However, when Ye Chen was quite happy, he heard the prompt of the system

: [System]: The anti-injury cloak and the resurrection statue have also doubled. The host's talent is simply 666.

Ye Chen: ???

[Anti-Damage Cloak]: After wearing it, 200% rebound all negative effects such as damage and curses. The number of uses is 16, and it can be recharged after use.

It turned out that the number of uses was only 8.

The upper limit is 10 times.

Now it's 20 times.

Even the remaining number of uses has doubled.

"Shouldn't it be doubled to 18 times? In theory, I only used it twice. If the upper limit is increased, can't the remaining number of times be increased? Ye Chen was a little dissatisfied.

[System]: Are you still not satisfied? If you keep doubling, you probably won't have to charge it. However, I have bad news for you, that is, this maximum number of times equipment, the repaired material is also multiplied by 2 times.

Ye Chen vomited blood: "... Very reasonable. "

The original anti-damage cloak is 100% rebound to all the negative effects of damage and curses.

Now it's 200%.

At the same time, Ye Chen took a look at Bai Ze's cursed skill by the way.

The curse skill became 20%.

Or permanent.

And the statue of the resurrection god also changed.

[Goddess of Resurrection]: A statue that can be placed in any safe area, can leave anyone's mark, and there is no upper limit, you need a master builder to build, you can be resurrected within 48 hours after death, and the full state after resurrection.

"Although there are no props in human history that can be revived within 48 hours, I always feel that this improvement does not seem to be very strong." Ye Chen was a little disgusted.

[System]: "I just refreshed a very hot resurrection statue here, and after resurrection, you can get shields, and you can get 15 seconds of invincibility time, and a 5% full attribute boost for one minute." "

Ye Chen is too aware of the urine nature of the system. It's nothing more than trying to trick him into spending salted fish points: "Don't talk nonsense, how much?" "

[System]: A small target.

"A small goal is actually not particularly expensive. Because this stuff can get stuck. If you die infinitely, your attributes can be boosted infinitely, and the duration will be longer and longer. The more you die, the stronger? "Ye Chen is probably because by now, the speed of obtaining salted fish points has become faster and faster.

So now I feel that a small goal is not a thing.

[System]: 6666, it has to be you.

All over the bones.

My head is full of ideas about how to get stuck bugs.

"I'll go to the professional forum first and look for information about the elven country. Let's make an appointment to go together. Ye Zhen's face was full of excitement.

Bai Luoyan was the same: "I quickly called Master.

Even Nalan Xue was fascinated: "Elves." This is something that can only be seen in the game.

Ye Chen nodded next to him: "Then why don't we go play a game about elves?"

Nalan Xue's face turned red: "I just bought a set of elf suits online, do you want to try it?"

Ye Chen was dumbfounded.

He picked up the calculator next to him. I clicked on the outside, and then I clicked one of the numbers: "666." "

Online shopping is now very fast.

The merchant sees the buyer place an order.

Click Send Courier.

The courier brother directly holds the teleportation array, enters the address, and appears at your door in the next second.

All times do not exceed 5 minutes.

Unless the courier guy is too busy.

So Nalan Xue's elf suit arrived soon.

[Ding-dong. It has been detected that the host is about to go to the elven realm, although the host's current state is already relatively invincible. But at this critical moment, you don't even look up the information of the elven realm. Instead, he played an alternative game with his little girlfriend. The system is impressive. Activate 10x salted fish points reward and get 500,000 salted fish points. This time,

the basic salted fish points are really high.

Ye Chen was considered to have discovered and upgraded with him. Or the gravity of what happened to him.

The basis of salted fish points will change accordingly.

So sometimes when you see the special prompt of the system, you can judge whether this matter is dangerous.

"They are all beautiful and cute elves, how can they be dangerous?" Ye Chen narrowed his eyes.

Then he saw Nalan Xue take out a set of blue clothes from the package.

Ye Chen coughed: "Elves are the kind of girls with pointed ears and are particularly beautiful. Not an avatar. What clothes did you buy?

"I think Avatar counts too." Nalan Xue pouted and said, "There is actually an avatar in this parallel world, and I'm quite happy." "

I'm going to change this one." Ye Chen felt strange.

"But I think it looks good." Nalan Xue quickly put on Avatar's clothes: "Don't you think it's very interesting?"

She pinched the ears of the two avatars.

"I think the one next to it is more interesting. Well, let's change. Ye Chen almost collapsed, grabbed a set of orthodox elf princess clothes next to him and gave them to Nalan Xue.

Pointy ears.

Flaxen hair.

And skirts made of animal skin....

"Which unscrupulous merchant did you buy it from? Isn't this a leopard woman? Ye Chen was stunned.

Leopard Woman, the abbreviation of the hero in League of Legends, her full name is: Wild Huntress Nedley.

This outfit is really wild.


"That's all there is to know about the Elven Realm. There are also some copies of the Elven Realm in the Dungeon Hall. As for whether there is a small copy of the individual, it is not clear. "Ye Zhen belongs to the Xueba type.

Once you start doing your homework on something.

Then really get all the information about that thing.

At this time, the table is full of materials.

However, this matter was not at all the same as Ye Chen imagined.

The elves of this elven country are also divided into varieties.

The best looking is of course the breed of the Elf Queen, which is the high-level elf.

At the same time, there are some elves, the kind that can't grow up no matter how they grow. The biggest one is like a figurine.

There are also goblins who specialize in equipment and potions. Goblins are particularly ugly.

The entire elven country is simply about appearance and justice.

Good-looking. High level, well-equipped, strong attack.

Ugly looking. Low grade. The attack power is also relatively weak.

The more advanced the elf, the better they look.

"How does this look like a good-looking elf, there may be some special buff." Ye Chen found that the elf queen was really the best looking among all the elves.

This information was collected from various copies.

But turnip cabbage, each has its own love.

Ye Chen felt that the high priest inside the elves was also okay.

But it's been a long time.

It's really a bit of aesthetic fatigue.

"The most powerful of the elven race is the archer. They have the talent bonus of an archer. And I looked up all the information. This elven country is actually somewhat similar to the daughter country. Ye Zhen frowned.

When she said this, she had to look in the direction of Ye Chen.

I always feel that Ye Chen has to go to the elf country, which has something to do with this.

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