After the cannon is lowered to the ground.

Launch an attack every 30 seconds.

"You're going to eat this. The last piece of ancestors. Bai Luoyan held a pastry in her hand, and almost broke Ye Chen's mouth and stuffed it in.

"That's only 1 percent. Are you crazy? Ye Chen was depressed: "Besides, I have eaten this cake a lot, if it is not hungry, it will be enough." The problem is that it is still hungry. How many pieces can I eat? "

What Ye Chen regrets the most now is to let Bai Luoyan and Sheng Xue find him food.

The runes are also there.

Just tear it with your own hands.

But eat.

Most of the food made by life professionals can add some buffs. There are also those that add attack power.

But some of these foods are simply to increase the attack power, but not to be hungry, this food is very precious.

Usually those who live professionally are reluctant to take it out. Even if it is taken out, it will be sold for a high price.

Now all contribute to Ye Chen.

If he didn't fill his stomach, Ye Chen ate it all.

Filling his stomach, Ye Chen also ate a little.

But I really can't eat it.

"What about you cramming?" Ye Chen said with a depressed face: "All auxiliary professions give me folded buffs, plus snacks." Then add various runes, which can increase my attack power by a total of 4700%, which is 47 times my attack power. "

47x attack power plus 20x.

That is, one shot can hit 400 million. If it is a central location. Double that is 800 million.


The Shadow of the Treasure Great Demon King is only 10% of its attributes. Easily killed Ye Chen's blood of one to two hundred million, if it weren't for Ye Chen's defense tower, he would have taken on damage first, he would have been gone.

800 million damage, which looks pretty high.

But it is estimated that there is not much hit on the body of the red-eyed abyss demon.

"So what to do? The attack power is too low, not enough. "Sheng Xue is particularly anxious.

The Heavenly Venerables and the other masters did not try to attack the red eye in the sky in the past.

But it's really too far away.

Can't fight.

Ye Chen, this cannon, is the only one that can hit.

But the attack power is too low.

“...... Have you forgotten that I had a 10% fatal blow? Ye Chen was a little helpless: "There is a shell in 10 rounds, it may be directly killed in seconds, what if he is unlucky and triggered?" "

You only have this cannon once in 30 seconds," Bai Luoyan looked tangled: "When will it be triggered?" You better eat more cakes.

Ye Chen's whole body was full of resistance: "I don't eat." Anyway, now the masters are playing quite high. "

Although the Abyss Demons have made a huge female demon.

The attack power is high, and it can also kill all sides.

But the masters on the Terran side are dead and alive, alive and dead.

People just don't work tirelessly.

After dying, he immediately rushed to the battlefield.

In order to go to the battlefield, some people teleport directly and flash after resurrection.

Anyway, it can be resurrected after death, or resurrected in a full state.

There is no need to worry about the amount of blue at all.

Fa Ye threw the forbidden spell when he entered.

Professions such as knights, warriors, fighters, etc. are at the top.

Can open invincible, open invincible.

Can open the mockery.

Anyway, it is necessary to buy time for the masters to release the forbidden spell that has been shaken for a long time.

But then someone pointed to the sky: "Look at that eye." Someone is hitting that eye. Who has that long hands?

"The frequency is a little slower." Feng Kui looked up, since he learned that he could be resurrected in a full state, he had been lying in the hospital for three days, limping, crawling into the battlefield to die.

Resurrection in a full state.

"It's a little slow." Another domestic Tianzun said: "It seems to be once every 30 seconds." But it's a long distance. It is estimated that it is a series of large points of light when hit the back. "

Calls in from outside." A Heavenly Saint level expert next to him reminded: "It's a pity. Although the hands are quite long, the outside is basically below level 80. They don't have high attack power. It is estimated that no harm will be done.

"Who says it can't do any harm?" Ye Zhenguo was particularly proud: "This was fought by my son."

"Who's your son?" Although Feng Kui knew Ye Chen, he really didn't know Ye Zhenguo.

"I just saw you talking to my son." Ye Zhenguo was angry and corrupted, "My son is Ye Chen." What other copy of that experience did my son get? You guys haven't used it? Isn't his turret 10%, a fatal blow? Feng

Kui: "... You said it earlier.

Another domestic Tianzun hurriedly said: "If it is Ye Chen, then it is appropriate, properly beat down that thing." "

Abyss Demon Realm.

Hanging on the top of the Demon Tower is the Great Demon King of the Bear.

This product itself has this virtue.

That's why it's called that. It's because it's big, tall, and full of muscles.

It has red eyes. In a special state, you can indiscriminately kill enemy units of the same level and below the same level.

Only useful for people.

Only bonuses to demons.

But this particular state has a negative effect.

That is, there is no IQ.

After sacrificing the brain. The Great Demon King of Xiong Ben became extremely powerful, lying on the highest floor above the tower, and when he saw which of the Terrans had the strongest attack, he looked over with his eyes.

The abyss demons that he had added were like beating chicken blood one by one.

Various multiplication of attributes.

After creating that Abyss Female Demon, the Great Demon King looked at it fiercely with his own eyes for a while.

Let the level of the Abyss Female Demon, go up.

This is why in this superimposed space, this group of Abyss Demon Levels is rising upwards.

Because there is a big assist here.

However, just when the Great Demon King of Xiong Ben had the most fun.

Suddenly felt someone hit him.

At this time, the Great Demon King of Xiong Ben did not have any intelligence at all, and he patted the abyss demon on the next high tower with his long tail: "Did you hit me?" "

That named Abyss Demon is also a Heavenly Saint level, although he is a subordinate of the Great Demon King of Xiong Ben, but it is very unpleasant to see him.

Because this big demon king is not in this state. Even in a normal state, he has no brains.

"Not me." The named Abyss Demon was angry and corrupted: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Not who are you? I think you did it. The Great Demon King Xiong found that a series of light blue shells smashed in his direction, and he forgot to dodge, after all, the damage was general: "I added status to you, you actually got me?"

"Who got you?" The Abyss Demon still wanted to refute, but was slapped on the head by the Great Demon King of Xiong Ben, and the big thing fell down.

The Great Demon King of Xiong Wei only remembered to dodge at this time.

But no matter how he dodged, the thing fell on him.

One time.

One more time.

"Who the hell smashed me? Who smashed me? Stand up for Lao Tzu.

"Lao Tzu adds status to you. You can backstab Lao Tzu, right? The

Great Demon King shouted angrily.

"The boss is really not us." The abyss demon below was also drunk: "Obviously that thing flew in from outside, I saw it, it was a little bedbug outside who hit you."

"What are you kidding? Although the two spaces were superimposed, I was far away from them. The distance between me and them is equivalent to the distance between the moon and them, and he can hit me ?? "The Great Demon King of Xiong Wei flicked around with one tail that was particularly unpleasant.

He threw some of the unpleasant ones off the tower.

This tower has a total of 9 floors.

The layer closest to the ground was superimposed on the space below, crushing half of the American continent.

Each floor is actually folded with the space below.

So it looks close, it's actually far away.

The Abyss demons at the highest level were still watching the play.

But he didn't expect that the Xiong Wei Great Demon King at the top actually launched a madness. Sweep the layer of abyss demons below.

"Are you stupid for me?" The Great Demon King was angry and corrupted.

The abyss demon who fell from the tower entered the battlefield, and there was only one sentence in his mind:

Aren't you stupid?!!

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