"What Lax?" Tang Xiaoyue couldn't understand it at all.

Ye Zhenguo is a moving cannon barrel.

The skills in your body are not to be spilled out.

You may also think about the amount of blue before.

Now completely unscrupulous.

The reason why some Tianzuns on the battlefield did not use extreme means, or used forbidden spells to kill demons.

Except for those Abyssal Demon Skins that are thick and flesh.

There is one more question.

That's the red eye on the minaret.

After the space was folded, the tall tower appeared out of thin air, and all the densely packed on the tower were high-level abyss demons.

Sit at the top of the tower.

Only occasionally can you see half a black-purple wing, or an abyss demon with red eyes.

The Abyss Demon on the tower quickly noticed, and the cannon barrel with deadly skills was placed underneath.

That Abyss Demon looked in the direction of Ye Zhenguo.

At the same time, a red beam of light directly locked on Ye Zhenguo.

Ye Zhenguo's whole body attributes declined.

At the same time, Ye Zhenguo's body also exploded in place. Finally, it disappears into bits and pieces.

At the same time, Ye Zhenguo's words echoed on the battlefield: "Laozi will come back!" The

gatekeeper Tianzun was shocked: "Are you crazy? This is? Did he get a new resurrection item?

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen saw that in the military industry hall, a person with a happy face ran out from inside, it was Ye Zhenguo: "Full state, smash, full state, hahahaha!! Ye

Chen: "..."

Ye Zhenguo rushed out.

Tianzun, who was guarding the door, watched a full Ye Zhenguo appear in front of him.

Higher properties than just now. After all, Ye Zhenguo just now used his own talent, and after being resurrected, he still carried a negative state.

And now. Ye Zhenguo is in full state.

The knights who often guarded Ye Zhenguo's side were relieved to see him come back in full condition.

Then they saw a dead and crazy Ye Zhenguo.

"Eat Lao Tzu with a !!"

One and long.

And big.

A thick beam of light emerged from Ye Zhenguo.

The sparse abyss demons that had just been bombarded, they re-fused a new abyss demon from their own body or the body of another abyss demon.

This new Abyss Demon is only level 80.

But in this field.

Every Abyss Demon after birth.

The level can go up like crazy.

Except for those small abyss demons who were specifically willing to run out from the Northern Continent to disturb the outer edge, most of the abyss demons would stay in place and quickly upgrade.

Then join the battlefield.

However, before the Abyss Demons that had just been recombined due to the reincarnation of talent could upgrade, the moving light cannon barrel blasted them to pieces.

The red eye in the sky continued to lock on Ye Zhenguo.

That red light could directly kill Ye Zhenguo in seconds.

In the military industry hall, Ye Zhenguo quickly rushed out: "Laozi is back!" Hahaha! On

the battlefield of the Beimei Continent, Ye Zhenguo frantically output: "Eat Laozi with a shot!" "

Lao Tzu is back!!"

"Eat Lao Tzu with a shot!!"

"Lao Tzu..." "Eat Lao Tzu..."

Ye Chen: "... Daddy's resurrection statue is not such a play. "

His intention was for everyone to be able to enjoy that mode of full resurrection.

After all, inside this world. There are no such props yet.

All people gain some negative state to a greater or lesser extent after resurrection.

And it will last a long time.

I didn't expect my dad to play.

Tianzun, who was guarding the gate

: "..." Those knights responsible for protecting Ye Zhenguo: "..."

After dozens of back and forth.

Ye Zhenguo's speed seems to be a little slow.

Tianzun, who just learned that there was a prop that could be resurrected in an infinitely full state in the military industry hall, also joined the queue of not putting money in skills at this time.

The Tianzun who guarded the door ran faster than Ye Zhenguo, and when he passed by Ye Zhenguo, he also laughed: "Yo, old Ye, it's not good!"

Ye Zhenguo: "... You know when you die more, and you feel that your body is hollowed out. "

Tianzun, who guards the door: "Kidney deficiency is kidney loss, what excuse to find."

Ye Zhenguo: "Muggle!

However, Ye Chen noticed that the Abyss Demon was growing very fast in those two realms where space overlapped, and the reincarnation was getting faster and faster.

That eye in the sky, every time the red light swept across the battlefield, it could kill indiscriminately, including Tianzun.

What's more, there are other Tianzun-level Abyss Demons on this battlefield.

Everyone feels like they're tied up.

And the condition that triggers the appearance of that red eye seems to be injury.

Once someone hurts too much and kills more Abyss Demons, they will be locked by that red eye.

One hit in seconds.

Ye Chen, when they didn't come.

All high-level professionals on the battlefield have to control their injuries.

It is necessary to steadily reduce the number of Abyss Demons, or prevent them from leaving this realm where space overlaps.

Now Ye Chen brought such a thing.

So those high-level professionals on the battlefield are all crazy.

They went outside to leave their mark on the goddess of resurrection first.

Then rush into the battlefield and go on a rampage:

"Bunny cubs! Eat your Fa Ye a forbidden spell.

"Hahahaha, Ye Chen is the light of my Terrans!! Lao Tzu killed you with an axe!!

"What are you guys, I still have magic cannonballs that can shoot non-stop for seven days, can't kill you?"

"Children, all come out for Lao Tzu, now I am not afraid of being targeted if I hurt too much!" Hit, hit me hard!

"The sealer sees the opportunity to seal, we export dried into meat puree, you will quickly seal, don't let them have that opportunity to reincarnate!"


Feng Kui was injured.

Then two more Tianzun died in battle.

So far, there are only 7 Tianzuns left. One left to guard the door. The other 6 unite against other Tianzun-level Abyss Demons.

That's called a tough.

However, with the blessing of Ye Chen's resurrection goddess.

A bunch of high-level professionals are all crazy. Skills don't look like money.

The pressure on the Heavenly Venerables was greatly reduced.

And those abyss demons had uglier faces than the other.

In this realm of overlapping spaces.

They can be reincarnated indefinitely.

Now the Terrans can also be resurrected indefinitely.

What the?

The reason why there is no way to ban the resurrection of the Terrans in this field is because they themselves have to reincarnate.

If you let that eye of them, open all the realms where resurrection is forbidden.

Not only humans will be affected, but their own reincarnation will also be affected.

The skills or props that humans forbid resurrection have no effect on them.

The main thing is that the Abyss Demon above this spire has a bit of a bug in its own skills. That's why they can't be used.

The other Heavenly Venerables had only upgraded after coming to this spatial superposition realm. This kind of advanced skill that forbids resurrection, they don't have.

In the case of both parties open.

The Abyss Demon side is a little uncomfortable.

This abyss demon can indeed be reincarnated indefinitely. But after their reincarnation, the level will decrease. It is simply impossible to resurrect in a full state.

And at the same time as the level decreases. People will wait to seal them.

With Ye Chen's joining, the low-level demons hid in the Beimei Continent and did not dare to come out, because they would be killed by the defense tower as soon as they came out.

High-level demons were struggling to deal with those high-level professionals who had gone crazy at the overlapping space of the Beimei Continent.

For a while, this group of Abyss Demons was defeated one by one.

One of the Tianzun-level abyss demons, still a female demon, looked extremely gorgeous, and suddenly roared, and the whole demon began to grow bigger.

It looks more than three times bigger than the other demons.

And those abyss demons around who have died.

At this moment, reincarnation also stopped.

The flesh and blood of all the Abyss Demons turned into red points of light.

Scrambling to enter the body of that female abyss demon.

And that female abyss demon is also growing wildly.

The upper limit of the Tianzun level should be 300 levels.

But this guy has grown to level 320.

Push the limits of humanity!

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