This skill book is really interesting.

There is no mention of attributes or anything.

If it weren't for the fact that this thing cost 7 million.

Ye Chen wanted to lose this goods.

Learn it.

After learning.

Ye Chen's skill panel had an extra golden skill.

[Magic Cannon Level 1] (God-level skill):

Attack: Character attack power× 20 (Heart of Construction bonus

) Attack range: Full map (example: if in Blue Star, the range is the entire universe) Attack

speed: 30 seconds 1 round

consumption: Character's blue amount, 1% at a time.

Blood volume: 1 million.


: [Damage Increase]:

The magic projectile fired by the cannon is ten meters in diameter, dealing double damage at the very center of the shell (within 5 meters), and after hitting the unit, it deals 3% of the maximum health per second for three seconds.

[Range True Eye]:

Can see through any hidden skills that are in range.

[Must Hit]: Ignore any dodge, ignore the unselectable state, ignore the soul state.

[Deceleration]: Each shell will slow down the target by 20%, and there is a 50% probability that the opponent will enter stun. (Influenced by the Heart of Construction)

[Identification]: It can automatically identify the opponent's camouflage, analyze whether the opponent is in the enemy camp, and automatically attack. Professionals can lock on their own targets.

Note: If you want to upgrade this skill, you can only use the skill upgrade stone, and upgrade it with materials, and cannot be upgraded.

Although this skill cannot be upgraded by proficiency.

You can only upgrade the ranks.

But Ye Chen knew that this thing was awesome when he looked at this attribute.

Ye Chen now has a strength attribute value of nearly 90,000.

The attack power is around 450,000.

If you eat buff.


That Ye Chen must let Xiao Na and her own master fold a bunch of buffs for themselves before using it.

In this case, you will be able to hit the character's attack power by 20 times.

What concept?


The range is still so wide.

I'm afraid that if Ye Chen finds a place to hide this fort.

None of the targets knew what was hitting them.

At this time, Ye Chen said to Xiao Na: "Add buff to me, hurry up."

Sheng Xue said righteously: "What do you want to do?" I told you, with me today, don't even think about going in. "

Got it, Auntie." Ye Chen's "aunt" almost broke Sheng Xue's defense: "I honestly stay here and don't go anywhere." But I asked my pet to add buffs to me. No problem, right?

Sheng Xue nodded: "No problem. Add whatever you want. "

Of Ye Chen's three pets, two of them can add status to him.

Cortana increases attack power by 100%.

Linglong can increase attack power by 20%.

Plus the buffs given by the bosses.

Ye Chen still felt that it was not stable enough.

The thing that flies in the sky is a very powerful guy at a glance.

Even if it's a 20x attack. Even double the damage of hitting the center of the range.

Ye Chen always felt that it was not enough.

Since Ye Chen engaged in a resurrection statue, the nurses have been idle so far.

The people resurrected by the resurrection idols are in a full state.

That is, how many buffs they put on their heads before they die.

When they are resurrected, the buff is still there.

No need to re-flash.

To know so many auxiliary occupations.

It's a lot of trouble to brush it all over.

But fortunately, the buff given by the bosses is an aura buff, as long as the boss is still in the camp and resurrected after death, it will be directly forcibly added. There is no need for the boss to re-brush.

But ordinary auxiliary occupations have to be re-brushed.

And after the resurrection idol.

Professionals who originally brushed the state do not need to re-brush the state after death.

Nannies are quite idle.

Even some nurses have joined the fighting industry.

Ye Chen ran directly in the direction of those nurses.

The nurses were really grateful to Ye Chen. Greet him one by one.

"Do you have an attack buff?" Add them all to me. It's all stackable, right? Ye Chen hurriedly asked those nurses.

"If it's different professions, it can be stacked. Skills of the same class cannot be stacked. The nurses quickly responded.

Fortunately, these nurses still have several occupations.

In addition to the Light Priest. And the water system priest.

Question: Ye Chen actually saw a fire priest. This fire priest can only add status to others.

According to the young man, "If I add blood, I may burn the other person." "

Poisoned milk?" Ye Chen was stunned.

"So I usually use the Blood Plus skill to fight monsters. It often works wonders. "The lad is a little shy.

Ye Chen could only give a thumbs up.

He searched for all the auxiliary occupations on the edge of the Beimei continent.

There was nothing else but to let those auxiliary classes add buffs to him.

And it must also be an attack buff.

Sheng Xue really couldn't understand what he was going to do.

But Sheng Xue and Bai Luoyan followed Ye Chen the whole time.

A pair of eyes were almost glued to Ye Chen's body.

Anyway, no matter what, it will not let Ye Chen enter the realm of spatial superposition.

However, when Ye Chen finished looking for all the auxiliary occupations in the circle outside.

Knock on the ground with a hammer.

A magic cannon the size of a car appeared in front of everyone.

"What is it?" Bai Luoyan looked at the magic cannon with a confused expression: "I've never seen you use it before." Newly learned skills? "

Newly learned skills." Ye Chen nodded.

Because the cannon is a target that allows Ye Chen to directly lock on its own.

Ye Chen locked onto the red-eyed Abyss Demon above the tower.

It seems to be quite close, but it is actually very far away.

And it's in another space.

But the cannon can still be locked. Because now the two spaces overlap partially. Ye Chen could also see the thing.

Therefore, the skill directly determines that the opponent is within the range that can be attacked.

Ye Chen stepped back.

This magic cannon looks like a tank. It's a blue, transparent streamlined tank though.

But no one could have imagined that the shells fired by this thing were so big.

And this shell is flying quite fast.

Directly smashed in the direction of the red-eyed abyss demon in the air.

Bai Luoyan frowned: "Your range is not that far, right?" Don't look at that red-eyed abyss demon, it seems to be quite close to us, in fact, it is quite far away from us.

"It's just that after the two spaces overlap, you can see it from our angle." Far away, in fact.

"It's like the moon you see on the plateau on August 15, the moon has to be the size of a basin, it looks quite large, in fact it is very far away."

Bai Luoyan's explanation is full marks.

But Ye Chen said directly: "I can't do the whole map." Now, the cannon determines that the goods are in the whole map.

"You always see this red eye hitting people in the overlapping part of space, when did you see this red eye hitting us in this range?"

"His attack power should not be able to touch so far."

Ye Chen's words made Sheng Xue's eyes light up: "That's right. His attack can't hit here. Because this is not a part of space overlapping.

"Then it'll be fine." Ye Chen looked light: "I just ate a bunch of buffs." This thing's attack power is 20 times my attack power.

"Although the attack may not be high, it is still somewhat useful." Ye Chen is too stable.

After all, at this angle, you can't see how much defense power and blood the red-eyed Abyss Demon has.

Even if it is with identification, it will not work.

Bai Luoyan and Sheng Xue looked stunned: "You wait." Sheng Xue said directly: "I'll find you a few runes that can add buffs to you or eat." "

PS: I don't think there are many people watching today, I still have Calvin, and there is still a chapter to be sent later

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