only those who have died once understand.

"Daddy?" Ye Chen hurriedly stepped forward.

Ye Zhenguo was very happy to see his son: "Xiaochen, you are here?" I heard you have an item here that can be resurrected in full condition, where is it? Let me leave my mark.

Ye Chen nodded: "I'll take you." "

After Ye Zhenguo left a good mark.

Plunge headlong into the seal.

Now his state is actually not suitable to continue fighting.

But he just wants to die now.

Then resurrect in full state.

Ye Chen watched in surprise as Ye Zhenguo rushed into the seal, and this seal entrance was guarded by one hundred and eighty Heavenly King-level experts.

It is also the only entrance for masters to enter the seal.

Of course, there is also a Tianzun guard inside, and the demon will not be allowed to approach.

Ye Zhenguo came in with a negative state in his head. Tianzun, who was guarding the entrance, was inexplicable: "Zhenguo, why did you come in again?" It's not okay for you to be in this state. "

Send the dead." Don't stop me. In that Tianzun's opinion, Ye Zhenguo's current mental state is not very good.

The goods rushed out directly.

That Tianzun hurriedly said, "Don't think about it." Come back soon. "

But Ye Zhenguo has already rushed out.

And usually, there are a bunch of knights standing next to Ye Zhenguo.

This pile of knights all shared the damage to Ye Zhenguo.

This time, Ye Zhenguo rushed out alone. Enough to scare the bunch of knights who had protected him before.

Although knowing that Ye Zhenguo has talent.

But this talent is used later.

Probably only monuments can be used.

The state of the monument is ruthless enough. Only 5% of the attribute, must not rest for many days at that time?

However, Ye Zhenguo didn't care so much.

Rush out and put skills directly.

This skill is that CD time is relatively long. But the forward shake time is relatively short.

Some mages' forbidden spells are too long to shake forward.

This skill does not require chanting.

Ye Zhenguo stood in place and opened his mouth, and a beam of light suddenly appeared in front of Ye Zhenguo, and then shot straight over.

It's similar to Lax's big move in League of Legends.

The beam is 10 meters wide.

And big.

And long.

Thick and thick.

Where it passes.

All the demons, the amount of blood has plummeted.

Some Abyss Demons with a relatively low level were directly killed in seconds.

It was a hole in the abyss demon army in front of him.

"Your father is quite powerful, isn't he?" Tang Xiaoyue didn't know when she appeared next to Ye Chen, and whispered.

Ye Chen also did not expect that the cheap dad actually learned such a move: "It turns out that my dad is Lax." "

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