Out of the question.

Ye Chen came to the copy hall.

And at this time.

Whether it is Bai Luoyan or Ye Zhen.

They all looked at him expectantly.

The first to speak was Ye Zhen: "How is it?" There are no talent upgrades. It stands to reason that you can clear the level so quickly. Should get this. Instead of promotion on full properties.

"Everyone's talent is different, and I don't even know what your talent is."

"Originally, my talent was light affinity, and the probability of summoning a light summoning beast increased by 50%. After I passed the path of questioning, the probability of the talent becoming a light summoned beast increased by 100%, and there was no upper limit. This

is the first time Ye Zhen has said that he has a natural talent for his hidden profession.

Every hidden profession can carry a talent of its own when awakened.

The second talent can be reawakened through the Talent Stone.

So hidden professions generally have only two talents.

Ye Chen suddenly thought of something. He has one more natural talent than others. He has two talents. So that voice just now, which talent was promoted?

Turn on talent.

Ye Chen was stunned

: [Heart of Construction]: No matter what building is built, it can be completed in an instant, and the overall effect is increased by 20 times. 200% restoration of building health.

[Damage Transfer]: Enemies damage to the Master Builder is reduced by 50%, and the Master Builder takes the damage first for all buildings built.

[Critical Hit] (God Level): Normal attacks and skills have a 20% probability of causing a one-hit kill, and the killed person ignores the level, ignores defense, ignores any consumable items, and cannot be revived.

Although this talent panel does not say above.

But Ye Chen felt that these three talents should have priority.

Building hearts are the highest priority.

Because this thing has been improved, even the critical blow has become 20%.

A 10% fatal blow is easily triggered.

20% what concept?

Isn't that slightly unlucky, it will be triggered at every turn?

But fortunately, on the simulated battlefield, this fatal blow will not hurt people. Simulating the battlefield is equivalent to everyone entering a special game that scans each person's attributes and copies them.

Each person is equivalent to one more game character.

And the death of this game character in the simulated battlefield will not affect the main body.

Of course, along with the change of the heart of construction, all of Ye Chen's skills also changed.

[Tier 10 Defense Tower

] Attack: 190000 Defense: 190000 HP: 190000 Range: 15000

Meter Skill

: [Damage Deepening]: When hitting the same target, the second hit is 300% deeper than the first damage, and the maximum damage is increased to 3600


[Range True Eye]: Can see through any hidden skills that are in range.

[Must hit]: Ignore any dodges, as long as you have ever entered the range, you can hit. Ignore unselectability.

[Deceleration]: Each shell will slow down the target by 240%, if the target is decelerating, then after the second shell hits, it will cause a fixed effect. If the opponent is in a fixed state, the third shell will cause a stun effect when hit. Subsequent shells refresh the stun time.

[Stacking]: 20,000 defensive towers can be stacked on the same building point.

[Identification]: It can automatically identify the enemy and our camp, even if the opponent has camouflage, you can still see through

[Disperse]: 4 shells can be fired at a time

, which is simply doubled all the values.

[Magic Cannon Level 1] (God-level skill):

Attack: Character attack power× 40 (Heart of Construction bonus

) Attack range: Full map (example: if in Blue Star, the range is the entire universe) Attack

speed: 15 seconds 1 round

consumption: Character's blue amount, 2% at a time.

Blood volume: 2 million.


: [Damage Increase]:

The magic shell fired by the cannon is 20 meters in diameter, dealing double damage in the very center of the shell (within 10 meters), and after hitting the unit, it deals 6% of the maximum health per second for 6 seconds.

[Range True Eye]:

Can see through any hidden skills that are in range.

[Must Hit]: Ignore any dodge, ignore the unselectable state, ignore the soul state.

[Deceleration]: Each shell will slow down the target by 40%, and there is a 100% probability of stunning the opponent. (Influenced by the Heart of Construction)

[Identification]: It can automatically identify the opponent's camouflage, analyze whether the opponent is in the enemy camp, and automatically attack.

Note: If you want to upgrade this skill, you can only use the skill upgrade stone, and upgrade it with materials, and cannot be upgraded.

[Tier 1 Level 5 Experience Cabin]

: HP: 400 million area: 100 flat


1, in the cabin, the character's health and blue amount are restored by 400


2. In the cabin, characters or pets gain 16 times experience points. Time limit. (10x bonus to Build Heart)

In addition to these, including equipment skills, it is also doubled.

In short, it is an all-round improvement.

If it is a cooldown, then the cooldown time is halved.

Ye Chen's equipment skill has a swiftness on it.

The original attribute of Swiftness was a 20% increase in movement speed. Reduce the time it takes to be slowed down, shaped, stunned, and other control skills by 80%.

After being boosted by the Heart of Build.

It turned out to be a 40% increase in movement speed. and immune control.

So who can beat him?

However, it is worth mentioning that all pet attributes and skills are doubled.

At the judgment of the heart of construction.

The pets are all owned by Ye Chen. Those pets who had signed a contract with Ye Chen had followed Ye Chen to upgrade and eat what Ye Chen bought.

It was judged to be Ye Chen's pet.

Then all the attributes are doubled.

Includes bonuses.

Ye Chen glanced at the attribute panel, and everyone was shocked. These pets who have already signed a contract with Ye Chen are simply too cool.

But it's fine.

Ye Chen took a look. The slave attribute on the slave panel has not doubled.

It seems that there is still a difference between a slave contract and a pet contract.

However, he also found a very powerful skill.

[Immovable as a mountain]:

Consume 10 blue points to open an invincible state of up to 20 minutes, CD time 15 minutes.

During the duration of the Invincibility skill, control is free, movement speed increases by 60%, attack power increases by 200%, and critical strike chance increases by 100%.

This skill is under the influence of Building Heart.

It's almost a skill that can be refreshed indefinitely.

Isn't it infinitely invincible? But you have to put your own skills. Ye Chen will not be idle enough to put this skill in ordinary life.

After a while, I have to refresh again, tired and panicked.

"This attribute is really terrifying." Ye Chen couldn't help but say: "In this case, I am almost immortal. It is estimated that the upgrade will be upgraded in the future, and I will not be too lazy to go. "

Because now Ye Chen's mind is full of elf queens.

However, as soon as Ye Chen finished saying this, Ye Zhen next to him exploded: "What is an upgrade?" You're too lazy to go. I told you that I was there. I will definitely urge you to upgrade. In a short time, you must hurry up and mention the Heavenly King level to me. "

Ye Chen: ???

"I don't." Ye Chen was speechless: "Mention it again, I feel that I can break the dimensional wall." After finally passing a questioning path, you let me rest and rest. For example, let's explore the small world?

This made Bai Luoyan feel strange: "Don't you usually like to play games salted fish or something?" How did you suddenly become so proactive?

Ye Chen looked at the two of them with a smile: "Have you heard of elves?" "

Hit similar copies. But elves are quite peace-loving. The quests we played, the elves are basically NPCs. And the elf is also one of the best sold in pet eggs. Because they are beautiful, and they are basically nurses or auxiliaries. Bai Luoyan nodded next to her: "You have a small world about elves?" Then we'll have to take a look.

"Yes, yes, yes, you have to explore the small world." Ye Zhen's eyes also lit up: "I heard that the elven race can make powerful equipment. The equipment they make has 50% more stats than the equipment made by us humans.

Ye Chen felt that he had a bit of chicken soup on his body.

Feel free to pour it.

Doesn't this confuse Senior Sister and Sister?

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